Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1972, p. 9

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thu How Pol LIn Win io 0h lni lunu It lltyl5 ClemI Nitklr Hid ilolr has stated In her InIt Internal RAINIER IIIISSES Blocker 0111 Four Up In Citrus Open ORLANDO Fla Ait Im not my hstny nt mum III rut Arnold Palmer Isid but Im etrn more unhsrni lhIt lrn pinyin to badly And the thrnrokl retire III iut Iniird to rytrldr tor the IInuI Irv rnundI uimuit Ineu yIIrI urn onttnl It In and tell the lleld to some 01 no roirI younyrr IleoInrrl an old old It Elmer the dolendny rhurrw no hard throwernor rs India penttty tltole he ruiiod on hinueil In PrhiuyI Ieewd round It the moon IInrtdu Citrus It goit tournu IrIent and min the at gt Chris Dinner rneunutule stormed Into tourItroke In with an Ior III Jerry IleIr tlrnoved Iato mood Iilh lluvid cIuhurn themid Hershey ShutsOnt Tidewater To Gain Tie For Division Lead CANADIAN Ill Huuhey Burs to ten than he nets urn Irrro Iuorulsblnx tourth plum In the waters Irlulan ol the Amrrleua ookuy home Friday aim ad Itdowutee Winn so to to late tlrttroi tie with It Idle nttthnore Citroen Meuawhllu In other rumes Iehrnond Robina retained oil In tho nrst one lot uhtad oI Clnrlnnutl ordt by Inn Boston uvu latter to the east KAREN Alumnae n1 Yun eourrr repeats hrv Nurton ourlnrmuacu II the World HRREN SECOND rCansII yr CALGARY ICI IrIxI Schubu and AIIIIIIIIII girl who IIIthlnyly uminniztd Ior nin llinn runml her Internhlinnnl uketinn rnrrrr Irliiuy night by retulnlnn her world ilIuIooknl to crown Illl Schuhu ohn Inn tltIIIIl ntrd womens competition ho ea In 01 her eotnnuterilko rnuv ttry 01 compulsory Ilyuroa vir quly elhntnetnt nil voitlondcril eurIIer this week It the IIII noth ohInIolonlhlto Ily Ittllltl In up Itnnootnt terrain to he res welt Ihond oi Cort nd nren iiuyuiuitn and the tut tiluirt JuInt Lynn the ovenlnul hiltPle nan hronro modthis Itut tltlpllG her witom IIitl linnui moot little bit rod on her male hurt rounds II III to hut iiu Mlle Iorrrd br11 lunt aiaetsadu ur II on thu Imourd Rio true Country lob room uod III II Ill lion ntih Rube Iilnkryr SNEAD THERE Then It In eurIIe In Ttrv IrIo Dale Delusion Ind thym oid Sent Snead Snead mated on nlth no white mulao urId Detritus eurh had II Juek thtuur rune In with 71 Ior IIL South Alrlrun Gary Player look 71 Inr ttt But neither had thu problem at Ialrner who had mIdI the cm In It consecutive tournu rnents uloee ALI lul mist in the Cunudtun Oorn to not All three CIIIIdiurIu mined the rut Gary Boturnun oI To Its hIII lIorIIenuik Winnipeg hud INSIll Itd Ben Item Toronto 1571111 and Non Scotlu Voyureure trimmed Provtduoce Roda It The HeIn rlctory tell them with game to hunt our the Clippers turn eiutu has on oololl not more IhurI Cleveland RIMS Gil Gilbert Dob Dirduill Ind Iloo Snell were the Money msrksmrn Gouile Itrdre IIIII made it mes In wtlny his shutout Pierre Pltntou uola rout we the ulnnrr II the Robins reels lered their Iourth romentlivu vlrlory For thu Itrutrr It nus AIANIIOIAI Port Rottru motion rink Irorn Winnipeg Ire III urnlieu alter winning Manitobas Orest Meleschuk Wins Canadian Curling Title JOHNS hlkl CPI Orert IlleIrIrhuk has romu long way Irorn the Run your In Winnipeg nhen III used to umnxh rorllny brooms In lettu trIlion Friday he reerited lhI him donulds Brier Tunkuld or ship their IIIII loss In to warn Itrn Rkulinf ehumplomhim In tnltury 1i duy nlrht linithlnt mood to Austrias Itrtlrln ploy hlI tlunituho rink in Iirtl place In thu Canadiuo turlil the Cuudtun netting dumo uldu Itrlur Iunkurd on Iron moo tthlrdl no tkin OreIt by Put IIIIHry tleudi John Ilelexhuk at Pbotot IIIIIIIIII treede Dm Ro Iouuhlp at St Johns New Iotmdiuod Iriduy Itudonv chamoloastdo with It won Ioat record It Mill the end at Ieteo yeIru oi