Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1972, p. 3

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emlwllumn Municipal Board Hearing Into Two Committee Decisions out Storinotl hard It llIrnIbIboIrdIttheIr III nodrt hem Friday to Intimacy them In Ip Mmdtymdd lint my Street bkb mt notdarttlenr meet trout ltd rewindm AltmehIhoIrdIIIIbeu Bermthe Itllbent intimacy Ibmd pruned tl attracteiulronlyardetm mil renter Ilium Iplttlbeet point Iould be red lulled building on laden blIbeStreele the rowed leek committee Gumtree el Idpntrreol Ip elIlement repented the rm red tbn bunldhr though it lrnce but citizen objected lo the arm heertny clrlflvzws WWW The Boulevard Will Be Sold wilted unlrr roomy rr done but Chou our I2 boll II the Batterrd It beetote collate let there In till told the reddente bId litempttd to buy the Wool Ilde Itrlp oI teleiront number It time In the put Ind In 1N1 were told by the toInebI tbll the land mldnt be cold It Iould liker revert to the pro perly nInen temetImI to lot we lllllOVED IT The reed Illnnncn In never developed Ind on Ibo but It commlmlctllone the Indore received they went ahead Iilb Improvement lo the bench Ibv rludtn roncrete brerIIlrn tune and boatboneet Ilr board told the township bed ylr en blt loudly boddlnr permit tor their rotten Iblrh noI bet the kitchen lirlor room and porch on the public land Each lot bu ironttle ed to loot putting the Idol colt du th purebm It two under Boole Ste Cron Opens llpril 23 Ecele Ste Crolx In Inioolnlee Is cheduled to open April It IIIbrlel bluobnnd announced It the Sim County home Colb olic SepIrIle School Bond mett lnr on Wednudey llrt tlmhmd uld the aptitan ceremonies would be eendlxt celer In moon and be hoped to hm In rendI Donnellch IIIan countable told he Iendrred IDIIIX unto lI properl Iben the Innsblp is being tried to boy pullad Ibere II no but been George Burton IIId bI dtdnl the table IduttnyI oi people III III lomhip has them over bend II II dont tell Ird tool lot more problem It thulr duhaopened to the Iublle pu pro on nulntenmee 532nm IIrIII tie to ride In IIIl lemme rem their movie the ram Hill USE IT moron or too In III duel Ind llr Feldld told Marti in people Lll II reed IlloIIneeI tor her so Ilr room the rendnded enun rlt that tome oi the mldente there on two loll Ibleb Iould double their toll in pillde thIInntheIhopotnrd Iobin rue Illele bll eottm Inuit bare to be torn down to permit operator the Itrlp lleeve Burton III the love chi probably bod tome rupee ly ior mtelendlnl the land lien and MildI Impound ro moped cot Ooundorl oller II III per toot uplree April it end eolmclllorl hoped the elcrtr atonement will hep them mate deeblon on Ibethrr to reduce tblr ire he tore that deedll John Khmer cone teacher ltom been Do to pruenled ride lrtvelorun Fag Drizzle Wet Snow And Clou Ilenton to Kingston Io Pcterborousb ll Itllllloe North tiny it For drlula Ind Iel man In torrent lor Dorrie nylon Ioni bt Ind Friday the Toronto III be oilch ioreeuu Cooler Ilr will more Into the rerion but not expected to have mud eilrot on the dump Ind Ilme Ienlher Biro expected tonight In the urn near ireetltu high It near domes ZSyI Orereul titles Ind In intermittent mixtur oi rein Ind III now In toreeut tor OntIrlo lodny lbe cloudy ables Ill remIin throuyh lrldry Ilth only the wutbvvrrtem corner It the vine having chance at Iunehina by Frldn tleruoenr lllILCltllST GlMNIlSTS IN ACTION ttlllerert reboot umnuttc term preeenlod drmonrtre Ilen lut nleht tor the reddenu oi Grove Perk Home The div pm Included tumbling pyr not revrrIi other tym nutlc lentil IllIo ol the entl yet meet prevl IIIilurp tire lltthy lice ltuyh member at the Quote club lire Ame Mills the teImI leecber lire Arthur Snyder Ind bill Dorothy Gen dner prelldeol oi the Quote club wbtcbt Irrmred tor the demonstration Etern NOW HERES ll GOOD ONE Int nlyht to the Birth Art CM II the hem FROII Colder Ilr tlll InyIde the In north Inter today Ind tohlrhl drowlnt overnight loll Into the teens The mid IIr one In peeled lo have little Inltueoee on the tooth Ibrre tempere tum Ihoutd remIIn reasonable lbrourh IridIy Toronto Occasional wet tnou mixed with tIln today Exten live to Ind period ol drlule lenlybl Ind nldty mornlnr then mostly cloudy lltbr todty Ind hldty our to MI tonight our Windsor loodnn Lilo St Clair late Huron Lille Eric Occulonll rein letter mixed IIIb Inow thin morning Exten LEtTr Ardrllr Godlrry club trmurrr June Cblneberr club site leg and period oi drizzle tonight Irtdny mostly cloudy lilsbr Iodey Ind trtdty to to Is Lou tonight 31 to llIrnllton roulbern Gtoryltn tiny do Ontario litltburlon Moran Occasional wet mow mixed IIlh rtIn today Etien IIve toy and pctlotll oi dilute tooirbt Ind hldty month then morlty