cournllglnnnmon mtIIIrzeIJoe Ihether ID denludltheltoleeta Ind lltl Innan MINER 1113B noun non II to noon nrnrrn Grits OverchiIIed Wonders Why CKMHNDN cementInnth STAYJSAU curringi II NEE ENTER GALE MI MAIA ILut dester Neither ride NIthIe norm kt mono the pier lIloeelel Ilm Deer De Thetaz hm nobtern ol lurio to nor more ieheHhAIIIeetlneedIut et rhllird Ind MAL Im Ind amide thrr Io it In Iathrr turnerenieht The doctor er Lu thll It II tram not being to mete use at the none at but he dount rum to think there Lt mythlnr he m1 do Ihout It Ire hod ttrrle Ind It seems to be letting Ihrsr ten anything be doner ltI mebtoisnlhnrlet our en my rI rumnuur lulled mm the load Ie rlt hot thIt my not be the entire mm In your core ItlrL layer at tel Itte Ir Insulation Tor the body lrlIIrn in heIL Womrn have me oI thtl Iurtoee tnl thln mt men ml thIt t1 uhy they em Iesr thin lode Ind Illmpy clothes the Wu mete mall turn htue 50 you Ire teen ndllnr some weight our help Another enrnrnnn yum ot trehnr told Ls herdtntn er the melee RIIIIIIM elrcuIIlIm toesihly you more oI this trouble than LI no tor our II In till ownedan lobleno Iqu the ermll blood tey tell end you rt Iron heat It the nurture ol the body Idlsltihrt Irtend or mine war rhrlo rnIolrr ruld else In Itld huntrr When he Ient huntlor In tall or winter he cut Allen Ill rrrwttnr drnotlcnllrr tlhIl oodvlor him In more Ile tth one But he did It hreIuto hi1 Ierl Ind hotly rtnyed notltehhly numrr It you rrmlre thrrer tIIuthe tlp lor you Finnliy low Itlnrtionln ol the lh rold esn metro oerron Irr toIersnl ot enld no metho llrnt tell mturt lndlrnle need Ior thyroid medieetlnn IlrIr noetorr hhyln hrll duel you eerne ItrIInht out sold odvise rm to teen their lnn plu IhIledI Your return todI tell In Inqurer torerumnhlr wont to teen them Ithed Ind united with emer mp llut moot women too thIt mm II it men who need the Idtm Incl Until my luddtnr nlxht LI yeerr no hnd lento undermn odor Orrr my one lent my brtde Iherod them rleaa Ind IlI keep them thIl II ho odotl Just use zemmon hallo rode lllrr shower Ind thorth motor every moro lru Ihzve them tvlee leek usually 0ur three mt hm done the lone since yubuty Pier heto elirrIeIle nndeb lrm odor linen thennrxt ol Ieoders the male InlrrIIII Ty vaeotuel pretty med tot Inrne reesoe It letter come trom In tnoutrer tprmmehty entrant ohy should tell her thnt men ourht to them lionmrr to Itrnlrhten out the record hole on multioie on lions rurrreted lhIt nun IhIIe Irmoite II they have In odor problem Alter Ill thrrre no nut dillerenre whether the ornhlrm Lt lint ol untrue or men the tmwerl the me One more oolnl Omeka Ill 0I II rrnnIrIdIl solo to otten my helotul but It they be trrItetInr It used every day no IIllil IrIIr WT UP BIttllIhGlthll ICPI One temtty In the Midland her ohu Ihtn new IonI ot hrehd wIs opened It the hrenklost table Iliad nrnure urn Ionnd lmldeIJho ereuturo hId vene trIted hetery Me the ore tloue nlnht uttI