Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1972, p. 13

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iii WMmw tibitARY ran all gimdmieldiaitoteln ubootaluybllnin arueutinlr scrrwd isiha ll gm niobcparuncai sniht paletteslammin provincial grant in stu rxiitrada has aol in it as no clear balm thcra stretch mat formula aiiadcnt must no man than nine credits are his secondary Ichool di what he cateradradr to be aliglhll tor grant crown that Stlpsolcrdmi IIqu all oi the aim no iy llamas Oatbdic School Board called on 90110 backlash MacDonald new Coablrra rtrtind the ro ionsemelllreoltbeoaurta MOIMKIIINM Kanddtscotrrodibamrai lit MacDonald laid the roll wuuti bit the larger separate school boards bard becasru many at tbirha hava rurarriu uhoolasctnoior arabltioaatta drats who would like to nish Atll Wt school br iota years hatteadolilra hoard ilgrees To Set Up Iund Eur School Petrol Equipment almond liomaa Cathol use iitit up airp pu its reboot patrols with the WW cos with hidivtduat school purine dpala tabla Jamca llscDonrlI the eccldait rcicntim otlicer with the he dctarhrncni oi the Ontario Provincial at to appeared hcioes milng at tho board on Wednesday to dis miss this prohltm Ornaiable Machncli told the board that princhals had been reluctant to supply the proper adidpmcnt because they would hats to tats the lands irom surnawbara else It you an gain to have pat rols in the ach then you should supply them with equip meat be said Opustahls blachnell who Is In char at training school patrols all the rural areas ding Dania cornplalncd that my law Vtldilpnli are doing the Job they should with the patrols ti aald tbepairola and the DR lit GRANT trl director oi Ontario ll oa health and ealaty dirt on abawa SuGrIIIln manaycr oi the Georgian hay Ration central and It Puddcn re glennt accident retention ol tlcor new no its electrical Wipaia hilt support to min the tea at the other lllligtlmllnhh tree the roll at the ealci patrols in the schools Constab MacDon ct said then has never been latality Involving child while the patrols rtcra ln tllrci lla arid the tint ycar aalcty atrols wrrw in elicci in the nilcd btatu llc the total number at latailtlra in children aged lover to It years is per cent Another asset ol the patrols to said is that they lead child tco rcrpeoatbltlty MM DAMAGE An accident Wednesday on toimly lioad It in Inalailt Tum ship caused an estimated 01500 damagl to two cars The accident pblrb occurred at 1130 pm was apparently caused when one car went out at control Drivers oi the two Vehicles in volrad were Raymond hob tri Elvlna cl Stroud and Paul niitcrt t0 oi Newmartct aalrty poster dcsigncd to help eliminate increasing electrical accidents resulting lrom metal salt beat masts touching avctv brad wires During the twoda accident prevention cordcrrnce In harrlr Mr Grltlln announ Elite limits Eruption cm NEWS TITLth LIICII it rm ll Contradictions Plague Study gr Oi Lake Uses FlREiAEN STAY BACK AND TRAIN WATER AT THE HEIGHT OF WEDNESDAYS FIRE Estimate or Damage Hits $250000 Firemen Scene 24 Hours Later Iccnivlaur hours later tIrc mcn were still at the arena at the tire that gutted live bur lnusea and three apartments in downtown Bards Wednrrriay Wednesday lnltlal estimates at damage rraraahl hastmimlromtha ilra that role out near an elat trlcal panel In the burmcrit nl Irvines Decorating Centre on Oappcrton St Brunt Irvine owner at the do coratlng contra notlllcd the lite department at 11 am Wed ncsday thca be leund small blue by the basement When Iitarrarn arrived min utes laicr dense Insole hillttd through the door and raid intora had gathered to warn the blast which was not to he under control until pm FORCED IACK Firemen latlally tried to enter the basement through the alorc but when llamas and deals smote torrid them out at the building they had to cut hole in the oor aur the door Some at gnllonr at team were pgtpcd into thel basement waicr was bang tripod Into the upper levels bht the lite quick spread through basrmrnt cor Into the adlolnlng buildings containing dtannea Calloc Shop iagga Laundry and Clconcrs the beauty has Salon and lhrce apartments Canadian Security tlsnagemcnt Ltd was locatcd on the Iloor aboye Irelacs About as women were at blarc manning the lien