Til Dtltlll IShtlYl WEDNESDAY smut 21 1271 Big Downs Us CARKtSCtt PAltlLmhr UIEN iCPi om Ilelh xbuteno hie Canadian rinh lrurn Winnipeg term to be Linn thing to lie the world eurlrar ohernplaublp in ier Viral Centaur Ileiar room unite but Melcschut doesnt till the playotl IyIienL We cut win them Itt during the round robin raid the big nyursotri teeholdaa alter betting the United State 111 in the reaped round lit their it tomes down to Riordan You can hlol it in the Anni We dont tilt thin single tnoch out Intern it was enter in the Drier with straight round in The eight rials to the world ehamplamhip play each other once and then the top tour Id that into tingle Walnut playultr rlnh can go thrde the round robin unteleeted but lose hey genre to the Tlayoll ltuuevrr the Cennden rink elonrr grill Tremblry Pierre ourhml Guy tnpolutr Serra Savard Dale itognosan nod Detroit Closes On LeafsAgain By Outlasting Vancouver 75 into wily IAN lIathINH tenore rm suit ltrlirr to mm Canurhr ntade 17 lleltthutc to rtop Detroit Red rum ott tor piano birth Tuwa nlrht but the timber in Toronto llaple 1M1 ulli the tho to loot lot help ulsowhrpe Int lohphi lourtlt in the hat Bait 1le me With the rst three plarrs just about icitloi the Ring ap pear to have rcrotrrtd tom gr glisgltllrtitounund hung 10 I01 nvnovor nucouvrr coso option two points ui Toronto Ip lilsouhere Calllomla tioldcu Scottiylaroiijiiypcs Iu thti Velnt to uarutvenantin tl itjyytglota Nurtlt Stair Stars Iltutly assured oi lost this week oi two rrgutars award in the tint spotted the lorunrddeteneeman Date sclrrs uell Scale yo rarly root tlicn rcpllrd Tailor one rated on lion Iy iteh Dillon mid his PEt liliirlllitl lirllhtluiililhli angers ea en By Niagara Falls The ion icrt Calriornla lourth tho season rpm withvewlltalnall times last piaiull spot one Delcnceoien uarry ml hm Rich Pitiroh on lion Scdcl dro Itourh tI eItrIcid haurr mrrd tor llorntllon mm lo Tnmlnal well in the rtendiuu Iithaugo John Clark et Fredericton bu won three gnmer tart Pelrrburouglrn ttoo tnlonde rinnbaith All scored two oaalsand PIutJtev My day hour and ltlckvtlhiuniclr one In out round games enrh Andre St Laurent replied mm 13le my thlra tor hiunlreai null Torn urimm qlYgowmlk mm Streire added the other goal icamt rescue ellortr lotlawing hotel tire or St Louis in truth Photo rrIl Tuesday by the tlonlreal Fire Department the rrrr may Inn in recognition oi the tteiean liouie proudly display their llonorury Iire Cairn hrl turn pinentrd them in 11oal looked every inrh Tuesdays The alniritobaur overcome the trtcty IIlnriar It to out Ietrr Attlntrt ot Sutuerlenrt 114 in the Itteroooar rst round and then came back to swamp Dob in Dante and hit your North DItotI rink in the even The Canadian share the lead Iitrr two round with Alex Torrance oi Scotland Out to style Ind Irmry the Canadi ans appear to have the 03 RBI Rink Among Leaders THUNDER RAY Out 16 Rinks mm the Atlantic Am with the exception oi Prince 50 vrrrd lslnrvt have tron many games at the Canadian mired cutting rhnrnplortshlpe but thry have haudltd them The two here given the hreteho an In unutunlcali by relrrre ltuyd Gilmour who as sestrd rarclyused livemtnote motel mimnduct itth the inn players matte throatcning 5w tum at each oihcr with lMir slicks hvithcr player would drop his ttirk nor dirt they initiate much rllort to lrttilct injury with point brhlad 5L