Barrie Midgets Major Bantams In Finals Civitans Take Lead lBarries Rick Clarke llmong Ihiichigan Snowmobile Winners to Blythe Spirit also started Sharp Clark iCIlHII Two Barrie Minor lioekey Ae sedation teen advanced to Do IIM Minor lloctrfy AuodIltca FAA provincial mall on the weekend while thirddrew doee to also raloax final The Dorrie 009 llllrela de vletled Alas it In overtime Sal urday at the Barrie arena to win the bertolvllrc uhdlloal in three atraidrt Iamev The Barrie uurrd Rubber Wortera BIatIma misled their lopporitins lindrar in three eiralrki Imea wrapping up the Ierriillsu aqur Darrtarn Ie wlthHert Salmdhylnllnd lay The Barrie CtvItIa Bahtarru blurted Whitby $0 In Whllb to iItIItttudlnlhelrumraal Terry tlartlne second real ol iha ama at the tzkl mart ot torn ale orertlrna period rive the My team bardtoaeht Illt ovrv AIaL liartln and Glen Richardson scored in the tint period tor iha Drrrla rlub while Gary llurphy lmlfd tor AIIr Dive Graham tied the arm on lor Alex with oat dey throurh the rec Ihd theeeore remalaed dead alerted tor the rest at the refill tlon lhne Ilth Scott and Bob slcmlr if ONTARIO IRB Tcorumood Owen Sound Colllnpwood lctdl the bert trIeven league inalr WI tuoywoou sitar tCP ll out at It Canadians live irons Ontario and one Irom Vrlne piper pllced at the World Sc rlca at mnwmohlia raciny that finished here Sunday The powerpaekcd held at 1100 top drlrerI lrorn most the imwbcit ol the United States lheludlrrl Alaska kept the Canadians hopping Dan Boothby Dwt Onl VIII the most lrltpmt re racer Ind tlnlehed piecinp In both mir dilled and lick Clarke ol limit the trlplecrown whiner In Canada llnlehed In the money ln Illa hly mo cc modle died but it was Jim tiurnclt ol omvcrvutr RESULTS Firstlilo mllr pIrI lion Iluicll Lawson Wee hell lWehb htormy Kid lltlrtortl Ilrne Ml Abel Parker tinge Prima Spencer Smlnr Chrlvarl Say tlam Ilro Itarted threadWash Ice Donnie Arlyn riollrrdt idol Deale Lad lGIrslenI ltudllly llehllll TInle Till Sterile Coin Tiell Adios Clay Lady sierra itldnlyht Tup 5lO too 110 Tm JO 250 ltd 310 130 tom MO 110 llally Double pIId til Thirdlilo mlle trot Villi ann Wlllilli 1000 I00 TDD S10 020 Indy Yale Ford too qllme Zrit lller lily chomp Peters Ver Ie Lyn Lorine Kld also lilBiL Scealched ltoolln Tootln Fourthtilt mile hare Riooreiauda Torn lhlrel lull lib SM porwenb ittoodyt reroute lira Ilslnkle itinrntont loo Tlmh 3720 Iilyhlltrlda Slur anyllphlcr Piper Ilndlater Desmond Dares Typhoon Yankee also started QBIMLIA rev you no ITIttb thriller pace Up All lyilt lhlellhcwrl thin 060 Add ital Gibbons Mom brother Noble Lawton 10 Thu 130 Eunbeam GrIIlIn Dutchen Experts TI Iy alto all it ed to alter the tirhlln rInIad peeledand nailed on both at lilrtlne willie Jim Gibbon and Britney rained wide on lilrb ioanie wIl them on the ardsoar eoaL had cleared the Coon Ioslleoder Gtham liar bmtere Into the treat lobby the too was unstandzok la the river who resumed and several time period especially whenthe were elected by police There Barrllturn waa abortamaa werenoarreeteortahulrero tor two rninulra with Tim Whelert ported imitdht auswt name out wild braal amuse Alas and in mm mm WM Dante tanr broke out In the NW Itnrida donor the third period In Hadley theURW Bantams Police reinlorcrmrnte were call Iooted tour some in the that ed two In the third Iernltinal eertes rIIIrrnLAlooepoioLlhe me was interrupted when ooeollthe up Ind down one Int tired to win their Barrie Novices Win Zone Title Chsacer are the Burke Illus to lead lhI Kinsmen to the to men hauicu would haree road victory in IiIrrle Chappel shot this yesr at prturlrr Dorie Trotter Dan Ilowey provincial hockey crown to to and Dare lithe rot others ItIrts they It won it and tort lt war the till shutout ol the