pamper and the new aerial ladder while pilicatnra tried to caniinelthe crowd to the tar sidewalks htinor inlurlcs wcrc aullcrcd hy lhrrvsan Jack bchlltsllr hi Barrie who hay bLt bnlr alng rd when can at paint explod ed but the occu siria at the buildings escap unharmed hlr hirAlllstcr was lrcalad it the mac and roturnrd to ac tion Fire Cblal Dan licast raid the mayor problem In lighting the blaze was that dsnse amok and lntrtisa beat prohibited iha llrrmcn lrom retiring the base moat lit lill alter iircmenbad sprayed team on both buildings lrum the ground Ltiicl Kcost Hell it County Garbage Dumps Dont Meet Ontario Standards biota than hall the garbage dumps now in use in Simone 0me dont meet provincial standards that go into allact hint and the mutilclpallllrs tonal Development Council was told yrrtcrday at sane mrct lng In Orillla Doug station at Triton Eng lnscrlng and chairman oi the re use committee ior Strum Coun tya tone at the GlillDC pro end that the Georgian Bay ltcglbhal atoll ol approximate ly 000 had worked 1000000 man hours without disabling lnlury mnlrlrig tbcm eligible tor National Soloiy Council Avrar 1000000 ilVlanHours Work Without Disabling Injury rmployt about not men and no The stall at Oiitnrln llyilraa Georglnn buy tteglon hns worked 1003000 manbouts with out it disability Injury llny bl ttrllin roglunal IItJll agar mode this announcement during his opening pctriritlis nt gtivudiiy accident urctcntluri conference lur auutcvisnry atoll held in it in on rtrdntsdny Iillil Thursday lThls achievement shows that you have been surccislui in do trloplng salrr trotting habits among your still he said Llut irbllc congratulating those attending to warned theta not to become comblnccnt Dont leel that you have it made because ll you ict tip lit minute you are headed ior truuhlc Snlcty la lllctlme un dorlaklng This annual cunltrcncc tr al traded by supcrvlsory stall tram the Georgian tiny lirgleo wtdcb Lotti inn GENElilll LINEIIAL ANNUAL Atinuui meeting and election Ill oli rs ol the tlnrrln and Die Librral Association wli nnn it tonight at Ilill crcst school Tvrodiv Sirrct lllihlhUlthT Innislil Council last night it ptuial it plunnihu busrd renum ntcnilallun to allow Garry halt to convert Gerrys itcnt hturlrrl lo restaurant whulcsale tttcat outlet will be retained In the bark ol the building but meal will not be sold retail in the prcittlsrs votincll was laid irons iiunit items lnnlsltl public unrlts cuiiiitiil Ito will study the problcm ul elicit on road allowances and invite racumrricndaiiun to cuuncll Planning beard bud aui grated the signs be removal and littlaccil by standard algal Th signs to duration are udvrr tiling vnrluui township citati llibrncntr and the council aug rrittd the chamber at commer ic nilrht want to late on the lob at encouraging standard aditrllrlng signs SlIOPPLiO PLAZA The lnnlsili township consult ant will be asked to aiiidy the sibliity el lecturing thesoutlr all at toil Concession it in proporcd residential rt meals to the olllclal plan de vrlupcr lius auggesltd residen ilni and stopping plara devel umnrnt on the lead II it can be iltllllhiiti away trotir agricul turnlusrs Tho muttll also asked tor the consultunle opinion at the ice slbility ol permitting light Industrial area on the south all at but It Ounccsslon hlItEIIOAO lrlltt llir lnnisiil rundr IOWIllIltiAls rtit uni truncated to get this lel at lcndtr ligurcs tor the rcruilnrinr ul No Sldcrond licturcn Concessions and Cuiiricil llil compare costs at nature trratmcni and minds ulpithll brlora letting the con SNOWlIthtti lnttlslll council has approved recommendation to blttthhll otitl Icct ni anovlcnce lront the Ihnarlrnrntl ul Transportation and Communication at lour crtrtr pct loot It also entered surveyor to hail the sutith bound ary ol iha Itlghliud Atrnue rend allowance to Palruvrlct as part rccmstrucllcn at that street mcn The theme at this year trace is Partners In Salcty Tits purpose til the rcmlnar stylc program was normal up by the regional manager lie are all can be said ue user to know what you thinking and what you know fillqltty and are on Dr It Grant director oi llyil lormcd health and sslaiy division also spoke to ihegruup brlelly lle outlined the duties at his new division which