Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1972, p. 10

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moo lam Ii lrerlleood II em PCI irrdrr IIIIImI Ilioe ll rm ConrmrIIm in III um um rim NI Amrileood led III outrl momma iIII Conlederrv ITTKIdrunrurnrr InaPS Smallwood Successor Took OiledAl LOW Tide Ir JOIINI Ire tort Iuhntm Merrd It Mean nie Nrelwrdlrm Lionel yrriy llHIeIIclu III II III IIdeI ilMlI III III Ito III erulmd perty Ilium ruler IIle Moore lemme In mtlnriri clue on tor Ilrrrh unresorrlirhnrludyw road MATTEJLOAIOOI POI woollol rmmmu utm net It kl MellonIA UNIS CONIIDIM TEACHING ImI II III the NW ubrranr For Car Dealers Lose Finance Profits IIIIIONIO ltiI The turn IIII prollll rIr drrierl um nIndnl yrolrll aeItsdI ME AT EMMA Th Libeth Ind lit Merle harhelnr in do 1hr VIIIMII rrnruai and palm re the HOTMW lo rl protrulote red lute Iir rleriloe rImlen uh Ilih are and Iqu ml or Much In Woman nr um NlwdilMTl inbound Iirl Robertr lint elected irttr MM rlrr ol etlm In nhltrnryhsrthtnmpoe mini muttonxterm tit my ml be Irlrume ear mlleimuidheiilllrltly turn to Mir rise IIrr II or yeIre My India The son II rene Termini pom tr mended hid tool in Air did III um and mum Im II lini Imrty Im in heel LI ll III In relied In the NW Termini III in III II unitmzty Ir RIO rru III IIIrdrd Irwhy TI The besl rdmul min In the undamule humper The IIrrtly In m1 be In mauled Trundle Trim III the LIirmdy 123ml Irdenmn nern Emma III Ippairlrd modal pnutr mm In Primal rem MNthllmxu year he became ermine uqh Stuth Nevth purer Min winru Im Bry Natl he Millard l5 31 student Durex Ed err rnierr hed mun In dumbed by some meh the hummer New no1 In nun nun Home um I9 Teaelters To Debate Union Strike Issue mum rm hm rem sinAl term aloe IttrIIhIthIIIrIrIIIIIIlhe deheiniu Intrudere oilthnIIrteSenIekryst NerethIererthie Mien in lean train more Item own It Slum wily teethrn It will here rerereoirlim Intern III no Muller Iiirodln mp IIII all well Indra Iould Iunciioo in neural MINI he Inert whorl hoard end it PM To Address llwards Dinner OTTAWA CPI Prime Iii lrler Irwdutt Iiil Iddrtsr the Nation Neerprper AIIrdI dinner III the Toroqu IIInI Press Club Aorli herd pen heIderten Innouncod TilesIIIy Party heIdIIuIrier Ilro dLv elmtd withotu Iirhu detrils thrt Itr TrudeItr will tour Ihe iv lrirhil rtrth TIM Ibo rertooi miroi Ieir WMMIMIWMW Ir onimlenie me Mon red iIIyerI union it mm In meet The mrieriIi med II leerhen IIlIIIII Md MW oi nthrpm ntlllunily The Sum Imherr sure Nero iurher yniliuney Ind chieth II the prnrlntiIl Tim III school Win Iere the min theme to emerge It the melon thIIwrdIyrm My IIILIEU MOTION The ledcrrliert will dehIlI Milan from it our mem ber cIiiinI Ior In iniuneilou ruins the nmylnelal new metal Otirn lather uy the edu cllion Misti hirer through Ihlelr The merrpneni is reek Irtx Io Ilutr deep the Hi II III ereIse In educrilnn rpendlnr In in eiierl Illeul errne Ind Ill roulrolr Itioo president JeIn Aeeii oI odhury holed In trends ode pulllnn towrrd Ind reel mm lire Areii added eAdm derailed Immuhrn vi lll yoan ll II inehrr LI hr reniimmr thinriobelrll swirlle met Yemen me no Iklrn lather he ionx rIlIry du puie with the NeirupoltlIn Io reoio Icth horrd III rur prise lurrrnlnute rwlmlnw or credidrlr or prurdeni lee IlII tenTI um Ilr IerdIrrI with leather It Toronto high scion m4 