Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1972, p. 1

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mutate TILIPNONIS tireaittiol man mut on one broatw We lotus YPP Barrie Ontario area Tuesday March at ten Allen Occupation OiiU Of Office NEON CF University at am Inseam tickedin the iotootrhleb dottblc doors at roentnittca it will reams to Idmhslstrallair tlhemunimsitym mm the senate lot decision as ottoman mrdthntwe hours Ihsn ieit ordetly untme sparestnan said acetate all only damIrI was to the damsmrammucf It Ill ihethird escapades oi bail simcoeiiaillnlldsytoeerthe Dr beard bected by other taIant members at the unitarsl smellyI research library that ministration ended last weeks still betas built they were occupation by prunlslnnt elected by police the that time the senate to iibersiise rules are Abwt sausade early today public and undergraduate nu at marched on the iodide and theJolsnPtl torred their way in smashinn bury which will open in about the locta is the process sites year brsry Irena problem but noneepilei murder at clean lat woman in connection with an explosion in the citys west end Saturday entlpht inht out at Dorsal airport in Montreal Stand and min Brusselis Rallies Webb said the LJBritiSh Budget limitations groans Economy 30am tcel Prime hlin annual lax enacts Barber laid later Edsrerd tleItha Ostirrrrs Its liilll aim was to help iris government enriotractd lirl ta ustry to modernise today Iwceplaa measures to reeqtdpsrsdrcorysolulo meet here British Industry rear tor the challenge at greater laterna tnltylr competition within th tloaai com ltionwlsen Brit towels Gammon hiarbrt Ind Ila toina Common llertet tDlIsb unemployment den Anthart Barber chancellor oi lie said lee intended to tom lit exr cotter also told the national output It needs end Nurse oi mentions olden pen services up lrom its present Mr torts will he raised by title per per cent rate at small increase that to live per cent by the end at late iunds he said will be this year Elude Ivsllabie inr pro is do Barber predicted the rate oi ediohrlan down Icoun increase in output world record hlnb unelnpioy mount to ill per cent over the year period tram midalvil latroduclny the governments tomidlvm When they IrI Ipprrltcoded we will rtIrt estradktlari pro cecdiacs tmmedlstiy said the inspector Police said the two men caught Salient Drlrlan World Airlan illpht out at Darrel Sunday rial irarraals lor the two men have been issued They are ehnr ed stlh the noncrpltal mu er oi hiss SlslIno Simone ts tier body was recovered mm piles oi brick end plaster that rcmalacd Iitrr hurt sncy real etisle eiiice end train supermarket were de molish by hint that titli tcred windows alert the block blrs Sttnonee you intend Sunday and second body thst at Peter hioxctta at Toronto was tested blond Police said Tax Cut Passage Pipeline Question lieaches Desk 0i Interior Secretary WASlthtlmtt it ttie tlum at seven companies to tohtroverslal nticattonol how to build mmlle paradise tram brlnyAlastIshuyeniltetenss AlastIe North Slope to the to thirst markets in the main southern Alastair pm or Vale den at cast at some tad bit titled tirhsdltltblirrmnalde amassedminiseries SccreteE Bo GD Norton tetra by inter tn the lth lies on deay at Watmait valum as reportth lltl bloadays reportnine vol rnmpsrstlvely cood merit to SPRING Whit CHILD Althounlr therewes roarstea at snow in Barrie the use hire enact Johnston ionisill this year II to the tint day dered yesterdsy mmunbsnw streot imminep photo by at rtnnNetInieJohltstnnJ entitled greenhouse Nelsnle Peter Noxthootit auto teapot about mounds lathe daadttcr oi Nr sad ames interior virtually every possible CInsdlIn pipeline aspect at the proposalis litei loner OliAWA CPt the tavern Irlolits lattst tax cuts died closer to Commons pasrm tianioy th apposition ill described them as strictly salad dildo tempcrr mmmperildnhnnl theolIa tcnipht ea pm In Not More Then to For Copy id Page it appeared the mans processes nrhe buiidlan les tlnauther intp Jerk it Webster oi the police homicide antssd said tear lee bomoclde soiled said tour men were obacrved in the Il rlnity