RENT am mmht Anti norm arm must roll Ilrlih Ml WTF II iltiiliu mMIT one Dw mm udr I1 Ml To Inert Io tw tum an rrni II IIL Ir firm Cum Irru tell Mil nut in noon Iliy uni brill on III not Piuall Ml uraiisote collarr ltd Im lo must out ror Ioiuototl MM tri hall non marl is Lorullon OT WA Ilit Rt no Il rum l3 Ilyrtrui IF our ntw AIIR Store Fur eten Innnt mt blltroolli new ultim ADS iel Mil in Irid MYIT no Atom Auto mindr It ow rir tsr rte me Mil SOLDASIS iron mutiny GIIIA Ritalin blah rrItIl maiddu In AUTOMOTIVE cm rot sure use CAR That Doesnt Look Its Age tort VOIRSIVAGEN SUPER BEETLE Milt rod hint rloth Interior reur window drtouer uhttu uh Um bidet uestr Balm oi cur Iurruntte Stock No IlISIA $1995 IMO VOLKSWAGEN SQUARE BACK SEDAN no men ehoooiliu on vinyl Merlot rudlo rear Ilndor du louer urbIta rrutl tint bunt lulu one order Stock No IdINA 32295 1065 CHEV door udurt cylinder auto mlilc rrdlo rod tintsh mutab In Interior 300 mlloa OBI MILPRTIDtl more numa on mt Stock No 3395 Ierior radio drep turd uhttu quI thus Stool No Pm PRICED AS IS AT IIBS 1de VOLKSWAGEN SQUARE BACK SEDAN Delxa door IIIIIGIIIIOO rith Eli Rubi ISM ER III nrrruu ml hurlutn It thin price TIBS leB VOLKSWAGEN BUS Red with black vinyl Interior rudio rulr window detouur rrhltu lull Um parlour new who DLOCE guaranteed hy Voilnum Canudu Ior months or noon min The period mien $2295 mo VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE Red with Bluelr vinyl Interior while Dkll nuts VOW IT Ml prlcodystoek No ITIDA $1105 BARRIE VOLKSWAGEN ESSA rm AT ootitnrt PHONE TTOBIBB Mld IunIly unit Stock No It INA VDLKIVIAOIII autourk Iloo euerdlliorL Man In on iAUTOMOTIVI wt emperors Remember lbIDurutneusot Low Car Prices CM Nu Imam Bitumen PoorQualiiy Canpaeed Ray Wilton Used Out FWD Amazed by III on tho Fauna NE $49 1968 CHEV BELAIR Blue nnhh rudto Urlbte IMIX Ucm uum VI utrtmutle 150 BRADFORD ST lrrI IV min MM wt mu nun uioet tum Into rtundad Ilkl until we rm AWE rntiu IIIHy Ill 71 New luironw null wt ml VOID IIEM Pith loan WM HUM aurou IVNmIlIK onto Mill on bum trrt l6 NKl WWI IIR Modal mil III but Irioonona mule Mn TM VOLVO Millh men Illn odd Inll hII MR II rudio mmwmm umroun IIltdllhrIatu in trtmr In radium tr Viki III on bl INA SLIM MI mi mt tatrolm no rm oatrton not Irdr Donor you mu and otrurmrdtd lxrrtirntm THE mi dtton Home No marl run or Wm or mmt trnm Alum our CARS WANTED SILENT WWWm um autism to TRUCKS FOR SALE It VOID lb loll to It AM Diratu trrnuond oli orn use all In tartar Mrllrvtalr Mit Iorton All TINUI Mil III IUICK VI wlurnIlir in ne MI WEI Ailb INA Pooliu amdurd moor ninl Iiaura trio Alum tor MIMI unwind AUTOMOTIVE PARTS REPAIRS SHELL GAS AND OIL OPEN DAYS WEEK 8AM To It PM HANDY AUTO BODY llilitvruy II Soulh oi Stroud ls open It hours III to rum you with My nuultlrtI rtult EXPERT RUDY REPAIRS AND REPINISIIING FREE ESTIMATES lro AL Burton ll OMC IL loll yklw box rrtinorr wtornutir rrdto want timing IM outer lmmleIio imtitioli Only in dorm thum mm nylon III slly Neill ll ml Illth oin rodi in your IVMIIIL tondillon loci mtuldu on yin om Llrm toil ytltlL rrdyson lay Ivy mien INDIA MI II VDLIIVIAGIII Ior uh ml Iy lurwlliomd Ioolirru in MI rrdid on motor oripinal out mm MAW HIM Ior Iirltm tit iul MM lm tor mot ttur III Ior Mr ntmlmiorLI IMil AUTOMOTIVE SADLON To Reach Our Target