trytny tor the Ityeun old trehoi to who eonoumd hLI temgr Ind trot bis root durlnr weetelonr competi tion to determine the ion curlan rink III Culldl Ile unit to ImiiD brooms reouiitd IIeIeIohuku Ind Iut itutltey 0an when he nu II or III got mad urnl threw hnrorn Ind list Inltstd unotztrr ruy on the out that olrlr who not weIrlnr rIrLIses hielesrhul one of the not senlul ukins on the Ire during the ehumrdomhip puts his Int trutlon la the out one hlurnes It on youth liromen and hotel rural had Srhnhn IIIII lnlntn nlltrr tnidut tCl lhoIoI Quits Alter solos into the ItIeIknlln Intt Koren picked up 00 points my itli lo sivo her run tor the 10 Irixi onmnliui 21105 polnln and It onIInaIs to Karena 11112 unit it lanet had Ill end 11 Tile Amerirun Ilil told her trtormunce ut Sapporo won Ier than the non Friday nlyht not little bit more time than ms In Snonoro wlnh know why ARENT 100 HUIIH Iloth Karen and Joint new lined In look nhrntl year by your rothrr than make men nv Ilntrnirntu about the More Ill have In use Iuld Karen hate to tnko each your on It comet Ind toes sha oven evaded direct on iRetaining World Crown renty hut III tell thut hilrs elohuhu out at Iha wry Iholl mmnole In next yenrI world meat It IIIutIIInvu LIerhonio vnho In honor or IInuIIy reurh Inn the too tathy Ion Irwin and Darlu lryrhun both at Toronto wt Ihn only other Canadian In the In competition 111x Irwin linluhod rdolh Ind hllu Ir than orerntuino ynuhrrlor In or IirIi nnrkl meet IIIII TOUR NTAIITN NOON All threo Inrdalllnlu no or ttod In loin tho other top lin then In tho tour oI champions tI Irrirn ol exhibition lhrou on tunndn had the 115 nhlth begins Iltesdny night In Ihirnon lllt and ends April In 1m Air to en Iy 11111 CANADIAN Illll Couch IIII Inuer vl Yemeni oer CInuIku but been the turret ol much eritlelrntlttely erno rlully by Vuncoulerituns 1th out not unexyeoted In euuso his Control how lnen Itru yiln most o1 tho reason to It cuts lhemsritru Irorn the Hockey lIuruou Ifntt Itivbiun Hut thyrvo rennin dttrrtnlnrd not to let the criticism Ilittnlo his tOtIIIllII tuition and ITldny night not me In yoinlr With less than 20 srvnnils Itllltllltirtl In the nine opultnt IlitItuIn nothlnl but mine Ior totorul hlonlreul Cnnadient who helped Inro proolo Irom tire enrly arIILIy It the Hilton Inn In St Thu Canadionn unnoirorne dents III III IIJHII only tow how eurlirr when they haul the Ilian It Thuruduy nivht In the lust Nullonut Itnokey league Iruon unto between the too taumn hud In rush Item the hotel us thick Irnoke swirled throth tho bulldlnt Oululdo delencernen Tremblsy Pierrellouchurd Ind wuth Guy Lulleur Ind IleIeun IIoute oltrhod In to hoist and route tudderu to buieontou o1 roomu where other yurnlu were Itrunded iternhtsy was directly re Inonutble tor the torture st 111 II SINYHIIIIII his duuyhter my tlyeru ol Rochetor There Is no my no can thank thorn hoetey players tied to blow up lot but was younr then tied that war years no The Munitahu riot nhlrh uisv Includes third Dull Home and mood John lIuoestuII won the blmplonship by delesIIny tlel lutrhnm ol Fulrtlrw Alto IN In tout round thut turned out to or untiehmucde the III on set Ior oou oi rein Into the 11th Manitoba hud In l1 mvni Ind hilt Kent at Ilont ml was 71 IIntI lieirsohul hot and Kent won the two would huin played olt Ivnlsy didnt nIInI any ninynli IIIl tIrImhuu to win It Ind went out line thrnurh LastMinute Goal Gives Canucks Win Over Sabres IIytoe Irniutrel delrnrenrun venrnutrrs out Itundtny tutuyer all nlrht nlth Joyoelyn tiuolrernont the more ouid oII With 11 Ietondu rrtnntntnu In LIII aumo tiuotrornnnt blunted won uhot that deIIetted oil Ilnllrio pluyrr nnd uhlrrrd oust rouiio Ilorrr Crorior tor the nlnniny tint Quinn huuentent uI thr Notional Tho virtnry muted the tunnels tllillll nIItI