Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1972, p. 8

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COUNTY SPORTS Native 01 Body Stars thh Lents sons Era it all it 31 iris in re or A5 Elia rill in roost It II It exhalenun hllqullhtnhzl mm also IIIyuan It IIr 12h TI Just II hummuan Itdhr Gmmon HP um DUI LID mm Mum NHL ynrr Jets 1me Dytu also no line at Mill 0rd Ior seen rdnrentnrmnteonnml Iu bukIWn BOWLING Ill Ilry Hills 11 Eirunor Ilui nun 2M Ilrldt Itreuter til tirnIiy littin moons June ollhuoiuyollerrleurna1r Imnximuum Friends IorJ Bum BARN LADIH at lentil mm TEAM ANDDIIIAI it warm deleleeus My all am mam Innitiaww 3me Mammy mman Ire quMthsrw wwwmhom 721mm out can manaemgktatm wedmum rm menu In Ile menumu W131 0r Iundulunourdadrv Ina the limb sand 10 oaln betweeven 0n rioliotitey Iorlullon Senior unit the putt hlI lounh Ind tluwurlanluunlnr to my rut Hutu Wultm Item the lending turtle more In Green Aces ti Iterlturn Ilrnu Irman ll nownnu no limit Duoer Add teucock Petroleum It Power Supennurket II that Scores PeIII Iturnel tot tttlt11urlonhlehrldttit mi ltury Currier 057 0min Buttery 060 UN Itudoioh 615 Dellt In lull Dot Butler 62 mi Irene Berlin 010 Jun mm 601 Grueu YOUR 00 1Iurl Preston Ill EDP Wednesday Attrrnoon LutIrI Alston Predicts Improved Dodgers VEIIU DUCII III 11 Wutter Alston ol Ins Anyriu Dodgers th outiusted his sons tumorurirs In the motor Imus munuertsl runIIu Ind he run ullil rilmh out on limh Enterlnyhis Ihh urnsnn Is pilot ol the Dodge Itltton It We thoutd IIIII unimproved taIIn In two That IIItImInI takes on udded rneantnr IIan the Dodg ers hnlshod lust one into Ilt hind SIn Frontiseo tiinnln In tho torrid NIIionut unsua tint IIIIIIIon ratI yeur era At one point they hurt been It names behind Iha Isadora onUIeiIrr Prank Itohinron Ind leltbunded nitehor Tommy Iohn ura tha two rnIIor Idol lions end the added muturtty oI th Dodger ywnuteru run he lust Is tmperlunt Robinson the only player ever to be the moat vutuohta In both the Natlonui Ind American leagues cornea West II the men uroeclod to Iupnly the power The Dodson Iota up Itlchin Allen to III John Irnnt Chlrngo White Sex and Itruru Iioblmoa cun Iupoiy the necessary uwIt DAVE PMYEN iTAIlTllltl they huvo three provtn IeIt hunted Iturtors In John Cluudo Oslorn Ind A1 Downing tho lIl Annu Plynn mm Iut Guliuot utter lionuhun utso telno PM Curlu Wilt Prun Doorman 717 Josh LIII Runner mnnnncnenm III Itth Skinner III IIo who Aiurlodurnur 110 Myrtle Porrext not limit Ilon Iortiu Ion mutter by IIoII Iiulnd IioPIdv Illrh hlnlrs Emily With 1111 Irene Walleru ll Ilcldl Ilreur rrr M0 Anna Flynn do Ilev hiiiler III LEAGUE IITANDINII CriIPi Critters lruil loop 51 Speclll II II hlullell It Honey ilunrh II Trix It Cheer Ios It Lurky Chem 21 Cone IIIIII It Wneullr It Orr 01 Italian Drulnr In only delenremun over In or II on rhumplonuhin lhut Into the nod In In Ittotkil III II neurly In the urine lent the senior title In 1070 Myrtle College InvItIo nIua litn Itronrr Jrnu lrnI und Irtc Iiiikkoiarn SIIuIy Vunre and title Htrnhe III In two yonnrstera on tho nitrhinr Itult yelling nltnly nI ulitnllon thin sprint Willi Allen none Won IIrlrrr returns to luilvtlmo duly ttI Iirul hue