Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1972, p. 4

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titre Barrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Cornpeny limited Id Bayiieid 5M Barrie Ontario James Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Wells IdlIorIEmeriIve Minotaur Managing Editor mammal law it im rinee More Uses For Barrie Park Should Be Considered Bullherolsaakttovtandhlliatthe park and an area ll available to snow mobilerr The Oilacre park on the west side 01 Sunntdaio Road was purchased two mu ago from the Barrie pantry Club wldch maintained nineboa golt course on the tile Surely some amngcrnent can be mrda whereby parts of the largest park to the city can be used tor both passive and active pursuits Aid Stephens slid the commission had rejected the soccer tournament because it learod to set precedent that would lead to demands by other organized sports to use tho park there must be many peopiewho would like to mate both passive sad ac tive use at the pick picnic for ex ample and 33 39 55 g5 gar 37 Err E33 25 go 35 es Perhaps the time his coma for the Parks and Recreation Conunission to cote cldu more rises Ior Sunntdale Park The desire city grasps to use the park Ilninced in large port by bite undnlsing campaign or other han passive activities came to head this week when deputation irom the minor soccer assoctiiion came beioro council The soccer people want to stage an all Onlano tournament on six pitches at the park on the Ilay it weekend lbo deputation was hetero mncli be cause the commission had re tused to permit tournament to be slag ed at the park Non Aid Ross Stephens and Aid Al Dyers are to approach the commission and ask ior reconsideration or the decision Peitia the commission may regird as it one treads boundlesst to carpet ol apbernum more where like to we the rtmdew other bogrtarlsg plants such the Labrador ten cotton gruy creeping aaoaberrtes into or Ind gold thread llere Nashville wsrbler builds its ey nest at the loot oi covered stump and the tbroalod hlue warbter nests bore in the rpruee and the itll ow yelrasmnvenn oi lleld iripa Issued this approve oi the toumam edge oi the wedge I0 YEARS AGO IN CITY Banto Bxarriiner iIa WorkrnIeos Com nsation Board at 0n tario history potcles and practices out lined by George Poole appeal secretary tn address at Barrie Rotary Club Chamber oi Commerce gave support to establishment legal lotteries in Canada under strict government supuviston lturonla Numismatic Assocn has morn berohlp more than ill according to lien neth Prophet oi Birrie president Public display at coin collections Bay Restaurant Cpl eg Neaihway cl Barrie police was attacked by with knlie and broken plate then bitten by dog when he answered hand who was being threatened iii home in court llagislrata Cordon Foster re served judgment on assets Georgian Bay Development Alsocn booth at Sportsmans Show in Tomato Helping to start it were Ilayor wound Kenzio oi Barrie and WMMHOMMLM Wel ndnninaimuannuu any ASmItIiol Simeon Motel Ilea toid eliminated Barrie Falcons tn Georg Ian Bay intermediate hockey playoits Gordon Henry was ax in lord ltay Corlepy ilea best player lilcs titan tormar ay oi Iudgo ior Simcoe County Family Court Camp Borden rink aki ed Knobby Clark won AnnypImnsbpielclit Kingston Cpl Clarks team detected General II ASpartingi mend tour in linil At Clubs annual mixed bonsplel local rinks captured tour oi eight events Larry skipped team at Muriel Fendtey Norm and Stella Clark George and llary Ken nedy with lack Nixon lord Needham with Helen Coulter lock and llary Ham Illon Harry and Betty Charlie and Joyce Seagram won prizes Brampton beat Barrie tn peeweo hockerOIplayoit Barrio Atoms beat Col lingw 42 on goals by Brian Curtis Jim llay Gr Front page picture showed 11 SAIGON AP The latest American tan or Vietnamv esu peace as set oil plan ess oi political change which President Nguyen Von Tbieu In the view at many political observers stray Iind diiilciilt to survive Reaction to the elctrtpolnt ten put Iorth by President Ixorr and loleii Ian ll has been critical among both pro and anti government iactlons it centres on Saigona continu ing dependence on the United States The sslbllity has arisen at lens in the minds oi many politicianaAhat this could re lull in liaral solution to be hammered out between the United States and other big won with Saigon iLicll aria little it any voice leuna trip in Peking and his projected visit to Moscow have reintorccd these tears especially among Vietnamese who still harbor bitter memo ties at the 195i Geneva ac cords when Franco abinried Iside the thenIledgling stole rlt South Vietnam in rush to settle with the Communist Vlct blinh The term political evolu tion which some Vietnamese use to describe what is hep penin was Voiced by UL pres entlal adviser ltonry Kissinger when he told lot on news oonierence We no not committed to one political structure or give mount in South Vietnam this principle has been that we want political evolution on defence