Illpptd Into tho truth It must hIle been holed rtleed Ind moped In kill all It Marina The eotnnny won lintd 20 TELEVISION PROGRAMS numno nnnnrr nurrnuo rooonro mm TORONTO ll HAMILTON lr rnrnnnnnonon MOIININO VIEWING AIITNDAN 10 FRtDAT ml Home Hodr LN Mlth rm Ivntlmlly or IN All IlOICA ival loeIIIIhII tuente our III AIIIIM lltl Tug ronmln Gourmet III III Hm rm wmn WINI not LJIEI LIIIIM Harlow tlll Allen the WNWtr no IXIIII II IMII omm wehIrsItnn lnm em IIFIIIMII Itmlo Inbor aunt hanI llttlI tIhes Helen the Halo or AMT cs wksum Ilrbel nms III emu In In Home My mu lltnllmoo let thw HI Tllwtlrhwt Iom mrloel TUESDAY MARCH 21 EVENING III TDltk VIA Em MllDtul In TMtll Dwain PM Klim WIHWMII AMIIII Olmlrt Home ow llIllltf l7lt drum or MIMI 41 III Him quIr mm seem ellW smut IWI IMY TM $6M IIUII Mill Deal IllNewt weIIha twlI Hum Anntutel Minn AUII ADlelt vrn Dytl MotHm wuer room Il4ltl IN ITItorudl tenet CIMI II errIn ol Jtlnnte btttm Ito loll The truth mm evolve ttllerre Irrtnn TI lMIII Vitletlli eIrurn or com WWII tIrurn For the In IMoe toned 4L Mel II MITMlle Tyler Moore lown Imnutt JtlICltrl IMnell IMovte MI lNMIII won 10 twnte III IJlrm Germ HITTUti oIrn men MITImliee thmn lMvm welohrr Murmm IIDlll Flnll III llmmr VIII TM lOIu tmtl III uroretttt MIMI warm loom Ilm AVllerwlnl III HIMM trrwt ertm WIIIMII spam INWW IIIIM In so ttPlem lorton Ime tlMerle the Mullen II II It Immu molt troll news WoIlI MD rtm Htmtl Hm Atliltt lvlll trrel Hem IM tum rInavto IDImtIl ItoIel cswll lilo rIntomrstlnn Tu bMovlt The Lotl WWII WEDNESDAY MARCH 11 AFTERNOON IMO lmern II qum $th function om 4de Mn Ioont rum ttIewllem urlo Itrerrn Item Ill lII NM III TMo WMI 94 WII 3H Itllnn oSemh For tomorrow ItnIIt seem rFllnlttom llI Drum JIINIII tlIeeltrreo Hill Ith the Itork World Illle It lltFemenI Jury 1min me Illevte tr 1qu mtu onI Home luAII My tlMovte oAI MIIIIII lIe lame wIIh Lelr Niall IMHO TN Indies tltr letter tnIrt ttm Abomlnnole war rnln the Nlmlllyll It 0A Mitch he Wovld in tune LvGIIIwIA Waret Ilsrn MI loerl ot our tlvet More II My solemn Intro to Lhvl onnnro Iletme eme TINIIM II the Glm Home Molding HIM lMrhtrty Toronto rtmo 1wnrt1 Mr tine rwurr the noon VIII tlMelle ntlonhen Ni renew Item rArolm World DTlte ecleml ttornl romul hmml rouse CMMIA HI NEW mm 4ummI Vern WWII VW III co ttTrvth et toelleumu out llomml utrmntr owl eVltalnle Grown lFlmllv Alter ttpsw o4 rInanIrIn WEDNESDAY NIAIICII EVENING tIM lubitl VIII thr MITOM Nolan tummlr lMIII ueootrl rDl KIIoIII II Iltn VIIIII otwrn or Cnmoorneu tva OritIIn Mme 0n Ilwilmd IlI Drum rt lunttle IM Him WtIIhIl hlrlv lquh tlrtlrrn Molt ler 1461 IT wrrntr Llnd 44ml IIIIIuIt IComrdr Hour IPro Mallet PIwll em 71 Hull 311LllNllrl WIIlMtI lWl PHI WIIIllIn Seotlr It In kVIswwlnl mu rIehnnr Irm FDIIK emu HIM TMvtle mm for M1 IIMIHI Home lube HI III II VAX OAQ AKIN T51 51 A010 AM VI VJ one mom our our ruurn Ala VQHOTN MI The hlddlnr Dot South Next North Im lJbII Im oneninr