and II he rryulnn IIII hull tiny aye nt mo in could orovIdI tlmoiy hillinr Ilas uwltrh butler II In IIIIIIIIIIID Maury wide urtond huuemun Iirn IA Iehvre Ind 11H hudukls DI the IIlter MID only With run he rrrtIln at his loll Ihern In Inn cntnnolttion II the other Innis Hill tiruburltnwtll Ilill IInI neil unt IIoII Valentine III III or lnIIaItl jobs IIIII Iiuekner run oluy lIrut or In the outtielo lion Coy III hitter with SnoIIuna lust rnr multrn iild tor an outlieid IoII hut Iurrn touIJI Iompetilton Willie IIuviu II hotII In eentrelieid ItohInonn goes In right and iiunny Null is Virluuily nertuln In he to tell when ielivhuntted yitrher rues tor the opposition Iiuckner hII nruvrn hes InIIor teanue hitter lorry Illniu mulumurqnirdmlwglrltynt IhIITIeJnhiu osun nCrun or en mm In lurtrtt by nhnnln 720ml Inheth hII Ill nurt ol hII doctorul thrnln lurldlnz hlu hernia uIIoul inrhrn unurI nlryeru urn heiny ewth In The IIuIrIu Minor Ilnrltay roolulion tr hoIIIn lhnsu dutel Interrd tor the tournament Nlll tIInniunII categories tllIlil nlli renreurnl Illtlt IIIII Inrl llrla Ntrnls modatlonn oi the nuloIt 7102110 dnriny Nov 91 II Isolde II nil II he in Is arrlkIII penalty killer lab duuy mater mm Irtdry alto be prodded the mum at II he more third gnIII to due the IIurrle 11an 01 eomeIronvtxhinn run our the Iltnuton Am Ind IIIrdroin Irmln their hint other IIIrIIe teere Illllplml Ale IIth tho Iha rests Show Who Orr Led Scoring AIONTIIEAII ttIII iIoIIin the thin the Nullonni Iitnkry Irnyun nnd rnrhuys one at the mom In run Ith in nutks Not only that Inn he run III I011 romtt irom dlutonte oi It ten monlILI Illrr Orr nun IAI Enot director at uthletIcI II It rind uomu ol the other IIIIIIM to thin nurl In It notion in leILs Iinon qu tttlitllltllll II lie was the only one who that III the Inuit In the rotor tornrrthu ion rtththunl nldn oi the netIn III we nhout In IIIy Iulii linoI Itr Billetnooughllor Hockey Iourney Ililirtn Inr Lin tninut hotkey Iiur no and um Ior itIrIh not llho unnqu ttlu NIIII hilnor lookey Tour nnment ut the limit urenu on It Iotul at In terms huvu tro 1mm Junior II INaIienI Ounurh 11In IDm nntnitirs nu Itlrthomnyll letlur IIIdI rnrnnt 11111 and hlonay frock htrl Dolorru IIIIIitIII iu IIInII IlnI urrunlurnenle Ior IttOM own hetkey nluym Slit tun hu run tita Iny one day war Ins hnnru or udewIdIoutslatnemend WINWARL llldl alrnoetkhe bemol the umeInr theuoond ore Iiua on Harrie lee Time and time again he robbed the high llyinx Harris otlrnse Ihkh out she the ARI Ml thrde the Im tlourulI huH periods keen In the urn In the IeId until Ilmshsa tlrd II on with Im erolay eltorl early In the 1rd ITIAOIIID 1115 MARK mtnuteu pone John ilrtlllion do Iroled Ihol Ihut eIught Intrtt IquIre Ixtnten the em rruritv In hII Ittxrrlnsa mask He went to the henrh Ior rrnntII hut Itn IeII than minute Iulrr lien uhun brIl him with oulrlt Ihot that proved to In the winner The Ktnrnon goaltender lhrn ntlrol tor the ertninr In 1qu ct hnrkvup mun tith Wins hit dIIrd Irorn ilclttilunt de son III to the pork while undocuth Monica you keeper ItlIu Iovrtt riInees behind IIIIII The Firm pott To Put Flyers In Front OiACes noun DI Ciyalno Ind Ieter Km Iieetion orter uheuld hu Ewen mum