ta oi the the ttt at It had de res In bet and In two are to at in mmmmmesotrstucntttmu Hobs Threaten ly iAi MIILIINE Outta PM sun Writer Cehtornil Sceis optioned tile stunts liockry tum lug lilo let in the that Dltisido not the mom ttzdsetds omit but dimly the tree Inc mood in the llsst hss site learned Is tett ot the ltiielL lns yqueIs bet the is with three his costs is win over ios Apples hints to more laid tourtb piece to the West only three points separate tour chess hsttllos lot too pleyv oil lpola Ceitltrnta Iih eight wires to lies points one behind ntpiare 5t touts hints one shred cl lhitsdel II Fiyers not on on Ptltr lmrtim St touts end Priir bsoeh have eight games Istt Pplhrdelphls its nice Itlootrui CInIdIInI Ire threateer to disiodpe New York ltom second in the Eat hi the the en appear once Illin in Idiot in the wake or tItosessan Ioiurtes WIS IMNIIANDLED The Cutadleru ohn unitin died MID hiapie tests Wednesday night climhul to Ilthtrt ten points at the llsorrrs who dropped their lirst some at re ktsesszn in grid Disrk can other scheduled smcs The New Yorkers with gems in head have been lsbor Ins since the lost at centre Jean Itsteile sidelined with erected ankle Gsry trotsu Crsis Patrick Ind lIul Shmyr broke open tight yarns It OIttsod where the Seals started nlhcrtnz mo rrientum In the Iecottd pelted sod shelled toe Anrcles goalie Gary Edwerds with as shots in thesetond and third periods The loss ended any rctttule ehsnee ol linings last in the West rushing the plsynlis with men genres remsirdo toe gorges tell it points beb the es lrlttk hlahavlich Ind Ken Dryden previtini the impetus It lbrooto when the Qmstileru dentinted plsy tor more then the shots on ailndtented to item eeiln Montreal ers had little trouble hsndilns Rochester iimericans Take ilh By Edging Boston Braves 32 Dy IIItc earthworms the II for pistol positions in the Western Division at tho Amertcsa Hockey Learns rott tinned Wednesday as the ion threetesros Ill repulsed their thatlencert ilcrehcy beers shaded Provi dencetteds tinttimors ttip oers thumped Cleveland ttsrons Id Ind Richmond ltohlns topped Sprinxiield Illnas or in the only other name ttcchsstcr Amerisens upset lesion DrIves 31 to hits over lourth piece in the Elsi loul eiltid lien Itloelr Icond In tint arlod tor the Americans and ohn tmnitt Iddtd rest in the second while arms Mind to muster Tommy Williams and scared tor hasten to co late to pirit up grown on the idle Isovn Scotls spouse who remalntd deed ioc ed to rst piece the Wye ceurs hsvs two names to hood the tests Iith the his it sees ior tn costs Nee rs and it Ind Rlilitl up two powerplay dieters by City iAlIeur Ind fllrlyK lspainle iii It the hi Ii llzii ti the tint pa ihlt Propelled the thoedleos late Iodine Ilsa lesroe on bloat rr power Is TI nI litrtaa Gteooiephsyd erm tax miner peoslty Dryden the Osssdteu rookie IoIttIndIr Instrumental to ltoatrrsl lsslsiotdes Stsntey Sip visitory lIlnst yes was Irp to II ed few oliheetshotsdtreeigbisley were dlltlcuiL But hlcattesl coach Seotty iiowrnsrs took otleoce to ronto more to upset its players siren inls rIpttin tilts Keen Ictms op orders from Interim roach Kiti isoey had releree tilii Irldsy rooltsrate Ientre JIcaurs erelres stick to chrgk the tltttltllle ol the The route lust Iltrr ibronytl bide tstyk ens siren peasl Itllloltheo ningpe bsckttred Itth liltrurs cost settle the Csnstitens started FOUND WITHIN UNIT The site In later intend to be within NIIL regulations In or Is the curse was concerned but in measuring the birds Irb day discovered It was one atrurler Inch narrower than the 1s in thrre indies ailoued As result Lentslse was lined pm It marked the second time in Is msny seeks the rarelyused rule hes been cIiird New York coach Iimlle trannis toiled restart at the stick being used Ltdcssos Stsn hlikltn last week the curve in the iitIck iiIIits eeatret ttlct even found to ex ceed the allowable hellInch Ir and he not assessed one line im not complaining to this cute raid iiuunlan ItiIr the same list protests like tith could be abused tn the oily otts Ior live you could here to stlctts trnpottndrd on the other tenor he