only three wtscormr their op year tor Kinsmen goalkeech portraits ear7o But III ehaacl Girls Ilnrrlr and Roper BleOraII they wont ct II Ontario illnor The Battle team plans to end ilnctey AIIDCIILIOI mice do not in season with couple oI tourr permit trovlro pIIonlI beyond rrImente ltiiill pity In the little tone level this ctr NIIL iIIor tourney in Welland The Klarmea ovlce went as Slam ml Ind the tturllnrlorr tar as they could when they won Golden llnnerhoe Invitational the Tamasmnmvlonhhlp in Nov alerting htrrch to ice AA compclillon thla weck llte OllllA piaynlla presented rat by dowalrrr Owen Sortan so the Dante Novices trorn corn and so In the hcstolrthrea Iinnl pctiar in the North York llinor Itulty Ilitilnrs Dour Shedden iloclcy leeyuI pollreason tIItI Ind Sieve ChIppeirnctehed the The Barrie eluh has conroln Barrie goals in tho to win Irl lion though It wall It division day night in owen Sound In the league with In to win Shedden Icorori pair Saturday he lets record Dill Stewart tIllicd twice tor the Barrie eluh while Jolt hie ttnrheru Sott Robertson Rick ed the others Brown netted two lor Lind say while Lytte and It Depta rot the otherw tirrduy rattath the Barrie elntr an In the amt Tho UTIW aura club opens Ita beltololrve listal enter with Waterloo My him In Wotan loo ltoh Coulson scored patrol dill tor the China Bantams while Glen Lchock added Ila ria lo Srntdrya pale Inlnrl Width the minor Bantam playol Date Keane In the Dante nel picked up the shutout Fourth urns in tha beltedIve aerlea you Thursday at at tho Banla lltlll startia MINOR HOCKEY lnaIrIil Lillie NIID Week liadlar hlIrele ll NIIL Boston micrgo Montreal Toronto Mlle lierW lrntldcnce Baiihmro Sprintllerdd Denver Seattle Portland Phoenix Jr Ilamllton NlapIra Idiis Oshrwn nodded Pctcrborrr Kitchener Jermey and Brian Tamhlya em WINNERS met ioserI Iol losing the BInte llyerr win over the Kiwis Acre in Naples Slander night Dy rtu custom Examiner Soofta Editor The DnrrIa llyera made It to their accordever Ontario Iloc key AlloclIilon Senior that series Sunday mm by dowolnd elon lee The whr rare the Bar rio club tho but at eereo Iemlliual Icrlet tour ramee to two gt The Firm wrapped the rIme the Kingston Arcs on Rind liosleau Min who ahowrd tho linul Ilrrnplh Iiurnrit won the WIrtnlpoqui Iaul hit last month Paul Prentice oI hiirwiea Out in modllhrl Peter kept at Ileauaceur Alum ill modllled It and trials levuIlrv oi Calendar 0nl In mudiliod were eihcr winners Canadas lone junior entry Derek hlcCaarrnnd ol Oshawa placed In Junior Barry Stewart nl llollou Ont was injured In had will when he was rumer by another ma chlnc hot one reported veiling enmlurtnhly ln horpllol Sunday night WIN tint HOCKEY liIJCIIAilIhT lAll Aurlria CANADIANAMERICAN GAME ullrlfdihldlhirldli charge the puck In front at the Iukpnri NV net durlrlp an exhibition game bctwcen the lh world ice next year two clubs Saturday at the liar no error The USW Ircwcra downed their American ulst ipra So Snlirrduy trad Sun day Iklxnrnincr Iirolol hwkry rharriplanrhlpr with it porrls Italy was wand with richuni any or Sunday to win his rlmrlllilllliifl lhe cl ri rer Ilro started birthtill mile pace hIwnrthI llaho liarwiunl 110 idle Capetown Ilai lTroyt imam Norul Adler tkozrni Mo Ttma TI to Good Bye Kilicrn Crispy lee Zipper lnlch lrInk Zara Av Ilene alae atartcd Seventhit mile pare Norther Aylmcr liliel 500 320 130 Gordons Express Illhrtrr 0100 trim Clem ISlirlonl are Tlrtll 2M CenaitI Dancer ltuatrra lie Nah tlrrk harm llcudallie Il ea started Scratched Cindy th Iairick Inlnella lll paid IIMO lltrhtb 4600 mllc plea Ebony ice tluenkol M0 410310 Illaulea comet Whiter loo no Lora Dares tlurnertl Time 2121 15 Sally Duo little licria Queer lion lloal Art Ilsa rlarted Scralc ed