Governor 01 AlWhite House noxcreaieriniiaaon woe trove the United states the term put at It going lrln the petroleum nItural pa and WM shipping to bloat grftmmbe Hudson Bay part Ihaped devise thIt ed rome concern among city police lion HIV in Canadian Forces ape ektatisia tar examination mitoses rundasky says Government iseIi poitdrs hm also been pcglmd ta rneevrare emplay IltenL Eovt Protests Timers tart 13 an mmmt Ipgidesit membertor Qurchiii Garden Beard have protested attrdcraITrlnvport hltalster Ia laudesaa decision to ill Mr Beard brought the mailer llrlll the legislature Monday brnbi be avid Industry ltiail Irw leonaidI Egan lhart rst IE1 it T3 iguana Astride the house Ilr Iirard baths port at Churchill hIs turd In past summers by tlvr trarisport department to points goods in northern Aretle rnvurnualties iHauniess Bomb iTlIAWA car torpedo has turned out to be the mists satireatr at Perth trident The device rim with rltle was tuned by police In the hack It truckparked Ia downlku Dtiawn it was quickly turned II was Identied as an air lorra tracer type nl tlIre used to illuminate bombing tIr gets It contained an explosive taiica inter traced the owner through the Licence piIIes an the tnsck The owner who wu riot IdenlLt said he purchased souvenir Ibout rlr months Important Task unoth cs rm prerir light at the Canadian liaautsc tuy Association said lionday the most shut task lacing Canada in min In to halt the Increase In the rhrn at na tional income takcn by govern ments Gerard liliori prrsidrnt at Alarloe Industries lid told lolut meeting at the CMA and thaCInodlan Club that during the last tIvI years tax revenues at the three levels at govern yncnl IncreasedbDperceut taster than the national econ poly lit is malar reason why the private wealthproducing sector tit todetal fisheries tuordbr to take part in Ilia Gull ct SI lawrence hunt PADBLE PLANS University oi Toronto student Peta Luier 11 plans 2200 mile paddle down the Yukon lltrer In kayak lla hopes to complete the trip to so days starting at the rivers heart waters In Canada and paddling to Its mouth an the northwest coast at Alaska CF Photo Seal Hunt Begins HALIFAX CPI Laud based huotcia on the litrngless Islands In the Gull at St Law rrnca have begun the 1m seat ing season They mallng to chop three tishlag bolts tooae trom harbor tea at CIpausltruies last week braved tricky rt rIg vayaga thrwgh narrow ca Irnoag Ihtlttag Ice lines to reach real concentrations and headed bIck tor their home its tioaday loaded to cspao ty with 3500 pelts their best alrrled six men lndtvtduei hunters and their boats must have licences issued Iervlca No boat mars than as icrt long Lt It iawrd to tIke pan this yeIrv To Fly Home TORONTO tCPi About to persons ItsIndod In England by the cancellation oi charter night Saturday will be own home and their accommodation it required will be said tor until nights are suitable travel agency sold Monday Bob Glenn In otiiciat at the Town Travel agency which booked the TLMII said the Night had been cancelled alter British otrieiaia alleged In Intrnctian at British charter regulatlaua The tliit by taker Airways IBritish Iiriri had been asked alert to arrle tn Niagara IIlir NY Saturday Poreign Capital OTTAWA CII Investment in Canad ltan last year this iIrgcst tigu ever recorded ties probout mg opposing Labrador West lttiiIIm Amcii cociialrmsn mining industries Election Scuttle WABUSII Ntld Oi Scul that party soppmns It the Mouth airport Ataridsy but there were no tnlurica and no arrestI Onasemtiva supporters were on hand to set thI arrival at rum ill John Oos bte Ind Ambrose Paddle Pto gyentve aroserIItIie member at Parliament tor Grand Falls White Baytabrador Also on hand were supporters at Toni Burgess liberal member In IhI Newtmusdlrad legislature tor PM Plans Visit OTTAWA Oil Prime little later Trudeau will visit Nitric ester Toronto and llamiiton ItiursdIy III Friday In another at his Ltlfllillyriqlitl sor ties out at Ottawa to meet citi sen groups and liberal party workers In Kitchener late Thursday aiternooa he vtil have ques tIonandInswer session with students at Eastwood Collegiate Ind Iltcrai reception with local Liberals That evening he has another with cltlsens at Stephen Lea Ihe grounded PsnsntInIIn trrightrr lIirnI hIs spilled some 11500 gallons so heavy bunker all since wrist aground cock ColicglIle in Toronto mltuitlal in Sotciiiicn touts or te ntarto Tabless PAOAeSt New Democratic Party espcets carcial Ind persuasive es PETEREONOUG cm pianatlnn