SIDING onrssnuttclno Stores windows and doors IAITIlCH DAY 15 BEST toItIrt your odIIIIderer dry Side Awalw Ittodowr Doors SOITIT AND RACIA Trkohoos to on Monday to Saudi SPURIJNG TIMI RUIlDtNG PRODUCTS LTD moor Danie Catt rotted for tree ntlmsies REYNOLDS IACLI SOFTT Ind GABLES Iwalnp roiling Call In ior estimate betore you buy ALUMINUM SIIIOUD 4382019 TTItS AIIIT Airtime ssnvrca nurse to an MIT mm muitlthmltnnf II ha ILL IIIAIII IronII emu mm III III IIII ml min In new mini It CARPENT RY austtrr Inmate mm MUM lmllim norm III II IIIIII III mum II ma Al IIRIIIIRCID ublnlt mutiny Inn Windhdr WY Ixelltmln brewers runs Ins mourn sootherI Imln rweouoe Iranian room he Inmatn Wm Ilhfllu more ulrlwrll am so and loos no vstln mm nettedII or II mote mes rm mull tr CARPET CLEANING lIlwtl Ilrlr sum cumin woos llmls UsAslstwy tensed In MIMI immoral lnldlntlu Items as muss attw on OIIIWAKIID IM Ilium IM mm It RN IIIA DVD lop It meal If DIIIIIAAXIIIO Ill AIINIIIIII llldltmlldl driller memoir Al Iw sin 7mm Inn to HELP WANTED JOBS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN infraredI anewer FM khtih VAN Mill MIA IIIRtlD walwest II In II III will Ir 71 Donlw It II Mll CLIANIIIO Ipdf edited III Vlesse Idem mm In runner sltlrotuII rm MAIN WOMAN mdld tor NIM IIIII duties Mom Molt merino tail on hem Ilrnt Ilsonw IAAIIII mitt wutild Ior MM tum Cult Motto night In mllorm ml Iron ItF EIIIIIIII suIIInII II In Iilile tors Imamywwr he II or 313 Mn eoexutt mum mooa srrr IIIM Mir to person to Nation In IMI tauom 7551115 MAI nsr man wanted out ItmI Inn III III In rely on MII IIIIII IIIII was III we rumourIron Tslsphans IIIIIII Ior nIIIsr smonIrI Mil IAIVIInll Iroom ImmalslstrI rttrm am tor entIa sIIImIM literneoe It Iawtan rlwII low to St Vincent and Or 1mer rm sun pm All owur orronrumr loamy admin mu Iwmrtas In lhil III For III olrw sum rIrI rm IA uxII III Ion ran out IIOIIIIIID NURSING AIIIIIMII down III IIer um and Inn ltml ml Amman and volunteer IIIIII In den tlurslwr Rome Ior lairrdsd Chlldrltt rotshen IISIIII rr MOTIIIIIN Whirl wlhild II II III In my Inn Im Ior Ina IIII old my men Irllmm IIHSII mien torso III III trwtner IMtlrnoilatI MII WAITIIIIII wild II the It Im II INII MIIuIII IIIIornlblI IIdIII Med oolt Inoly Mn tarts WoeIqun Deprrtnwn II IIIII street IIIIIIIII II Ill II Irwlenud mun Its HWIII JVVI high MIMI ldIKI IouIIIo ImmeIIIIIr tout III III wtmnd Wtillhll WIIII BM MI must no ever It IolsIrIdI Awly Mrs Iylm wnlsount Isr Mil levy oelIIIrIII rtIImrnII ALI IIIIIVIII eomolnlvtt Mind the slowly Leo As soon II MIIDIII LivI In II de ied Ilnht muMd dvlllt Tllrr 11th IIIII Dru Hill iMONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY lTHURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Adrtillretl truiuenlly ask thrs quralion Fortunately there to no boat day to Idvertlao Each day new wnnta stirs bringing new rendoer as old ones Iutlsty their wontr We reeommend met you slurt your Id tomorrow Ind runrel it when you get results him many years It supertonre with million It wantads we thew tomorrow it the best day is the but day advert EAVESTROUGNINO somsen Immqu Indiraes III rm MI rm mine II ELECTRICIAN lnluns wumte rum entered lesttuft man man All noon SANDtNG Ernie DIA III lbs1 II tool Itll II In ntmtn rate Mu III II III more no It FIR LACES same is Ionas mlth memo RIIWW WIN FURNITURE REFINISHING Ill 1on or sear Mum melt eo utlmhoo Earns