Jr HM umnnhmmmmtrlznxuunuWarm OilSeasonDea mm 61 mth it tam Mm em mv himJlolvilll in My illnl lhc help at heavy equipment new at llonlml lnrry Perk nmday lnr tho inlleld oi tool in pltperIIM Twins Down Bosox Dy Tm ASSOCIATED rum tnrrr come time in hunt hallptnym carom when alter particularly rough dn they unndor it they thou be darn some olhrr lob That time tamt lo llobhy Darwin ln rum not ullor rough mm but ntter tough rrnron Dnruin hnd hcrn bounc lnr around various minor league uhlrtlctlops ior olxhl your disguised pitcher When he land an mud and ntmrnedrun unrtruze lot Spokan ln mo hu decldrd it was tiny to try something ell like tho ottlhuld nlc ter 23 he Lr makinl mung hid tor loo with lllnnctotn lulru iho conmtud hunter hclttd two home run Malayhi ntrh nod limited the wringpiston the Nlnsp +2 decisionover Danton Rod Sox in nlhcr crhlhltlon rnmu thlnde FhlIUu edxed Cin einnnll lad Chicago 01h drop it wanton llrcttl in oladru nipptd Cluv and lndrnrr H01lrlnnd Alhl tic Ihul out Caliiornln An paltrer Nrw Yorlr Yndltccr Rnnlu City ltoynlr outlntt tcxu ltnnrm 97 New York dict dclctlcd Baltimore Orioles 41 and Atlanta Bram dcleztod hlurltrenl Expos +7 TOKYO TIES GIANTS In other umul llounlon Ar trnx and in movies Dodzrrt hnltlrd to tie nod San Franchm Giants nnd Tokyo Mlle Orlnnl lltd Darwin nho hit in homertin lhu ilermotllln club to lend the Mexican Pacic Coast Magoo during the winter nuw lurid run halted in or rprlnp lwrngl lloollc pitrher lithe ltuclrlell allow time rtrnight within the eighth inning toning home Ihtlndclphlnn winninp run ngnimt tho lleds lloohie ltirlriu Zirlt lighting to uin y1h on the unrld chum plun Prttnhurgh roster rlugml iItrcclllrl pinch homer lhnt curried lhv Prrnlos la Vic tory over St lmrir thn Cuhx lultcd cnvtenmmnlo Earl Stuphcnnnn or tour clglttltvlnnlnrl rum to hrnl hill vfzukee llltlt liondnyn Intri lrco lly drove in tho winning VIM MOST OF UG AEETOO FOND DF PEODLE WFO AGREE WITH US AND FOOD THAT DOEtht ill or as men thnt liter in In the most imporlnnl llOt tnr uhen Id nlrup Thnl wire lollt my liar it l6 NAFIER lithElloAtLMlRllLMOiliLl cd Chicago White Sox told ununnrHamr moon urn rnm tinnlru hatehnll turn Ilth wnm bellmt thn pkm li tame tutnludlcr elltruce holly In helium lit to tutu what tor llotulon MM All ul will mm on Incnlr but glib tu out inn mun taltrptdlaut it it elm olrmstbrmd our wntmt 1mm rind glen in ruling pinning ntth Dare Mm And NFLOrlnerslloleLoshrtgelos Houston its Super Bowl Silos rroxotutu otru No rm NFL llonnl Football brunt unnlrd nhiltthc tlln ol thn Pro Boll nextywnsuperllollumelo norm tmu Allslur lcnmr thn city ol to melt may nthtutetrd ltourtnn tht up tantrum rm tm Ilia ol the 1m um Ind In game uhatoiel tor Jun zr nounccd It in Italian the lot will haplnyrd rt Trm Stld Itnrcltchmd Pro Bowl to an turn home at thrNtrC Della cm mild Pd llozellc Oil mm Lilli may 13 on By hourlolt inron lhchlclhhai mka if lot by the donut lttrnn the hm hm tint limo tho ointn hnd otod BM two ruccculverSuper lion mm mm meml the rm rnmr nl llourtcnl Mauro ml the plnylnr oi the Rite Stndiurrr will ha pinyed Aprtl1 iCP Pholot Super Bolrl In Lon Adults in Jun to bu rlctrn young Jtm nrl Toncny llrlru urU In no and city ll rem phu dolor all than little thnn pith the Mt that count Alllp lLtv Ind Helml Iron Cluelouatl llobettr tram Sn Dimnnd York lmr Rum city All nrn upettd to pin hey rnla lor tin Axlron In rm You an Ihere Iere lrnpmrrd lnn lolvul arm tntttr uld Were Ml ct entry podtlod