lendvleren or load The rule ot Ullt tonnulsb ei hy Foster in ID but In the thy nl Ihlrl to tre mendous boon to the deteole lt morally enables the ICIN drrt to determlne deelerrre hold In In hey lull Ind thin In turn my ad to drIeIt II tore tract thIt mlzht otherwleo be nude IIrre Ls drImalic exsrnpto ot the Rule 01 Elem tn Iettoll It mean In Dorothy IIlldtI Better Play llettrr ltrrlleIdItho oeten ol spades dechrrr lollolln low from hurt my Eustr ohy It this point WILL ISIT IIAITI SANTO DOMINGO lItlIIlrr ImIdrnt Joaquin hollruor ot the DomInIeIn Iteoubltc hes erupted In lnvltstion to tslt neighborlhn IlsIII htt ores see relery mounted Saturday tte lItIonr between the two clun tries uhleh rhare the Cnrtl been lurur Inland ol IlirnnnIeII ItIitil lranoolr Itapn Dec mlnllerI But there have been motes towards reconellletlnn IInte he died not rro N0 ILtCE TO TALK BANGKOK tAll ttty munellmen Implant the city Its mess to trulllc lurru by lrtttnr ehrs drive on the ride wetlsI hut the council did not slept hie recommendltlun CIIINA TESTS Bohtll WASHINGTON IIIttIILYI hine all oil nuclear pro sion In the atmosphere Satuldey of MWCUI to and zoo kllotolts the mottolent Ir hotnren noon Ind MIN torts oI TNTthe Allt 20m voltI JStrke Irrurtly Drone lUhtll llllrlnlurnl DIrt Albert lTlrhlt lorone pl 12ther wrlrht Elenl IAeontedie Inn Drrt lthurnrnll lloun lllluulhot III evoIcIno 100oenlnn ll VItrh nlrht In pm tor IetorI 11 ChIrIotle ll Prevlro tor mm Vlrrln Intends One ol lounteln Ihl dec treIt 2IAlIrrrl hell ole Iorl Ill Perlerlly mounting Ishort M105 Ni eontenu It stntnnem God III lrIIm mm Al Brewero need tttvo My reel lebl 35 Pelrllled IT Choir future the IIITI 39 Abound tl Elli emperor lltltllN Iilyhlli Ilttlhl Bid him on lead to to Ioduee de wonrn NEWS IN tanner deteriorated during the rule ot ck In ml lhrourh trattle ornlr Knotty Cemrniulon en Ie MannaLt IrIr humm Incldtntllile thtnhelpti the scale horkbelngdonollyncoIIIputer mom DAILY CNOSSWOIID Drtltrl CltYlTOtltiOllIlleren how to work It It mooInd hm IL II moot nine mid do Ix IIH on Euto lento LI xhlrtement to Weed to South rule the eontnd IIIIIX lIorooduIndIrtoh Deellol er neser Inna diennond lxtt mm he ermineIi ditch one on dnnmul rhzhe IIler thereo lru mint VutI queen No let go beet to Enle play It tlld one Ind hIre him not the Rule at time he min to the Rule lemme thIt Ietrn ts hesle ten best ryede bot knoIIthet there In tour road hither thou the men In the North ILISt Ind South hmle Ito net the number tour by Iubtrnetlo the end ted trom the rank number lIlterL smeI he see the AIl In hi on head Ind the Ito tn dent my bet tum that South can not hers rnede higher then the men Iio thmlom olm the deuce Alter Ilnninr the trick with the men Went does not hm to be min under to mule that EnrtI purpose In tulip mood IIlIIl throurlr the AI Aw eordlnrly West lrIdI dlnrnwl It trkt tIu Iod South must no down one DONALD DUCK nounan here the tear use Itnrrd It