ovumwow nwmn wet heddnd 353me as highnidaylcul rudetslhptueeaapepet tutti with WitherNo64 NaiAloreThlniDePefCoNP Blii Aiiow REDUCTION or COUNCIL sinuses $oiution Rejected King llusselaa piaa to role lag the Palestine prohicm was heavy lire todayre tn israsl names by Arab and deridcd In riv Arah sanity last proposed by no suggest smioss with Egypt and Syria ihe leyrarold Jordanian Marchs ixosxaai annosnred in Amman Wednesday railed IV tor rnergcr oi the lsraelheld West Bank oi the lilvcr Jordan with his East ltank to term United Arab Kingdom Within hours lsracl had so lasted ILsaylng It negated the cause oi peer and creates oh statics on the road towards Its achievement lsraeil Prime Minister Golda hidra alike insisted there had been no Ior lmcmrht ill such pan with Jordanas Claimed by the Palestinian corri rnaados and other opponents at lisssscin lira hIelr brushed oIt title eclaa proposal as ginssnlek and said he would get the occu pied West Itanh onlylhy ne atlng pesto treaty with et RELIED IN lh WAN hiss hiclr told the Knesset lsracls parliament that her garcmnscnt will remain the sole ruler oi the territory arlaed trem Jordan in the 1561 war until peace is achieved through serious ntkoilatlon 1th is presumptuous onesided announcement nhleh not only doesnt serve the inter est oi peace but also is likely to commit extreme elements to seek war ualnst insect aha toidvthe Kama lsraels partia me Experts Killed Delusing Bomb In Bailout BELFAST iAPi The Brit Valuedruihlmlplh ae Endgdurinaltomencathollc strict oi Beilasi sgts Christopher tkaekaelt and Arthur matches dismantled two homhs then died in sheet ol rlanw as third winded in their laces Removal 01 their shattered bodies vu delayed by sniper tire the army reported Creehreil and hutdser were the arch and 11th soldiers killed this year either Ottoman Brit ish iorce In ern lrelaad the total record ed death toll in Ihe llmooth uphcaraisnow is Expectations continued at Protestant retaliation against the guerrilla whr being waged by the Roman Catholics ol the irish Republican Army liarriea new aerial ladder wont to reach into the clouds youd never know it trorn this photograph takers at yesterdays use at irvirie the iaturas would he one litre tor marathon to escape 1th clam tor absenteeism legislated at Dimmlon anx ious to show the peopl el Ai bcria they were on the hit wiped up like inrkeioihe ac Wednesday as three color television cameras rceordrd mm events ilve amt nineties CLOUDS its mmlhii inhiniifiifhdhi reared dremcaootet outt dry hour an olllee three ing which was totally daetrny apartments and restatssanl dense rtmdayaithohghrae video Peter telshed planned it be lattyura election is when on or Photo by Wright An Dntarlo legislature commit lee Wedouday approved hill to pennlt Slmcoc County to re dam its eossacil members to it irom 55 The action was commended by lasn pleased to are this bill get support said tieeiw George Burton oi lnnisill lie was member at the rarity council committee lhirh made atudy last year at mrilods to better elise representation In line th taxes paid and assessment Iecl this will have so Im taat bearing in bringing tit more equal representation he said RIDING hiEhThElt lormer Simone County war drrs Arthur Evam ttPP raid in Toronto smaller rinmrll will ITIHlltIltil operations and give the countys three major centre hlldiand Colllngweod and lnnlslil greater voice its an attempt to 5le the peophs who pay the bills the moat say he explained The private hills committee at Queens Park also endorsed bill to permit Waterloo to take over community services board which runs the arena parks swimming pool and other recreational Iaasillies Goadon Wanna cotanty clerk said the redness tar ltlthotlli to reduce the Mini munheseh was passed try eons ty entail June at last year no mutation led the govern ment to authorise the change We list marinade re cinema ignited Me gova buttery ifihoiik lastitem misdemeanor anus homebeerdthere1vaycompsnias utility the government Speaker Gerr Amerongen had trouble kee track at speakers when as many hr sores hint at time up to impress the home talkshy tiring questions at the other aide oi the hoist the regular htninees ol the Govt Tcskes Look At Aging Arms HALIFAX lCPi with tie raonnei level alrnesi stabi icd the Canadian delsnre do periman Is taking to look at aging equipment and is re ulrements to carry out as agood roles Delores lllnlstcr Edgar Ben aoh told news cooleronce Wednesday that ltrst en the list oi equipment to he reviewed ls the Centurion tank massive hriiishdeaigntd vrhlcle ussd in the Korean was Expected to lotion decision on the tank are moves to rithrr replace or rclurhtsh the Argus and Tracker antisubmarine atr erait and eventually the aging Natidnal Industrial Policy To Include PIClnS Fer West omwi cut stir gotcrn higher levels o1 KilDllllE aetle the people oIVWeniern Canada meata tortheomlng national in diastrlni policy will Inehsde plans lor economic development 01 ii Wilt uhuriniater hlnrtlo OConnell told the Commons Wednesday