Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1972, p. 15

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Shale lesrhiug requires is dents and Igsirsl lrn stranding em Ind the turn en It the Hahn Conserr lay at Music Donlnp Strut hm This youngest stu dent is Ind the oldest 71 The conseruiary ls prrpsrlng lo rociinl It mine too nanny school on April LL Dusyns horn It In rc celres helping lrnrn his tencher tin hlInhI losellh MGKTLOM ollltl mm sst students Dsrryl Boer Iho sites In year at Ics loos Is having some Irma an the drums armor Keep lng time lilh metronome IIan Eaton Ii prlcilsr ncicson the piano Is Kithy ililill hairdo SPOKESIIIIIII sluts oiiToForvanion Not SupportedrBy All lhorrosonlng behind their gro lle said teachers Ire dues ry sch teachers esimm possl Is that the situation so tlonlag the logic oi the crrIbschs Ca It the Ontario gitding provincial tlnhuchs In For example therslsno mine oalleuhen ch cducallanlsdrastlc sad that the lion on the amount at money motion group alsco mm record In the comprtilion Illd tin tor thrdplnce Had the lien lourrcroe won in game it would hure advanced Into the playulis William Piper cl Bur Stephen Ogden Heads Humane Soc Siephca Ogden ol Ilarrlc conductor with the Canadian National Hallways was elccicd president at the Barrie branch oi the Ontario Humane Society Tuesdaynigllt muL Pl er pleaded guilty to assault cs bodily harrrtrbclure Judge 31 her one said he ilould drla ealencing unill he hsd uplod word on the con cut it hruiul belting Ilr llur dltiua ol the woman Piper as phy sald that hchsd an evld cnce oI prior crlmlnul record Pipcr told the court that it had on alcohol problem and was rcccltlrlg treatment truth the Addiction Ilcsrarch lcuntlntlun Innuil Isscmbly that the time is right for radical meas spent on garbage disposal but alien which represents them urul there is restriction on the num rams labor union does not bur alvleechers In the clusrnorn resent the View at the ma in lhcrelsaorcsirlnlanonean iyalsecorldsryrrhoollesclr lemPuYlh Im liII upsets either he said autonomy 33 Will WI jnus menus on you can build Al mail alerting ol the mw schools but you cant hlrI II division oi the oym ilr Palmer lulu he does not the leathers in all them rrie tht opuulsrssgup lestthey should condemn the Eu tho hIlrest problem Mr My by my lgdcucn 11th minth gm Palmer said was that no one uy school teachers in suen ll Ill l5 ilr lsld otherllsnn tor op out at the anilwhrligmufn my depsrl It OriIiIs Disr rtt Callegls Ind Vocational ind lhmlgh some prct Idilll Mays cenhal mnk og Isl today that be de Him gumml is to iimriioinniiiiir but my to overj out conlgillllon th nltdlI Iilould mIIrs cellis thlst motion age not In aIlncr IIill these hard Biiihcgmg gawk represent Simeon County limes include the ptullnrlai up hill ark Iys hmi tum governments hsndlin ol the il Wham The icsrhers supper nanclIl cutbacks and the way mll ll cited an trout Eradiiard hl theseI cutbacks src ullcctlng the ill EmailhPliummolmn chenilllr Iimerrslllss tea crsI 1er Emmi jg incision championships It the mild Curllng Club Man To Besehlenced Thursda told the court that police arriv iie use remapdcd In custody or ed at the house In time Inhear two days or sentencing aiicr he lhtI wuman scrramlllg was convlrird in provinclal court when they broke down door Tuesday at the heating oil we to gain entry lhly taunt Piper lying on the human with Ms lillilL Hound her neck lie was subdued and the uumao was taken to hospital Judge Tinker called the Inchi ssulted Ltn Much Is Piper assaulted Gtorglns Ashrnnn ol Barrie She was Idrnillcd lo lloyul Victoria Hospital loriircniment lor trac turd lb Idamasdlulle lie lildhc had taken time all blait land lacinllacerutlous lrorn his lot is truck driver at dlrcctors succecdcd Wyman The assault took place around withoTorunlo llrmandhadbcea Jpcoues who was presideatdur to pm Lnlp house at In ilsy achtdulcd to return to worir the past two years ilcld Si llnrch TI lack liush was elected lllsi Poilcc minded to the house Judge Tinker rclurncd Plper vicepresident tils Phyllis alter gumrpw greyed newhmgn to custody lnlii he has lull llaody recoml vlcepresldrnt scream lor help rcpurt vi the humane cundl Gale Collin