was Bar ent as the thin the best aopickup softball game both worlds would appeal to more people than the best of one DOWN MEMORY LANE tor and husband Eddie Fisher dining out with her parents tn Rome where bliss Taylor is costarnng with Richard Burton tn iilmlng oi Cieoprtra City Coun cil will negotiate ior land on waterfront when CNR eliminates Barrie station and moves ahlpissenger and height opera ilona to andate its later than you think was advice of tottrier controller Jean Newman 01 Tor onto in address at Barrie Kiwanis Club hire Newman was introduced by PTEFIo dent Rosr Stephens ilrs Jack Butter and tin Ted Nellleton won ladies night draw prizes Red Cross blood clinic at Trtnlt Parish Italt went over 300 nls due to response oi mi Iers attending course at Barrie Armoury Rotary Club won service club trophy pre sented by clinic chairman Jack llaclar on City Council devoted much time to subled of controversial lratilc lights at Sunoldalo head and Wellington St Aldermen Prank Betsey and Gerry Rob erts argued several points hirr iraok billed hirv Del Jachorsarococbairs men tor Barrie Community Concert Assocn annuii membership carilpalgn Team captains liary Aynes iloore liirs George Davies All Pick Ron Coxsli Bruce Owen llrs William Brown iiiv Iack Ramsay OTHER EDITORS VIEWS RAIL SERVICE HOOKUP Ottawa Citizen Rationalization has been the byword oi notional rail policies through this past decade to nihbleb nibble process that cut out unocono and expendable itll id 1062 iauuod at Bob woman call irom hus it diarge his secretary not tor hier llariorle llam Barrie named Central Conn Barrie Curling IIart brands lines hitchte with Ron Bobheite cg Bowen Elizabeth Mmmm that gives the people oi South Vietnam genuine opportu nity to express their preter races TIIIEU UNDER FIRE lbteu has come under lnlt creasing tire tram both tilt and right tor having agreed to the US plans proviso requirs ins his resignation month ahead at new elcctloru in which the Commuting ciluld participate Everybody on oil rides seems to have realised and deniy that they have sink in keeping the Communists irom taking over the govern silent said one US oiliclhl Western observers have lound ti ironic that lbieu otten criticized tor inflexibil ityI is being assailed by homo oi the some critics tor bowing to US pressure oral or being In creature ol Amorican poi cy Thleu has countered by re attimiing his hardline tour noa policyon land conces sion to the Comrmsniatl no neutrality no coalition and no Communist participation in politics To show that his uncompromising ho Inllslo that tho Viei Cong to take partlo the proposed election would lilii have to renounce violent revolution and lay down their will Duplte Thleua etlorta to shore up his position many Vietnamuei and Westemera speak or an tnucapnhlo Ieeb in that his prestige has slipped involve yourselt Ihunts tta sol es ltlr and lira and excess services Now the big crunch is comingtho rattonaitzv stion oi the costly transcontinental rail lines with hookup ol CNCP services It lsIan appropriate step In view ol the ill bullion innuat cost to the taxpayer oi running the duplicate service Since 11 the two lines serve dilieronl communi ties on the crosscountry trip it will save hardships to run alternate routes on at ternate days as proposed is Thieu Under Heavy Firei For Agreeing To US Plans Thleu cannot survive with out the Americans declared one Vietnamese politician but at the some thus the Americana now can drop him any time they wish Sonia politicians not too iriendty suggest that it Tlileu Indeed baa loll his power to control the countrys destiny he should etep down now and allow or imitation oi score popularlybhstd regime be torn settlement not to Sat Ions liking is imposed upon They ergue that only such regime could niecestluily ro rial the Commimitll and pro vent the Virt Cong trom gain ing rash toebold that could time iy lead to takeover There la nothing in the peace proposal to bar Tilleu as candidate In new llitKiiunl but till mid become hero tlabia issue in tanning the vote Some ni rua sup porierv iearIthat arty pro tracted dclay in rewiring Lv ruthepoclaiiy It he were tossed to resign soonercould allow his 5areluiiy built gov emmenl machine to bcgi coming apart The Communlsie Insist on llileue iiiicai demise as or rentlei it any rim to which they might uree Whether any proposal or potential new leader would be acceptable to the Communists la moot point with most South Viet riarneao politicians who seem generally to accept the view that the Viet Con would not do well in an on QUEENS PARK Top Ontario icials Paid WED LIKE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OFYOUR DVERSEAS GROUP PARIS chasm gm mmm More ThaniUS Defence Chief By DON OiIEABN Dima Park Bureau ill The Examiner Whats moneyi Regarding those senior civil service salaries talked about the other day Time magotine re ports the aainry vi the boss at the armed services in tho US Gan Ivllttam Warinmeland rbIlrmali oi the joint chicla ol stall is honor year Gen estrnoroiand