The Industrialization which has been available to Centrpi Criteria and increasingly its concern at the Atlantic develo meat strategy will he avails in Western Canada Mnf The Pascale mthlstrr was speakingduring agoaedll dc hate on conservative motion urging the government to IXFL tillarauch services as pensions vnrnuiorneat issuance and Just elite deliveries the mo tion did not come to note ile said good deal ol the loroard trend In new in dvstrlal strategy lor this cottn Iii try will be $de deveioiliil dgtrvym oi the Annapolis ltlr Benson who took over the delrnre portlotle early this year was here to visit htarltimo Command lsellltles lie said the department pen rennet level or about noon will decrease through normal attri tlan to set level at 31000 by the end or the year sisiilcient to carry the torus duties The department is looking tor lighter tank to rrpleca tha Centurion the dclcnce minister said Several replacement de signs have been IIUdled and decision is expected sometime this year Ily in the West it is in erase decentrali sation oi industrial activity in the search tor the lust soee in terms at quality at tile mt terms oi national unity Indutr Minister Jeanine raisin told news conference Monday the govrmntent plane to ennoisriee an toduairiei Iirai try by tail maonn EPBECII PRDNISE the paltry was promised In the throne sprcch Feb 11 an lag the rttrttni session or an liarneat his ODonnell said many pro plu see Western Canadaa econ orny based on agriculture and corrgy resources do not think that does lull tie to the possibilities the potential and the aspirations at Biiieved aire recline Howard tissghee ping pictures security today on the oors oi the poets hsyshere inn international Airport where In Vancouver they left on private plane The eccentric do Ndihll hound tor Les Angelee herein arrtvadiln eneouvsr at there was Immediate spec 7am riseday aodnwee station that the elderly stooped ed tin private plane hotel whsrmldsahad the sloth and nth prevented CPRN Edmon lhatltdtip with Dunedin cm were Woww on in mission iiswmiueciiisomsnon ban been delayed its at least another week to await meet Weduaslhas aea innw Md sojthegmiui advan embattled Nest the WWII previ lonoedaprovtocialgratmeom tagehaaaid Staying In TbHOti In Vancouver VANCOUVER it Billion cloee tiring questions and snap Iir Bodies but Dirk Hannah Hughes Tool Co was battered still asder tight The rnenuld nethte entered spokesman said themsnaerel top two taxi and drove to ansvuver themansesttwaraotlnteep county nitirlala today Certainly tonnes test ms anus governments iodgawastesl pro it Is realised it still has in Under ulsting sssiee unit it peas the legislature yet but this the it municipalities hes odd or Wily alormailiy said hlr member while places with him WaisusL stating the manly roun or morn eligible voters also have ell members will be pleased with deputy accve tVo voice Isl the prompt attention given their given the men at msmi ill with rpm cligthu voters ii Lessorsr coarninuron zmmidmyw Lilg Emulator institu Mtuo plum Ilshthudellgthlavotara Reeve Burton pointed out Lha it mm In mm mm Im WWW Igihle voters Under the rcvlaid to cosme will contending this n1 my Mummy mum ME in it done to have one member piats mum Mi cs will be required to have 1503 WW WNW itll sotcra tor deputy mere MN for this use shoe Ior an extra vota in We have no desire to throw seen The new rraulmiiin re our weight around but in item oulrcmcnt tar tour votes will bd rial espeadiurrsweahoald have 1500 voters toolsiii Midland ouriuatsa he stated nrnark and Coiiiacwood will is lag the was move toward the latter at once some this desirable goal the others may anon Union Proposes Summit Talks MONTREAL CPI Thu Nov against CBC radio Italian ilooal Association or lsoedraat rotcst the slow pace at Employees and Technicians Tract talks Wednesday proposed sunamt and Mm The strike wblds atlecta BI tatolaatontilhtcars Ianhtimandlhweoithah nadlsn Broadcasting Corpora nm unnatiABLt amuse hum new Hauidthereverenulrnmes mmmsnamiuannr illvhmhmdiimih mammary MM recommends advantageous tor both parties lim to hold and mung lieu it the tethtgrtrlktcalcmn NAhEI technicians Toredly since Jan 21 to bar it iamachrd nationwide strike inramcontract Pill constitution illliT thwA it it was you who you can wash tor in between Prime limit lo esilon from dsrrbs the nest lcdssal elem Edward lieath cl Britain and blmm his my tinnyT itrlan Faulkner al Ulster term In the it which have aixwechs log with the secretive style cs itth has planned weekend poured the billionaire hlr by would not walk throslzh el lobby titled with repuumheesld em ITT President To Provide Files icons the top WWW night as an elderly man amni wmnnrmp my gm mam gm old Greece president oi inter emerged from guided eleva WWI WWI IN WO tor andiwalked dill we graph Carphaa prooilsed to the lobby provide the Senate News reporters clustered committee with list olliiea untied thrusting microphones purposer destroyed in the cams lte observed that Vancouver hu been