Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1972, p. 16

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hifenunnlinersa equiner 7er shsha 253 were Ill lOtlall 02 HarvestedV Edge Elmvaie GIW Barrie deterred Ltodll 00 end Burlington donned me iliiuliiiill mi centres Friday lor one ot or motor not ter TI to mlfbm itngltm wIlte recently won Division 300mm 09 WEED Hard or mum um 17 lm villa it on 111 udmttluaiu srubI on to the Lu Iy Il Toronto gmmo norm ll 5m mn ma 1mm um MAT wi$esn but Mr talked pnem gem If tlreheod 21d ghwbdo IeoI Mm SPORTS leased enables them to mete PAGE 20 short lumps Mini In last nitolr lot11d Ctritrn eyluh width gtaienu tEumiaer uwndor oi WIterloo ll roe tee wot mm mm mi lb Wm toned seventh and deciding nine to the 0otIrio lloctey Iodation laterqu to ghml final Madly nl by ultng borne lce victory over the Etuivrle llrrrhIntI nee deciding one in the ter iee rrltl be played Thule night It 130 It the ElmrIle Itttlly Wilton with two unit ttlt rhle Chimeo Ind neared the Chattean roIlr PIul llorley Carl BduIrttr and Guy Levesque replied lor the riItb lrtI llcrrltrnts flite tilth llIrverter goal In reared into In empty net It the Elmvele round went with III ntteeiim lit the oat minute at play in In Itiernpt to tie the game We been hamelee Ierter thuI tr uith Emvale winning all three ruin it Elutvrle while tho llortcnttn have won thrro to Chriieuhem Winner oiltbe rerlu meet nirr Liamtops no at the Dorrie Ctiitnn hinor than term in lieu movie in tor lie ItIrtrd playing pool er the ynmpter in here York city lie dosat too bow mush rronry heI Ion tmt the ruch rut remember bit game in New in mt in which he Ira outta o1 million dontrnini phyrd helm tings and lie rm tho only tram hc WJpliyrd Wart mnhara eirrtshnha Lordswlth In oppo iahs rirnlII to In how much elrat Ithzt Ibo til hloseunl them tear in the palm ot hit tournemt chrmplon who said hind he bent Pets in Iuiiadclphia in tare mt to death tilt or 7260 But darn home at Donn lie would remember that hee runhoter tor arty IttIy uyr F111 remember all the deter eat that roam Ilqu tloin broke hint to New York Neighbor call him the one Phltly Ind Camden tlrw Jrney marl hrmue roclety o1 South and trcrylhate else lie dont Cmlllirtbll lie hu daunI at remember that Tell hintto get animals running mm is some rash and Iii mite him home Many Ire Irrelin Ipe remember not shelter The 100 with Itormnl trorn Anyone who drops oil In no Itaddoa NJ hat been going in planted dog or on our the lormre home olttudaipti Walter RInda FItr publicity plum up him the liarrle rluh rarnrd trip rerun rInbe Iure hell he the 1061 movie the ltustier ylay mostoilho wintnthltel taken In WanderonehFatr rrI1 nu hm we or pool rig their largor atlpmtDlhrttlio player named iiiuusoiu Fats mmcd tour to tiny elnllat tIride Gluten plant the parL Stiltoltomc lItI uho had been Imogen try Were email CitttI roach variriy o1 nicknames Into the Dr Dan Crown raidso we Ito Ia hosed on NI lilc lie hare to play eteterndpnt turZoued ltial action in get not turn ItoutrealICInhdt mu two traitor ittltltttdtht eorrrpcoentlou len ten rrtyteli Ind lhiglt the rhutout which won tho airrl aul al 11 gamer plryed by the here mm style oi hortiey try to get the bo to la rte club this lesson Elm thin till thttitr it Weytry iii git our uiuu open The second guru oi the min on 10 flier Wklllltm noinn Into their and we poes it to be playtd in Waterloo on in It pool thaw becausa they re raid nrursdry with the third game It lite my chatter herald 1h civitan passing uat evldv the harrle Irena lion Iy It FnLr rant he hit grown rich