IIIkI tort at In series Iovell keol time they IIlInzItonI played well 51y tormented Itul no play rhuneeu hot with little more lhun 11 Int YNowyno run buy In drtvet Ito blocked nob Cu ntnzhlm tnlen on hrenknoyl hike to us In the game Illnrrton utrenueh To our love In on outstanding sumo In Kn none win 0h 11min ten the thltd game at Iha levies lnvttl admitted war will clone the Horn hnvo rooal ed their attention lhruII th yanIrI ol the uentilinni Ierlrt IIDIINOUT ALIID eruiutvnt Iorrtheoltlnn tneli linen uuld ttrr told him he IIIWII lnr thut rornrr heroine most when hold their oni Itlok In their 1le lion III thntI the but pull to Ihoot it lIom thnt Itinunre Ihll III nulto Derek Itondorwon ohnny lleIlrnIlr Terry tlororr had Trent hluy ulso that poll to lha teIIn Choilenham Ties Int Played Chellenlunn eIvreti luttr India in the iinnl 11 nutrition 01 the rotor ITIIIIY night In tittirlnn Ihn ItIIninn lirrrhunlt 71 and tin their IIetloIiunven Inlnrlo Ilnokoy Intonation Intrrntedlula yrioynlt nortre at IIrurI IIurnetl uni lioII ttr Itren toured Ior Ittrnvnin In ltn worn the IltanInn eIuh out with two men out hernuno hut token rertttunro nnd III III ltul ohnntlonrd tho turnern Ihn llurrie Club tlItIlnIll the gonad toelint Iha Ilorrio tllt will nron unl urriet then three Ihnn hen niuyertoneh Ilitl Well tlonn thorn and work third sea nhnt irunfrenn tho noventt time 11 Iron Irry ll nhnlulol Int Innl on night In IIurrle Innn Intk iltnllh Inlnrti Ill not deoition over Illllllllt Itoh 1111 out Iionahun lied to tlvuw with John Pr unto httrtnlnnoa with one back In he Iuid utter the game While the IIyen controlled by thrmiwul the tune corn In with their but turn rt tight mulnr Kingston Iord heltrr They had soul snultend in but no Ihoutd huto won by blner martin We hurt the Goth rum In my Ior uI lhreurh the our he retire roul totrlt Ilooned Corby Mono and ltulrd Intent tunes on close The whole ulory The Arts net minder nlnyed While loullendlnr Ind Itnut Klnytton dulenea tent Ihn game nuI Ihunt In the tint three The Ilyern henvyItitllnr uncdI Win thruuyli the min hut evidently tnturln the AIM Ire nultinr no outrun MIMI WENT ALAIN 11 1711 Orangeville Raceway Begins ason On Sunday In tho tome cant unII tu will ninth rue anemhe Invnu tinaul nectar test 11 Oranyerliledilurewluy ll In ice moon the winter IIelIitles Mhnsmumu Dxemher It Infringing In udditioaJhelrurkwtllNli MI til tendre modelling the will mm tire Indtturtd Ind wurrrinx nag ttuny ol the entries ut now rormletrly eneioeed Ind bested Speetulorl Hill be My meet I111 tome dimil Irum the Joeley lulu Hulk uhlu to view luyu ol euh me on one at monitoru In Ieeorduty to me ueerelurr Gurv RIhool tiIn Inrlun Ila rrundxtuod Ireu total ultrlroltert and our ute In that yard he nut Iiaee were Io ctosu to rru are ex od ut the past Sunday lot tot Iererat tur hunt and Greenland they shoot thrtr hnnu up hero lortululu randmnd redo Iunt Stmduy then the oruamtits Itumuy eoenu tor III that turd II III you etc uod urru entries lteutilo OIIIINGEVILLE PROGRAM oUNDnr emu RACE in Im rum Post 11qu Inn mt Illlill RACE iIte lttriu use one llilt Clmi IRWIN Ono Hill Ginger Pulrh ttwot It Smith YrI Ind iottrtrer Coodbyo ltIIltIII 111001 hluidenu