has ro sponsibtllty ior some 15 million men and budget oi $75 billion That spending lsIbout doitblo Outer gloss provincial rod uet button year mucll lea than aoadse gross national product oi $91 billion Gen Weslmore however is worth somewhat less year some stoop loss than our top Plld civil servants in he that bad Or are they that good And is this government really serious about holding down rpendtngr WARD REWARD Politics docs pay oil Ward Cornell formerly the voice at Hockey Night in Can ads has been appointed agent general tnr Ontario in the United Kingdom This Is long lcgup liom locker rooms and sweaty under wear representative oi the rov lnco in the UK and bass oi 0n lario liause Comeli gets some 335000 year in pay and allow anceS awank loridon rests eats limousine and climb leur and dutydree liquor alga relies etc Not to say he shouldnt have the post Ile might do line lob But he certainly wouldnt have had it except ior politics graduate oi Western Uni venlty where he wu class mete ot Hugh blncavla the blonde eminence behin Pro mler Davis Ward was that campaign manager tarJohn Ithtto twho as the new minister ol trndh and development makes tho eniteneral apv poinimeni aytime buddy oi John Roberts then key worker in the Davis leadership iiiiredsrrir fraction to Baytleld Street Barrie Ontario Telephone risotto Second Class liaii Registration Number MM Ration postage guaranteed Daily mudayaand statutory llolidaya excepted anionmin rates out by carrier we weekly Aim years ly single copies too By rnall Barrie torso yearly Simeon County sitoo yearly Balance oi Canada riaoo yearly All other countries Add yeari Notor throw oil moo reariy National Advertising Oitlceri as Queen St West Toronto BM 1710 bid Catbcart St NonlreaL vilember oi the Written Press and Audit Bureau oi Ursula cos the Canadian Press is excluo iveiy entitch to the use tor rov publication hi all news ditpatctis es to this paper credited to It or The Assoc ated Press or heater and aka the local news publist od therein The Barrie Examiner ciaima Copyrlmt in all original adven llt ng and editorial material ctr lied by Its employees and re prndueed in this newspaper Copyright Registration Nurm ber 201815 register ll cam sign In charge at com munication tor the PCs in the Bryan Cathcari died Bryan was the member tor women we have tied here But that was another day last election and ilnatly an ad lambton or some to years and The overnrncni who not re riser to tho Croayn connotation cabinet rnlniiter tor eight oi resent iisbuhiareward But political memories are short them lie And lira Cathcart were notably devoted couple and aid at the lvneral couldnt shake loose cabinet minister not even parliamen tary assistant to express tie to short while ago the wit oi was one oi the most admired grels Number Of Factors Hit US In Battle Par World Trade NEW YORK iAPI The M1 delictt in merchandise trade with the rest at the world the tint aulteredby the United sum litlcaI taco Is usually blamed by protectioriliis on one lair trade practices by other on lions They point to the US lots at its altars in wide range oi basic productssteel automo biles electronics textilesu the result oi tarltto subsidies inwnage rates and currency imbalances All these Actors are Involved Consider lust the latter the matter oi currency ratios Since the em oi the Second World War France has devoluccl Its currency llvo limes Italy three times England twice The ellect ol lich devalue lions was to solve trnbalsncer in CANADAS STORY Britain Ignored Canada Claims to oils aowruuv rocenl story descrtbod the that deal Canada got in the asblngtoa conterenee cl tilt Britain was so anxious to settle problems with the United States that Canadas claims were lg nored especially damages caused by the Fenlih raids Britsln tried to roako amends the tollowing year and so pounced on March it that the ovemment would guaranleo can or can nultion tor Cana dian railways and each Canada had undertaken heavy commitan tor railways Nova Scotia and New Bruns wick Illd entered Contederatton on the understanding that rati wey would be built between Montreal and Iialiinx British Columbia had been promised transcontinentli rel way that would be completed by lddl The railway loan cauiod great disrenslon in the British govern ment lord Kimberley warned Sir John llacdooeli that ads till Yukon hallway bill there were cabinet ministers and other political leaders who tell that Britain should get rid pl colonies and Canada was the most expensive homo leaders tell that the US would always recent Bril iiiii THOUGHT Blessed be tlnd arm the father ol ear lard tevua darlit the Father ot metrics and or god at all reiniart Corinth tans III We usually Ind more time in thanking one other tor notb ing than we do bi praising God tor everything Let everything iIhIatdhath breath praise the the torelgnr ente oi ihtto nations bill WWI to other countries oi an upward revalua tion ol their currencies Tho not result was easier trade tor the devaluere and users dlltlcult tLne tor competi