addtd imply tnp that the strategy ndsht upset other tensile psrticutlriy ltichmotid ltobtns condoned to nectar sconnsorrn NItteaIl bum East Division 910 will ltd 105 ti 11th 17 till it it it 770 I72 it thultidllth 71 zone Millie er iitllllic it 15 Ill Id VIncouver it it ttlri rat to West Division 42 17 it Hi lid 32 75 I0 ill ill id id Hill 25 1t 57 iii Mild iitilll 31 It II in ill Pittsburgh 2151 Willi at Les Article III 111M ltrIIltI Wednesday ItIontreIi ibronto thisrot New York CIIttarols Les Angelrs lenses Tnotyttt New York It Detroit ltaston at the Angelet tullan at Philadelphia Vancouver It Minnesota Amrritll lessee Enters Division is it Neva Sculls it 11 into lit to hostess 571911235189 Nprinliiciti 2d 27 it Edit Ltd 70 ltochesler it it WI 271 Providence 22 ill to 71 til it leIirrn liltltlos datiimore lediilldlditiii liostott New York hlcrttreet tbeonto Detroit thlclso itinneeoln St touts CIlllaroin fol II It hit it St Li itltt hTiLi titliii NEW Yottit tAli Ilouo dtict wss closed tor the ninth dsy Wednesday by labor dis outc while poor weather torted cancellation oi rutin tit two other II thoroughbred tracks With Snitch ileum and Nam tttselt lerk both in New Better clottti United States East osi resin was limited to til it ill ltortde end titn liro in uturytrnd it it the players were lound to thc Illegal equipment eenlound the experts by deleti In the King as they moved into third place inthe Wcst Six luysrs Inurtsl tor the tioblns anny Schools ltlck litothlsh ilnt Ilnlr Larry ItIle Chico Prnlct and Itme Gntvlelte were the marksman Wayne Ilivcrs got both goals tor Springtlciti tiersth maintained second plate on the strength of John Stewarts breakaway font with truer than three monies to play lluhin tlurns Ind Trvi Stroll wcro the other Ilershey scorers hitrtris StoiInlw Irui Alton White provldtei the poets tor the iirds The clippers stayed one point ahead of the hours by surging tor arrrn gold In their victory over the herons llIry Benn hotel Dennis Patterson and Grant Erickson scored tor the losers nhlie Ilrlun Murphy led the winners wills Isa Joe Stun icte leremhoise John lhench liuh Ititard Ind litis ltnrd Groves tdded single coats tor liaitimore itcrshey Iiichsnvnd Cleveland tinclnnatl Tidewater lit 1072111th 2h Is to lit ltd ll it it it no it it 2t 13mm til 1919 Mid Ill llrsulls Wednesday lterehcy Providence lialtlntore Cleveland ltlehrnood Sprinptlatd Rochester in this world thoroe always room for one more to Wills Call your Welcome Wagon Hostess now Film 71353 SCIIULIUIEIL Ont CFi For Lsureoce Ntten rls strike Big Id Increases Lead Over Hall by iiil CANADIAN Pitle Irnok Iishntliulr increased his lead over sctenthptsre Debby liull in the National itoeitey lespue searal recs Wednesday scoring two rolls and curtain in assists in tlont rest CInI Iris victory over Toronto tleII Meir hlaheslieh he it posts and assists inr 81 points sir shred at iiuii ol Noun tllack lIIvyks but well hook at ltod Gilbert Inti tic Itsdllold at New You llnner site are tied lur tuurth each wiUt It points tillbert scorn out and Iiadtteld had In assist as Chicago deleoted New York JL The erurln leadsr mlinues to be Phil lipostio oi iioston Bruins with Ill points The leaders It Die ii iii tEl iii II it 11 7t Ititt Al 51 It It iii Jii l7 Li 1d It It It 7t Boodle it llatellc sl Orr ti llIdlietd us Gilbert NY Itahnvilnh Ii ii Iiitii tiaumoyer rtt itucyir it 11 II Canadian Player Talking With itii KINIISWN tLlI little lebros altstar tniddiu ima baettsr with Queens Golden Gsels oi the Dntarlo Universl ties Athletic thiaiittll is no uotluling with National iool bull leacue cluh The tlcycnrsotd Ottaws ill tlte star with the darts its three seasons attte eonolen one yest It Dulce University to itsth CIrollnI tdcntllled the NFL team Wednesday It At lsrrta Patrons but Iddcd to not signed anything yet lemtrros has the tintround drtit choice of Edmonton Eetl loos oi the Canadian Football learns to the Canadian coilcre drIlt in tebnrsry MORE SPORTS 0N PAGE 20 moms ilaieon eundue lint SKI EVENTS ilervie Moonstone Retest Seturdey MIrch ill Anawtuntdestoradultreere ItlonstetlersYouenteIIMot Itsr event It