or NW 030 IiIrllma urd Prim Epsom II Ombett Frank Int 2000 Sriyluy ltinasltutrh Luwuoa thvulene moot IbIhurIt lsorlnl urtvun Wm ttIeIIu Crispy In 122001 Merle 51th II Noody Iliownrthu Robe 1200i Stormy Kid Wm Stirlnn Inn Dogs IL Itasuda Cunninnn IIuI moo Wen mile Webb Troy lAbel Iurker Outta INorul Adios 1th Wm lo All Dunne Adtot Wm my All Duke llurcIHuI 11000 arronn ntc Iure IIrse 11 It 00 INVENTII RACE Incr IIin Ono Iliie Nil NW 01000 In 11h oomblned UM llllo QuineIII Nludllly lumen 11 11010 In 1111 combith Al Ntl 3000 list II Item 1er Clem Wm Sllrton Lindy Yon Iutrlrk Gordons Exorrss White Mark Charm Il Illtrornid Hustoru IIcNIb Lauren nCennlIn Dancer Campbell TNotthoo Aylmer IIIe IIoIIduIIIe Wm Troy IIIGIII NACE IIrr tIrIe One Mile ginger In exerts ol 11100 Sully Doo Lillie II ivhnrtnu Itaynior tutnrl White 110on Art hlultotl turn Dares lurursn Ebony no 14min oy llnlrt It FItIyrruid Km Question hlueltrthur Ihorn Itos that Webb NINTII nth til Im lttoo One iliio Invitation 12IIILICK IIIIINSIOIII Dont Duo Illo Sun CruIIIr ntutturt Iepoy Nuncy White II htrttrrror It Strud Alinhty Fleet Ill Gulbruilh ItethonI Itlrk ltrn Troy hhurr Judu Moore TENTH RACE 11 Pure the One little Linn 11000 alth Erector Iertert Time I000 II mar Soon blono ltlllli Count 1m 1000 tthttnoli thity 11an 1200 ynlh IDtxlo tlek 1on Willlllttl eswnuer uoont It Ntehotuon Ihurol Atom noon ICInytnqu II000I II SteItI rd win last nith to lola tend In the harlotmen ut IEIamInor Iibolo hy Peter NMIINIII Ludy Ii Express Gibbons Blythe Spirit tliiluon long Deuiu Lud II Curlew IIIuntht Tonto rt IIcIrrnght Slnrte Coln It Given TIIIIID RACE Ill lrot Purse $100 Ono Mile 0p Chnr 01000 Verso Ion Campbell Ilootln Toolin Ihomnson Illnc IIIy Intkhuri Churn olerult liven 111111 tile 11 Norton ltshuro Clark ttwnl undo Cindy tnIr Itrn lurtty Lurth Kid It Irwin All IIvourlle Dot It Itoiada POURTII RACE luer Furl It One llilo Quiriolln NW 110 In 1111 combined IE on Cirnr men Lumltllyhtor hluohrthur to Hot tire nenr Oshawa hold Ihn Ithem un Ior an hour uhd IDMIIAIIVI Illul Period Barrie Itnlrdtilohiruon hlonnhunl 1231 Ienultleu Iiurrlr llonohon titnht muiort 1100 drrond Irriotl hlnsslon Kennedy trot IInI Cherry 019 hlnrnlon CIuonrI tIIeld Durwnntuitl Penalties Iturrie Smith ltlrht mu KlnIIlon ColtInI tllsht muort I0Il lionla lleCIocio lin high Itlckl Klnyulnn Ilell 1y lolbow ltm Ilorrla Adams own on Hit onion 11m oon Yunkeo Lennon or hot 00100 Int nun Slat1th use 17 TM Iyer llndinlrr ll Iiulbrulth Cl krill mm MIMI Dotmond Dore II tInvItlson ltoerelundu Tom Moore Ilnrre iionuhan tllobin DWI my iths Nlnkta hmnton FIITII RACH III lura Iarun 0100 One Mile Cline H000 lnIInI Dutrhm Exoms ttoout Brown Sunbeam ltrntlsn Ittoul Il Stead In Honor tttu0I It Andront Minn Inhlyh Iorhes lll001 Wt Srlyley ii Itrolhrr Nollie noon Lan Inn ilni 1500i tithbunt run All unto noon un thonu Me In IonI Ilitl lrnuilies Nintnlon Thuriby tlnlorierrncet hill Ahull OI 1on1 IIy Itorrio ll ltyltlnynlon 11101111 ll HI HornetstPosl III 1111 CANADIAN Iltihl or tInIt Itornets went too over time to ruin the rlshi to can to time In Ontutlo ilockey Aunt In elntlon Stniur It Ietnltlnnl ploy Tho Iirth rurno nl lira nomi lInII ll hurniuy nltiil