tht riik he lI tIIloy when TRAVEL IYEAR IdeIllorUlleIliltpiltIlthLl r3 IIIb Time the outlitoiyitnltperteenditun Pilot 40 Pholoi Sonion Decides To Keep Family Of Seven Together TORONTO CPI Inter and in Idootiny ready rnIdI IImily oi reirrr little ehIrnrern eyed III to Li reeeot photo ehowrd them Iii emiIiny about piano ready to Iin eonr mm posed by end Ibout revrn girls wont to keep to pether II lemlly tlnlue wmeone rvrnn lor erd to live them home they trin be split up iorevrr ootprrrnrrrridoptlble rerl dreirihuled litre tin Ontario rammed end written by lleicn Allen It IIye the Childrens Aid Society It liret had to repa rIIe DiIoe ll lurlenne rt ivItm illlAltltn sumo PORTRAIT or your CHILD in Dynamic Natural Colour at special price An Exceptional otler praotove momentel you my WW0 lovely DYNAMIC PORTRAIT at your child in Natural Colour It thie very low prioal etrrname Ir elven Brit they me so rollers hle the eoelity hits Irrentrd ior them to be torelher min In ilI iamlly eeritre Ind on It Ippeailny lot new home Ihere they on my torelher French In their feet In err no Frmehtpeetlnp onto would be IdeIL Dill thote not ereentiI Dine In the oldert Ir riled mrinly tn tryinr to thI piece oi miller to otherI Theyre III healthy neIt Ind happy to help with house Md rhoree The column entitled TodIyI Child hon Iveceeded belore in hnvrny larniiy ol Ieven adopted together No appointment II noooIIIryi limit to one Ipaolai otter par ehlldtwo par ihmllyi Apt limit In wrote to 12 yoarei Group portraitl IrI avalIIhtI It 99 per ehlidl Additional porlrIitI are available It tonIonIhie prion than no obligation to hoyl This special oier good Thurtdey MIrclr Iblh titru Seturdey MIrelr I8 Itsa familyairmen PHOTOGRAPHERS HOURS Suringers lhIII tkilied him every IIlnrer reIUreI he ioolr Irormdi IItIrere RIM PUBLIC EERITCE Dear Au IIIdmrlIm to mad mold epit mitt Store hoilrr Ire printed In met bl block Ietiere on the trout door OPEN FRDII Add All UNTIL Md HI Yet eunort every evening someone meander to It 523 and keeps mo there until one or leler dont rpet pIid exlre ior overtime Io hut the to do it enyIIy II thin Itirl Alter putilnz in lull with the loony puhlle Im plenty tied to see the door eloee Yet hllenl been out oi thII pIItI II no in three moothe would Iypreeiele it it youd printmy letter Ind elohber the relohl UtieI Gripe DrIr ll tripe Its oblloul lhIl you arent the boot Ind with your eltltude youll never be one the purpose It retell ee trhllehmeatr II to Iceornrnodcte erutomere Without euelonlera etoro not my in bruineee competent employee It in terrsted lo movie merehlnr dlee lle doernl resent Ilhylny with etutomer who tr ouytoy or even lootinr tie should be Iltllar torlve courteoue Ind heiplul eerviee even it ttI In eoovenient ior him dont know hove old you Ire or how long youve beed uleI clerk belt euueet you loot ior In other lob Cloemtehere dent enjoy their work and they Iieeuldnl be Iervtny the public success Deer Ann Leederer Al elep mother who In about to la Ihnre Ind Ed ma Mr iiim her third wedding with Id like to peel on the DAYS ONLY on8x10 Dynamic NATURAL COLOUR Portrait only itiur 60 or handling benet at my experluee II III second mInIIyr ior Ind me the eerie hId Im Iiere In more simple rules IhlehiliotloIrd wtllreepveirh martin Litehrsetotreuee ordo lend yortneil einst ext we or her retI res You not win Ind thereI no more youll omeout loollop Reter Ill overtime eompetntr Ind requetle to your Ipouee rue ainnrnizmnnnn rtiunooliv turnout is in wwrnr SMART wourN swor hi my bill bothlIod nut GIAdyI Dell Iho declared Iortt taeether and to rother8pmdthteeoayx ILII you Anni decent II rsusbronuru Carole teylor who rtlll uses one lrom the riled oi beiny lreppod under her on ior tirnnet tour hours in hinntml IooIbenh Feb 19 IIld ehe thorth oi euleide duriny the ordeII lhe hell henenllr tire If Burned Itlr end she scorched her head lryinr to stroll the exhaust pipe with more in lion the ItlIlnio nlnr ropine The pain was in ereoslnr and thought to my Ieii three In no hope knew the pain whuldnt kill me but it III becoming un bearable eh decided to tote my own tile She III rescued hy poilrrmen Ind went week in horpltIl reeomlnr lrom her point ICF Photot Deer Friend Nhthln no mo lihuueeeee Co er it spread TOO IIULTI TO IARI IliJLRNEIIOUTil mind It propoui the nude IILrnmLtiy be permitted In thin Enpiish hennel resort pro votrd the ire ot rotorliwerma know we lent to be reeerded It rwlnrint town but we touch bottom Ihro II route to this NEW EIIOP ADELAIDE AvrireliI lAIi lhlr South Aurtrelie elty Ls pettinr ltr tlrrt Iex Ihop Ietlinr enerrlape Iidr unrlrrr In price irnm out in me ow VPRELEASTER SAVINGS 20OFF ALL NEW SPRING SWEATERS When is poitroittor not polirolriorl When itI one at our tuner Ihrinta Swoatere all the hoiiee Itill nowoet novelties Aeryltee nylons almost any colour and rile REGULAR 1199101209 on srir397lo10l 37 hi the dIye doinp IIIer lrxl All expression creative uryrr vplet Irhedules dirorepen ett dry ui not tori policynut or Iirrn declIrIions mvrytfylr Denim Dre err PIyrlotIIttcntionioiInill tIIredlrereeeorottou dentendin Work mm ellthliy Ibnre norm Aeurtu III rem tr htrInlerI otler mm hlIIl Ire tlely eonIINnml otuioax rite the day at DA Ill Per let in the II ol run You Illl hm to yo ML it Sell hit Reconcile the ole where or ran the on ever hid Sept Md it III ior tronhlechootlnr oi intent Ihich reIIlI to My not mallow Imnlm em up lor rIrIIloohe 0m ehInree rum tree Ilhlera tour we mun on loriy ornament utilelnem medI IodIy unlikely out out you Ire La pod area Anonions utu Audition III the ppm minlnr tummy ol Dem Youthertre will be held mIIor centre In the prom April NV AVAILABLE BLACK ll mi FILTER LIGHTS Jim rower Jomonnnw luriel Fire Ulhtlnl Biddle IlIIHilhI Billie EL TIN BLACK AND JEANE liloyto enitiot Ind tnuplrlol Wlili contrltltliteiimp llannel potion pnrttl or ltylmnte Itlti murli ttltplu REGULAR 699 to 1499 liultonr or ehIrp Blutited denim Silos ii to 20 0Hsttt567 101197 OYItR no 3T0th 0th TO COME TO IERYI YOU IIETIIIII