rated hLI Lu term nI othre the leather In Ilctrehr rmia ruhrnii Inns mlgniirm helm ihe mrllerIu settled lrriudtm mpill salrry olier Win the dispute the Inter iiouriro lrtlrodured pInIlIrI be htern hurling in menu here Irem Impdnr lobe with Tim Toronto school boards llr lithium is rennin nilIII Drryl li manna now Iederrilae vireprexident Win VI to tale plrce May tor the executive aer The iedcrrlion TIA new snnrrs llarry Ilene who had lu TIllIltl hrirIly Ii the end II April Ii is undrreiood thi the prime rninlrter Irili Itsii Eld manlon Iiezinn Ind Ilnnlper Arril ZB Ind 29 Irniurrlsm Inrl Ihe other direct inI loerrd lull proleslonri rintue lllllil In in lInrnrlrr at new ur nurthrm III III uphlly III In some ntrrpperriru literati min mm Ir thr Ia rordr herb hm mil In re mr mule the held at AIM low When at drrlerr we drum Ir and Ir Indeed lured role ill the leleIirion rer imhe Inga Ilium to the Irma re We must toil The prrent and III In the Britishmrde will the while thrl Ihr edurnlron Ii mice The Adventurer rinrrlny rue child Is the importrnl Genenrrry IA nom All tied mu mm maerrrr sl ir yoh III In mil that me nu aims ycwirr MWFBLPj Iu luhertr jam of rate lm mm mm in In In new um pIprrvert no other if IM para lure here Mend Moira rhldr tireream mm InseamII rigid II on than MA mar II Iutter maze II tantrum Ainth nptur Corn It I023 rd ml neerme prerugrrly The on in um cur rostrum Imhum trunme ml lad thud per Ibm ml by GIIAC 1W the In leI Khu gnulm WIILILXID ammrbmw gnu mm rum lure the Ir III IWMnleIterrnwdl need the IIrteel Ind rm Tart rum Tamir All PAW dalm Ire Idtmnlnx intend IIII Anurdrtl Ford WM rmrllzpeymnurtamm Dram Co raid rmrt drrlerr mar 7mm hm had rhrnre oi Illitude Dulce In Iddelon to the Theyd nlher lune loner mirtrontheuloltlum rrtn Ind nulrrtain sterner om heletlled trorn the leyIlty mud beteeen the trnrrert II they ml to Ittmt the me paid by the purthrur rrd rldrt kind ol people to WI the III rlrrrw by the TIMI drrtmhlp 1th ml mm I5 IIII Ilrrn nor with the new or 11 per mt People Ire loo Imrr rrtrr It Ir the rrr outer rmrrt rd ctr earn ULTIM IITITTK TOWIIPMEH Tor bnlltarA white teeth Iamiiy we itthr IADV PATRICIA PROTEIN SIIMIIUO Uli curer IIINSIZ Cnnrnlralrd iormulu at vlrsticv halllc ANACLN 109 Part rclirI ol hentacher roldr nrlhrtlir Ind rhrumailr pain 99H IOIINION AND JOHNSON PLASTIC IIANIIAIDSt The chnrenicnl irmlly ntc hark 69 Ire oi Tm ii hrndaidr or new DAWN mun cowtunu mnowtnvlomdrrhrie roler III rhndcr Ier ISINPECIANT IrItAv In Economic Conierence Told Closer Relations Unlikely more on rrld tnmn little health meEun Iltnelor MIIIIIII III AMI Irrth IImIIIr tom museumth om niyrme lanrd rlasrr ilmter Ir Perreruil Minimum each other In mad he dud not rear the ion at in meat torerrtrrtenir that Crnrdirn rhould try In luck into the term hed lrom Cherie lemony mum which the Amrrirrm threw II II empieyax IIroeiIljm them III rrld CInIdlIru Ihouid um In may an him try to tsIIhllIh new Terrill mrrheu Ihe oIIrdIy conlerenre er roamed hy the IIonlrIIl Em nomiu Arroclriion Ind the Pri vIle PlInninl Auorlrtlon Ii CInIdI Vthilr rnrny hurlnesrrnrn In CInIdr Ind lrrrt number In the IRS would Ivor elem irIdinI tlrr Ind the Iurihrr Inir Irriton oi lhr in economic tiIII will rnnilnne to he rironyly Tullll hy ihn UIS Iorrrn merit NEW OUTIAJOK Crnrdlrn hurineumrn myl well here in lerrn