Isms INA Ianum IIM Ia rm IIII rum esll Mm II our union INSULATION IIMCOI CONWAY Months rm ntu owt Ind IIIItIIo rm esti IIIlIlI Maw trolls Aux lRONlNG IIOIIIGI II will IhInII wrequ In our mom JANITORIAL COWLIT stone homo nut LANDSCAPING EASIDIG GARDEN SERVICES Specialists in LAWN MAINTENANCE TILLING SODDING FENCING 13 Yuri Experiem RoII Guusntmd PHONE mil NOW AND SAVE MONEY TiItSolA2tt towrtlrl Iron mltnimm moths um moon III Marv ihly eIMIIrII IIIIIII Itselth Mesonnv IO MASON MIMI rtnolsus Imirtrr totem Div Ill 71 JUII MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT DIIC JOCK lit Karim Ante II weddings and Sorrows rumors Islet rIiIonon trellis 121 TENDERS TENDERS FOR THE RIGIIIIlO OPERATE THE CITY OWNED MARINA Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to pm Monday March 1i Wit lor the leasing oi the city owned marina operation rights tor the 1m hosting nelson subject to err lsln conditions Tender envelope Ind eorwllllons tor lessinx may be obiturd Item the City ClerII oitice at the City Hall IIIMIII or any tender not more Ianiy ncmtrd ll NTHAUIHIAN CITY CLERK Hithtidd ultimo orennrwrwr aw LANDS and rodent Tenderr III invited on the loitournr 1w ALUMINUM STAKES ttneh IIIIII inch Ir Irwth Closing date March ltdr tm lor tutlhcr Iniurmntion plears roulth It GROVES Super lntendertl MIDIIUIIST FOREST STATION MIDHUIIST Ontario Telephone mm or norm hllb CLASSIFIED USERS Consider This Volt nro obout In tnvut money ior an ad Ind we want you to pet itttttil To arenmpibh this it is nrccsaury ior you to TELL Aid about the details at your otter lie sure you dont mIIa any oi the Inllowlnz errors that prevent reruitr Dont Omit The Address ltnny outoivtown trade will write you but will not spend honey tor long distant call Dont Omit The Phone Number Many readers will eat you but do not tind it convenient to route to your home Dont COHICAI The Price Desired SuryeyI Ihow thnt hrglt return tage ut rendtrr will not answer an Id unless the prlre it given Dont leave Home on the days you advertise Mttty good prospects will not roll the Iorond time It your phone is unnnswereu Dont Linut Important Words To Save Money Readers cant guess on import llarrll Eumlnar classiiiod Wuw III mm III or roaullr luster and cost much less the days you odvertlse out FAINTING melon MI hull 7M ltttmltwl II III Jul when PLASTERING In mom at when mws III kit IIBIIO IIIIIUCTIOI not as no lrw ule Indoor am we turn Into mm It SIDING mot SOIIOVINII SIDINE It ilarrle Division oi LONDON Phone 7288942 ISNOWPLOWING ll NW IIIVISI MMIhI IIInerorIIwo trIt rua Arllll TREE REMOVAL IntInn new TV RADIO REPAIRS white Dlh lleeltonle lrml II downtown TAX RETURNS VAX IIIIIIIII prrnrrld IIIpo Nltlwtp Imtlr INCOMI irII tutor Ind WWII ulrlm Insomnia IIIIII plus one deityred womellr mmt PATTERNS 4537 sues saunams Inn cum thw srw IMI In an IIIIII I1 Iram MM more car In My enters Mn Ir It sums VIIIIL rom mum AIITIIR Ildlrlw Ml Emu ll lemon mornrss III III spurt two in RIDING INSTRUCTION no BUILDING PRODUCT TAILSSit socon MIIIIII lthllhi Ill lrld CLASSIFIED In it how all II Md opI PM In MI TIII CUTTING and IIIIIWI told no Mil Ivomruioea no law has LIeIIIIIn rm Ill eloel IIIrIr no mo Iv Emqu Illt IIIms am so trier Water man In winter Ivn aim out no 1w VII mums Van In lec tv Ml Inuit IIIIavIIIto ill PMMMV CIrdolTbqutDondsl cards LIents la Itemtun tan Ierset Veru tper enlist that cut BIRTHS