In Klnyt Ildli While on It nlhitlttl no ore We term to yiuv holler duntl the III It IIIIYIIR NOTIIAI Ilntrlo tittenvr In the otin Inn IIIIIII ot tthn In they tolerated the lerrleru It truth It In the tenth some ol the InIloIIrven Irricl iltu Ilornetn overtime win it not Iholr Itrnl In turn encoun ho Inn with tho Terriers tho tenlnu Iinlthrd the regulation 00 minutes tlrd tI Ind nluyod Inr 10 ItlllillOlllI Inlnutrr durtnr Itllitli IIrntn litter and Inn Ilrruott euth Iuurtri Ior tInIt lton onIItIt Mltltel the other two InII Innis thorth InI UrIIIIn ueIn tlury itiiroy ttntl Iii Iuliorno Ibnyltl llIo thirtrru nInI tho Hornet ntny their Ililll yrnno In Illil nnd Iinntlny niritl tIo Am Into on the Firm Iur their IIIuI yotna In IIInIItun en ti POST TIME 170 Tho Snouon Openu Tomorrow At ORANGEVILLE RACEWAY Oruorrvillt Onlnrle truturlny tuntlme nsrtlnte HARNESS RACING Nen rnluurd rnrlonrtl Itrutrd iurllitleu 01tu Donnie tiuinrllu Ind IIIIeInr Iruturrd every run Wurrtny 2PM ou Ichabod 1on noon them 11 lend oi the at tho Ilrnl InIlrnl Ilut In tho ten onil lilieitrnhuin took am Itan cilnolinl liin rrnnu ntlhu Iiurry n1 vouln The third none In liw mien It Mniluy II Iha Itinwnin uronI ttutno time It Irurui oi the nIIanI letter In min the trend Inelutthl htnlnud nl hoes lent Innlnrd nl Ilurrla Iltll will nltrod Run IIIyu Innto In Rlnyrton Alert ol the limo wat do IIan to ruin nleI try tlII Iula urIvnI oi the Ilinytton Ieutn Their InII hurl rn Special loans for homeowners at Associates IIyotIrn lvuyineyonrhoutr youtu tIIthII lore IprtiIII Inmrownerinun It Attortutrt anytime you tired ruuh Ihitnnnnweinnyhethleto ytveyonthellerderi lower lAItl tnrlnnyrr lIrnIInr even hoth lha nnnunt you isnhnrrnw IuIlntltrtI nniyity Ihn 10W 10W PRESEA PRICES 0N In Month winner In tnit Bill Singer and Don Sutton provide two Illlilrltltldd yturterI III the bullpen ioek good with tuch men as Iele Richetl nbtulned lronI tIIIti more OrIoIoI with Robinson rtttlilyltittIIIYIlRyOUIliOIDEIOOIWOIUOIAi muybat000 orrnort Thats rlnltti tor lltu llrII Ihru Iuntllleu TIueln their order tor lull the Ihn oround llwlmmlttn whore will ul or II 701I IotiIOW dilW ereuII reeoeurwor umooI wmmn no cur Inetulluilen derurtmunl etn um uI thonIuIniI It would dollurt scheduling ours Ino InItuIiItIon In Itivuneei Ind telnet the bull rolllnll we no outline the tuvlnou on to the tint ti tumIIIu IhII know whut thv wInI Ind neoonIII need buIInuII oroooIIItonI NOW HEAR THIS MONDAY 15 CAPTAIN SUBS HEAVE DAY in Itynu huvu ItlIIIdntrreot dsbltautItundlnwr IlyonneadeuuhloruIeeondeumbautorunynlher rootlreutonduiktn AIIneluteIuboutulowvlnterert Iiontenwnerioun titeitnw ntnthheiteroti ynull IvaIonyvtrrnt LASSES SAME DAY no IIIIII video only WIDH CIIOILI 01 IIIAAIEI Puy REGULAR Prlru For Any OnI SuIInIIrInu Sundwleh Ind out Ihu 2ND Ior NALF Prize DONT DELAY CALL NOWI ALI SHAPES SITES Purl Onnt Strqu 7101400 HHAEONAHLH IIlltilid RUICK COURTHOUI SERVICE BARRIE OPTICAL ClIooetlou It Collier ISHIII So5nionlnlo CAPTAIN SIIBNIARINES ON MONDAY AND HERVE line North at 1nd Hund Iinro 11mm 11 67 0W P0015 NEW LANMCAPINO RIDGE ROAD SHANIY DAY ASSOCIATES REALTY CRIIDIILIMITIID 7250092

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