secretsry and John hiurphy Crown utlorocy liau iirs Joan Westbrook treasurer by the It members on tits board told llay than their share Iur your past The guy whos been psylng more than his share nil slung has right to exptut thu other guy to start pnyingvhls own way the mayor said Slullar led the new as scssmcol system as applied here is hardship lor ytuple who sell land to developer but who want to remain on the land or the rest ul their lives lle said one piece oi property he purchased was rcasscsncd Io ldum when lhe widow who sold the property had hopcd to re main lhcrc by paying tit yer ilasrlc dcvelope orLes were last night that lhI new system at regional as scmmcnl is hurting them and Urey want in llnd out how mar ket values or undevelopedland arejcicrmlngd The meeting nrrnngd by the Ilarrle llllllders Association dralt with topics ranging Irons or assessment situation Itu underground wiring ralpusr Moots in new subdivisions complaints about asscss ramenorndcveloersuho glaimrd tho ystem oi Elleirmlgi In nlnrhet glue at an an equitable 1th other parts oi Pal Pmtuggnmm hilliorlncelre not nilccted the Wm some way ilerIe Is the only municipai will as 13 15 mm ily In Ont when no unsen NR klcuiloilsisiscduithwlo My PM nln loud cy rennet devcll develop mk belcouse ul city regulations hire Stellar said that land toned Iar ngrlcullurtl ur resldcntlal cmmmmmmum hnldiWlEilndt he strongman mm and ill rcsldrntlnl district plan In mm aim the Will lllike mm 53 nessmcnt is now provincial ed In the Indulge Lu mum cloper is pay at van that land will have HAPPY TO MELT Mr Fraser said this morning an to remind whldyirrctoekr said hed like to he would be happy to meet wlth have documenttd casts to study the builders because he thinks sumo ol their complaints art no lmur he said the new audtuheinthc Inrslrro ii llnd he slim but on mlslalur ntiun slate is designed to cirrllllt Iclpal ur st Jam 4h iilt villtqulllgs hr norsuurni that the huIIdlis urrango mcelln with Mr Art Evans assessment is Ioprovldu aston mm in mm Ind riplonrl tssussmrnl cam durd basis across the protlncn ndiliphd trues msur whouyon which to out provincial would on mlssloncr Llle Mharlninn nIfulglehis luuuld be able to explain uhai grants to municipalities the have been carrying more the province ls doing and why sauce rlmsnrl llr Stallsgsald ddoprnl ub lect lo the systeliihbut cant see lhe rulunn lar dilicrcncts in lag rates between here and other mm applicdluih II this built whulc province Ontario that illli It itlla provioclsl polity well ucccpilt salts cornLamas rte3xsx mn lir Ogden who was chosen Isoouskl her teacher points out shut to with lor on the music street lilxornlnrr Pile in by Peter Nerlhcoltl vlvvausrl fa Jump Planning Mayor Tell Planning has gone nuts Mirror in Cooks told dintan rls Builders Association last night at Inertlng arrongod tn tllscnss builders probllnts The hulldtrs and dulEiopcrs per compiuihlng that the lyslcm oi residential district plsns coup lid with new llssessmcn has ed on market value is hurting pcnple holding Lend Ihey can do nothing with Certain lands in the city are designated as Stage mcnak log that they cannot be rcrrci cd or developed until the oiliciui plan ls updated to Include Lhcsc Irrat llleyor Cuokd told the troup he thinks thevrusidrnilnl district plan system is lurce T00 blLCIl DETAIL think the present plum go into too much detail lhinll we should lay out the road system set population Ind let devil4 opcrs lake It runs there the way they did In the usi Ile suld rcsl caliul district plans are hard in work with and close unnecessary delay Iacil Siullrlr said he has tied nblcullaru to urulagirlg and to permit dcwclcpmclli helorc the plans nretumplcie bccause he thinks the =in ahuuld amend its oliiclLll plan to remote this ros lrlctlon IIls unlslr to keep one guy waiting and slip an amendment through the back door or some body else llluyur Cooke said he ullrccs the syslcm lacks salnclniug hllt said the present cuunyrl had in hcriiml it PONDEITOLS Ilu said he was Ollptlstll tn the district plan system In the lirsi piece and csllcd ll Tncmost ponderous thing anyone has In lucc lle shill hc would look inlu the matter and see It the system can be revised The