Mn cm II III II In imam em to Int II pm mansion rm II no TWAII All All III mun mo II ram and gum IIII III lrIrIs sum III II IInIem me an we In In um AM meant ls sun III Imam Dry All lo III one WWII NI INA III com who ms to III In III am il Kass INI and mr IIInoun mutton It Nlefl WI am eunw IIII mm III II helm am It In um II do Is ttI mt month DIM Id if UM willl Hermione no men In new summer morn um imtlr AMI In rIII At sum mm om in to only use mumIt as was Isnrmr Ill Ietr wwl snow mlltl IN MEMORIAMS WUINNIHA MI our mm an IIIII my mom Wm ms we II MI IO IMO III in II mm com on um um um Ir IIImm In em II meets in torIna Ins mlnlaw motionsII no mm as an Mom IMOler we puns Im room wIIun Is ms umiy Immbmd III ms run ADVERTISING ourcr PHONE 72324 rmruns IqIIIInaIIIIIII mi mom to true mu must be mom or IIII dIr mum mouth or In men on armory with Iltuiii Untitled DIrItsr Imusmu whlth moss bl In by om our prior to ooatlunrre IIITHI INOAGIMIIIH mutton II mulls It ware Adtlllwt world sit on word All THANKSII words II sooqunII Irde III or we III MIMOIIAM ROIICIS wltl IIIA with ram Psi Mil IIMI lit hrr line AMINO lVllt per tolumt Irwh or II WORD MINIM IA tattlllln AOVIIIIIIIIO ash DIIIWII ltilb IIIIII ll Id within III one or Iwo IanrIInIII so VIM Ml Wt ll WITth III worl lMIIIoluhIAT IIIA III cometlive Inmtlonl It tori worst pol Insertion Mar Inn Mub IIplA Inrurtens my be ordered sub IIrI II IInan witth rsIrIIIrIory will Method or well lmr Ihlrt II woros rwnr II was Erin tItItII lbbflwllilclb vmhetl rte roonr Ir IIIIIIII II IIIOIS AIIO OIIIEIIOIII III ohm lnmlwsn orders In trusted II ranrsnlms In the IawIIIIIII tmtm III ttIIIlttsd Adrliillnu Denlrlmlnl rroolIeI IsIeIIrIIwI II llnntr some liter IorerIIrImnt Immrdllllly Illa IIiII lemma In order InII IIy snot or omsriorr my bl reported brim Hit in moor Ihll Isms my he ruled III In lotlowlno our Filbll than Tm lltrll Lllmlmr II Ir roonslola III III III IrleoImIly printed Inrrrtlan or any Irrwtlwnrnt and Iron only II III IItInI ot Wtiort oI that thrntyrt IM mltwlnl Erv rnrr whlrn do not Issue In value In ldetlikmltlI not all lbte to summon or nun the sum nmlm uwm ih rlphl IIItilIIIIII mus or trim Inr want rowrrarnrtar son IIIItIIt Ihrrpw In one II mm tor III II In Lllmiili Ior Number In Isr ru Ilse In or Idem tsemltr ot Ior Number rm II Itrlrily mu mun mm to term heart out be In only II am my IuI oonIl trilot wrote sorry am thI be to tom IIDIIEI II but now am II III IIIIIIIIIII II Imn II eon lost oInII III to assure we Itteol IIauIIr no sure Inroosn IIIMY IIiuil or detsy Irma mum or mom or tlddltloulwldl leperwordt tray Coach uma Iarzmsrtusirtmnmaasurnrnt ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL noncrs CASH RATES mu rim mm one Immonmurmw oflequ 3350 $150 Isa per colored Ind tepttioe routs IrmaNu lent View Anont sun In mo new team It worm ons Ir um newIs ss II am WUIIII II Imam mus IIII ew MI st tum IM New oernu Irw or Ines um II no II III haul or new Im tie In It cue Inn our ham and In must mu sermon II sueu trdiv kneel untur Mil MIR ltlhNlVN INN VKIUII MINI MI III in Mr It lm has my VFW Wm lends III mm It Lows me Inn as com Im II mm amid ltd MKKM Imus wws IN AIM vim Illtw Dmim In MIMI Clint toe would he weeleu Ml CARDS OF THANKS wms winso to All OF THANK Vltr INA at luril Eumw mil art hawtr be some rent WI II II star at germs to rent llon mom or use eurmtr uhmvteooes tr vknsrdIlmseotmmnyrs