On Time We Are Prepared To TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE TISIIII CARS FOR SALE 4364150 ms in AUTOMOTIVE Its ContestvtTimeAt Moliday Feb AFriday March SI Olfer More For Your Tradein Ot Alow You Generous Discount and Give You Sincere Efficient service with Guaranteed Satisfaction After The Sale 229 GMAC FINANCING Bil MONTHS TO PAY SADLON 233 BRADFORD ST We Hav The BESTSELECTION OF CARS AND TRUCKS IN BARRIE NEW CHEV OLDS CADILLAC TYPE CARS AND CHEV TRUCKS Light To Heavy Duty All In Stock Road For immediate Delivon With More On Their Way BUY Nowi BUY TODAY BUY BEFORE MARCH 31 we NEED YOUR TRADE WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILB CADILLAC ms Cult CARS FOR SALE WALTON MTRS i966 VOLKSWAGEN not heeled our hitter 1966 PONTIAC Ohm Sport Omnrtlbla In pour hr er topsoil uhdt rIdlo ml rout Ipelk er butht IeILr the inn CONDITION IDID IM Mot Ill to MUM ISMIN Eirrirutl CLEARANCE SALE model Americun Io IINIIIC IIl Amrrieln so mantrut BYRON GRAHAM MOTORS BRADFORD ST mltdl SALES SERVICE PARTS Open days Mon to nights SALES AND SERVICE UNIROYAL CENTRES tto Ilroilloril 5L ONION II III Mm VKI rot uni IMO cARs FOR SALE trorn Irma on lAliiy II scorr scorI $595 met $595 7263230 AUTOMOTIVE ACCESSORIES III buodr rrr tttu III IL Mil hm mod SNOWMOBILES n1 MOTOSKI ACCESSORIES Rldrerord llurlno CON ORG TOT32 II ITll MOTOSKI TOMS TITLE MI irty IMBOIII HM III Nmn Mutt letM Tuiuobcru lttloal Nil 229 MIC INSURANCE COMPETITIVE RATES 726IBII AUTOMOTIVE BARRIE IMPORTS I972 TOYOTAS For the month of ltuerh 1912 rro us extend Inz to our mutation Discount Prices on tile TOYOTA CROI 1er Lu Toyotas luxury Ilne uutomohiie and Lu Irtillhio In door hardtop and door sedan Ind utatlon wagon Also tenured with the those will be the Toyota IIIqu IIIU Ton Rom CARS POI SALI IVE CARRY FULL RANGE OF TOYOTAS LN STOCK PRICES START AT $2188 FOLLOWING ARE FEW OF OUR EMILY RmNDITIONED LSl CALLS trtr VOLKSWAGEN vny EioLshed In nit with slut Interior Equippediithtmedunolismmuhkitvwldmmu Idqu camper Ior tho mum months ubeuL Ue month 1171 TOYOTA DROLLA utth belru Interior Ilm Ind mow Um wldwm WW2 cu nishedtnm with opted tudn urbttu null Ham lmTDYOTAWVAIIARKIIodoocsedmhnhhedln zold with boip Interior Equipped speed mimetic rrdlo aod ubiir vull tlm An Iduul quond cat toe the Irrrttly Lie WK 1m TOYOTA OJROIM door nished In blur with belle Interior Equipped th rldto Ind low tired An excellent our tor tho IImILyI odd lotir uotnd torn Lin btlht lmFIATIloSporIGuveMnbhedtnbluunitthluek In trnor Enidwed rrtih truth oturbrud elm enrinu und rpeed tnnsrnLtIion radio Ind moor Um enthusilsts IJc ML 111 Is rsr Ior Iha sport car mi DATSUN dour tooth TROJAN In rod ritth bind In trnor an Iwed ulth eldio and um tnthuxalts LI JNOIL tirrl Art Mull cur lnr rully I963 DlC door udln Finished In mo min Ntll In terior Equipput with men tIrrs und hurl seats This would mute nice mood err Ior yutr tarnlly Ue IIITIN IYII TOYOTA DIIROLLA Im Station VIIIutI hnirhnl In yel small rlstion nuroet tor ll Lil IXZIST low iith bllrlt interior Equipmdlntth snow tires Ind ruttto osdn Ind fromy shoppLtx ALL CARS EQUIPIED llTll Im LICENCE PLATES We also have full range of KAWASAKI MOTORCYCLES in stock All ntotoruyulrs hsto been mitten by rum runesled returl lIII Ilmh ll MO BRADFORD ST SNOWMOBILES CLEARANCE