Key Whirl thcm DoI tlrit Ninthdildo mllep pare Danl Due lIItel 100 to Ehul Jade lllwrei M0130 Iulreyor than are Time tell to lllphty llccl Hun Cruiser lcpuy Nancy also started Did not Iinlllt llelhom nick eurolumen sea Kristy BerI llledpathl Idolth 100 All ISO Our In we Irelan sell Soap Stone lNickIeI Clsymere Iltaiturachet Tana ml to Perlecl Time lhurcl Atom Count laws IJlaIa Wick Sway Nxaclor llil paid 100 Attendant All dd Scratched lea llonor Nils Leblrh Turbos mm Mnlaelar lltlddzi Wk Iehed nu our spring InatIlletIon In PRICES 0N ow 5700 advancol and one on to the ride and the series tip in the tlrrt period when Doug Acornh with cd pair ol trail aer Corby Adams and Polo Pamnbko had one arch hr the hrlct watt ol tour mistrch and it Iecorrts he tore till end ol the period Ad arrre scored Illa second at the rrldd to the Firm or hit Kinysion drIrnermIn Bob Ola los had opened Icortnr with tall In the tint minute at play Duncan Icored In the are and home Ircd Dara Field in the klyrsn Icltied Into dclcnslve Ihrll tor the tool to minutes at ploy ltul Bole DrIrIl clinched It lor the Barrie club In the tort mirt rrto oi the came when he lob lml the plilr Into an empty Klnxslorr not Acca ranltender tlilra lovctl llliti been removed to err rtlrr nllnckdr uith trill tett as the Kingston club desper ately tried to slay IlllD In tho letter The list putrid Ii Irlii kiII ad is Klncdpn piercecouch Torn Thurllry raid We were an tlrhl we couldnt Ilrnlc We stood around onrl watched lhcm tlha Flyrrtl put the prick in the not OroVespra Hockey Tourney Tuesday Ilcckry looms Irons elrhl liar rIo area elementary Ichoola will meet thesday In the north on hurl Urolerpra Ilociiey Truma meat It the Enslvtew llrtil Schooir participating will be tnrrvt tilll llita Grove Timothy 10 Tllll ItAIllillr EXAMINER lONIlAV lIAIILTI IT IN Tllltllitlh litllhrlc Shlnly linI it It Best lIarl ore and do lendint champion hilneslny llames tel underway til pm and will continue until approxi malrly 1030 pm hrlrnlulon to tho tournament II it rcnla lOW towersslimy Thats vlphtl tor the liver three IIrnllIel lIelrrp lhIlr order Ior IuIl also in the ground swimming pool we will all the regular price ol our world lemouarSwlmmlnp Pool Ilation department an em us show to 000 dileounl all walled dollars by to net the ball rolling tIrIl it IImIlIII that know what they went and recognise pond burlneaa pvoporillorti DONT DELAY CALL NOWI ALL SHAPES SITES Kimmie POOIS uy niooawav Lauescarmo RIDGE ROAD SHANTY BAY 7200492 third period tor the Acre II the The win use the berth in the DNA Senior tinstt were in dark amt it coat at the ram really he added We played an rlph aher that SATISFIED liervle player tech Darryl Sly viewed the timeout Ilrrt erlod outburrt with Iailrlactlon lto started to play like we used to be said We were Ihoollal and paerhu the puck around They tltinrslonl were dilly watching us The Aces who llolshed Iourth hr the ocular atIndlnrs care the tint piece Ilnlshlnl llyera btlllls hr the Icrrrllienl series The Khrrston ciuh played well nyainrl lint Flier learn In tho liret three garner ol the series and led or in ramea at one point But ltlJiITles slowed the Ares down and tho Then he proved each time out wirralar hree in row to Idvoaco lo the nuts They really made us work Ior IISy said They never Iva Kingston played helluva rerlcs Darrin manatcr Jirrt Short added This he hittlnr ol the Dar rla lorwarr oral detcnee er pcclaily hyhdlm Mommy and Jack Smll was probably what pave the Firm the edre CREDITS DEFENCE the biz delenccmen hurt us Avcc player conch Thurlhy Iald Weve lot all small on wards and couple rut Inlurrd Tho Darrin dclcnca is what kill ed thaws Kingston manarer Ctlll Earl admitted to Short alter the am that every player on tho