COMING EVENTS Edwin Juycces MONSTER AUCTION SATURUAHY MARCH III VALLEVn GARAGE Ilspls Ale reross Item the EMT ANNUAL MEETING andIElrelton oi Oilteerr BARRIE DISTRICT LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Thurs March to pnr llillcres Public Schooli so PATRIC DANCE tittme HALL lttltIItV MARCH II we pm to Mn Sourqu by NILI Social Club HOLIDAY QUARTET RAND Tickets II per couple motor mom 7161M ATIUCKS SUPPER ttlot errey Supper FRIDAY MARCH 17 to 11an lhltlhll ttAIIII OOOKhtdWN Adultr It Idllidmt under It il Itusplrra St JohnI Anglican Innis ST PAltthKS DANCE lltdag blotch i7 UTIIIIIE COMMUNITY IIALL tutonr Orchestra Itoo couple outlet Lunch ior tlrlretr esll INTSSH or 7th Sponsored by Simroe County Jersey Club EVERYONE WEWHH lIltlIIll REPRINTS it you would lite to have re prints oi IIIy newt pictures trlon by our IIIII photogrrohera please call Ilour business Ott tce II III sorry we cannot aInmrIsI neeept phone orders FOIL QUICK ACTION TRY THIS EASYTOIUSE Ilsa anootts Tops For Warmth blah youaprters happy with my to trot my ups hilly thrlity welcome till Krill Itocktnr up Ind pom port It plus searl oi Inltlinx worst In striped desltn with rat Psltem tttt rises included SEVENHnt CENTS teeinsi ior their pattern too sumpo plural add tseents ior esrb pattern ior rst elsaa Insitinl Ind speetsl handbal to Alice Brooks we at The Barrie Eumlner Itieedleersit Dept to Front Street Wall Toronto Onurla Ostnrts ra slderit add our east sales in Prirdflololy PATTERN NIIMIL Ell AMFI ADDRESS NEW mtheeemtt malls rrtore lnsllttt tasbloor mils rrocbetr quilts embroidery pills tree Mirror 50 centr Newt lastsrt Crochet ttooI Step hysteo pletttm teIatI WI how is eruehet hIstanlty Plus newest pstteras Iroo Complete lIIIIIIt tiltt tlook more than too tits ior ID no residue Ines ttm Complete Alphas Blob ILW it Jtltv RIrI book no cents bent or it Prth Atrhsar so all DEATHS try 11th CANADIAN PRESS Ian KhartoumClarence inward tCInncyi Hayes SJ traditional IIII singer who no peered with mom bands in cludtnr err llurphyr and Ilub Scubeys Trial Ordered MONTREAL ILTt Rud ers Digest Association tCun ndai Lt was ordered lrodnero day to stand trial on charges ei train misleadan Idvrrtlalnn In sweepotllea promotion pro gram in trot and tom Iiodxe llsurics Fauteux oi Sessions Court raid that II deuce presented at prelimi nary hearln was auiiielenl to tustity trio Date tor the trtsl would be set at the next miles In llay Several million homes It cetved promotional material tor the manarlncs Lucky Number contest the deienra said Italement Ihleh told the recto may already here won prize was llteray true lltIr Ilate merit won one at the rloetple Items allcrod to be lending on the abouiderr IItII bow tie ant details Remember well tn wrilen lntorrnatlvs ad will It Wrap Up Spring Ily ANNE nonata Sunny dayr Ire ranting lllrln up this quietia wrop lwrth bowl in Ianli In moraine Shell lore lullpbrlpht print rItIp GItIl Size 10 12 to trItes ziI yards lriilttt HEVENTYIIVI CENTA III centri In Inlns Inrt stamps plensoi Ior each pattern add ts ccnlI tor each pattern lot iirrt cihsa malllnr and Iperinl trundlinr Ontario residents were treats sales tax IItnt olninly Elli NAME ADDRESS IIIYIIE NUM IER Send oruer to ANNE ADAMS care oi The Route Examiner laltrrn Dept 00 Itronl blreet Wart Toronto Onlnrlo FREE Choose one new pattern ronr 1w Itylrs In new luit ttioter Pattern