builders intll qucsliunud nhy townhouse standards nrcnt includcd In the presan runth yluw We went in lot at Iruulllu to draw up unryrtringcnt slan Dedeiopers Say New Assessment System Is vucuni land did not puy illclr lnlr lhare ui lanes uarriu is and vi about at miill Iicipnllti utathnvo the ncw market valui system in cilcci already lur irascr said no PREP rllhu JACK stout is hcnellillng developers by hearing their assessments unill VII he said The assessments were Iroten excort lur new buildings and Iddllunl oi plore than 31500 in order to give the province chance to get my scruncni at market valuu cum pleicd and icilniroduce it cross the province nil at once lir Fraser told there were inequities under the old system where buildings were assess an In average at about it per rent at market value and Vncnnl land was assessed at about live II anything the new systcg per crab This meant holdings oi pcrtlrs This mound lhe lluldur al In cahl lsnil here no longer get that er ride and pays taxes on murlrcl value or his land The marth value Is what he cuuld have sold the row land ior Ln mu whcn the lrccsc went on llr Frasrr said This helps the developer little be cause land prices are going up and he can tell lor more than he could have in Islu lln said the land rclalns this row sluts ullln until houses are up and said he lung as the dc lcluacr doesnt do nuytllhlg with It tileresnn change in value Once he alerts pulling in ser vices no rcussras on the basis at lhl value tiltscrviccs add In the land lie said later land ls Bless ed dlllareatlyte prolch turm crs lrnnt getting caught ill the aquatic nl speculation II the land Is actually being inrrrlcd It is assessed ut the value luml land near Barrio is valued at SALES DETERMINE 11 The Virtue at land Iur Llclulun ed mcnt is determined by sales in the area There Is enough Land chsnglpg hands every day in dt tcrnlluu value ul uurluus pres ll Lhcre was small naturisml Builders Hurting kct value the lcss inequities illicit ycoounlyinlo WWWS WEDNPSDAT mud in 11 cos concur AGREEMENT To Negotiate With County The mlldrens Aid Society will negotiate with county council to Ice it some agreement on had got lor rm can be reached with out arbitration The society board mct Inst nlgllt and IL was decided to have the extculiin curiosities review the budget and hold negotiations nilh the tounly linrlnce camnlli ice to Inc It an agreement can be reached The county agreed to pay only alarm al the proposed WWI incrensI In Its stars at CA5 buds provincial review ol the hudch gill thu provincial decision hind SPECIAL SESSION II the executive committee pants to luwcr the pro sod bud gct this reduction wll hard to be Ipprnvrd hy the uholslhoord which could meet in spcdsl les Iinn to discuss the matter In other business the CLS grced In princlpin ta mayo Its operation to tildhurat when the county gsis Its new lllmlnillinir Ive centre built No itnnndsl Ir got or Inn year Ind because at mman mad the linanclng system this socloi Mrdlvmmmlttee Inchm lhd cx loss at over WW on its tractor budget ll negotiations dont load la compromise ugrurnhlc to built sides either one may ask or Hit Proprietor rlnrdt lur qurlhouycs but unless theyre put hi the canine hy Isw they dont inan anything said Cordon Pratt association pastpresident The builders said they object to tile clly planning board an proving townhouses because lllIy lrlic lhcrn not because they meet anI scitlnndards duck Stellar said hr didnt think the city had uny more right It say It like or doesnt like townhouse dcllghs than It tints or single lumin designs dont want ll dulclrrpmcnt turned down because membtr dorsni like the color oi the root iir Stellar said wont to have Scl ul standards in the rolling bylaw so can go to my architect and say here arc the standards design the building lur msl llr Siullnr said litu cily dc clupmcnt committee oi council has pramsied in study the slun llunls and pruscrrt something Io he incitide in the toning hyluw hut said nothing has been done so lurr Iamcs Floyd ll oI Tflllu was remanded In custody or Ilsa days or sentencing alter he was convicted in provincial mun Tuesday oi assault coustng bodily harm The assault took place on Feb ii at Jacksons