oi the travel screwy end supenttarket betas the blast but only two men later were seen tpcodla away in blue car lie said police have had in ouirles train the tarnlllrs or one at the tour mean say he has been Iltlnlltl since the time at the exploded police used has been posted It till hospital bed at another mIn Patio Franht Qiursnta it who Ila duy out at the debris minutes Iiier the explosion lie was buried up to his neck Ind tailored two bro up ten Irrra end brotrn lea lasp Webb said ilr Qusssnla eras under heavy sedation be lice other was standing to take any states he mnht mats when oiilrinis allow him to talk lie said that the two late with by police are believed to hate ielt Toronto Dcputy cant lrnrnonds said everythtnx Indicates it was glasaltne that ceased the explo On lie said iteration Isoilne Lena inland near the as site may have been tired the arsonlals Gasoline Is one oi the but explosirex you can yet he sold ttncs the dime or built one last has to Itrihe mulch and Iwa it rots it you ltrht clysrritd youve had it pruvltilrll the tunes hen built Insp Webster said the use this used by the Irsonlsta Ia ploded prtmolureiy Threat Oi Strike Gains Momentum QUEtlEc cm threat at general strike Friday by sloooo arches bile service employees has clcd up new medium iallowian rejection by rorlncltl sacrament nef rs It tiniest deansad or wane minimum at him went tar overnrneat sputum alter Incllies round at connect talk with thmytsr contract said loaday million in the next year Earlier government reports said such mm wotetd cost Quebec trililton yrnr lie said the Iarernments all atta IryscalewIsenIparwl tbsslsec similarlnevrlewu that III otter maintain its tnl usually in oi as pet cent intentions in th trout said Iller the palatal session that strike would no sh route No matter how Norton de dch decision wont come until hiay or laterha laces coattatdnr chellen in the mists from concerts on now who already have delayed pipe line coaattttclIon tar two years Norton sireIdy has reich the coaservsllonlsts demands lot Iwhell new round at public heatinns lie Ilsa has indicated he will approve propoin by consor Newloundland Campaign Trail Sees Leaders In Rural lireas ed taekar On numerous to prottds ammunition tar bo supporters Ind opponents oi the Alaska pipeline in partkmlsr those who here supported tramCanadian route lhrouzh the hinckcnrln Valley to the lib llidwest hrs likely now to renew their el poiota the report blind Canadian route stand posI less at threat to the enekoament than IransA laslIn pipeline or would he oth erelsn more sdvsntercous annitsr or itiore bembraxt end the killing at young lirlliah soldier added to the shock waves tram one or Norlhmt lreiIndt worstever terrorist bomb blasts giving tarther uraency today to the po litical ialtlstlve ior peace await tan unveiitnn by the British pow eminent The nearest street explosion in Deltsst ltouday which struck crowded she plnl area tilled elx persons In wounded tie in clud women and this it was tattooed by wpraincsirom As it to punctuate the tires IIne ol the nooatirae Doaenel Street binst trons iuu potasds oi reignite hidden in parked truck one ot the worst terror blasts sineo violence began in August isle aaotheroxoweriul bomb exploded early Iy in town near llellasti An estimated to pounds II iipnlte planted in can biasied street in Daehrldpc County Down lust alter midnight Sev eral persons includinn police olileer were cut by Dylan class drapery store wu erect and mother to shops dImIncd No warning was plrerwalike the ntistesdlnn phone calls pieced bolero Doaegal street was reduced to bultlerroaad otrubble alas no blood Muskie Battles In electiontime stretcher un isir to those on lower incomes and laclicctlta in creation loos Announced In budget state moat last Oct it the reductions amount to three per cent at tax payable lor individuals and retro per rent at ten payable cd ior corporations lisey applied tor the last six months at 1971 rated the latest bill would apply them until the end at me in line with the October announce merit hiarncl LI tot bnri PCEd monton Vtretl hia partys linen elll critic and battery at