point at tho ultIhnIIto Shimu Illtn Ira oatirotu llttI Chiruro at Detroit Ilt liiny It not with tho tunuciu to Isruvo llit dilltlitlt ttIinr The ruins ttll the only um niinduhd In tho Nlll lridli tubers Ind 1hr Iroro tied 21 nlyht Montreal Players ilre Landed For Their Help In Hotel Fire NIDNTllIIAL CPI Iulirer tin and wed like lho pooron 01 Montreal to know they should be proud o1 Ihnn Fina holrl uesln era In tured mostly lrom urnoltI Inhul ntlnn Ind Serra Slvurd Iul tend In Inetllrh ush when III ticked out the don at his Intoteldlrd room durinr the Dr Klruteur Cunudienu nhyIIrlan enumtntd SI rd ltiday III Rlnnlml Ind Iuld thu lntury will keep hint out ol ucs lion Ior about one week Couch Soolty liownun Ind on IIIIIht tenertl rnununer Ittoyd any pom with Vinny were tnoolthulust oer Ions rercued Both eoeuoed down ludllm tronI balconies outside lourthIlooi room not Ior ta trunlie rrIInuteI Itonmrn was nowhere to ho Inund by the tram Ind It nu resumed he war lost In the Allrr Oirry nus melted he Ihouttd in holy Scottyhos In trouble The lute reoilod SIIIrII III Slrever still they noted Itou gone hal one Ilium LNBIL llTlIDAT ALAIN 11 WEST PAUL REACH Til CPI Hum 12 no mo urea III CuudI Ind outs at the tinted States but they hutu hut ulIrled to Inqu In uopuuruncu In the may with Jim him utility out Ilrlder IIIII Itootrell Cw tried one at the neural ton to his hometown o1 Oruareburr 5C uni rrootled to was slim Ind trim did lot at exerciser er errlsu drained Ior eertuta out my body said Pulrey wanted to ulrenthen my urmr und lets Ind did three or tour urer dies to utnnnheo my knees Some at the exercises By THE ASSOCIATED PRU Sam lleDoweII mIdu his debut with Snn Fruncltro Gisntr lthy Ind the rrsuit nun anylhEnx but Inspirlnttt The eIthIndr Iooutrud lront LienIlsa Iadltns in ItItie Ior Gaylord Perry It lorrlrhtreIu in that Innny us hltsso Cubs rnatle oil with III euhihilioo hue bslt victory IIIDowel who has been rul trrlnt tram dysentery nailed the men In the blr Innlny Ind Jurn Curdrnut hishilthled II nlth randIlarn home run bril thuginking utter two end and newelooled Mk Ilrlrilrn 1x irilrhelin Alibi mm Im IIrIumoh The Pirates stored to utoMP mum 1h thsIInthrtln when Dlll Cash uuinyy Itirly loo Iotinl htm mm All my and was morale tho adtunlnro oan inN at the hard Rillfn Irom ilani WNW mum om tnhe their Inhibition season with eatThul INNINK lhl tinLIIOrI otrr litelott Ilrtl Son on Tim ilrlortrrs ninthinninx ohult You run tel enurhl iltl mlsml couple and no nrrv mm oil We nunled to win It nur Ielveswu didnt want to bsrk Into it We did en iourher xIrne honetrr ut no one unhelietuoly sharp The Ilunilobu rink which curls out ot the Port Ilonro Club In lInniyey opened 10 lead National Lennie IIIIIrIIt INIIIIDI ll 13 101 1111113115199 II II 11 10 Di III 11 11 173111 11 JO IT Iloaton New York iTlvnIreII nronto tonlrht IIuIIIIu Intel to Detroit Ina IlnreIeI to Ito the Kings IIuIIuIn It to II III 131 II who Ire In tmt him In thIIVuneuIier 17 It Itmmtn West Culltornlu Ghlliolt Seal oiuy the hem nl Toronto Lhlo CM fgiyl qu Black Hawks visit the Dan mm In ohm In Iiuntronl New bnrkiiwn Hullmm ItInrrrs Ire ll IIItroll Inninst my my Ii 1th Nit lantern 101310 Inaitvot meet the Penguins in IItlsbtnyh pmth miIcriiitgiiywiu lily Les AnytIrI 11 ll therein Sunday Toronto II II lilnne llhttil lridlr untouttt IInIIIIIo Inmru Tonlrht New York nt Detroit utlrr litttlili altlornin It Toronto Ihltadrlnhiu It 51 tools Duliuin ut Loo AnrrIrI nlternoon some nliivrniit II III New ka and IIillyllllt nit Horton III nitht dllltt TIIAII 111 ONE unrvutrre win onto the Cannon points one his Ihnn IAI SuhrtI nithnuyh Ihn CHII tnlts hnto non IIIqu thIrIII lOlllletLl to It Inr the Sabres ilooervrv tln ltutlolo trutn 111 It litI ltlillltlrtl nlth III 1an Inrouitr Apart trout