designated as head quarters oi the Chanda Develop merit 0cm body eel lit last year to direct government aadprlvata tends into development Western deveiegmeot Linked with new ire tIee Parllle countries his ODonnell said The liberal government ea period to rallageoerst election soon currently holds as ol the an constituencies in the loser western provinces having lost two iss byelcctiona his OConnell sell new stress on the Wrst reects continuing ovenarncnt concern with tus to his all lgroups and regions despite its ass ugliest retro ancutotlsepaat aiy pa Washington hillce two cc Alilng bh leiaBeardhas been her Washhigtnwh liluuwerhahredded by LT and security agents iron New York alter columnist JachAaderaon published memoranham allegedly written by tire heard that has delayed Senate codtlrmetlon ol Attorr neydlmeldmignaie ltlrherd Kleindienst tha snernoraodum resulted in the suggestion that the outcl rotut settlement at three anti trust suits against Li and try was connected with thereo giorneratea nancial pledge to San Diego in the WI ellorts to obtain neat etnnsnera Republi ran national convention Seneca who Is to return to the witness stand today and tamer atiomnygcnersl John htltehell denied Wednesday that the eettiemeni was too heeled with LT and Ta tinsn rlal toromltment to the Calllor his city Queen Visits Iiir Force Post CAN hlaidlve islands AP The Queen has completed an dher stopoa her Atrotslsn tour with tlvehouraiop at this hoisted lioan Air Force station in the iodine Ocean The Queen was accompanied by Prince Phltl and Earl Mountbatten an hrlei visit Wednesday medias here with Preach Pres ident Georges Po lsiota and thegovernmentaiso mpitd with dual details at major hintgtt to he released March his Police Search For Bormann BOGUPA Neuter Police combed remote jungle region at Colombia today checking re ports that Nasl war criminal hlartin hormsnnAdail tittiera tie yis hiding there rct Police tltlel lion lasts Osdonea Valdcrramn disclosed Wednesday night that patrols at his men were sent to the urn gmuhd Ptmio Asial in miles Bogota sever nya ago Ordoecs head at Colombias administrative department oi security said his agents bed in atrurtlons to ilnd man he llevcd to he Bormann and pre vent hlrn lron iiccing the coins rlgorouaI Investigation is under way he said rt Him7 Oh that Shh Patlldtl Faulkner worried about the ad More oi his Protestanthased mmhllmlrhddgde hint aodscaior ministers lie wtilha Mm consulted ahout lane or so hem Mu mm higbechoot audience Wednes Soorcusavuamimmui 5W stirred up lathe mi not ha held sooner mphonetnask hot pants but it liuslmd Youre not enswerial question his Shanta pointed out dont know it you will vote or not its mitoses hedged it depends when the elmioltiw Wed his to her so by Rounder disappointh the pride minister was an swerhu questions from ll Cit WNW Null youll be able to votaI in going to be it on June siaee governments have it can vote in the next traditionally retrained tram icderal clettionl elections in July and August Mr ltudean chuckled hesl rna lltieal observers are latcd and replied lil tell June election CAPSULE news 51 JOHNS litld tCPi rooms is Snellwood tonnes raise eral premier oi Ncotosmdierd denied today that he predicted Progressive conservative victory in the hlarch at provincial steer tIoas its elely latse fabrication ldr Smalkwnod said in iciep our interview lrom hlontrral llebei Legislator Arrested In Ballast been on the run since aims was Imaied neutrino hm with today Kennedy is piolltA member at the Northern lrel Parliament was reload in the home oi aiournalist with Willi ji lieCrory the commander oi Ballast hettallon oi the Provisional wleg oi the nth 130 Prisons Have More Customers omwa CF ihe parole rate is high in British Whartbla wag told Wednesday British Dotsmihla lesds the roiatry in has sanitydlvnrca abortion illegitimate births and crime atatlstih length llolt told the committee which tsesamlolhg the parole Pakistan President Visits Moscow tinseow tltcuier Pakistan President zunkar All matte arrlvcd ha Moscow today tor talks with Roasted leaders the Soviet news egtnay lass rgertrd illstslks with Kremlin leaders as cover the oumllon held In lndla altar members roalilrt Deportation Proceedings Iidiournodi NEW YORK llicutrri Deportation proceedings against er nestle John Lennon and his wiieallokono were attained today until April it litrr homlnuie hearing hetero lmmlgrei tloo authorities Nixon limousices Moscow Visit wisunioiou tAPi President Nikon will seivssiay tor Moscow to hold surnmlt talks with harlot ieadtra the White ithiaae annotsnred today Nixon the White item said will discuss with the Soviets meter issues with View toward Wisdom tng buatcral relations and enhancinlihe prospects tor world peace atartlngwiththaimierm GWDIMlethWWlmmthernnpr he relsniadandasld think Smaiiwood Denies Predicting Pewh actress Car Nobel legislator Paddy Kennedy who iii top mas Republican Army leader security toms aoowneed but the prisoners then have more customers Senate eemmlttth