SALE DAYS ONLY ITt New Shimule Id hp All lTit It hp Snolrtnca Emllcnt OtIIliUR lIo lip Ilusitlo lTI Iiipdots ATV lip With most tracks new motor lTO Honda 175 Him hp Knitter mutor Moonstone Bargain Barn PHONE ass2r to 106 I125 SIM NBS 3M mohlie It to trod my Iiiiil uto Plum lriepm at in tumor pulleotur Mil 1m SIIIZUI too It to it NV Halo Mm powr my my in silicon in ttKitdur sliooo am You mt NIIIII TUVDMN lltltlh II IRDW CIUIIII 11 lbonll quiII tried my unit Alon London mrrl uii Tutelm url Mil MOTORCYCLES trtr IIDNDA tor ntr tor mitorps In wiori tradition Arline tloo rirm idiom lvllbov Iniorrliltion gm ARTS FOR SALE IIIy nullul tdr lull mm uoly mitten Arul Ill mm IRR rarr TR WIT NITRIC TH II or limit AIYt MI Plll homlmldl INiyidulil lmluf wdurl Orull rink in Indie MINI Illiiol Wit to CHILI tor Mil Mll no tilrruurtlto ml mt tor It LIAI Owl 1an MIDI llivldly only Mil rnour In the wt trinity omr molt sown ow to in Inn GIYI IT HR RMIII Ml III Hill II max in yltd bvnainl in lnllu WIIOI Alt TN Mill Rd NW IT Iuyituld St sio COMPLIIILV uduinm bull tron welt morons too In MvIIIIP Shop in llittillli Mull llolllr Tl tlLICI DIAPIIIII Nil Ronni Italy In Your Roms wed lulucllnn lurib Tent Ind Awninp Cm will DIUMI tor rulr lvli rat in dood rendition litd Jiln rmouir doooia toms Iirurr IIDTIII toy lvllhlf DMIICM In hood Intuition riom irrononr illliri irr tlrttur Mitts VIIII nltl llLIvriIotl tor lulu II IKtl Moi dfoil CDMII III VNY WI lion Prko use Plum nlrrnono mm In lwlnrr Dnliwllir Mil IAIV SAIIIAII tor Ilie Unto In loNItloli colour bide PVer Mm ruiaononu morn tor twinor Intorrnulion Mil INGW ILOVIII tor To Rom wur in PM condition Mn till loll ltI motto Ior tor thee llllilvul MII IAVIHIDUGIIIIID IIIIRIM not in mil Inlninuyl nouitd to mntr urltrorooted Mollltotl roI ITHML IXIICIII IIEVCLI Ior ii In WI on out Vliit toll Ioi MM utytr doii noon Ind WI ll TIIIBM TINT Mil yrs Irnr 7266505 MIA ARTS FOR SALE Inltrurrlln Iioeo sort mo Mn WI moorurdr sum us morn lirulIl mm WILD wit ltd mod coitus tron ttI mrin Mir noun or us nor lyan old AI Intuition rlod lilo loan Tm MIMI urn In dood troll Inn on mm roter IllIlll imrriu Mll vv wartime incitinl IMiitiiy IV or twin Emiialil mitten luundty Nor std strnd trdtu tlolhin sin to Plum ntnnnns mm to norm Intolrnulion our TAPE PLAYERS rrr do non rm mqu solo mm imam Im lull trnrou Autoimit sumo norm we IANYIIG INll NW NW Ivor tum pod Mdlilon WW my unmet trim nor more urinal tor IWIM Indium MIIIollly dirolry tau IIIII ud it Good condition ll Rim Motori rIllltl tilt ll NDUIIIrlld mill plouth Nmr Iiouud Iin eons luuluur rnt Dirniol trrutlr All DDLLI CLOTH uny till Valid own bud run time buoiu Dolls wrpr rte blllridll Doll retain Reimtrrit mlm we oitlliio MM tsoiri rhlne rubinuil Milli oal orestom iabiur tNllurlieid lld mtrr turn Rlllll Dirmli rum drooirrr trot illuiltiit an tor Jul M11 Ind MIMI DIR Ior oomrnod It mains uni condition Pill toll va le Illy iirii IIIII pm It tortur lnlbrmiioll MIT ILISTIIC DVI SD inch MIt IO MR Viking Iiitylt lxirll IIIII Noomlnlii nun IM IhInM taor iiuo mt trynlu lit rurni GE mettle IthI TIMI Mil $5 DOWN Brand ml to Ina porlrbia roioor IliIYIlionl MI Ilicu only rm no ide OWN ml IVIIY V7 momiy uyrrtunlr unentnu lloipnl IllIO RIM MIIRIMIM MM withhold st MMMxMuI mount no dluiorl dllterl uiuror ttt Irudlord mu mm