New Democrat spellers delivered most at the criticism or the measure laltdltclt ND motion seek ll liill wildlntht wonderland Summons plonnctL WAN GIVEN Premier Nobcrt mass hes warned that the government wtil take all accessory etc in the lace oi any enerel ate protect the pop allots lhe othrr two union maps in the common trout are the Quebec Federation oi Labor and the Quebec Teachers Corp Only permanent churn at heart might Isrrt mess wall out hir Pepinaald Iddtnt titlt he told veramcstt ne Ilor Roeb an ac to ootily It once it Quebec had ten tian oi modltyins its pee tion it was on this note that the iourth day at negotiations ended Monday the CNTU president statesmen that path to India the Irish tutmolt must he limit it we tell llama Alisha hilalsler llcnlasld hlsudllrll told hushed ltairse oi Commons war sends SIIW said votes The Conservatives won Grand Falls by are votes the thsnservetltea took 21 at the t1 legislature seats in Oclo with the liberals under his to delay the bill was voted ilhiihmi mill the New Democrats whlllhotaa errvntivoe salad with the Lib ST JOHNS itlld CPI Proyrcstlvs CansertItle Prr rtscr iriik hires rsd lhexeeaitel mler Frank hioorci Ind Liberal Opposition leader Edward Nob ber Party Rivals ens will sweep through rurel Newloundiand today Is the eunpslnn for Fridays prov cial election rathcre momen turn The two meior part leaders ten in camps areas xletters their pnrtlcsnetlllered on tests in the Oct to election hlr itioorcs in lin do ye Ind bir iioberts in Grand Falls The liberals who lost the On lobar election by the narrowest attention was the Day Verde seal that tlrnl by st in rooms lioorcs yIt Newleuadiand lotus his latte Dorothy in lift may lit liovaer resignations and rde importance to Joey Smallwood winalnn to and Now mm My to will hate created In area at desolation where violence Ital murder and inhumanity border in on bestiath will breed and take over Partner prime minister lien old Wilson who returned last week lrotn trials Dublin and tails with it ltepuhiicsn Army members saw the blood where the mutation was close my mm mouth October For instance both llr upped mom lir lioorea and sir llebcrts ummpepynpsyonpoy deicctlons brousllt party stand inns in the le sieture to to PCI and to libero by the time the house was dissolved tor thiseb cotton the two leaders Ittaelt much those ridin glen to be in thinlyimpulatcd was 1mm llarbe South later week CHICAGO tAPt Senator Edmund blushleoi iinlno bat tles two Democratic rivals dual llilaais Prestdeutle minty contests today seeking boos tor his shaken ttnlte liouss campaign in the months leadinn to the nomination coo yrntion In July lao rttlliian Illinois voters were expected to cast ballots well over ball oi them in the Democratic primary lawyers Group Charges llbuse 0i legal liid TORONTO CF People who can Iiiord to pay their own ienal toes are pettiunlieaai ehi ecrtllicates the executive ol the ionmeoiber Crtminei Lawyers Association president lturh it laocke secretary Francis PI treasurcr llsrtla licrbcl and members Allan Nlnlr Ind Earl honeyail Torontotrial lawyersIlsa delendcd the pey meats they receive item in total aid system The spokesmen said to In in tervlevt that the abuse at less aid ccrlllleates it to southern that association members have stated to turn ewzyMertltieItI holders it outstlo reveals they could not money tor their dotsace lir lIIy said men who held tithuuttsrycar too had about darlnn Pro restle Comer vative rally ii the northern ontport ol htsrys lies ieundland llrs Monroe is treerlnn Sell and Pepper it Photo time with hlrn when he coma in his allied with iefal eld eerll ilcote llttsl dctsls were re ported to legal aid olileers sad the certtilcsls was cancelled lir loch said another In char rd with trance it den Id Ilroedyp several hundred dollars letni teed when he suddenly not it Into his trend to apply tor assist Ines Ilmun tors The primary maivhid illuthle and terms Senator Bunion ist McCarthy oi lilanrsoln In presidential prrlerence poll and Muskie Senator Georan lid Gorern at South Dakota llll In uncommitted slate at candidates in eontcst tor led at the no it