tram Prrmlcr William llore thin so demonstrators Dam my 53 WNW marched Iilrntly in trout oi the WWW my Mmi Midi Mm sources development on their ii 09W in Wm use ot goremmrnt IlrrrIti tor ploymeat insurance bcurtits mm mhu WAN Pimdimi trcmirr Davis and his tiniiiiy marchcrs paraded tor Ibaul to new mom 1pm Mn inuiav WWW mm Otter aircratt at the lands and mm Ummpiiimm torcsta dcpartmcnt to Stone auraaca Commission otltce in yarnp19 my pm two and time to trek advice dim ht LIwrcncs was spotted in mm mm id Ilsvbna by rcporicr tor the employed Organisation which no mm planned the demonstration sItd mghnwpmmom hm iiPiiu on ohemsn trade mission to quila IIIIItied alter their In em mm ltr Lawrence made the trip with his tarniiy aboard tends Ind tarcsts ltlngalr turboprop Prisoner Captured hiONTlttJAL tCl Pierre 15year sentence tar arm to Sudbury Ont Qucbec Provincial Police III cert Appeal Reiected TORONTO tCt The it Monday an appeal by tints ll trai 27 coal rtcd Jan at Inuittng Prcmler Aicxci Ito Ited OIthI Oct him Pull corms is who escam shortly IIter he tried Jail last January white aervln robbery was Imated llonday Cayette an Quebecs lornost wanted list was captured In motel an the ouLsktrta at sud bury by combined sound at QPI OPP and Sudbury oIII taria Court at Appeal dismissed gin when the Sovicl IcIdcr Is IIvaaIeIter aircrItI The ttecard reporter said that lttr Lawrence tctten akindw near lIIvana not matters relating to Iicid what value thrro would be In hours on trade talks butore weekend at Iklrtdivmg cycn llr lawrcnce lcltlrucs with lag expedition to beach resort lkada and industry ltiuistcr John White airtd hir museum was not an trade mission per se but will be discussing ad in In cn mm cum Khis government introduced this win autographed picture at Castro POSTS OIL SPILL THREAT In heavy tog Tltciny map Ina biologist me bunker oil up to two tch deep covers the beach In one area near the Lewis Expects Answer On Use Of Govlt Planes metal and pcrsuustta uplands lieu when they gct back spokesman lot the pie rnlcra oiuco said his DIvlss ight was spicy tor vacation pu or lIe was out skiing urrdtty lSuudIyt bad back and III llr Darts was accompanied by his uitc and the children and bodyguard on their wacklung tsp ltr thyreacc took along his wile their two children Deputy Alinistcr Keith Reynolds lira Reynolds and one child Government oIiicIIls declined Govt Preparing OTTAWA CPI htIupawrr htiutsiet hiarttn OConnell told the Commons Monday that the govemmtut ts preparng more programs to promote employ meat Respoudn to question Iroin Opposition adcr Robert 5th Iieidl ltr OConnell said he had in mind programs Iiruliar to the special employment prulccta the ter and tho Opportunities tor ltr tawts said he waudrrsd Youth program Govcrnnicnt spokesman have hinted In recent months that the it govcrnmcnt will probably intro door an opportunities tor the aged proicct bctore the stat ci undar his arm Im sure we will ltillL There was not allow at toreifu smut an us try totalling more than I900 mils Statistics Canada reports that ltalrai conducting his own Input said he accepted the OllCHtlDtllll acntenca which he has already served but oblctlcd to the terms at probation im pared by lrovinclsl Judge Iaomrs swabcy the probation prohibits him tram participating in any string onstraiton tor two years and tnrbids him In Iesvr Iiironta without nolityhig his probation IC chariot do an even better lob than it is doing at creating new iii Special Easter Classltlcd Page in remcmb published In Tire Esamlncr on Sat usrlay April 1st Suitable our Ciassttierl Department will help you with the wording tor your Iris bute COPY DEADLINE was Come in or phone 72824i4 about 65 par cent at the Inow atria Examiner olticer rance oi loved ones will be verses may be submitted or MARCH 29 aiupllmrnla at BUTLER ELECTR lthIalaa Iutlt tluilr action It sptnl till million on last IC rum aanrus Bayiieitl st For Employment OConnell ammonium TtMltl grounde vessel The ship Is now surrounded rinsile boom to contain at lhotol armament an the estimated costs oi the two trips Vernon Sta er deputy Liberal leldcr desc bed the tire tripe as ridiculous and shocktny 0t ltr lawrrnce ha sad thought Bert was he smarter than this and Im shocked be IniIdIrke advantage oi his position to tireload tImlly along An shield at the urban coa sulate in Tbranto continued that his government had Invited ltr tawrence to visit Ma and that talks with Otban government leaders were scheduled Programs summers outii