Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1972, p. 7

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one II It It eta pre Itin tor Ind bird rid gave itvI ago PANTS nan INTO SPRING OINNT CMIPDELL ieit lwrm brushed dentin tivo tontdAIIedeatItoppedbyI combed cotton rib Ivealcr ANN LMDERS Alcohol And centrut $111M 1am my IweI er Mary An Alien wears tiared Pills Lethal Combination Dear All tandem Please please pic tell the people In your Iiidlenca once III IIJW drink dont tlh It you tat tits dont It triend ot It being billed tomorrow bceIiut the mixed the two It was use ot accidental suicide This lovely women was no heavy drinker Ind not one to oversnedIeItI tier health wu good but the was tightly depressed because oi some trou ble Iht on trying with her tee rye van The doctor hid bed tietptog thlett to to her through the crlits there virrI only live tablets missing trom the bottle eer tItnly not enough to till For too But tIiI ph IICIIII who not care oi her II the three or tour drinls the AM taken alter dinner treItrd lethal cheniicIt mixture The loudly Ia InoonsoIIhte Al irtend Im heartstet The only tiling can think to do It write to you and Isk that you print my etter turning to others thinks Annn IIlliadrl phin Sorrow Dear Friend ttcro ottrict torwlth In Idded ot cau tion After nttht oi heavy drinking dont take pills to tel ing in the morning This could crcIto that lethal chemical combination Thank you lot writing SECOND TIMI ROUND DrIr Ana tandem went to cement on the teller iroiii See end Ittoa Aroiutd the woman who objected to her husbands groin children helping them relves to Illvcr china paintings Ind to on tile their mothers Iuneral IIrit let me any no child III the right to hire yhlngs horn is parents home iiiiess they are oiicrtd tint it stems to me that woman ivlth grown rhiIdren thould tho will that gives her children the legal right to specific tusslom Ipeo troia experience Is not who mIrrtrd man with grown children My husbands exwtto had been to ill health toy long time and on sur prlicd that xiii hId mIdo rid Iuch provisions tour homo was titled with her treasurer The children didnt ask ior onythtnti but suggested that they tell their tether what theyd like Llhtit TOtt house no hIIIdsIluiorcd hotiry niity iter either as whole or little tiat substitute Iur tugnr iiheii preserving iruit ELLIOTT DRAPERY tl Dollop It lidii Sprttitldiigia CUITOAI lllitillllilfr Fthvrgivt tin and unions ItIrdett Secretly hoped theyd take everything Irlt incondortabte surrounded by the barooua and exquisite obletta oi Irt which raitected my rodeoessort taste was de red and re tIaved when their iather told them to helpthemselves lvhen they lust Ihout cleaned tht lace out did not consider em greedy ma ngteiut been iTlllll Also Dear uni Your letter con tinua my hunch thIt most sec ond wires would preier rnuticat apartments which relied their own lasts llihcr than irihrrit the treasures at rst wile NO IIATI DONE Desi Ann tandert lty hus band and have been married nearly years am wanton In my early Ills The other cvcntng cre It party arid young man about the Ife oi our minted ton came it with his wile Ill call him Don Although we had met on other occasions would not call Don In Intimate iricnd On In impulse kissed Dori when he greeted me Ity hus hnnd gave the lititttlrlf look not behaved disagreeahy all evening 0n the way home received Ievoro tnriguolaah Ing Ila told had no business kissing the young men Iince was not tho Itoaiess nor was Ella iricnd had to agree with In Frankly dont Iuiow why did It this Is not nty nature misc help me Ilguro it out IlrIr II It You did It on irri pluse and no no reason tor you to to to undone The world could use little more lmpiii Itvo otitctiort and Irlonilliacss Forget it corduroy patio and Ioodoa took rib neuter with bus roldrtii Distoii Side SAN ANTONIO Trx AP tacltaad Air Force Bus ha Iiide the iemintne touch to its military police levee The big