thdShi School Directors elites and try for youlgoldlllverorbronra pin All your pattielpstlng std Centre or note ttelsonh tor tulldelatls MOLSONSBREWERY ctonrsrsnw sonouronsons lieori ltithsrd oi Ivtt treat Canndtcns ntlmtpis to clear pork Is liill itaohlttlsn tilt Toronto Maple louis closes in un hurt durut NI ttonal iloetcy league nation in 1brorrlu Wellnesdsy night lti Ihnlut MANY lhiTtlitd tlrthitct ul Aihrriu had 377 The Irotinslsl Museum and tlsttors in Im One for the front nuts to the summer and like suit In the Ilziti be llyttyotd illnmton Ith Ibo testis the Dnedttn Ichoobo curing shamelessth huh or trowel Iiler Its roast Lisa tours iticly latt bell llhe hientrrsl Ithm hare sated me to client one nl thrr 115231 csmpr but titrnt Ill Illi Ltlie looser sIld the husky ttbwsmirr sttcn Grade slssirnt Istd II our lunch to truth the asltosst ltaair lrorn hrs revs thee You hate to be able to it ur Alberta he Ind reirrrur ta rurltrt the Alberta sink Itlh LII renres brother link It Vices slip lies lies at second lltsi tend Ted Popsuski deicaicti Oninrtbl Iisrk litiiunaid erm CIunNae bl in the ninth mod nightly the strainer sissw Alberta out IrneL trailed by Suillthe Isnt Jim Wilson cl Salmon Tigers iioyais Vote In Strike LAKELLVD ILI tAit Detroit Tigers sod illness my it sottsi unsnirnmssly Wednesday in Istor of links it nestnary to hsrk plsym ro rpststs tor In Improted pension contrart utth the rysslur league baseball teIrn owners The Detroit tote III hi to in Issue cl Ilrrke Ihtie the hams ttly total Ins il in Ilth nor abstention Seterni ol the iloyals pisyers are It Foil hiyrrs Ind slid not participate to the bulletin Schoolboy Curling Lead Taken By Alberto Rink end Iirrl Nell cl Wm Bt Itth Iou lists Int two listen Csry tIrDsIIId cl Drum iil thou DIIDIunl Thunder Bay represent Northern millitt Ind John ltclettsh at illmtobs hsve recordt heuiouolisuls John Bartons rink trorn Labrador my in nest with lust Iin In three tum shits three terms are tied with in sun Ind Ivar tosses They In slIDansid John Prisms at Ilsiilss Ital 1hrn Sephten al llmtrssl liott Burnett ot Prince Id wsni Island is lost with arts Iin Ind four lanes in the Nth mood Sunleth Ian slurran Northern Onttrin ltd Weber beat Ontario Alberta dumped BC llX hlIni tan nipped New Brunswick and XrItoundtsrel Ion sis in the linsi two ends to detest Nuts Smile lhil IiatsuntZtiti Dshtr stsrslsrd equipment hits it rises lines 7331 VBIRREll nasal and one forthe rear 1100 NM Ilth host at assessoriea Inlessll tlm lull chrome sheet retr undue sttlrostrr tinted uulltrvuzh rntrlatiott disc Iil liitiDFOIIII because your front tires steer the car and your rear tires push it Fora limited time only at participating dealers Heros value for you special ottor an belted Uniroyal Masters tho that lives aver ongtnoorod as mutchod out for your car For trontvtiteote 5tii lrond each in pairs Size ml 14 rear tormmlmum tracking cornering steering and shortstop portormanco For rssrwhoels bills and throw tun wido tread lor maximum traction and rear and stability Bolted construction Iront and tour with 2pty rayon cord tor better handling Improved mileage 2ply nylon cord body for tougher resistance to road hazards Exclusive Soottile tinor minimizes nlr tosa Smartest eidownlts on wheels distinctive epon ruistid link whltowoli and rod tottortnp Take advantage at this Uniroyal use is st Ins oreIt IIEIIIII Special Value otter TODAYI ovese line it commit retcts ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT on men roItTecsss his LVESIIR bod tpty Fillll hell Deep tlllz tlvlbtretd contour moulded lot more traction shorter Itopr Ind tonper mlloege More than meets original equipment Islety standards ere14 lront COMPAth floor Front 705 75 Fill 514 NONE14515 lilo ratoa15 th 7814 J70 7815 L70 ll 7815 OTHER SIZES AT PRICES $4535 $4453 347 $51 dbl 355 35MB Atrtcle 44 llth In ms bite lions Will It A7 COHIAIAIH Full tplynylon ISrcwribdoelgn eEngineorodIortho iomlly car lot dependable Into mlloagol he Look for the UNIROYAL VALUE ASSURED symbol at participating dealers Prices or shown It Uniroyal Centres Comparable pttres st pattrelpatlng Ualroysl dealers