touts blurs Ind was admitted to hrupitai Tucs tna points up on Philadelphia day sutlerlng trurn tension ltyera Ind Pittsburgh Petr raused by Ilduey atoms 11 Ian gulps not known immediately how The Stain however have only mltly Elma he would miss rive gamry remaining in tin or ill U09 Md litth 5L my Mg mumps mg stone alto rooted two each lor mm mm the Rings but the Cunttrhl The my opportunity trailcd only be alter two pc my my my mum gr riots and Andre lloudttns Irure St touts whllu Pittsburgh entrr ll Will WM ll talus llullnlo Sabrer The Toron Ii live triers toDctrolt playoli tun Ilso eon All 10 tml P000110 tlnurs the hats visiting hlonl chlrtr etttlr tutu mh tram real Canadicor while too More 0100105 mllth WWW will ore to toe Angcirs against the mlmlt ft Multili Kym Vnnaoutvrr Teri Taylor and The Canuctn lost thvlrlirhanre WW 1000th Di Dtlttll hm yo um on pyrguuym aided touoihcr at 110 at the two thl period tools but mado ltd Willi it hot and interesting dctplle tho rm mull oi the rail thu two trains had to play the titit lite mtnutet ehorthandtd ltoth players recelved automatic 3100 lines and could lacr iuspcnelonn whcn the ntaltrr is dealt with it Nlll president Clitthltl Campbcll by THE CANADIAN PRESS rt tourman scoring line pou rml Niagara Flyere to as rump over Kitchener Ituuprrs in In Ontario limey Association Junta game Neduy night in Niagara Falls tho slot the are titrtctlev The win clinched sixth plaru rntront oi the not in thc lotrom cirruii tor ihc guest lint learned Fryers who still have 111ch what could be done truth to games oil to the rugularschcd lront irorn yloviug with llobby lg liuii lu Chcato ubcnttiti in other league gninci To cantcllulotliulctstt er radio lilarlbaros wrillirptd the timid lied tingr or at lltiruliton the saw what could do iii Peta tdtcd linulreai Junior urrrtng Irouml tho 910 and Canadian in lrtrrboruurh tvtllnt hit 500 Wt 10 and thtl Knights downed Oshawa tight WWJ Controls 50 nt londou rrally could it Toni Cullcy and 51ch Stouo iirst couple ot it will eerh scored tiirou goals lor Ni liostou You need to hair the pm Why rm plain lriud oi wings that can got the smm mu my PM ill Wm Gary lloll picked up to static yogaind uhaliuljirs hawi mm 110 Kitchener goals uurc rooted llatittlashman l1 by Dart lttnton Juri Kttttrusuv X0 lrrry Oauiuir illite chnrdy out the port certainty and Jury gym hat Espuelto does is battle couldnt be in intuition to 7mm my my mtg tor and maintain position in store mm am and MI mm goals to sprarhrorl his teams attack Guilt Furytsp pa tin Dordclrau Unto Gardner and Prtcrdtarrin made up the ilochastvt it or true eat so lruvidcnra 21 as 10 225 all on oihrte ttcstcrn iiirlsieu Baltimore it 27 it 219 til 71 llrrshcy 20 27 11 213 03 LIetvlantl 10 iii ZIT 09 Cincinnati 27 to it 221 229 or Richmond 20 21 10le 193 06 Titlewatvr it it 9100 tit 19 llrsults Tuesday Cluteltud lloltimurp ilosion Nova Sruitn Games Tonight Clrtolrnd ni lirrshcy Providence oi Tidcuutcr Ontario Junior tv LT Pi tilt 5923001 33 17 929121073 0213 TIME 1223 421521th Llill WRIST tauara Frills tutti 027727060 Landau Z179 021727011 ltiil 107 o1 wheel tilted no it ill in the titreCit yours oi the National ll iconic no payer cilghrarrd uals in sca 100 POLYESTER KNIT EASY CARE SHIRTS great spring lesbian buy lormanl 100 polyaster iancy lrnit shirts that huh Du thu last two seasons heuutvr ihil lopostto oi Roston iiniiris