to in with IhlI new bullock Irlrl Ilr Im reruit Till ILS IIIIIItel will rlIlI he there hut It will be Iurrrn teed he Irld Speclrl rerlriru any in rrtiry mr rppenr II rny lime ll Iell II IIImuIIa Ilunr to Hi rxpnrtr Ilrith would inrurre Ivmpelitlrm III CInIdI Inleyrrilrrn will Involu Irldrd rirht IIATTJY HONLI Ii IASKATCIIEWAN Alla ILII Unbmilllon mm TIer mutant lnrlltmr ud drnl proved prnltlrhle tor ll employm oi Shurlti Gordon Mine thllh1hrmeluyrrl In in deal with the prohltmr ol Ill mm In no the InduSW In two erI lie nnnlrmtul mull diluting Desiroye Mulrheld lrrmr ur odrrIL It or aerosol can eovt Trying To Solve Quebec Shoe lntluslry OTTAWA ICPI The overn mm rnIIiel rauriderrhle pmxms toward rolling the resign 1933 QMuehec rhee in IS inislrr Jun TM Pepin rrid Nesday Answering Leonel Rerudnut lscRkhmmdi in the Com manr lIr Pepin Hill the govt IrIunemr rIrIIIIy is In reordl nrte Ir well as possible Iederrl Ind prunnctri nrnnrrmr In ill the Industry more eillclrnry Ile Iould mike rompielr IIItrmenl on the whim within Otglnut Iew Irrkl Bertuloln Irkrd whether the chcrnhprtvinrlrl Innrnrrh would lead to more control oi Imports llr Pepin replied lhai he could no rryr But II In new Till that the indnslry become more vtrhle herrure Cunrdian corenmerr could rtni he rain to Iupport lit Inellklrncyolrirh Ihey would end In tlnmt II we tar vim rpphro on lmportr The rolernmrni war nliempi Olallll ntrmuew le Indrm pylAe MM STYLING DIITTIIT liT VIINIS llm II Cl WI Eastern tor men or WW nyu My Wield or Allintime Need n1 My II 300 In 415 41 lMliiOir KIKIINTZES TIAIRSETTEII 300 nun to 200 IIIr 249 225 tara 1595 AITIIL EIlOlIlZITR TIUSTING TOITIlIiIi Container in three Ilrennrlor roian yellow IIocndo imliii liliii WWII IlAiliiAlllltll Ilumu mlAy lilAI lIIAiihli to trial Irrty Inuit Wan It IAIIV PAIIIIIIA IIMIWIiAY Tl ii PRICE TITATIIINIF ioilJiiNIi Tilliit SET lry irinre Iiuleluhcili Cottlrtm or itnd my lot Golden lililIlIiill Um mot Irwr mtrr um mm my oil HAtlJl TIltil lnlr auwri wt III III AJ holler my rm IrIIIN In Unw EIIIIEM MIT MIM Allen at harp lliiil HIM1v or In All rm on MMin or It may 13 Innup TIIIATIEOTI NINDNESS COMPACT Itrlrlion Import and gym mu mm llAllihNanl Model N201 Irenan nl imprnlemenll In Mummy Ind mum union rrrrlrrd Illlr oi i109 SANDY COVE lax Cllrin Snrclt Bar PAINSWICK Crrnphelir Generrl Slure IIINEIS POIIII Cnnninnr tirorery CRAWFORD Darionr Grocerlrr IIOLLK IIWYr Ti 54 lllll Try Sumo Serrlru THORNTON Spem Generri Store THE I971 RATES ARE A5 ronws Meir ur Spryed Fermi Ilw Female $100 Kennel iltencr Ilium Alter the list dry oi Ilmh when ur harhnurerr ri day wtthoul 1m ills which muri he Ireurely Iliurltrd in thr dogr II III times will be chrryed under the provided ul EyIIw Na Alter the IlIi dIy oi lirreh mt ihe rnlcr will be In lollnwr This or Spryed Femrle 0700 Fenule mo Kennel Licence arm Phone Numberr up Olllllililll STORES nelnosscnnnnn PREPAID PRESGIIIP Ion me ounce that the m2 tor irrr In new mum ll mmttmvtntn non srcouns nrrcn Ilunierr Grmrrltl lhr llunirlprl Oliice Siroud Ind lhI loilawinr incrtlont nnurwrrtrrromutytsrpm TOWNSHIP OT lNNlSTll In we mos lmillillROllllflislrprltsonr Gertmi Rlore ITECIITTAAIlgclIWRmmafiasnip Residence iIlIer hourII 436172 Anltnrl shelter mutt Ii BHIIJOII AIIIIIII Conlrrl Oliirrr

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