Vrtn nldrl goat hallplurul in our rich In htrn nwlcrl thorn ink uru clone trth no that Ira no lo right to the top ulth the right brush lmrn tn Nttltutud Amut rrruurmnm Allin already lud cnc oi lha belt drlwl tnllrlt in the Ntllronl League And the edit md nulultmn lielrru and third burernnn ludor Ire Gullrn Glare Imttl nt their podtlonr hnd ltoyer lletzper run one ol the botlomhortrtopxin th tum tart star with only it or rore ltrry uIIt play tlrrt base The most all Iltt lcslure lie hit so about ltny in 9d run iur homm and dr Iron hm rural in nu To Build Aygontending squad the ital tut mun At tho late in tho Iuthmu to new Ante my ml it other iitchln should in rim Don Wilton lfl trprne ulna tut mm nd lewd or Willa no at tho out rum in no tuna Houston tot Will with tho urncdrun 1mm in til tun to so with other um Km lunch Ind tum Dltri Dialer ll 11nd Lut rmcn More hr nu Illetlnd by on elm lulu Alta elm rould dicido minimum nrmnl MM tin And 5pm Tomi tlril rail Ltlrr llannrrl ltelllintt unhnrtuputghm The hrlm wish could nu cry olpuclllly tromrilht tlrldrr Jim Wynn Iho Iuiitrrd AGratharade of Unluoooil StereoyLPjsattd Storeoliailljs push DILLPICKLES top hits by tap recording artists vrrv Michael Jndklon Don Mclun Go To anlhere Amorlcan Pia lcllleop ALrtlItI on Tina an RCA 47 Angel Hocordl um un ow ricu to curl tor healseminn My Ittreuury ulclassrcs MN oncli Prim lrt ntloct until lonlnn tlmo tit Saturday We rdnrvo tho right to limit quantities lll CHMle rm MIXING TIMI MVMINT lAVAWAV IAlV BOND CliiOUES CAlllEUIOOD CI ammo no rrwrs yrs 27 nnnnrr our ymno11anupuu4mmnnrnNuummimm Mon to Fri to opt in lo pm Sat 9230 mm to IO yum Paul Simon lunnd Hnynn Block Mam Mayorhnsdonuitnunln Make the mole scene with this collection 31 1rt cszvr todays MEN Nilsson Snitmllsson ar Brand ttohy Im Want You more hittlnl lrom thl truilleld admin mm gleam stones Ahead Rout Grimm mu tinder rim tartan hm menu In DullInux ringer deluecnun no Wmltll he lolnedb 505 PlllUtilLLlillAl rm In um Wm Intel and 0m New ti on cunt In my ml det than is lit thrm Ind Cod trmtq lune mm Weller nld then In madly Clarke plottth In to in trilowe up my ntrm Ind they yet even thin tntmnt at them tut third you with avaaengm BURNSSAUSAOE mourn Suprem Suprune Fancy tLh rm Alpamgu cm mu Fried Rice VALUE CUECKD till BRAND STEAK iull Cut Rouri Airrm man uu mt Billltttlt sunl STEAKSL $l29 lb dingyr onnnnn hm nun nunusniiuitm 69cllr RINDLESS BACON 69 lb TnrnTIu nnuturdnn 49cllr sunlrriciff 33cllr BURNS BOLOGNA hum COIL POLISH SAUSAGE IY FEATURE OOllEllllAM rum sooon sun moon HREDDED WHEAT let llc fttlolalthxnrfmi W429 no rum for pomp gt 99c lull rotc Mt new 93 59 rilvw rrn cnrtTtiitThlAtTfmir ENDERF KE LARD Inurnn ISQOOIL illicit ICESREMHL IEATUREI NEEN Silthlt SAY COR FLAKES suurirr sivnnrcnnnrr mm or rt PREMIUM CRACKERSv surnnntvnrv Au urrrii NGE JUICE 421017 0ld Colony Wm Inn cl tittToTnianinr SUNLIGHT LIQUID lor 11c lhrtwrui innnice unt SUN ngllEESE SLICES snvnru Ammo mqu MARS QOQQLATE BARS 12 lot trnum 44 SA rr 07113 CHOICE PEAS lot 99c not rrhunnnnurvrnnrunnsr urn tuho llltYLgttEEM HAIR DRESSING J95 TOOTIIPASTE Itrper Silo CREST Slrl9 szc ET Friznrrshortcutrum no 53 Choice Size till 59 Prod at uni llrnylnndlmy tsrc ma Orange 495 do Strowbnrrlo 49c Shoplyllnlnlllsh Wu Meal for $1 Tomatoes srrrrl snvr ltMMARliElllD l6 QUNLOP ST NEAR THE FIVE POINTS DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE OPEN no non rucssmn SAT no Thurs FRI Grcon Peon 25 nnu4vvunopa Crin