rolect grants and ennuikad CTN million the local initiatives grants this wiri Ier Outside these grants available and win to individuals groups in WM WWW tcr works pro ams also eluded llw mil on tor the pros inch tor quick capital starts protects and sso millan In In siustsy tor training on the lob protects WALL CREATURES Liovrr mm are smaller than pinhead and appear as low brown or red specks moving about either in or outside th house erpeclrtily on Aitslrs ttLuLsIcr Robert the win The mag bore Ill notation do not remove trons table On another title behind the cat was hernia tab which had been aeissd In he run prairie Some tlsturu to thc makesbin tab resembled tbtle Cars To Manufac OTTAWA lCPt Cotssurrter Andras said llonda tsderII reguistioos In enact Jan requka LhII ail caretiriported and Ca diametride the yen and month or mIIiutIcture on pride fastened to the car ita raidlthat In this way pur rhIsets will know whether they are buying brand new cm or one that he been IitlLllg In Lot tor some truths ltr Andras wIs replying to questions inside and outside the Commons to the ettect that some Imported cIrs the been sold under updated or rnlsrea gisterad dates as to the year at their mauotscture While ltr Andras was In rwerlng questions inside the knits Block IrriIII band at pickets tram the Automobile Protretiva Assncletloa was pa trotitag outside demanding meeting with lkausport Hints ter Don larriteson an the mat ter Carolus Assassins Being Taken For it Minister at Ikarupvrt Slo Import Car Rack ey raid the would be beck every day an th had mating withllr la eson In answering his round at to the new datin regniIttous his depertmrut ts recommend tirmer control over datl ere distributors cars iii dowslli Heres what your susrsn ssAl dollars can do questions ltr Andras retcrred tag that Wlt Iederat and pm vinctel authorities esarcln prac tires used by some manutactia Provincitl governments have authority over registration or the lederet consurriera ItIIirs department will investigate cascs oi misiesdtng Idvrr rig In the yeardailng oi im ported automobiles and talorm at aim redanal centres mated tscrrryautatlentnrauin when and uattirkers en the streets Nixon who New thadusv oaItrIte his support or new prom tnidthe ottiellls that they must be no the looked tar sou dnip such Ill roari hsaria II well as herein lie raid he knew that some authorities believed that the sale and use at Will Itmld be legatirrd but ha ra mined opposed to it Require lure Date the transport department at any cases at lamoertag with the newtyeegutroddate pistes on cars CBC Oiiiciais To Hold Talks OTTAWA tth Top CBC and National Association at Broadcast Employees and Tech uldrns atticlas were to meet here torts to seek an end to so tatlng at its thIt hIre scram bled programming on the cam astianst television and Mia networks since III The coniltcl over more money and shorter work week eoull mushrormlnta tuiiscaie national ItritI II no headway is made at the meet NAtlEt chel negotiator Robert Bernhard lhe NABEI negotiating com mluee romldcrcd national strike by both radio and televis Ilon technicians at Inspecist meeting lrtrin but has not In nouaccd any decision artwork technicians tor the aetionII radio nctwork watkcd all their lobe across Canada so suiting in burl news reports and envy relishes on tapod music to replace radio shows nonnain done iivc Announcers In Tomato along with to members at the Cars dtan ttrtre Service Guild oha write and edit news still an oil the labs because they rctuse work when management is dotnplobs normally done by the Itrtls gtacbaiclans Many children have been crippled aibitlil or by accident and have been denied many at the things we take for granted But their Ia hops through modern medical care and scientific treatment uttered by the Ontario Society For Crippled Children But long periods of specialised treatment can be easily and help Is needed Wouldnt you like to help child get started an the road to better tutura You can by contributing to the Easter Sool Campaign in Barrie Please give today See what your dollars can do PLEASE GIVE GENEROIISLY MAII YOUR CHEQUE TODAY TO BARRIE KIWANIS CLUB no SINCERE THANK YOU TO THESE ClViCMINDED FIRMS FOR HARPER TIRE SALES ir SERVIC For deal thltl IhIrp ses tlIrper ll llradtord bi ltlllttl BOX 70 BARRIE STEPHENS were it It Dunlap East FOR MEN BOYS Tit2360 AKING THIS MESSAGE POSSIBLE WOOLWORTH DEPARTMENT STORE In tho heart at downtown Barrie Technicians Lu Ottawa with CBC presi Nent Cease Davidson and