Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1972, p. 6

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CAN EENTURI RINK who the CIIIIII trophy at the hon rte tholion anu ennunl oo wlel tor the Minced Otrla FOR SPRING 72 aeaton on Allurdoy nlrht Steve Dolled ol CRUD rodln preseru the IMDY FRONT hlrl Serdulr Illr DuIlKIl REAR PROII LEI1 Anxeta hhrehan vtce Iat IIohInaoo 2nd Carol Dolley trad Ex emtncr Photel Mens Fashions Shy Away From Flamboyant Trend lIy ETASIA EVASUK Forhlons or every member of the Iemlly tor the rprlnr n1 11 erartarnprd wlth rloste ele pence Ihrrer no doubt that mtne Ienr has rnmo at no tor the eomlng renwo Gone era the flamboyant renratlonrerkinr clothes nI eeoronr prul when men were onloylnp the that Ilunh ol Iarhlon Independence The opting look lor men rlrillred casual but elegant oI terlny elmple rophrtloat wny oI dreulnp to the men at many purlulta The ball rlrIl ellllouotle II rIrIohrouatod rhoped with lapel ntlll the leader In Lltt haa nhlllod rent the book to the Iron wlth olr rottttar hellowr pockets aquarnd petr pocketo regular patch porkcte and envelope pockrtr Deep lcntr are rtIII In order wlth rllyht Inereaae In rlde vent mode Pleated panLl are on the upbeat end there to lertl Io rtralrtlt top In addi tlon to Itareo Tier rIay wlde to III the on ereI picture The rhlrt plctore he Ilghler loch with lot nl whlto or paatel colored hatt rovnda ehnonp underneath the patterns Wotan tor the while rhlrt or onlld culture and eullr on rolornd or nntterned holler The Introduction cl hlyher heelr on mena alloer Ir rule Iect oI conversation It orlgl notes with the hlrh heels worn to lumhermen nnd eowpokea rom there It rhorl ump Io lllrllerhrelrd dross oer ruunl rhoea ond boots Th1 errlng woman can no eloaaleely latlored or romantl rally Iemlnlna In the new lush lona Iheree rwlnp Io Jlteattd mm In both ton on rhorl dream The orutlca look to or erywhera It ahowr up to color eomhtnrltonr ot red whlle and blue In Inahlonr raannr Irom utter pantrqu to dreetoe not doughtere loo PANTS WIDE ATIIAIOIIT them only pnntl Tna wrapped threeqonrtcrtenrth or rlrlrtr ad room here Ion oI rktn wlth ha tor neckliner tItep deontta larrr onll hare hoeltr The hot Ier neeltllne harltl hurt to the 40 Watch too or the allele lean arty dreu hr Bride Pursues Dance Career month alter their weddlnm When they were mnrrled to together In wtnntpopr mom company lorr at the company deel Ioln the tour and ha underrteode only or mothere hut tor their Tho new pant ahopo la wld Ind henna eIraIpht tram lull below the wolrt hleny are culled The mom dulrnrra raII root mtdl nr heodllnea tor aprlnr We the meat thing to wear with panlr dht rod or hrounlrh llpe WINNIPEO ILII Vtttorlo Pulktlnrn haa not out to purrua her danelnr career on three lnontlr tour at Aurtrella wlth the Royal WInnIm IIalIet Iravtng her huahnnd hehlnd lull one January III and tho Illrhard Glbba were both uholarahlp rtudenle In the palate Irhoeh They ehared theta Iova nI holler their amall Itwamonthaohol erehlpa and their hnpca ot danc Relora the tour heron dlreo they needed hackup women rlormerr In tho corp do hrI at Vlklrl the erhoola Ieadlnl Ienula etudent wr called on to Ehe has ardly tell her hur herd hthlnd but he no douhte ol hie eupport IIer dnncer and matchtnp nell IIrh wlth the new MINORS Llltle yIrla Iorhlona are prac Ileal nnd clout with lot ot emphaais on the eoIIIrr look Droaoer have hly mlddy rollere aollhonlr or anchorl Doye laahlonrere In the molten rootpeacock ere Iuat Illte Ihelr there Irlnred panLI Iatln mute and lnwrlde panLI Ire olI tho rceno Jean are hround to axlloll drralrr and evrnlnr be worn with TIhlrta ond topr but replorlnp We learn are rol orod oner In Ilurrundy powder blue brown and block The mllltery look In ulor Ior Imyr Wotch Ior dra olive pants bottle Iaelretr rhlrta wlth mlIIlory Inrlpnlo In tho pattern epurleta and mllttery pockela Inr tIloIlIlp tho ruIt Ie relllny erI III weddan and her mllr vohr Mr Ernolion Returns To Stage NEW YORK IAPI Iohnnte hay In baclr In New York Irytnr to catch hIr etar epotn in They can ray that they wen about Ihlr