Cutnloy All Iltol Cululuz or rents INSTANT SEWING DOOK cut ill ICV modem My third INSTANT IIIuIrun LIOOK whet lo near arrowsrs Itm Oullt llaolr to patterns to CERIA hturrum tinitt tlnolr tents lloolr ItIIIIII Ior TodryI Hr list 15 patterns ttt rrtr lOR REST RESULTS Tlll EXAMINER IVANT ADS llIONE TIETilt Mall in Roma Alldttil mIIIIIIIIII City or Town muu Classied Advertising ihe llarria tlrsnriner llatrie or phone itbtdtl EXAMle ORDER BLANK Phone IIOIIDS ior enrlr nrldrilonal word IiElt DAli do line Thus Three Times Six timel IIIII tlsare Intlose rheque or money order ilox rltarps additional Itw in lawn out oi town HM tIr mutation or phone numbers count as one word Each word laillal tirurrI tir Ibbrs Ilatinn counts II one word Write your III hers Ono word in eth Inset hy the prosecution em rm Site to ALL ADS MUST RUN CONSECUTIVE itttrt above ad dIys bertnalru 4nrnynm overdoIon alleuiuIaaher14 DODSON Tex thuterl our Cape Moody orid bu more as an AI most tartarle contender tor Inch and Dudley Illa tserlrtlce when the US spare mm moves into the en oi mole souemit The decision by the Nltltltll Ammo and Spare Manors trstloe to lab industry Io drain rpm abidtle In which both the orbiter sndIihe booster sec lions out be reusable mates choice oi any inland shuttle lite Irnbhely NASA sdmutlstrslor Dr IIuIes Hetrher told report ers Wednestu Ibis LI became the booster rockets IOIIII be paracholrd Into the sea otter launcher the ori tIehIped spare pIIne Into orbit Inland sites In New Hex leo and number ol oihe It gives had been plbhod Ia Inna bla shuttle bases in the compete tlnn Ior ledersl load and em nrment Fletcher ssld it was drliInle possibility that NASA would choose lwrl Iitu one on the eust rout end one on the wesL rutern rite would be Ior ecruI tortsl orbits and the nestem one ior which iaiwards Air Force Rare Calli is strong bidder would launrh intopelar orbits the spare shutte due to be come operationrl by road will my pilot cotIdol and two others in the crow section Ind lute morn ior t1 pnrsrnrrrr or IUIERIIILLI TO DIE lstItNlIUl Ittruterl turtish martial law court sen tented to death settmniesred memberet the thumb Peoples Ltherotlon Army tednesday for his part In the Iidnaopin and murder last illuy at the smell consulgeneral here the illirt Zlyn dmnr erI one oi titrso serusrd In lite case who es caped lrorn rntlitrry lot here Nov 30 while on hot ior Ist ternptlnp to ovrtthrow the core attlutton by tome and kidnap ping and murderiart tho consul renernl Ephraim Eldrnrn TOLL PASSES Id LlllA IReuieri The death toll passed Wednesday In Perus wont oods and land slides ior nearly hall mstury unolltcial lllures indieted lloodlny earned by month at torrential rains was reported in tot cities and towns throughout Peru and has tctt 220000 per rons homcchI AIFROIIZII NAME CHANGE WASHINGTON IAI The Senate Interior committee tsp proved lrdnewlny measure to return the nrlgnal name at Cnpe Canaveral to the Florida hrsn known or Cube Kennedy The name not changed ahan limo nitrr President John Kennaly wus nsInIIlnntrd In tw The United States space inunchiun area on the rape would Lontinuo to be lrnown as the Cape Kennedy Space Centre POWELL IIIITIIAI IlllAMl Flu iAiI Adnttt Clayton Powell the some power iul congressman Iruttt New FIIIIIIIERS MARKET TORONTO ICii Wholesale to retail ttltlon egos nIeraso welnhted prices quoted by the department oi