ln rton club had hccn hurt hv the heavy oircht ol Smith durlny the series The lilyorl now await the with her at the OatlOrIIIII rlcrlel which will wind up next week end Orlllla lends the beltol seven aemlllnei three garner to two The Ilyert met the Gall tior arts In tltoto reason era from Iett are Dotti Aeomh lion Roblruon Jlnt Thoma Ares hunt tell other time they have mIde It to the eerrloe ash The Ilorneta won It In three IirIlIhl rameI Io rim with we dont have choice about who we meet to the ihrIls sly said But tor the Barrie tans ld Ilka to see Orllila TheroI rent rlraltry there We had little better record Irainst Gall throth the reason though The Ilrsl game ol the final ito matter who wins the llttnlltht rlrr rrrles will likely be play ed tlnrch It the Dorrie IrenI TLVER Ntrllllt llcCIosket who continued to throw welrht around lntt hi hi nellcd ItinesmInlnlhathlr pcrlodon an attempted check on ltinr tlone Bob Clayton Clayton alde stooped Jim at the tart around and tho llncsmrn who was ltJtll dlnd alone the boards took the lull truce oi tho check How ever allrr hrict reel he con tinued the same BIrrII do lenceman Tilck hlcClocklln did not make the trio Various ere roht were elven tor htr absence llor sick war one reply Ilea hull was another continued his line dclenelve play not yetllny caucht nul oI pui llrin once Aconrhe iwn goal his second and third the eel lrv were welcome alrhl to the Flyrrr The lenkuolradlnr scor In regular aeoron nlny has been la It hit ol dame or must at the milled The cumbtlcllllianCurralnrham Ind the Adamsrhiandalaltllllklblto liner dlrplayed excellent palslnr ahootlnr and puckhandtlnr in the Firm acorinr outburil Allea donco was 3400 Tha lame IrIt at winylml Al dummy Th There were delayed en route when lhcir chartered hire heron lcnklnr oil EUhlhlAltYl Fint Period Klntrton OIIIoI Planni yan Collins 0150 Barrie Aromb lthrnnlh lichliliaul Izdd Ill llMlIEII Announcement vaa Gil moor Alike Harlem ooh Cellini ttlurrrlnee Photo Flyers Down Kingston Aces 63 Advance To OHA Senior Finals Darrle Adams Illandslr Pananbknl erro Idli Barrie Acomh Illnlrri hiouhhnul 10 Barrta Adams IPaaayale Ira hiarrdalrl torts Penaltlar None Second Period Kingston Duncan ttlay lonl Ii Pcnaitlca liarrla Iiobiasorr trourhl Nlnrstorr Ololos lhlph Illcki toll Dorrie Acornb ttrtpl lJldS Thlrd Period hlayiton licld Clayton OIIIort MI Darrie Bairrl Smith PenIIlIcIr Kingston Gllmour tlrtri loot iarrlr Marital lhirh stick lipid mater Kin rtou Ford Ihlrh rliek Iirht lori 1121 Barrie ttrClaskey IIIIshl tlhi liarrlc iIcCloo key elbow Ilzot SHOTS 0N COAL By Barrio By Kingston Hamill Trounce HM 1120 Tth lCli Oalt lloraeta whlp Orlllln Trrrlcrs li urdIy in Ontario Ilockcy ciation Senior playolt action to cut OrllllIe lead in the otscren remittaol lo ll Skeeter Tell led the In Allan Cup champions two pooh Slapch went to llruca tielrr Bill llway Dare Cress prarr hon Shitih and Drechay 1hr McCartney the Tcrrlcra who led the Io belora droppina it time decision to Gail Friday Orillla Friday The series resumes OrllIII BP Oll Limited Is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Don Koopmons as holes conmitont in the Barrie area lr Koopmans recently resigned as the HP Agent in Barrie In order devote more time to other business Interests and to political affairs In lnnislil Township In his new relationship with BP Oil Limited he will assist the Company in an advisory capacity In matters relating to the development at the Companys soles in the area BPs extensive form consumer and domestic fuel all business In the Barrie area will continue to be served by Mr Koopmans former staff at the COmpanys Bulk Plant 265 Burton Ave Barrie Ontario Telephone TZSBBOI Donia Panerabkn iblyll Orillialenlorao drlrnrt scored