town but Iete late It the world It you wont ecreyl ence Ite lot to happen hm or cry and II heonmo Inmo by younrer eornpoaerl tha word but tea but rayrnr Ive come home lay my We the ahow ourlnere roleeI nI Nenly yenrl Inn IIny tore New York oplrl with ouch hlte Iltle White Cloud llr Rmotlon lIut hta corror hoe had In upr end downr More then and he tell no my peered here In 1905 Ila her romnleted the llrll week monthe etllnd oi the Rainbow GrIII lte eIIII III the old more out he hoe added Itay docrnt like to dercrtlre It or comeback but he arcrptl Almnnrrr IIrl Raye are II II Students Research Project Checks Out Quality OI Foods When 75 Egei or eieee EeEEEE oer iii eta at one year eyo Ilowevrr tote still meant plroIIIuI rnppllee In both rountrtre at retail Ievele IGOR swollen wlII remaln pIeolIIuI thla month POULTRY out he to more than odeth llroIIer and meter ehlclrns wIlI be In more than Idrquoto euppllrl et gment palm theIr are enrich re Int ytrreprle ea lurkeyr both Lrollcrr end hoovlu wIIl be In ample rupply et llrm prlrra whirl are alnve year ero Fresh heavy tom tur eye may be room APPLEHI Euppllel wlll he ample In con ado earl ot the Le ahead In weatonr Canada the rupply out be rulttclent to meet huyerr needa There are more Moln torn Cortlanda and Red Dell rlour In eartrrn Cenrde than tell year rorororrat Supplier wtll he plenlIIuI In molt murketa Icroel Cenede CARROTII AND ONIONS There ore rulllolnnt rtorea tuppllee errorr Conedo to to rare or huyrrr necdr RUTAIIAOAD whaltheyeurtopto Dear All IIndrrI Iew no my belt Irlrnd died on my teacher my eymbol oI elrenrth ton Ito we also on Lent year on Three week later had rnl areldent was reared to do when the Uro celled hIIlI wasnt hu lmltact The moment he row the retried nrmn kept repeal Ill ham drlto opaln Ito raId 0h yr you wlll lert you artyo to drive horn ea AIVI the eet reren yearn oI he column Ior my letter Perhlpl It will help the lucky one who rtlll have dad to prrrlete him It Iltlta more loving Duurhlort gt Drer Daurhlcrl What hero tIIuI tribute When read your letter thourht about my own Ilory earlatanl to put away rerlrtanl errldrntetly drop thoulend plreer Ilrlllon went to work on or cold bulb Attrr ha hnd comp ant orotn to prove that he contldrnre In In know eor dlIVIIIl my dad home ronr lenrnrd Iroln lhla In IIarlern Conrda ruppllce are adequate and are otten deoorelnd with at An example at the neweal poomrlrle patterne to thin eve nln drere Moon In tendon mrnlly The whtte appltque dalrler on black volIe exem mlly the Itklnl tor rtyltrod norm and dole Drera hoe reelthrounh hatter neck CI Photo lPELLER NEEDED PORT ELIZADETII south At the AH newepoprr help wanted ad rough young lady 3123 mm be out and eocur run orlsrrs UNWANTED HAIR Removed lay ELECTROLYSIS per hell Ionr ll your modem Corrlne Mullrelland TIMSII or ET Idol my nd protec er lllh hlrthdey obtained my erere theme at other any other would any but had tow rrrolrhu and war dared by the hurled me and trled to calm lmy Then he old me about Thom hon how he made rd work and cxperlmentnlton IAIIrcn hand the prreloua bulb to hte Irbr OI room the bulb broke old cd he hlhdrd It to Me Itlld any my ml nrlr won only one at tho lel mrrkrhlo men am thank tor nevlnr hrd hlm tor It you hope you pltl ttnd room In your erad eellero mlnbtrr and all mutt tell to etudeon at latherno Illa Schneider Port Monroe Ont It will be tour we on 11th to elneo All Ilnrnh let the Path metal IIilI alore ml killed In to comparatively proeale career at ImIIHlIy tanner to SL ulhulw Ont tCP Photo it nor eUt he In mo ANN LANDEDJ pp ehla man and mlrr hlm every hour the eulrtont must hove tell when mm cum won hrhlrul the wheel oI that tour Ann hodrrr IIy mar rlrd dourhtor tolrphoneo me once week Dlr drol In the eoma routine every thurrday She Irhr how Im Irrtlnr and who dIrd Tnen rho pull the Ltd on They lay Itotto Grandma the do weotr to talk to you Ill and hold the clone the dumbelt and dont hear any thin All at nodded the do yelp like somebody are htrn rock and then my daughter holler at them to leave the do elone not to Ilrlrn to whole Ilpht no conlcraotlon