no mo tum wuyrl MII GUITAR AND Moiiiilt Ior nil Mormon Molt yill TM nlinu Itto ltulienl rendition mud on tut lliurnoeo limit Mlt TILIVIIION lee IIII IMR lit Ironomo biaeu red unite with ltund In edition Final rule DNA In Ior MM Vllliwlugq tilYmrtl MM motto unioeu with light to yiuind pruning no it with rimr In good Wilton llh Plum trieom moon lor Minor Inlorniltion SACRIFICE Irrnd ml Nutrition roluu IM rhulru Irooirr ml to true uiut No money Run II mot Ityurluy monito Ilymunil Ailv DIM II this We bottom lllill bitter It now only till no monuy um Iorr monthly nlymenn tineiuimd ml Al to II Irudiord rtmt More to NO Cloud Mmdyl MI IA CLOTH Llll ml him In tbaulotu NIP ll rlr or to aim dental and uurln whim rubbll tort or ru MAID MIA cotittetnttittzo tnntottn Perm In Illilm nurrmu omd iltl modal rtmo WWI rontolru built in tuou Im my PM mio aviornutie mord unonrw Ihulu udlrnt rldylur Itit turn only um put ml IJVMIJ t1 mortaly rynialitlt nornotuy own III In none tctouud Mondryrt MIT menu It cm um rm wuunoora Amt ll leyltdld Itm no one uitrtdn to one IIIJJ Nu MIDWAY boos mu bod Ind Ilbin our tour oo rooorr rim Urod vinyl mn IIMI Ilrod drurrur ultrl olna drum um rnuutr Illpht mummrmmnrsumumtr ARTS FOR SALE ARTICLES WANTED run mural our um tronn Mal mwo we RTE SI mm All our rel utl Molnar anrnm ulmct aid Inn mu on tum mm attritru loot III rid mm rum II In and out do ll Ed mu run Inna kiwi III BOATS AND MOTORS II My union to lure no lit and pour out In to writer war yd ensIds rmth to nuw Mi DOGS AND PETS mot Iliruirriin homot elm9 so or Iirlu lmy rum rat sws in All III Milieu Itor null Nil rrxl pond on Trim nw our ruorrut Fill In mu muriyn IDDWP TA ill JIM IV IIII Tu rumor Dr rs In IIIVICI mm It Id fhrrlln uimlir Dormr luumota thin out LINN Cathiem IUPIII Mute run his um um Men is niuu no trmarr runomiy ultra mom withth TERI run to lull wits IVAHI IVI thior KIIII llHlbll MM RAID Npoiou Ior saa VII Coiiiui wind ltrnl nil retro or Til Ilium ITIWI In Anth rotor in will DIEDGui an ire llill Tio Il um um und run lilo yum ITEMS NW FRUITS vsosrnotss Trytires ma that In CDMIIIDO DID Pill mniliMrL Na two IlIyul uaiu lutuoluom FARMERS MRKf NICKS DEAD STOCK DEAD STOCK Dead or rrlpplo csiliu und horde Sntsll Inlnrrlr rentulrti her For Iul rrriieo PHONE RARRIE 71mm iroilectl hours dry dsys tough or its Ior ZENITH MINI lNU CHARGE IIR Poxmead Ontario lith Montague Irtip Licento No Limit TY LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Chubby Zeb standing at stud Site Ltnrbbyr Rntuinl Tim Duns lnu II unis mm mu GRADE MARKS $30 It QUARTER HORSE REG IOII GILIDP MARE IOAIS Tcirithuiit llth IImrrnni TICMi ms It PERSONALS NEED DAY CARE Coniputr our rules our etuitn ment our rdueultoriul Iuctliiirr and our rrliuhihly lites Reels years CITY OI DAIIRII NOW PAYS ALL ON PART 01 DAY CARE FEELS BARRIE KIDDISKOOL DONALD ST trotrso 72R 97 Ilt rurnnruiian MTV too ohm Irlotlte limit In Iimb AI tolmln tirtrulrtt lel utyttnd to Nil In ynyrdnin 4noornhtohln II it PM trLJoot Al IIDICOIAINDP Ow DIIWIIIVG ronadttuntr will unto you trim your meeting mli ryvrrinor ortnl lhlvyrlnwilillrn ntntr il Ior potion ItItIlI Milt TD HELP WANTED JOBS OF INTEREST T0 MEN AND WOMEN my butt Glut myin rt urooudrio Vurtt ltm drills lntivlr rdtttnoduld out out ml IIMIII ottiu roo lint AWN in MIA IIAIII SIYIJST