cm 111w mm mm remit Imam 11 im Bargain Rated On Garbage Pact LWI moh Melaminm iiitat Contracting ltd ei tin ioiiriiie would have worked this year tor m0 per eapitenlth atan strut iurtr to run In lliiiiam titted 11min tin soon would have which ur this peer lor ml rising neriyeartotlltndtotm by 1171 York Sanitation Co Ltd oi Ainnrahidtmiortiumtoil this year with annual increases to on by irrr The contract It buieail the Lb changed pickup days on Onliirr to adjust their yearly in to allow tor expected ination our the contract FinanceCommilIeliecommerirls Street II in II tiayileld Street and In increase in the Irriounl oi the nertmanee brain to be ported by the minder unto Is the preset one with Nolunds For iirea Planning Bd Putting all the citys poorer tines mierground over the next means would cost it minim more or more than the do can minis the city baa eneoursged the Ptihtic Utilities Ainmlssloit to put electric service underground to improve the looks oi the city The PUG Ind rity would than regnaily In the cost oi the pro gram which would amount to Complaints Lead To lieview boat 1012000 per year on the average The program which lniinirea musing prerhead wiring with uodergrotnal II the overhead wires wear out would lnrnire In increase in utility bills and bout lid in increase to the own er oiahnrne userscd inr 030 one which is the avrnige Ban rte home The itnanre ronirnltteo said it lottiii aiiiriy the matter It had get time The all low II Sunnidale Part did brisk hullncrs Monday in roll oi Inosr UPliND OVER low lur the trip up the hilt hELoii Don Baxter at Aiiandiie Ileighli Iehool tries BECK Ilaha Ital Writer IandiiIttaeti Yetn vllt meet the citys the out 1900 Ihkh time it Ill be vocational WNW are domineering wort landhi Ietinty ts lraehite dea mbed Is normal but Irate ginble byproduct ol The learhata ti ruroi that ha pieted up po tantI irom the site The noniuitant uid the leach ala problem voud not he cared hy mo the site Ilnre Iii arr eeuihla around the rity Irouiii lure the It roll bar Mittlllldr To deal with the leachate irom eiiitlng retuse the engineerg laid nation would arise Iron the report in turn the nished Iite ii the report it inwlementnd srouti provide ilnkitrliia son ieet long with int The report gives eoetr tor oriairurtimr at chllrtlit Thar and rope tow Ia sirliu lodge tariiitieI Itth site The consultant tuggesls that ii the site is used WU beginneru elm MN rhase at 100 acres northeIit eerner oi the lite since tilting operations hm ert rroarhrd on this am already The engineers suggest prohi biting snowmobiles in the area suggest finding say at Irri lng oil the Iuriace oi the bud In aid rain uiatrr irom lnirltn tint They then Iuggest intcmep ting any lenchair 11th still persists ll well as runntt irom the Iitrtscl arid treating this lionid They Inid it this didnt elear up the problem entirely the city could consider hmnn ihenntn table It thr rite and prodding surlnre drainage ln dirrrt enter that might ilolr through the area erupt on trails laid out ior them the problem eith the Icluii Belling Shop Manager Charged Following itald Theresa tiarie ltIurhton mrrr ager oi the lianle till hack Bet ting Shop on Duniop Street But on Irrested It 110 pm lion dIy and charged with In booti rriatlng ollenrer The enrrizen want that the Iita Id Iuttiir the run neat until me and prenatal statistic based to the ritri grmth lo poputh nI either deep 00001 01 00001 it AMOUNT DAMAGE in either ease the gure tor 1111 toilette population at It 500 people thing it points per capitai per day tor total id 157 tons The total Iceurnu latrsl roiurne in the site It pro Iiirt Is 0500 cubic yards In ml the eIrTrrers gisnm ed the rily mlth