toro the meter adverse lrn act was an theUnticd stairs ch It the rame time was sending abroad till billion In aid and in vastmcnia Still rrrany advocates oi prot eciionisrri tor the Us market tall to consider some oi the other letters The tact Ior eit ampte that the output at the US manuiaciurlog establish ment has tailed to keep pace LWESTIIIENT LOW The United States has tailed to invest heavily enough to plant and equipment modernisa irh territory north oi its border and this might lead to another war It was only it years since Britaa had to rush stoop Iron to Canada when it seemed llkeiy that northern lid Irrny was bin to invade as the retult ot tliti roy real ticd the danger lie eaid let re oration come It it must but wt be no party to any atep that tends to ring Ibou separation in anger Prince Philip made ruino wbat similar statement In ro cent years when asked about the lutur lb mm monarchy In omen moon not tut Iroquois massacred Iiurnn villages and killed Fatb rrI Brebeul and latemrnt Sllnt JhlDShedild Railway was incor rated llta The Ear oI Cathcart was appointed Governor at Can pissed llouio ot Glmmona but XIII selected later by the dos mo The Slratbcona llorso railed and equipped by Dvrd Stralhcons railed tor Boer War OLDTIME rowan NORTII VANCOUVER BC lCli Industrial arts teacher loe Xwiiknski bu passion iur tierlbs oldiima kind used Iarmera on homestead In British Columbtc and Alberta since troo Over the tart in years he has assembled nearly one oidriirno implements tn sliding engines used to saw loss pump water power rail way patrol carr cbo corn pro eelechtcity and ghtlirer tlnn and that iiieretore it cihbot compete elltctenlly To state it bluntly the nation that considers iuelt the New World has some at the most out doth production ladlittes In the Will Productivity Increase is the key IItIoIII raginaItntng eoIInIineItitgz mu comps diiions are otherwise lair Bid productivity is not growing the United States as atmosty as it Is in some competing nations The comparison hecomoa clear when related to wage coils hIIiIich eosti pct unletIIIwiitpIt rose one per Franco between lid and 1m and only tour per cent In Japan But in the United States wags coils rose it per who ltlitn wages aren or lector dndIIpIIrohahly not the crib lcai one at problem oi the old machinery is the more ilkel cause Thye new aeiilmago oi the United statey in which it View no longer unique longfr Im ternaitrttc prov er genie amounts oi aid is die lated by the theta In the decade oi the 60 when the American economy Miiddtittt bet mdinmn tta ahore oi the world trade actually declined In that decade Japans eiIt ports rose the tortilla ill The Nether It idemanv 200 and Films its the United Kingdom gmm mayor trading nnitoru tailed to top the US increase ot ltd It scored It you are atu ld than to tirelt as no longer Wilm muum MI vltaiioo to walk three romance On this out shall witness that great omrnon at nature Iiie migration oi birds an event that no Iikt can Itiord to miss should also tlnd the Stunt bage mailing its booked nose bore ground puny wti and ether Iirstiings like btoodroot and trailing Irbutul At the annual rnerling oi Federation ottlniario Natur alists taking place in Bcautiorri some years ego the oltlclal Elem contained single eat on which was stated only White oi Set me Alltcbener Ila wrote time has been kind to the aerial village ol Selborne tor the changes that have taken place over this island iliiitatnl torched It more tightly than places The qualtltu and oi landscape and primillrr man ecllvitlrs have changed tie with the passing oi the turtes lly visit was during occasion at the opening tnlihdurri dedicated to Gilbert White the lathrc oi Dirthh ucal history And Iurtbcr Typical at most English church er the quiet graveyard surround ing it and here among centuries aka Lib this tirdly man It occurs to rne name and tho work nl Alt rheaer should not be allowed disappear in Slwcoe County that the Breeton Field ellsie Club the Minors Institute at Collingwoed the Simtoo lluseum at hildhinat end visovomentionod newspapers might combine to Inembla in preserve the best ot his writings am sure we would tlnd to has tell us precious Yours truly BILL letitta Street isms ro noonnrs Deer llr Dillon Every time read an by his John Roberts tip YorkSirocco think statement We better to let people eavono dou He must either be aster or completely hrelnwar the Liberal Party as to going on around him Ilcla tor to sake and euro wakes up or at least opens eyes With IDUIS CAIIPAUNOLl PLENTY WATER Ari inch oi rain tailing acre at ground it all were lecled would yield 27000 tour at waicr WWtw ll HAPPENED IN CANADA GTE Milli GRUlE Wild Witt 93thilitAIWPEI WEDNIETIJDIW AWE WW AID hEdAitbiUAii With Williti tiditittdtiiiilleo IDtiIiDEDGttEOfMOlOttiilmilil DWESIIGAIEJUTIEQUENILVNA munitiowitvinuru moot WDWNUASKA Wk WKIUEDNAEANNIIIJNSZ Irmer MillMM Ildwmmwrmma mmmawuvam THCMGM JID ionic uswrrtoouvvswtouuntno WPIWINIWMIAWIIIMIMad sushmmscmrmnrmw

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