Milli lot My IIIon In Ilytield Mo Ahhly NW Mliinl lInii rm to maul lit iupltrl mnlid TI to line WANrun JOBS OF INTEREST TO MEN AUTOMOBILE UPHOLSTERER Good Mon bureau Iluil paid by many Good pay STANDARD AUTO GLUE ORILLIA 337 um ADVERTISING TRAINEE The rnsn Ire In looklne toe need not bayu my previous udrerthtoy perlm but Is erruuloyud In clouer awed eld uh ll mulling III II diLquB Id Iilh his present poultton beema It otten no distinct hlturl It Iponsibtliiy Iio LIVHI thin man to loin In main group oi nurtu paprrs that MIDI Iha need Ior mpnnsibia IIIeI pwpla with an eye tor lulu muxement We alter this nun In men tunity to better hinIeII llih onthbjub Inninr IILhistsIheIIrquIhrIun otr derlru us you to phone Ior an Interview poinimeot no It may Ihout your Arturo MR PORTALVE Stirs llsnleer TILE DAILRIE SMARTER Telephone mm srtt rural salmon Muird to non lutvmru lri Ind torn rrirIlIM Vmil Ion Iurrio In WillI MII IXPIIIINCID Humid MD Iron man WI outrun bdmlitu Ilody not Aim lawman MW moo YOUNG MAN 17 luoliukl rnoonri rim and noting ls odratn Iv MI stoo Auron kind In Huh urnr It huh Mil VCR DIIYII It our ond hm putrMiy etuan Mile mud AM In worn to tutu rrutr Motor Inuit ltd IIIIID Mi JOBS OF INTEREST T0 SALES HELP AGENTS TALE llnld KIM union by INN ll MM Inlumiion limo or II lo 57 IIrriI MT EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL IAIVIII umbeoturu In my own home iNrIu Inuuu nu Trio prot IMIII Mil TELL MORE SELL MORE linen you plsoo your Artlilrl For Sun ad In The Barrio Iii attilner Irw those points In mind slnio lihrt Iletrt LI Ilrurid nIhtu Aceesiories und utiuelinientl tpeclitrstitnl Utxntitton lthotsiery FIIIISD ro Colur Ilolio it essirr tor the prospect to buy Itrntuntbrr the Articles Iur Snlo rlssrillrulion Ir the INDII lurkrt Pluee =N l0 HELP WANTED TOT or INTEREST Io MEN AND WOMEN BISIIJNE PRODUCTS OF CANADA Company Lr utpsrdiny rapidly and reels loud trumpsmoot personnel Capable oI ooerutinx your own business hill or put lImo Income potentiul between Width monthly Ilonttr rind retirement plln No Irannnira toes For uppolnlrnerit cull Mr Ron Smith merit HIS NEW BUSINS Our rotttpany to pin plum You run KIWI with ust routir eruund tloor opportunity Ind Isi Irrose your present Income by too to loot per month tluluro snihitlous proplo only nerd apply Write to box Im BAIIIIIE EXAMINER M11 JOBS or INTESTEST Io MEN AND WOMEN PAPER ROUTES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Do you Urn to the urn or on our oi tho strttis lisch below lltoto Iortur ltotur still to IM now MA MI ll IIILJO RIIVy dilly uni Itonnmitll Iior Idlinolu MA entnrr lu Doniol at Hum BEAUTIFUL sinorr Iiunt mdiutlvtornllic Iio rm rrianliclmiixunzoluu door om III Rioty down It rot ml or tlnll Pom WM Incl Ionr motility rd yo Mtynlon Ior ltd dunr oooo BM lovino rnun hum run bud ttortoNirtdr II Tim mil Mil ARTICLES FOR RENT tor not with iiolr fulfil wmentu lliphl to Olldlot III SlHIIMIA Mon Tibim BTW Mondlyli ll Agata IAAENIN VIibHIIMVIIC MD Tm mm mm mad writ tutoyour ir rliy tend re oud oni uil montnr utl bro cartrmnrru Irtt lilo Piano TIIIM IllUri Ml mtttl OLD El Ind IliV mm min ood rr vnVoElrtoyln ELMVALE It you tlru In or around tho unromcnbouod arm plan All out the milestlon below Ind return It to THE RARIIIE EXAMINER Nrmo umnauntum Ago Address rloleplttinu