bars 571 ponple Ibo nould dispose oi oi oor ions oi rriuse end the dump Iould hare an ummulated roi uirie oi I070rit cubic yards 11 payrdnllon has risen to 60 700 there Iouid be 0001 1m 01 relusn in 1m and the dump mould hare wptti 1291507 cubic yards ni material through its iiie report suggests layers oi gartaa it inches thirt topped by eight lithe rt 11 ootopnlthemmpteiedrna Imiidbeclayrlunrittimhrs ninth thick layer 11 impermeable ring and limit alt Inches topsoil ADAPT IT The consultant reported that some Ietillng would oeeirr in the landfill area but said the at iIrlliiies twirl be adapted lo mourn They suggest leaving In area at the base oi the hill tor whitnretinn oi III lodge The comrniltre has not dis euued this report in detail and has tater no position in regard in the recommendations The remmm reeornrnendnd baring 50 topics oi the printed and mating them able to the public lor tti mh The rily hid quotation irom iiarrie Press In print 50 couple in 1570 Liestr conditions which let not the 1111 ium lo the treat oi the OA pager gehkon 11111 onheg 1111 111E gym whinging tsmydeunvlgu yston Hopes in ygi gI Thu city will reiiew its older rovide my quality ot ierricn it little spring riding Alioth mtg and tho antiInhibit 00th 0i 11 111111 1111111 11111 insertion 11 ore next 11 ler because 11 gurei rorrl number or enmpIIlnlI bcing re lioroug oi York width hirsiiaiightiii nus releasedon criiedaboutiblrrearulpioul 031000 to one todiy peri0 to 1r hilt untithrr rurcomes up in 111 11 11 Cleand o1 Oatiey lrep ridmlta open its raid MWmm 11 at Squwrrithin hillhyoldll itaielowaiiltohdgzioiuig earn own In on Interoraut relelrsred Ewell thelpuhlio 111 Foulsln utdtiih tome second LOW Bid nor co ltrenerntsiaso em nesono diirrnaed last night under it miter yer hour and The Contract She complained that the our when ploughing Identitr they enl plows treat the tart dont travel about is miles per hour Les Bertram Ind Sontirt his clear the Iidewaits properly and it said they gd this speed lobe been reconnhendrd Is the ttrm are nuIaInne to to who able in get through the snow and to demolish building on Collier entrain ahorrl out or room at Qtoh pusbkll but enough to cieu re and th Edwin 11m er or pass on way p11 enr com Nllubllc Nluullmlrm lll thithl0dhri out oeytc ng number oi remolalnti lite this ag waxy lmhl This was not the to 00111 iii rm 3101111211 in 10 ml 11 iinw hugged mi in of If firinhiiooruirnryre mi thhlhhouots mutil iwn Alt ymo Aid iloas Areberuidtlio city The eommittce migrated 111 mm mm CAUSE OF FIRE STILL UNKNOWN 11 Eidrrtln rcnr In In Decoratinz Centre lor clues Ings basemrht hut Iulhoritica mm mm mm Mill urstigaior tor Alton Englnerr in Wedniudiye 0100000 lire have not yet determined the mmW ing and Tiny Simmons lrom hloru tnteniwe lnvesilgutlon rouse oi the tire liIxarnintr hi 11101 is being done near Iit Photo mom electrical box in the littlltl couldnt really atop plowing on for roulriatudy IhoI luaiionand lath Construction quoted 51110 1111111 ioh test It essed an to re make recommendations 01 tide tor the demo oulro hohiecrrnerr toy clene their walls the 0in might not need mother 0101 received were lrom Trperriian Ltd Ti WWII in ice study the ruins nl lrvlnns irom Teperman Ltd The Levitt property on Collier complaints abandon its plowing program at own suits Ind said this would to plow next winter probably produce our more it also 111d the city could not are or the Ontario Provincial Police and Barrio detachment attempted in stop northbound car on lilgh why 11 com 11 ehetrnian Del Cole the request it only iwr resiA ll lzmlgmgliru all dElli dclllrl to raid in the down ekbwn rum um um whemhmmgm Slreet is needed lor parting