Iurl lot ol rrreomlnr elul yrltlny dont went to hunt up he eeuee thInIt moho romeone will one on the Inn IIIII ray eomrthlnr hovo rot wlth the crer rcoclvrr In my hand Ior or Ian or to rolnuttr Please tell me whet to do trout thlr It epolla my whole day Thank you Aun Iltrh lltond Irmure Drer IIIIIt Whrn your deu rhter cellr next Thurrdey tell her youd Ilke to talk to the kldl but not to tho do Ark her to rtend by the phone and Inrtruct the kldr to lay toldbyr when It Mlllte It retd III the tell ruyr are taken ehort boye or well tell onrr Ielhrr Ito too wot remark and peerln It on er tthr oun rand decided to male thrlr homo TILE DARRYL EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH It THE STARS By IEANIZ DIXON For Tuerdey hlerrh Ill Alrre Mercia lIAnrll Declrlonr are executed rIrany and promptly with little coop retlotl Older pronto ronttnuo to discuss poll Issuer Teunte tAplll EDAon Friends and their dolnnt tend he llmoltoneumnp hut hrIlelI or new uonnoclinnr otler help Oarnlnl thley lIJune loll theyre ttoLrhrd to youll know when to hang up ALDO MUTE but too Leedere IIIIL rend the lrtlcr Irom Mum who on your toer to do everythlnptn complellla that her too beautl yroretul terhlon Stop occasion IuI deurhltry dont hevo any yelly tor InIuItIve guldanre III lecture they are loll sue you tend to Irel about material molten Center tJone ttJuty thammonnlete altualtona more Iartore Involved than enrpecl Dont lump to conclu rIonr well or the full helorr reaction Ice tJuIy uIlur hv the eowedolt runly dam and the thlnkr In dlrty ehlme happen to be In tire Ieel toll and dnlo on It doelnt make any dittorenre to me hate observed that many telI ptrlr are popular to maybe ltumr etetursoue Irtclrdo and money hrlnl brrullrr have rollrn rrronel rnme oucrttonr You need tiles to to with lhrlr eutltul emitdetached altitude Ierel Tell her will you plan erltlcal ludrmrnt to balance Illppy Pee Wee 11 bur lllopyl ll nouldhe Vlrza IAul LISrpt nll wlo bl time It love to hllnd hlterreta ere IO lnlertwlned mother love rate dral and loved one the you must dumh with the rroott cxlrltldrotlat to IIIWWIPM EraUri rrh 1II1RIIIIIII errre weck Iatrr hour ottor IIIlInp material Irom my column dam mm mtnte Etorplo Oel IMAM IIoIIInundrd plane odlenre prompt rcartlon to openings vone OIIIIIIIIILI can or exoltlnr neednt Involve evnlrororay SantIarlnr thou 21Oct Talk nccdr dlrrlpllno Others the rap whlrh you leave your dlrcreet ellencer them and turn eyrlrero tDrc ISJen IIhIIo yourehuny nlth Merle horse that came tolunlrh people on elturtlom Bermuda wlth her huroeodlmlrhl cnIny bony rloaer Item Portugal tun yrora orol1hlnlr ehoulhowto rctlthere ITrey Iold everylhlntl they Alruurlur tlen toIrlr owned In thctr oolne tollnlryAtllItt unarlr rrrluurollrd tInrra hut rlnte ll lltlelrmle Iormlnp It my lip tho lerl ear the huehontlrlnnnewdlrrrtlon dIEdmnt condor Tor Brrmudn IIrrrr tlro llIlorth Ilnmlrretlon drpartmrnl or Von ITIII lhnxt you dcprnd drred the Iemlly to Imn llrrure dirtrrrlod select mud and let dole ot Ieh 2r rlt rourur lhrn lot welt Th order we made bttnuot Itonr ltcmorlrr In any every nonIIormudlun hIlrl rnrnto worke hrre doer mm homo When the truceholder ondn hlr ecrvlra here the Iemlly IIIIllI wore tupporllnr tho Ianrrly leave they wood not root In lhIr rule the men dtrd muIn government money potltlon we etartod torrent1th aluyod Inn to Immlrrutlon Iltntrlert ltoro than Hm porronr CV WnoIrldre to allow the tlrntll tho prttltun hut Iemlly to rrnrelo The Iorllor nrltrallon doperlmrnl Ite happonlnr more and more Immlqralion Row Results In Move IIAIIILNN Bermuda ICII An Immlpretton row here has resulted In move to Conoda tor wldow and her elphl younr chlldren hero Sayvette 1310 PSluOUITI war that the two oldett lllIlLlrrrl IIIII could not he hoot Sayvette tttllltr IIII rtrllllrr ENTIRE SIUIII ANY 2tor148 roar slx DAY TIIIS SALE EllDo SAT MAROII lllIh Wlp Doultquo DIIIOIASOIYI YIIltwndNol TRIM entuoarrothy immortwmw Ilweed Inly Illl OVIeehnmPleteOIelrrleol lethal Ital lune NeYIrIeelAlJerdeI OPDI AJA le II PM or best

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