base home or tile IuIII but int has begun women Ia students to its recu rtty Millie technteel tehoel tor the tint time One at the recent gradutiea Annie Foster my the en yI her lob to touch that the to obtain bachelorr degree in Int eaioreetneot Now that thaI on duty Airv mIa Iirrt less Foster yr the only problem to iar when people Itnp and rim to amate mcri girl directing mill or handling other military po iiro iohs FAVOR DISPATCH DIRK Among her my duties Ihe rays live tth dispatch desk Ia her int gives me challenge would like to turn its much as possible Ihout toy tub the add Annie iinbhrd iIrIt among six women attending the ollce school and was third onor graduate In close oi it She scored another Iirsl by becoming the only woman to uiitiy as an expert with both tilt title and the lacattbra pistol Tier trotting also Included counts In physical prcben lion and restraint tr ones riot control trIitle control In vestigation mttitIry turiivtte ttoh and Match and IelzurI techniques Ill UAT hIUNICII Germany httelotte Findetae In nounccd the had started hire bodyguard business to till genuine gap on the market She told the had tour iurrtkter paratroopert ready Ior wor Iralii iii an erotttagnowartttng corner as Irilustve CIIIITDDIIL home study contrast Cmvtlttdemy gradual Inlet weltprying imiditip pniltlone lull end pIitiimt In that prettier iieldr You can with to been httdtrvt ottiet Annual or Dental Olliet AIIiiittitJitih In urtvutul modIin ltboiitoiy school loeitrd In Toronto oi It heme CANADA WIDE PLACIMENT ASSISTANCII Otitel tivtant no obligetlan Innovation nnyevr built Ittni undtt it Project Attracts Many Volunteers MISSISSAIIGL Ont tCP Set Ip coma Inr nothing toI trainers led you may direct palpitwhowoutdtikatobe vot ooteen but havent Ian how with the More at hootled Arte Mouton aertdata Is came totality college with Impose In severII torus adlarent to To India It drIwI Itadenls item then and trout aIissIIqugI muting suburb tanned iew years up by mbialeg IevtrIt Inuit minindttea Iad acres at In Iidtvtrtvnv SIII lullaby says the begin by talking to community unite abort how the and could work to to till community need The courses tor tpeeialltt volunteers were malt Agencies lbnt were Interested set up Iteertot eomattttees to pin the comet The college provides Idmtatstrruon Ind phytieIl iIcitrtIes the agencies provide program Ind Ipealera Tvo already veII have been on working It young tirad erw and on retarded children HELD HORISIIDT Wm had oeeda wort oglihllptlgliF thualt on ones or me othrr on VD hiore agencies are beginning toalpproacburaaaresuttnitae city these counu bare III III also getting phone it ivorn people who have not beat Involved and have hesi lalrd because they dont tnow whatI upcoted or them ONLY DISTUIIIING BERGATIIO Italy tATt court rtllld that Anttil Colom biI rrilntslirt which caused trltlla tteirp was unsationat but not Indecent she wIs lined ill ior eIusIug public disturb Inee GUARDIAN doom TITS IAIN matron TLLSOAY AMIGA it 71 BARBIE BRANCH ELF HerseyHeods Red Cross Society The Canadian Red thou So ciety Barrio hunch haa earned its executive tor thI in season The this at otiieen and dir ectors LI II Ioilowx Past President Airs ltr en Plies Coint Presidan Tiertoy II St Vincent Street TitIt viee Presldml Wit Iiigretuit Street Second Vice president airs It Memo Shanty hay Secretary II II Grail 228 Park Iliad litaeta Point iteasnrrr him It Sidheriand Belmont Crud Itidhim WEN lad DIRECTOR WomeaI Work lire to Andervon t3 ttappcrton street Airt Ill WIlilce Cook Street Sick Room Eoniornrn Ind toast Service him it Do Ianey is him Erect Airs Dddxe Birth Street ltomerriakua Senire Itrv Woodger Codririgton Streakbliss Juno Sirriprcn to Stain Street latitiiduat Emergency Aid hits Cooke i0t Strabario Avenue Airs Iirnbull IS Duniop Street CtittIIa Enquiry Richard Ioo as tetltia Street WIlrr Saiety lira icOir dy Ilt hempentelt Drive Cunningham Oak St lliood Donors It hitch en III