downtown and tho eoinrriitlee 111 liihfm lhatl r$r3xhlhollghg Hid 101 lausedonaldenlhasarervica We get In tribal lot oi rum hlhmiil to homeowners as well Is In plainta about that ea or or 111 c111 p111 211111 The decision yiilcoms beiuia wwwwhlg In roylng the melted Llundrrre council next Hominy night Mr oxIald the city could view Central illnlr llhlrrllrlirlvllrlii Highllilclairlclsuliuriiagreon100wm thtt 111111111111 highopccd iirrinediliarvry wnr Dmps Lindsay gulomnbllo chefs aodalootrnro oI Caledoniabe mm En Earl hlays rink irom Central lob AMA Kill 11131 do ell gmlhlhmbhly halibut 1335 mliain cgum mg 1m$1M 0mm 13m gel my ha 151mm our torn ore ll Three city hotels will be It yer oi Dunlop and Albert streets mm 0mm Mm up and gllcmpled to elude hriL towed to leave llroesca sorrr which is tbioot 0113 citynpg School mm Aggoelgtron MM an um ciiiroimi 1311011013531 $3171 diliim mriirr championships beinr 1511 or our 111111111 min 1mm leh of mm plasrnmorititi HOW DOES One eep appy andliiIIoiiediIlnloOriiliIghout iihifirwtglglgg distill m1 Irirrwtn Ivhatlihirnui mm mmuml 11511 5111 up 111 100 oat me How 10 no if moms reeomrnendod Ilti simitolmug his tmmey Ihtt enda tomorrow may mammal diagram ii 59 is III my At noon the Barrie rink Inuit hubwm ngg tlons piuitd hr the CRT ior Mid veilktnnh out 1111 11111 on mi sinusitis 111 2111 Iii 1111 eii ngurra iii ti one 11111111 11 19111111 ElitFrrnrJ rlolalfnhugg 0110me lee pl10pryrarthocstloi tehmBharrie blltst01lllil luv an Enamel lglr torI1 prlogrurgiiilliig 11 Jlgdfiigg rearirri eneccssary yaw 11 null ti Am ham lumm VIM Tl WW new V1 mm Worm mi 53 LiholikntlinrArlglorAlaaiyililll Their problem ii iii Viill inlai coimttlriliillll hmsdcasnt dnreway 111 house at 110 hr rtnrnce committee approved min 0100000 liiiy irr mendment tor Residential on olliclni pinn woiddamim iii and Barrie was runnrrup in channels Iltillsble lot trans mm 11111911 ihur 51 Two ocrupantd lied on ahiitar Irrrhgemeol In iurpnco coverage to protect the trlctiwilthedeinyedterrtur rm dmhvmm mm Immimmy mmm mm 15 madam WM Tom we when ml Ipmrrterr building It the eorn city thertvrowretr while cit itiiI raircrrmrlirgs Iren oi open 111 crritrm deletied oriiiir to bow you rrrri ricryhotlr point 111 live 111111 stations roars irom 1111 timothy rtudyapioooaalniadeto itilr gpacetn ariviriunrtclty plun Burlington edged Kirkland hippri ol uhirb cuhie companies rur inrhrrlrntoliheOPPOtliitt itiliimtii mm tier George tiny said this am Late to Scott Ste blario do 11 Camp 111119111111 rinliy tarry iuiir ire Department and Dante nitht hi Crdliti limit is to be considered ior regional lcntcd Toronto Elnbiruht $351 Commim uan in the tzrhnnnci tilt iliF lniluwrd uh luot and liter LIMIT Nile timid Pit rlr iiso rIthcr than neigiihor ttrnmas dounrd Ottawa 51 and WNW mm my cry liigii lrrqurnryhaml shirt those stopped tun sun 01 11 Lines c031 111111111111111111 it No11111111ui=111101 truly ii vi ii 1111311111111111111511 111111211111111311 0r score mm 111i1triiiit 11 virilhu 11 1111 51 rumor 1111111 10 it 1111111111111 in tutti111111111111 11trtitiiiiiiitittis may 105 MW rklnnd orthlaen Ir uiirrou aw ouruins 000 mtisl re 10 rumours dementia roomy 11 11 uium ill lulu It 111111111 uiiiii1i1m1trti 11 horseshoe 1111 it 1111111111 To CI of Iai Will new my ll mumgmmlwwhv menlspln townhouses In no yllurlclllrirlnmfl bxbagmdli Press glory on 0101 ilamlltnns independent cannot be used tor In other troll irom the abandoned veL Id We LI 313 11 $100 cu lintidiitilidvieliintlThdiium approved Page incorrectly states thut station Ciltll Barrie and station brown0i 1151 11101 roi bidclf lo wheretpollro apprehend msm Am her 0i till Wild ii 519 Wm The district