With 1M trill 01010 73 Pom ond lrecpr several CIdlllacs to it not tutorLitmus USN Peeweoscapturellayoil tIoerebla were the ierdlnx pm W1 um Vy pool pinym into games to tette leyrrtrlterr tor the club Each Wmmrmm in It an their moneybecause in ct troopn Ippearencelreeald nwklyF rrr minor pcenres advanced to 11M mm on role thle ntlcrrtuon Tao itor You got to be master dont do nothin dont rlI arena box otllce will remain In Taxie Iltllllihd IlRaJro war open until game time In our heart get tho thrones the llyer playoll rtiitlsllcr Ill WEIJ 10 Mill lm the cutest pool player er ten errr linen rnyI Mined FILL Brute every payer Ibo etrr plated up we lor money lite pl Sttoud Quito Unmnwelll nig Game In rot each oi tha eight goats Robbie GIrncr led the Clritv Ia triih twogonlt IisL Single goats urre proud by Dave Lighttoot Gord ticllby Prior lnoeIk Joe llIv Glen Layton Ind 11m Angie Dob Couleon plated up lhe most points with tour Insult althouuhhr did not score Shane Peartall Civilinrtp into and Brian Cale cacti Iiettr ltd on two goslr Door Kraut one oi the Gritty Tue Barrie Giitarl Routami ll TIIE BARR EWIINER IIEDNEUAI MARCH 11 mt nere OUlcltlLlltd IlSl nitht in the first game at our Ontario hiioor liorlrry Aiioclrtion ilnai playolt wire agIlntt Watch too but they were trrtainly not outplayed er theyJhrllrd the hitter tor en lo win senior Final Starts Tonight tqugoblto Acomh omniughent Robinson Slit Thompion Smith Nollillln cCioeliey uarnoeeyr he Irrepr three vrt rtnerians on call LEADI QUIET llll lle trade lately quirt lilo Irovod Dowell population too Just Iotilh 01 thiQuoin llI doerni Iurolre or third Evallne has 100 relativer in that parit he laid ol hit telly IltrIrtJve vile st to years Pete 59 uyr he dot and Im not gonna hurt uobodylornoth But then he quickly drops bad into his ottier But bhetier nobody tool with the el Pat htouehao Dob third and Corb Mlltll are the leading SI Sher pinyotl rooms as the club open it bottoiscven Ontario iloctey Arioclntlon Scu lor ltnIl It the Dorrie Irene tpnlghL time time it lit0 the three eIch picked up en Icorlny paint in the air gemo Ie ilnoi Ilrlttll Kingston Itonrhen Ind mr both lelte nyngeai leiichthetk club gram wt veer ntre ug eomb the leeguei leading rear rr throu hthe rerulIr reuon Ind deeucemIn ilm lhornp roit each netted three goals In the temlllnll Baird Connie llIndIia lion llobtmon Ind Pete uo oeucu Fu uea DItrun 1700mm with no etandnrd equipment Ioceesoriee like whlieuItl tlrrr lull chrome diets rear window detmltf lien livelimb yenillItlonldire hrIteL utih tuo ninr over utoltrud Saturday the lIutrln tram downed Alliston 51 the pint or mud uieinarrlogoils ilaudy ilnrlutyra iohu Garner Steve liervle Paul TImhlyn Ind Scott IlaGrrgrr Sunday the tiarrleteam blanket Allisttiu to Jim lice Arthur plIyed goalior uIrrie and got the sh My Juhu Garner tori Elitla ool storm with ir Steve aatlt Scott licGrcgar and Ernie Cummlugigot thentherl Tne itrrrle United trel Worlo eri hllnor Pcetverrnwv go into the limit oi the North York Deague UIlGllllY 1th TRAINER lltiFiAIIO NY Tratucr Frank Christin under wcutrrurgeryjttrsd tor rc oval or his rainylyllitr and did to the uocr tie buliIlo Sabres at tho Notional lloclrey League Ill DRADEOIID 7114711 Itouahrn Adam llelrd llIndIlI cIetIaA ISSUE or $375000000 NONGALLABLE GilIERNNENT 0F GINllllll BllNllS DATED APRIL 1072 by the Minliter oi Funuce to receive iubtcrlptlaoe tor loan to be issued lor cash or tollowi Brolr o1 Croatia is authorised irtcnt to he heldpt tho tintiial until Thursday through Salj urday ilrculvlug tho trophy is ETEELBELTE RADIAL CHANGE Ul