itaols determine to the Demo erstlc national convention in lllnmllirsch chi least hell the deicntles eaduprohably wrote Ire en pact to be rhcuea uncomntlb ted to any candidate but set to loilow the lead or Chicane hieyor Richard Daley EXPECTED TO WIN Natale is expected In sin ease ly in the pluletcrttlnl contest which in Mt binding and to capiilre more deleraies than McGovern Rescue Workers Search lllud Slide lllCllEL ac tCPl Weep iny relatives watched hicrttlay riiuht as rescue workers with bulldozers searched massive slide tor three brothers he llevrd buried under tutu ti mud Amelie ilarrs it Indhis brothers lItlrL ill and Sets 35 Ill oi Blalrmoru Alll swept away by wsvsot mud and debris Nondsy as they ate their lunch beside CP Rail tract near this toutheasiem lirilistt Columbia town to miles west oi the liceAlberta bolder Another man llnlsushi Ocua auto 59 also at lilatrmore eur vlted Ilthouph he was buried in his waist lie was in setisisc condition in hospital with broken ribs and bruises Search elloru suspended leta iianday when more mudslidcs titreatcaed to bury rescue work tll were to continua today erni maiority tiaIi reading scented Laurent but the clock had run out on the amine and the measure was ieit over probably until Wednesday Today the dune dehntet envi ronmental puiieyehosen topic by the NDP on one oi the days made available tor opposi tion parties to initiate debs liqu Executive Predicts Increase L05 ANGELES AP The executive riceprcsldrnt ei Geo crnl Motors Corp said ilondsy that new car prices ma rlso by nearly 5900 by lots or an new icdereilyreoulrcd solely and try control standards no hits to ma ni courts poses very serious problem to all oi the companies in the automotive in dustry llid Oscar triadic its our tent and our cllli learn to try to do the thlnu the ovrromeut Ls mandatlan It net cost and provide proper and appropriate cneills to the customers at our vehicles Says Govt Sh VlNisllEG CPI ssld Nondsy niit Par on oldane Staneld told news ccnlcrcrsce his day piece in the cost or living edyusted to the chances in Prosecution Witness Pound Shot BUFFALOi NY AP In cotlnterieltina case we lourl lsssclbech It was twtad in bedroom he shared plus two other men its bad tntes by bullets train Ascalibre nun CAPSULE NEWS said the body at Steven at West Side apartment bcen hit at least tour oiitcrrs said liqu orcrnmcnt will Rhodesian Prime Minister laa tin pleaded guilty today to charts Premiers Son Pleads Guilty SALLSBURV heater xoa Alexander Dottnias Smi oi illegally possession or ecoLurlnn mnrilunn ould Ease Burden Cstmervailve leader ltobcrt anneid itemrnt ebodd ease the busden at lnllItton pensioners before the next lederal election is celled suns ldoso pensions shotild be rospceuve prosecution witness that to death Monday Police or Price increase Predicted TORONTO OP Radio Station CFEB says the Innosace In average ibpwst tires at liquor beer and wine when the pmyinci brounht down iii the tenulnture ncst ltrcsday Blizzard Sweeps Pail Ollititart riot lncrea ogthe tororo lAP At least in persons were ried and durlnnthe weekend ttcd mission to blizzard Ind startsis that an iparts oi Japan holiday celebration the It val oi sprint Gth Healing Greek lunia llies Ctowalleglent AlliEhS AP the amt tints tired its crown sarong Granted Delay nary hearings iorirrstleoitroy In his wile Carmen on choices nd connected with his ilisnppcar Inee tram St Vincent de Paul Penitentiary last December were postponed today until brush 29 the request tor the ciphldey postpaaomontt was made on be halt at dricnca law or Vice ittyrnad who rate hospital bluntllit wet and named Premier oor PI lioNlhEAh cert ltellml only my my hers oi eclicxlicd itlnn mistrial tram Gen Georg this gives Psoadsvpeu in in Civilian Clothes hentytlvo prisoners lecladtny tear imend our wm cstdrr be es early today tile lorce oi tau policemen ct escapees had maplrngd three at them ountry Prisoners Steep ClNuNNAli AH men chsryrd at downtown 1anti tibialb asemblcd to rship Fan on to replace as took over cwthe two top olilcos to civilian clothes Some tied with

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