plan will be dir burrie lost to Sault Ste Iiarie CHEN ielerburouyli ihltltlt nro rcptinii means ass 11 no input in amalgam my Md 13ml i9 290 WWW euascd again at the next commlt in the aetond round lIIrrie uim CBC aillliutcs thC0 lltli twochannuls 111 hr inhie coin The our uras owned by ituticrt Win it Nd Aztarllkrl mum Eootiirilsilphiilazliiecnilmcnlm mectingtntwoerrts Ihutuontcst 1101 TVrhllllillt and than pamrs boy pl 11 111g11 at Barrie ea Mm mummy o1 education said ltlstlphlo the an imposition 101111 crurmi Hum one Societ Lost $9 600 Seeks Help 51 prior111 this 1111 gimmoyebrzlgdeuu 00 mT 1mm and lies ra Tounshi Th0 locsi board said it would AM 1N STAN Pl 11111 th 111 laid by tiny means not aaidoiie on to at this he said the hlll ncirr not it out he siiitiu mum mmmmnnlmknm lAlgliiro are invertigniim hii irlliniiliiill lolithlnglt NEnbhlg1IVilrhitlIolpb0id Istilt member 11111 Vultlitltlilly sotlttyl ls being ustcil to tired Ttiu Iirrlcty has operated tIio hm mild Mm my if andrun accident which man 11 mu mum 151 113 1013 gnyhldyg heId take11 01000 per yrIr cut with Increasing numbers oi tnb city shelter tor tivo ycnrs ands at A1 33 EWIM Minimniwmm 111 society genernd manager 11 you 1111 you run lye us the unlist iii the linanrlii oiliIitlull it rosin tor wiiiih It Is not has netlr beltire ester or gii day It 111030111 111111 11191 1111 111 my 11mm 1mm p111 11 ll rome Thch utthr nlail airtaiiy tidilt equipped llr said rabid normal rate inrrersc were here out ttlrhant iircsisla oi Barrio more that night ur the minimum wage 111 suit prrsrlrrt 1111111111111 1gcltiiaithmd o1 dmegsrpaeratton we to lost 1111 11m molluuekonreel 11 11111 14 in paces in re rrs nvn Ellhetrwheh it wns struck by Ioanndwrrg2l1mm dllnifhfh he prhhlgrxlisailirvtlhefruriarl Ilirhlhhr been eltuctlrciy closed by largo iitiU also fired the committee inrond vehicle which tild 11 Irrrvlcettwe can break even person oi tour lot deitrit areas and he laid unionized 11111 umhrhrs oiurihld 101mb teumgmgm may Be Shed For Guarantee mounts our PM 11 T1h1b11 chrmilm ll praihlllmirbrtllilhlm lor capitu roit ol commuting 1e mIoIIor colour or cgt Icii in rveri in The goinrrrmen as recog mid Hm 19 tothocommitteool erotietyl who patrol Barrie only drlv Lorri rnlorcement olilriri niren how action problem hfgluwg The city and or surround Whirl this may risnllroiuiruc Grey Conch Turn It on 111100 position and asted ior In th er and vehitlr Patrol CDIilto salaries rise to maximum it this is Were futhiot or 0001 paymm 01 mm by municipalitiesme ho Iit tion is delayed Avenue llrndti It iiii Yd rreatoiriiho per capltI ngII to wood Ind ilassga death but gelooo giter thrce years puisory vaccmaion unit ouarutir WW mum rdldllllgiiiluziggielx distrtzlggimiumuiglnmrim tired it Mimi or 01151301de mm iilruiiiiih ppm 11111 11111 to irrprrir our tineitiinubiirltimm in enntrlled htr llu raids errmien Iii 005 Hi wages in order in keep stall and iii tiresoui hastnvest atieaat 11111111 intuit 11111111111 nurriitorsion It 11 11111151 mm 111 mutter 11am denied it won Ion St iiii thrilliii ii ii ii Wm ll Md it last ear wouldhirdiy cover be year out lad 1001 it 1131 are 1er investment retiected In Wm llllllllinilolmg lhhcglrmllin Ehtdtiltltirl 111011qu1 0030 lib it mat ulnlhlsplnlhimt gimhliikirzllid tthno ngrecmerttnihrrl Hen me up up iruuriinr omrrdaslon re on mm mu mm Wm by mm mm 1W Yul ii rabies gets entrenched in The committee will routinne mum up omens triii nrremrn West to redouble thrlr eiiorta to reis awra 1111111111 trsc Iridiwo pin ha Inti lions it did not Iy unemploy meroonutordiipimuorecu mentto IrInieIiininciatar More 11111 or Grove street workers who mg gio re mmmmmmum Wm dmmwmdw mmmmmmm