has scored more than goals tuiro Ilc hits rovulutiunirrrl llic toic oi the return in hucltry tluiore Pliil the centre has playnrnitrr rays coach Tom Johnson That was his main job Now hes changcd that the hurt scvn ruvpuo 1n Itoctcy baioru do what Espre I10 does now in hunt oi that hot usrrtss r0it SLOT can be worn lorsport or dress occasions Choose ttom assorted handsomo new shades collar styles and geometric paitorrts Styled with Human tutti Sixes sMtXL SHORT AND iONG HAIRSTYIES lou Callus with it yrurs combined hair styling experience in Toronto Europe arul tiarrle and his highly qualied stall invites you to visit his shop llicir hlghly Ikllied stylist will style rut or trim your hair to suit you best Come in today stylists to tcnc youi 10E GAIIES HAIR STYilSTS WEST END BARRIE SHOPPING PLAIA loi Wellington St 726002 My 1111 lANrttilrtN lttESh hattonal turrue East tiltielou 3110 10301th 117 00 1111303170107 41 15 10 200 10 101 30 29 it 10010171 it it ll 2t 7i II it IT 159 Yii ti tittltlltt 11117 7100 ii IleSI liltltlut is 17 it 220 153 VI 332710100 77 253011195 50 bl 21 ill lb 00 1105 it ill le 50 11 1117 till 53 til it 0100 iii ll ullr tinutoy llii old Chlilutnin llrtittll aiitoutvr Rallies Innlhhl tototrtu rt Itliilti AIS SIGN BAPTIST MONTREAL lCi Sandy ilapiisl sixduui tibpound tight end irurn Bishops Unlvrr shy at Ltnnuxville one has1 bccn signed to 1972 contract by itoniraai Alourttus tho Ca nudlan Football Lvatuu club on trounced Tucsda Napllsl was the 115 lirtl vhuieo in CFLs Inuual tlratt at Canadian rullrgo playurs llusltlii Non Yuri Alutiltvdl Iutuntu Ilvtt0l tluvugo Everythings Newior 72 in HALIIDAYS tiiauutli llllllES gt PH 11 11 itutiot at loi Augrlrs tuition il iittibuigii tLtIilurtiltt til St Louis tmrriritrt IAuKtit linsteru illvlrlou AH 11 it It its 175 ill 37101313211107 it its Ild Tl 5th St Culh liontrtai 12 lo Bldlli ilnntiltun ittt 0200mm Itrrultr Iurtday Toronto Hamilton Niagara Falls Nitrhrnrr lirtrrboruuph hlonlreui ionduu Oshawa tlaute Thurrday itshetta a1 tctotborough by erigewry Lpndtcrplng UII SEASON RATES UNTIL AlltlL Iel hlaluires Stvcl ttbvrrlae What Uurr Pools lattury Trulnrtl installation illl Shapes and Slice BARRIEJleOtti my rpme hetrr urvdr gnlutiu ltili not rrurlt chip mi Itrsliis IigIe tnritiutlou iiryrIr writtru guarantee JOHN CAhlllltiLl rttuiii uotu SNANTY llAI oox 9i bRECHiN mm NEW Early Bird Early Build discounts at up to gygplue another OFF lot 000 NEW Showcase ot Fine Homes colour catalog torturing 35 distinctive models over 50 Hour and VLA specications NEW 12 axcltinn modelsinciuding split lovols 2stoioy bungalows nutrow lot plans SPRING INTO ACTION Choose Nowl Otoar Nowl Build Nowl SAVE NOWl Visityour Hoiiiday Dealer today homo tor less The Holiday Way First mottoaoos available toatt uuelitied 007 HALLXDAY HOMES LTD Burlington Ontario iiuoiuirii Hours in lont All built to NHA 12 or Name Critter to lot Conryr Cattle Learn how you can own better PHONE Ml 05555 artow FORTREL Ind COTTON SAFARI JACKETS 399 MenI handsome bolted entail jIclrete in popular Noriollt styling torturing two patch pockets with lines Silver or new shades Sizes 00 told in the selection so DUNLOP tint mm slv 100 Polyester Knit DRESS SLACKS 499 Full exocuiivocut styles with top portals and loops Chooseirom plain ehrdos in navy end browns or mini checlipoiterne to blue and brown Sites 32 to 02 in the group 7260221 re