agricultura as ot rodtlesdny large 367 me dium III small It extra lIryo 395 Bust Wholesale prlrcs to country stations tibre carry quoted by committee oi wholesale e1 denim Extra largo that lnrto that me tIIItitt 2529 small it Ion IlrlS utter prices Canadian Dairy Commission lendcrablr earlotr buying it some iirbuy in to score on selling it Inn MISEMBRYAImKWIM will MM Ina Intros tots no series role morqu III ours we SIMS ATTENTION bt WM lMClIYlAE 1N5 PEBIUO AMONG Mllrli mourn OllIUIVEIEIATIOH source equivalent eurosoda nl In etbtoIn the payload compart rnutt It will stay In orbit tor up to so darn USY SOLID TLEL Murat surprise Wednesdlyl anaouuemeot the NASA design requirement tor the shuttle run the decision to use sdid ittel iastud oi liquid In the booster store It will be theRrrl little robd iuel has been used let say roamed sparecrnlt NASA slid it should cut deretopment qu tron the ISS billbon spprnred by President Nixon In January to tell billion om sixyear period the rat at each mlulon however Land NASA estimates there will be II to Io lIIaIebcI yearwilt besbout ttbS million instead Dmmllon usin ll uel IT IN shuttle will be launched piggybad with thrust curnlnn truth the boosters two rockets atId tram the liquid iuellrd rocket oi the orbiter rtuze ilrtn simultaneously Onee in orbit tie orbItIrt external tuel tant empty ot lln uld ongen and ltnuld hrdrozrn will be jettisoned In LIIII at some tltdetle Iron it will be the Ilruttles only major throwu way component The orbilrr will be table to land with or without using Its airbreathing let engine once bu reenlch the atmosphere noun runs In BRIEF York Citys tlnricrII district was placed on the eriiirnl list Wednesdoy It Jnetson Here rinl linspltol Powell 61 our down here by the United Stolen Coast Guard March irons his rctirrnrrnt retreat on nrnrby itimlni island In the llnhatnay hospital spokesman would not meal the nature oi the tumor Innrreterruns ailment OFFERS MINES WASHINGTON IRrulerl llnrllr president Iorlle III IIIrold deanClaude Dotalter or otterrd amnesty to all tlaltl Ins tlrin In exile the younr residents otter tor caller to rr urn home without risk at poo lshment woo extended Wednes day It new conierette here by hiphletol tlsltlan delega tion on goodwill mission Washington MONEY MATTERS IIIICK lSLAND Que tCli Customs posts on the border near this Eastern Twnships viii intro ere ehnrxln Inoperrent twenutun on Itrrrerlean dollars but It the local Canadian post otllcp American money to rrptodInt par white at the Derby ilne American post otiiee Canadian money relttsed TRV IOll SIIIIITIORU WINDSOR Ont tCll IIrltr atudents oi lite school at dra matle art It the University Windsor will nudillott shortly the teIilIul company at Strut lord Ont The tour are Angur ltaotntles Raymond ONeil Iiusid llunyun and Kenneth lctrrsen FIRST PROFESSOR SASKATUON iCil lnoues ot the department oi physiolon has born named the that Lindst proirsi our in the rotten ol medicine tho University oi Saskatrhewanr tho proteasenhlp was estab lished by the university in honor oi its that dean at medical Ihtcr WORK FOR HUNNIEA IIESPELER Ont lCIi ltupo hutehuI or IitIlMl plies rubblt habitat Ind protection are tseinyt built by town Inen winter works project Ilttlos northeast oi here httrdwood hulrhca nbout ll in diameter Ind six to seven loot high provide cover ior creasing the number It WIIUH tailr OR NOT cu