no in iron tit Georgi Leggetl trophy ronvrurr Twenty other teams PARKLAND TIRE hlULCAblEit hT trait curtain Iridium intuit troh Writ it the Uhlll him 104 rd lit the Allll try Annotation tut right do or oi the Little hltb Tournae LITTLE NR1 Hockeyifiburney Starts Thursday Twentyseven Mthty itamr to play it matron tram trom 1yenr8utouth5l bonds due Decembrr11973 issue price 9950 Yielding about 556 to maturity latereit nyIbie line Ind member monthr lattrett payroll tour 1272 Dcroniartloat 01000 55000 521000 00000 Iod 51000000 Ind will be particlpatlngiucludlug the llorrio Ellii lottsiructlony Novices and the ilrtrlu United Stori vorltcr Pccuact Erato iner Pivotal year 61 bands due April 1977 Irene price 10000 will mm the limit IrroI llturrdry tor the tint Little hllL liluor and AA lwt numeni Two little teImr the little Cunetlurtian ttlnor Nor lrer and the United htert Wort er leewetr boat the total learns to the competition to at Ken Itntur rholrmnn oltlte wirrtnrncrtl rommttlre ont the term will he contln trout Ir or my II ttori Ere Ind tur nII In Addition two Juvenile tutor trout Illlllrnure athlle potted in play III exhibition earner The Baltimore contlugrullwlll Include an end 11 ram with the team wire led to play tho DIrrla Cook Conrtruo iion tuvenlirr Ind the thm MI CLANERTON IT IAIN DNI in until Iyproxlmotcly llh pm the Royal CanadiIn Air Force Amviotiun luvrittle tram iioth ore to too pluytvl at the vow airaa witkhm Win try her turn tluuuted thovliarrie lllrvrr linttry AltaiZ lllltt to be ptrrrtttcd iii the win hing Alli Igegroun tlub thit renter1 in Including Louttn ourney open Thursday in out garner continu lt the tiarrie Irrnl Pride and SiturdIy Itllbrl geti yonder way It Ion Ind will continue until approximately 030 put tilday tetutdiy night the linolt in through group at the competition will alert at put and continue until itsrwivi irritti OSIIurdIy Mlltlt 25th part to part Suudry Mirth 2611i pan to pm thing the tutti Mom to will tune Skating the Barrie Arena on Seturrley March 251R Yielding 650 to maturity tourntpeyrble October end April Denomination 51000 51000 323010 $100000 and 01000000 Beat Canrde hit agreed to Icquiie nilnliuuniot $225000000 oi the new bonds open It to maturity Proceeds oi the adoring will be applied to the redemption oi $235000000 oi Governmental Cin edI 71 bonds eoti 5215000000 01 Government 01 Canada 61 bond maturing April 1972 The new 51 bond due December 1973 are In addition to $150000000 ol 51 bonds duo December 1973 and dated October 1971 The new bond will bo dated April 1972 and hill bcor interest iron the date Princile end in men are payable in lnwtul money 01 Canada Principal is payable et any Agency of Bank ot Ceo Ida Interest is payable tit any branch in Canada at any chrrtcictl bInli without charge Dchnltito bond will be Ivollnble on April 1972 without payment at accrued interest and therealtcr to two lorniti beIreriorrn with coupons attached and lolly registered lorm with lotcrcii payable by cheque hands 01 both lorms will be in the tone denominations and oily interchangeable It to de nomination Indoniorui without charge subject to Government traotler requirements where on pllcnblc The new bonds are authorized pursuant to an Act ol the Parliament ol Canada and both principal Ind interest are ncherge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund oi Canada Applications tor the new bonds may be made rolled to allotment through Iay luretttueiil dealer eligible to Irt II prtnIry distributor or through Iny binli in CIoIdI umru

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