the top hor nurIeIr protlnr xrounds In the Sinhinn nroslnee nl northern Chino the tommllrloh Inld FASTER TIIAN CAIIS IDNDON lAPl The metro polttun ureter bonrdn InnoIl re port wmmcnded new It rnaintenunre men nho use New lame on emergency cnIIs TOUPEE HltlUlILlI BELFAST ICII lhe IrInIl lIldInIt Times reports hairI relrirrr Incident that hnpvrnrdl III puh hraul One tlxhlrr on token to husvltsl nilh head hound hut duelan didnt realize tho menwas wearing toupee the ole wns duly rtItrhed to his min Itter the wound on treated Utor the Irbhrnan undrmnl Ihort no erntion to loosen hII tlupce hllNl ttDtlL There uero til bottling lIuos tn llnnllhhn In midml NUSBIN lTIIINI llIIrtoI theChIlr Intnl nllno tolleetlon Wellem etInet zlrlrrepl rtoteI entrmlnr 20root aloud mdln rnurnre dlreltlon Wise ZIIIIro 3181th nhtlnII Ibum rlver ILlllhumor 21thn lHnlhe smote dlrllnre chIrIctrr SLIIIIr isulx Itylo tor ll tonrtnnt elllrnnr tloolrr until ll 10 evil BUZZ SAWYER JULIEF JONES SECRET AGENT It Newmermn me new extremal II Lorrmnwt mnrmn MIMM worm mum DOC IV Mom In nor ll Mel7 IUI YAt mum snot WHITE strum mm magnum rrIne hmwr lute ANNNJ 15732 mmenk DONT WANTID lrsnzlrIIcwr IIan we umo wish Mme Arm ionosrm orer new Ms KI WHAT RELIEF ID HAVE PAID OFF THOSE TWENTY MONTHLY INSTALLdam ON TMT DARN FRIGERATOR I0 ilIIanIIL or IrtcArr IHRI cv sane RWLQNT TDAGnthQIgtYEXD tome Luwwtev mhwn we 959nm TO HAVE HANDLED THAT ALL DONT WE CEETA NEW STOVE Elitlola LII56 nl mm mm me no WAITING OIISrl WERE OUTSIDE CAYCHING THE APPLY SHOW ATTHE DRIVEINI Soil ND IltlTUKUF SNOIILV II FtLlll AND TEACHING THIS YOUNG GENUI ATION TO WALK WAS WA5TE OITIMEI Am vounimwu mu ltrwtiMOtllY Ironsut Itch lIIIN route IN 1m AMlusE rm NILE mt cnm nation wewtutwrm We DIED SURE PIS EONIIIIIIII IIJE IJ WNW II IAu VIE M5 III SOLITARY TOGETIIKK II LONCHUILOW tlne letter olrnnly ltIndI or another In thin remote used tor the three IIIIX tor the two or etc hlnzle Irtlern Inorttotlhtl the tenth Ind lorrnntlun at the worth Ire III lltnls nch lily the node lrtlrrI Ire Itlllerrnl RYIIUIILUIKS TQYBINQJIIV ll TIYIIIIIIAJIIII IIAIT NXIIJIIIHIIIEWD UtlltWitllT PTtI IIILJIIJUJWIIII IIY lltlll IQIITJII ltlSthIIltlJtll LV lJUllt hnnnrnznInnnnnnh TNUFGIONGE DANA IIUAIIIIIIAN II loorll ttrum Mon Illll trthe III lil Ill HIII Inemnohho Rrth rtIIo Hunt tIIto IMWII Omen We rMnIIo lRtttVlem FIX nvnItnhth twirl tmII SINCE WHEN DID YOU START SIIUXI IIIIII FIXINTOIVIIII No tomes Illon lmut Dunn AIIIII IIlItrMIlIA on lzlr Mint ol Fume ItlhItyul ll HM Al The Ten Isms It Ihl tewvt ol Tom Im new Irrert Atlt onlr vrn om Ill Nhr Nun HIM Welther swln ruty Gm IIMuwI wetuv Mt II are In ol JIInnII wt WORKIN DANCE WER IN IWIN FORKJ TONIGHT Illnva ran remn ME nonnv VORE WIISII WASHIN nonnnMILsmlrILL CLONES HAVE IT nntk rusrrnwo GLUE INTIIMORNIN Introeml IIII JbIISollrwllill lthet NV DI The World III ItrInIrI nnltm eIttnnntn EA NEY GOOGLE me lwhr Thin mu 4ch Nelle trrtr trenvao rml tlrrytwer II