comhlnrs the lormcr mrd lcal services and accldcnt pre ventiort divisions Dr Grant said litre the scniod hit linal report ruagcst lng municipalities now gct to gether to provide landml sites that could be used lolnlly by number at conurninltlco lle said provincial olliclals have said any dump that does ntmcet the atandantaal the Min nth hulangos arrrrettan la arrnr oi Soul will be clonal The municipality can appeal but the dump will remain closed until the appeal Is erttlcd 0n Sepi the government It union in lower the boom lr Shelton snid llir rcpurt wit to the GliltDC directors ian uplnluns Holding Tanks Ilre Discussed lnnlrllls health committee has bccn discussing the use at mid lng tanks In arrns tilttTd arptlc tanks provide problems The township is dlnctiaaldl this possibility and has not yet ap proved anything about the sys am theme at thb ysbra oonlcrrncr Partners In bnlrty because it til the new combined roles at the now tiltislurt lla ilrcsscd that human be lrtgs are the authors uI most at their own mlslartuncs and rr amphulted the point made car list by Air ltrlll that It is the supervisors rcapunaiblllty to mate sure his atoll herbs aalcly Dr tirant also eiprceicdxon corn ever the grouln number at public cloclrltnl atctlcnts We must do everything pus alble to tcttrh lite public to use more caution and to treat cloc tricnl wires and equipment with ngcdatrr care and rrspcct he as lulormalion and warnings are provided to children and adult groups through the press isle vision aalniy psmphets lllrtis Ichuul book covers pustcra lvr Industr and demonstrntinn uni it hit illustrates the hazards oI rartlorsinliiiudrl toward cl citrltal equipment Ils estimated that during mt aarne 1150000 atiidrnll in Out nrlo were ripeacd to this lulvo mailed in rlcctrlcal anlciy lie rcconiinrndsilons ap proved List night restrict the possible use ol holding tnnlts to existing buildings and give the go ahead to the health ualttu plan pilot project somewhere in the township brwihi the aerial IIMET into action and lirmcrl toot tum spraying the root at the build Lugs llr lriino estimatch his daily ago at boiwucri 31030 and 50000 Ctrch Kurt world not speculate on the imperial loss but stdd It did not even came time to the damage caused by the lite on burlap Street In April inn TIIIRO IlIiIZ Wrdncsd alire was the third rriahirl ln Norrie in Our Kllm whose construction firm In building the new Royal hanh Arra bend ollirc on the corner nl Collier and llayllrld atrctts said work on the new building should not be hampered by the lite The men nothing on the sill wrro cailcil oil Ilid tub allurlly alter iltn lire lhd out but will he hurt to work alter pumps have clcnrrd the excavation ol nnicr Owner at the gutted buildings diaries Graver had lelt tor vacation In Florida early bird acidity morning Chlrl Kasai speculated that the tire near the electrical as tcm in the batcmrai had abo circullni lhc win humllll It right back to the utility pole on the north aide at Collier Strcci WM ll Mlb allull trllure ltllll lbcy loved lilo wire lying acruss Cola llur direct lrcnir Can owner at Cans aa lrult hinrlttt errors the strc told he lirrt noticed limb tlung was wrong when the lights in the decorating canin began to tlictirr Itt llrhu had gone out people ran col ill the building and smoke started pouring uul the liens said air Ontario Tito blarrhols investigation titlillil start as train as the build lags had cuulcd Arson has tlclittiltly bran rul all out he said By IT 112th unim nail Writ Studying National user or Leia Statue la study at run tradictians John Amhrmc ol the department at lands and lorrats told lznlxill council that rat llr Ambrose who is too ci tnr matinnat land use study at the lake which II be inte grated wiih the CsnadaOntayio ltldrau Tttni Setup study laid he can gci no guidelines item the ptnvtncc on what growth will be cacotragcd tor this area lly superiors tell Inn to plan lur use by locals but theres no way you can do this Ilany ol the local people dcpcnd oa ousldcrt coming in or their bid nod CAUTION AREA Ila said All Strum has been classed as at the prime rcc rutlns areas in the protlncc and its proximity to Toronto mates preservation ol that status mandatory There are not many cities the also at Tomato