Dintlop Street East It liacIAreu est intern Street that Public Relations lira ltuipoy It hurt Street bin II ltaelaren Dimiop Street East Satire tor Senton tire ll Sutherland Belmont Crest llidhiaxt lire Seal Queen Street Iiiretina Irc trv it Itei iron lzt Tvaetrng Street lire IIrCanrt ti txtitia street TL Chittirk 29A Toronto Street IinwittRRIan ty Tia street hirn Thain to him at Crescent ltornrmakerv Supervisor llrs It It Frrgmoii lIneourer ALlTOST LIKE ROME VANCOUVER iCll PII cats at IomI rhildrvii melttrig shortterm treatment It Chit dmis DSTIIJI will soon be able to live wth their youngsters Under ottotprolect as many as eight ch rrn III one parent each will be able to stay to gether Inr up to three days In apartmentirke units hospital spokesman said the protect it on Ittempt to ease the anxiety ot young children Iner undergo Ing or Iurgrry TRY EXA NER WANT AMI PIIONE TISTIII iii EASY TO INTER IIIItilltllliittitliiliiiltllly Iliilliitlliltitlt1 or Mlltgtllitl lw ttVltIIsI Ill titI tiiitllililth thin film retiril II ooh tout to IllIIl Iitt illil Illtll ilitiittni it lii it retort pt lltgtl not it Ittllrilly illt pi Itt Sui rtnrrplnio yiriiiciiiiitiq llIIl lll Illtr ALBERTO atltlti SPRAY or ttlutltntt ItaIItittllItitIi Wilt WIN ItltUSItivlllltIM VALliItlti lit COTTONSWABS CONTEST ENTRY FORM tih Silllti US SNOW WHITE BATHROOMTISSIIB BEN GAY mi REGULARJOIION 0R GREASEIESS II IFLUL tilt IleLlNll SELTZER 25s blitlil Ilol NJI wiiiirvi tittilt tint ll ith THE STARS srv Iy JEAN DIXON Wednesday liner to Aries 01ml linlprtl Ill Nobody go work with will see the days protdems la the same hed Keep you temper end your property enhanced whde shitting Akita Turn tAyrii BMIy nit Onto manage Lht personal durtp required rIII rrrr thirty and the it rent tc and ten tat ventures timid thrive CAIN Slay TIJIII All taint beiore acting Get no and opinion inxn somebody whos been throigh the prob lem Airing tandly diitmnce mates It Inttout Iur better WM Cut Ulla Nile Ilome IIIIII ITIII prtvIe terri tory should be pcaccml enough in the Diltrr world that It Itornty Youll to glad you put on cam treat good to some cluan do not rare Proer do Ind are Ipt to be touchy tudry Your disie in heeptag the peace la crucial ltm her It Sept tall here you ran go it alone now here you cant let serial no thins late the course oi tesst ii tort The mood II no III in passes easier thus Inn tsrpt nod A0 regt dissentnf opinion Is no more than what IIuroiiiii were the Iholl person Inneuwwithtaetrariti IsaaeIIIIl tart Min withdrawalmasons vised to central nub room with details grunnwiorrpeedymlillu unseen INIv Ian nieods and house intx than ever lows Stan untilyvuruily tainted with Iiithaulnl lb Cnnsliitr itrxi your on range weltIIw IrIt the vial have under way then it you out must and tho grant stands on toes Murine tTII DTIL ohody unit to lid Id hhero ou can Ietvail Ilortc and go in with year protects Pierce IPcl IIMIRI Abrupt changes IIIDIIIO should not bI allowed to serious phoning Do the cot without consulting pennanrxit changes mixers nice roar ELILIIIEITI South at rica tAPi while we Atsgdsleda Koch had to In hersrti reclassiiied II UttnII under South airicaa race brtiro the couhi marry lilvinl Its not Is it iltoag Chung illetinrs rm rides at Delivery mm Drivetn he TO WE ElliDY NEWMG W0 OUARDIAN JOHNSON WILLING l1 WWMOIILI CONT WINNER IIYSLOP srourv CREEK our SCOPE list list Itv IE MOUIHWASII ion till llIICI lit soon iisr Ilil crown or SHAMPOO it or RIOULAI OILV DR DRY SUGO LtSl 1M PEPSODEIIT TOOIHPASTE FAMILY SITE REGULAR ONLY WOO LIST IS LIOUIDIZ or OR TABLETS 40s ll I900 SUITE list ilt GUARDIANS TASTIII BUNNY CDIIIIST PARTICIPATION 89 SCOTCH BRAND CELLUIOSE TIP 3T mu COMIIT DLOTII mvwroav MARCIA ma ttIINIIIItE DRUGS Simone Pharmacy ltd ESSA RD 7282823 30I BLAKE SI 7282429 BARRIE ONTARI RRIE ONTARIOy iuniontitannuemisirdvnnnttihisiiw IllllllIIIIIIIIIII DrIpery tIItILIIIion

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