Detroit 1hr tun Irunru urn Ihn only ones In 1111 Host Illtisloll to truth more than 700 route IronII ornimt thorn con 01 min reusons Ior their lowly Illilll In the that tIIvt ulnn iIIIItI EundIy IIninyn at Detroit tnlternoonl Toronto at Minnesota Inher noont IIttthurzh at Notion Cahlnrniu It New York 0111 II LT 11 1111 3mm 3211 021ml 71 0011 815620250 2011 IZISIMJ 1123113119065 Toronto Ovltun II Ihrvrtnlrh Rttohentr Ottnn Your ownhome less thanrend Now when youre mniting out your income tux return wnrrying about budgets this is the time to decide to stop pitying rent Gel thnt drenm McDowell Ripped For Runs In Pitching Debut With SE Health Club Aids Expo Outiielder um dulml trlzn In no usd mused to tqu IaeEtu all In ulst and In hehiod mrouuremoh work on at nine to relux to ThrrII toe owmnkuucrwt the Itmt Item the hermauollotsoternte It Ihitu Im here Rut aside teem his Iill raLydora yroirrt FulrI III ttttoimj L1 helpiay re In the orunyrhur reheat micro III counttier on III loui Ithoul board III reboots were out recently Ito terraleu Ind uorno ol the kids uro bunny trouble saluting Hy no on to hro lhm this State IIrilon PhiladeiohluI new ltoner Ior three mu no monotonehm runs with hLI mood homer III two dIyI end double to one hicuro iIhIto Sou otrr Detroit sets IA Ind rootio Rundv El liotts ninthtruunr homer ldttd Sun Dlrra Puder lo who our Caltornia hotels ItoolII John Ilrohrmrr uln rinl homo the ninth run in the Inn tnIIIny nith he Iourth hit us Cletrisnd Indrsny nipped lilinuukeo Ilrenrrs and Jrll humurhn Inorun homer IeI lured IhI Tour Itrnrers biunliol uI New York tnkoe Irl Bietarv belted run and uintitd home an or tIlly II the Otllmd Athletic drIeIkd the Illrorhlnu Corn oi the Iaosnero team on In nltht Ime Arnly Ilene hurren Iinri tno runI Ierosa Ind Ibo oentrloutrd hey don lie so the Anteriinn Insrur rhlnrnlon Baltimore Dtloltn ile lenlrd tin Anteies Dnlrrrr tI ttIIle trnnlnrd homrrrd Ior tho inserI run HOCKEY SCOREBOARD Nluguru lutis LIII Millet 5t Chill 1130 71112910 IAIIdoII 1115 72111161 Ilontreul 1135 020220011 Hamilton 11 513150111 The Following it Businesses are OPEN SUNDAY FOR YOUR BONIENIENIIE RED SPRING SALMON STEAK s150 Ann Itllluhla nl our Inlrvout urrIIrI BARRIE SEAFOODS RESTAURANT Alr Vodltloard Does It In Sunday III 11 t0 th Stoned htonduy tlrudloni ll mild swoierns onuo MART PRES RIPTIONS DAILY III II III Inn EVERY IUNDAY 11 AM toS RM to Welttuttou mow EREDS EIOWERS In when IIIirrtl ubont 1W1 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Irobubty was her only one 171011 home you wont Own it for loss than you pay for rent nntl live in your own home while its vnluo rises through the yours Soc about It mortgage todny at Victorin and Grey reply when atknl how tho tell about oultltny Ihn Ianshlnr InoIon lot to nnlny roma or llth cantoIntro when Koren III the huulrlunrIrI was too loud to tnlth In lreonkotlnv ii bY 1hliltlidrhwhgmfl its now mi Itlu would have to human CHARLIE PARK 110 NEW CAIIII hlust be delivered by itnreh Jlll We huvo III New Core In sleek lean qunru Why not promote what you are creating by good Ettore Plonninn any too noon IIIIIII lrirtt hand Ilurrn III sheu Iurt In road in II ur Oldmttlllltl who hire Ilurloru Ind leIIonuI Idle II Iurlorn Houlty Ind III Plu utnnl Ienulon Piune Noun IMMEDIATE onwnn The renlor Triui Contpan denoirdlntlreiyln rrtriny IA people ofOnIuvio VG IIIIIIwa It It tltroud 1010 ML 10 10M ont PLOWIIIIE FOR ALL reIIuhIo rIlruhllily lnrornr SADIONSCOII Morons LTD BARRIE In annoeonn st lllli It lhodIII Winter in IIniwn no owner In ll my mryumm Wm ltloLrtllAlhrtllt Lita Atunruoto Contoaoy WCTORIIGREY rousr COMPANY omen Iono mIm Ii hunlty ti to north rnnrnm IlNll wl Ii Ituntoo lit Ilurrlo Im mm htytone the had the moon lend

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