Department Stare on Dunlap Strcci Court was told that lloyd went into the store to purchase some cigarettes lrolrl the proprietor lnscph Christian and In ui guman word In the course ill the argu mcht Floyd struck In Click marl several times In the litch Pctcr ilhilichell 25 In is tray was sent to jail or one wccll and lipid tloo lollowing his conviction an inn charges ol undcr suspension llu pleaded guilty to both chur gcs before Judge II Tinker In provincial rant on runway The court was laid that IlilA chrllr driving licence had horn on Nov 21 and he has sloppy ed by Innlsltl Township Police whiln driving on Iilghway It uu Ucc In month tutor on Jan ii pol Geis Probation murkct and illlle land changing hands thered be pluililllll llesuld must land transactions iulullc knuulcdgruble people who are paying the going price iur land He ndmiilcd there are rascal uhurc pcuplu puy lop price do nothing with lull in large market like Ilrls tiltsn uddhnll salcs stick out like sore thumb lie said assessors Inks on nv clogsAnion or similar proper ties and also take lulu ucreunt lot at other icrllurcs lilti the rust oi servicing cult ui pllrlur ing the site lur development and so on IS AN INEQULTL under Im mLhijhfyilfnl Jones ndmlilcd stealing hat licrrlus assessment wurlcs and Widelulutd null rpm the assessment mm in my Barrie car dealer on Ilrudlold other arm Street on liurch The lotion ing day he stole ncnr healcr IIui hrlnru the removal lan Incrc lrrrn Faun lllliurrynt ml allde mm mm systems each one going ilr uwls mm mm ay nay 41 He said In Sllllcue tvunly there are now It dillelcni av scssmcnt system ranging lrolll eight per cunt in 61 pct cent 91 murkci value The closer you are ill muss lie was given ll suspinllttt scn tcncc and was placed on pro haiien lur one year other he plcudcd guilty In Provincial Court Dtcsday to two charges at their Judge ii Tinker Tuesday lllungcd the pica oi Patrick Ilnrdy it til Barrie horn gull ty to not guilty and romantic him to April or trial vn charge at lailiug to remain It the scene at In occidan there trio in the systcrtgl he said The mullet value system may hurt one segment oi the community this the dcveioncrsl hlll overall It helps the majority or Ialpuycls inclal Court in the charge but lII driving while his licence was Gordon Jones III at liar llnrdy pleaded guilty in pro ccullvc slung with recommenv dnlloiu to review the tin siruclure leading to pristh crc Inlion at more commiliecg out car Several Titties Will Be Sentenced Thursdiiy Gilcllmun manatcd to escape his assailant and called the outline lie was treated ut lloytl Vin iuria Iluspltal tor tlrolnch gush In his hood Police evidence nits illatlhlayd had been thinking but the incident but was nutrd Floyd wssschcdulcdto ceihs charge lcttrul necks min but told the court that nisnonnp pcnrnnce then was because he tras serving time in the Don lull in Tomato Iudgs Tinker decided to To mend lloyd tor sentencing lnl iil police could obtain some background Caught Twice Without Licence Leiroy Resident Jailed Fined Ice caughtllirchell again driving Ilnng SL Johns Tioad near truud Mitchell told the court that the lirst time he was caught drittng he was under the Impression that his Licracr had not bcerl suspcudcd lo court oiilcer asked Ior it he said Its told Judge Tlrlllcr that the second time he was driving his wlls was in the or and had tu luck alter the baby Judge Tinker releclcd his sec and cscusc ordered him to loll lol seven days and levied lluli lincr For Theils Judge ll Tinker lulled Iuncs it he thought It was ancuky thing to out Jones sgrecd It was IIhco Jones told the cuuri llint hudueslit have cor Judge Tlrrkrr commented it nppcnltd as II he Its trying to build onu up lrnm nothing Iohn llurphy Crown attor ney told the court that lone had no previous record and that the stolen goods had been In oqu Iudge Chandesgllians Plea told the Judge that he did not leave the scene In order to ea clvtl liabilin gnfilniter tuld hint that ii nslllie pose he could not accept the guilty plea Ila told Hardy to secure the old it Lawyer or his trial on April Hardylsoceuslslalleavin the scene In accident on Feb n1lrnutliulIImmllls

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