cloudy IIIpr today Ind Friday near to tone to night neu IL North tiny Sitdbury SIuIt Ste Mule lemutrnL Northern Geel Itlt Bay Akron 0ch rtonu Iet lnow Icwruulullnt one to too turbo today Friday mostly eloudy uith torne Inow turtles tilyh todly In the rnld due Low tonight In the 20 High ltldny to to is Oocbrene White River west ern Itmet Bey Dominant wet Inow Icedltlulntlnx one to two inches today lrlday mostly cloudy nub tome Inowllurrtre llltb lpdly In the rrtld lost 1an Ioolybl to to In Hiyb hide nor do blooqu end all new or intermittent run recreltry Ind Ilr homer member Photo 35 id lb 53 to 35 Mile River ti GerIldtnn blooeoneo ti IN II Ind continirutdthdey No ritulll rent mumuletlnn expected tttrh lode Ind llldey our in tow toolstneorsu lllIb LII lityb Todly Tontrbt lrL tllndrer I5 In Surnln I5 35 to St Thomas to to London 40 32 Ill Kilobrner 32 Ill Ilollnt Film 35 ll 33 llngblrn it it to Owen Sound til 32 ii lturtobn is it Nutrition to It to St tnthIrinet to to Toronto IO 32 to rrsn PIIOIIIIMI IIEIIICO CITY lrlPl Prett dent Lula Erheverrtr has an Ihortred new educational pro mm timed to please trenIxe wide and lot me one It bier Ieoe btelc ustrles The bow totleh mum It dett rd to double eountrye talc POLAROID COLOIIIACN IlLM 108 The butbtioy Itll be built by Item Cw Ltd Int Onteno IIotnIoI Corpmtmn Drove Without Thin Ipulmeei budding In In His Licencer Balm Beach Man Opts For Iail Itrben Jone ol tlelrn limb III mleoced to three dryr to Hi Iltrr be In conttried in provincial noun Wednesday oi driviny In Ilrlomobtle Iblle his Itrroce III lander turpemion June It turn on them hrc oi paying no for but be those to ro to lot III III charged on Feb Iilrr rotatable It It white It the Email detachment ed the OntIrto Provident Polch ebeerv mom firedinr Iu trim II rtront mm tor Ill elem Ind xrndea ol tleuglu trr rnitlr It the Baum public ttortynrdt today lrnI Hire eolt onI hmd demand It rtendy prices Ind bot prices um lnIrr leh prices were outbound SIInybler nttie mt Cbolm rtrerx me with rates to 3305 Ind single Ind odd brad lots to mo good new to medium on common twill rhoire better ilsoeiao itb It to into yood NI rnrdium lo use rommon 272150 rood cont mo Itth IIII to 29 me drurrl unozrol rannert Ind nutter INS Iuod heavy into you bull ml with nice to ed blm dilvltu doIn Slntroe Colmly Rood to llny Teenspr Conetnble ibilI entitled IbIl be recounted Julia run thobnlbndblnlicenceruo pended in tout II Elmnln the yrevreur dny Jones tesliitnt tbnt be III der the Impression tbnt bI time until the use bnd been potted Ibidl bnd been bin tentinnr LIVESTOCK PRICES mo common Ind medium to Replacement IIlIiI hi0 Good loo lo llocbert Ind leedm av ll rood buvy abortvbrep leed er me Iood Itork Iteer eIlveI tluho pod clock better ulm common IM medium Itorbrn Ind eeden THO tIIm rel Choice realm low Iith top choice It trooro road 45 medium IMO com molt 1545 boner 2221 lion on line price II II es currently It Toronto rm tints Ind bum loll Sheep Ind lube II Good brndywel teIdIIt ltmbe SISNI KI 7llt Polaroid announces glNllMIN POLAROID Elli lllxl lllh 108 voleroot abeforeEosterprescnt minilinen tl nonhumanu Appointed mnIm now In litre mm Buy Polaroid Focused Flash 400 Land camera before Easter and well give you packs of Colorpaok film 16 Instant pictures as present It youve been thinking about buying Polaroid Focused Flash camera there we novel boiler time From now until Easter when you buy any 400 Italian Focused Flesh camera you receive your llrel 15 color pictures tree Dont wait nny ionpor come In and take advantage of this exceptional otter now Plllrll II the nylrtml lrInrrnIrI It relrel cmlllm Emeline Meet II no Illlr tin Emte lner Photo MODEL 420 ThemoetlnexpensiueotlheFoouted Flesh eemerer The nine electric eye Ind electronln ehuller In the INCOM more expensive models Juet iooue end Iheot color pictures In 60 sec ondrbiackendwhilelo15 $5999 WE CARRY COMPLETE LINE OF POLAROID CAMERAS FILM AND ACCESSORIES or mm lootng on on return min roll htillll OCK MI on elm mummy Pnpyl run mum my hulnell end It since to pinto yovreen gm dale No malterwhere you yinCanada wemake it easierto get aroundbemuseweve gotmoreighlsforyouto choose from Every day of the week So you can take off and arrive when you want to whenils mostconvenient Comeseewhat youve beenmissing nsdtedldethatsmorelikelytotin My withyouromerveunacah AIR CANADA NO to Ill AM TO LI O10 ifmmlll mm IIAYFIELD MALL narran ernrnr plume remuorla node TORONTO IMNCII OOUEOE 51 IIIWI lttldlrllryuiinlerrkliltlttlttttttlcuhlerblnerbl murmur om BWIITIIINJHW umlsor VIAITOVIN Itll IIIOPPII WILD Noll blblrI me upon 10H IAVVlltl VIIIAOI lull yvieyl Ind IMIIIII IIIMil Ind Irllllley Ilron

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