llth no rcation lacilily liic this nearby Councillor hiata Constabla commented thrt he thinks the Design ior Devrlopmcat The Toronto Centred Region plan In prime example at this contraa diction We are prime rccrca ailon area and yet they tall us to pack people In on tap pl ii liecie George Burton Minded all about landt and Inuit poib clu rcgardlng coascmtloo arr cas llc said the township In by tag to preserve the lovrra Creek area but said the province will not htlp unless hunting and listing are wad The criteria for the cclsiivi that II we were it to let them go in there and about all all the game theyd help us DISOUETINO STUPID ll thats not the must dies gusting stupid thing tor rap porcdly intelligent group oi pco pie to asy blr Ambrose aslrl his study which Is now in the hands ot rcmler hill Davis mates rco ommradatlcna or land acaulsl lien and ti adopted these lands would get priority irom lands and terms xna mu tlgct tor land acqulsltae an thats getting larger but how do you haste which area should have priorityt You dont care bit about some bit at land In Perth that could be marl bonuii lul than this you want nume thlng done about this area Mr Constable sold the munici politics have responsibility to do what they can to preserve their putt areas and shouldnt ut all the burn on the prov CE ltccva tturtnnreplird that such things as the Lovers Crrclt arcs can be designated conservation areas but that still allovra people to put ihlr rattle out to grain or to apply to the committee at adjustment or rmlsrlon lot son to build omc ou gct attenuating circaw riarrm thc comm cc oi ad hatmrnt Approvra the On tarin onlcipsl Board uphotis it and lhtl can ws do ITIDY STUDY Itrcia hartnn said he was bit led up with having windy anrr study with nothing done is implement the rccummmdattma li Initld coat to million for or to Install sewage system is end poliullori along the late lronL Thcy can give its minim in hippies to travel arwrvd the country but we cant grt any thing The min med Ilr Ambrose to mate mmmcnistloas to the province that could be lmplr rncd you come up with aoina also that will coat stoop mtlae theyre going to lust dismiss the India thing as too uplmln by not ruxgrsi something can get harlot wl The council members also merited an the problem with in trrlsod cottages It allow rsat ailnrd to llra In Tomato and brings his Iamlly up to live In the cottage what are we supposed to dot Put him out to the atractr noao Loli hey at or III hc trio II rnL In rat There is similar problem with use ot road ands tar swtmu mlng and other recreation usu time urton raid the town rhlp cant silori to Insult wash rooms tor thus people Tth goblins taorbcb daim They be Council also commcntcd can the llshcrlu allustlort In the late ltccra Burton said many peopll are crammed that thrra are ten amall llsh Ile blamed this on smelt eating apowrr bclorw the fish hatch tla suggested appoint Iag people to protect data rtruma lrorrr amrlt netting the smell and patron thcm torn ircdlna on spawn hlr Ambrose said one sugges tion or gttilnr rid oi the small had latch to introduce cohoe asl nion but theyd probably clcrn unmeicrythlng also is well he an POLLUTION But an nvarri concern tras area pant ing growth llovr do we erase the polio tlurt problem whrn were cncnuh aging more people to come hvrul ttcave hurtua asked llr Ambrose said he has been trying to get some ldu from the province about Its Tar onto Centred llcgiori plan but said nobody teams to thaw what la going to be done lie said hla researchers are doing random survey or any homes around the tale to ltnd antwhatpcuplathintt olgroirih and to led out what segment at to go aomcwbera the popula ll any went to dustrlal development lrho lays Harrie has to grout blrAmbros old my dotsat anybody ask apeoplat The lisrrla Figure Skating Club hold bknlalitun yti tcrdny lronr 30 to pm at tlto Eustvlew arias Ainvat 200 pic tout part In the nycn and slightly over H000 wns ralsrd let the club AT LEFTt Shelley hlllla gcts RAISES $1000 helping hand lrom chdy blaa tin tell and Laurie tlcttinic ADOlEl Tue stators try the hand at dancing lormotlca on the lot They are Cindy lrll and Laura Canning litr ancllatr photos by Peter North E0

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