Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1972, p. 14

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treeentl myhsd some to the lldlu welt psit In ml detect board plInI It tororito intentions Airport white scrum lCli trying in in your lulicnseor even with lrilow passenger lead to detention Ind tnlrr auction by police tor persons liylnl Air Canada out oi To mio tntcruntionnt Airport traveller with lrslns nun ibr tor lliet nintlrr niiy oihrr irusy rurtui oiiirrils irrlniii Ltrgbs whisked out at the trunni lru lineup end quimd In Air em ircsmnn said irldsy 3hr lnnr on would be snot tedby Air Csnadss mrtsl det ector which Ilriioe olliclsls ssy kbctnr used more end more vl uently line ollirislr said even one out letter about it bomb or SiNliAqutE AP mo dcisyed It the curb bscsriss his porting yttrium hIs used human putter nuterr tor it yrsrs with mnsrksbie results rite one hss ever belted hickrd or run orsr Stnsspore sswtrr Nn one has robbed ismmed er chested Sinrnpore meter lEssh torts ltd month in minute Ind loos oi them take inll dsily Isrs st itirnny whose title sssisisnt Itlpcrlnltdust oi ut perk concech thIt occu slonatiy pnrklnn mttcr pock eu stIta lends And sometimes ssIeter mortise tired tor lntir till their to is motorist the system works this wyi All parties sports on down town streets are numbered when you part little ticket roes on the window When you yiesvr you hand in the ticket Ilid pay lor the hours you owe iillynu nnrk pert clusln time U13 ckrt Iluys on your window let pnymcnl ut ss booth inter it your meter ctnmt be tested yodstnnd nnd ltlrlto or so to the psrkinr booth probably blocks The Lady Was =A Parking Meter looks like pslr ol etiedelrse Air Csrrhds custsrm centre Eamonspots metsi ob supervisors oiooie tlrm Ind lrene Gouldle wstch the detector the detectorwhich ms mil It hurtch or ions Photo EgliiietuiDetecting Device Installed At Malton Irrthurirod Ilrcrntl rmplnyrrs Ire pensstttcd to any wenpoiss on bosrd llimtcrs may rsrry their rifles in rnse on the pisne Ind irnrk end ilcld olil clnis sre Iiiowed in terry Itnrter guns in their luygnsc Al iilnrtln is public rrietlonr nliicrr lor liir tunuiln said other senirtly iirrnrurns besides the wespons detector use in loree lie rriused to eisborelc its stririiy meltrr oi so rurlly ho ind illustrsilny such procedures would be like ylvinr sty the keys to snle run while hnsslnt through will lend ouronrrr in serious trouble loirrrr Ire detained tor osrertlonins Ind lovcstirntionr Ind olilrieil Mid the ssme pro endure smiles in pnsseeyrrs ni rrnriy or been light Air tnnnds um tilrlinrrn siiiie metal detector In Its sent pnlzn to spotwouidbe lhylltk era the machine tools like hermicss pair at Ihndeicss in temps but it will spot nbrets II smelt Is hultoru or hell bisc kins Only suthorlred businessmen such or dismorsd morehsuts Is well as police servicemen and Spanish Police Shoot Protesters BLFEliliOL Spain liteutert Police opened tire on tum demonstrstinr shipyard workers here Frtdsy killing two men Ind lrthtrlnl It icsst it more it Mull HAHN WAY IAIN ll rm tunosrm tCPi Dr of ldn Shulmsn thDPiprmttt llirh Pail hrs smiled ths itChlP ul rcneyeinr on drsl lt nude with In Ainericsn roispie thIt led to the Inutot drill pusher in summon niorrrw loft ite told the Ontario legislItan the couple is Michael Ind line isan Everiey ile rest letter to the house he received tier lWi irons ilrI Errrley whirls told oi the desl thIt rImI shout when hlkhscl wss min sentence in ltttihrook tor lrsisd Ind istse preterm ths teller described lllchsei it dru sddlct tram Ohio who lice epertstlon order hlrs Ererley ind her hue hsrsl needed help bully lor his hrNitl sridictiou but hod re rclrcd no trrstmrnt It itill lrrooL The Errrieys hsvo rlsensontbseid dsushtrr whom the lsther hsr never seen Dr Siulmrn ind In RCMP otilccr ha identified only Is Con stdhll Jenkins Ipbroschrd the Ererieys Oct 1m Ind romlscd to issue litehsri sent to mediuaneurlty institution Ind the the deporlstiou order Reduced Seal Hunt Begins On Sunday HALIFAX rcpt the Innunl hunt tor Icnls better all Cen ndII cIst roost Sundsy with minor otliln oi CInIdlnn hunts replnclny the turns nnvy oi liuntliiir scsrrls that ours plod drd through the trade Ind punched into the ire llelds Only lour compsnirs will have ship It the trout the MI Ilta ica shield eert oi the Lab rniior cosrt Ind the only Ires where ships lnrger then or leet in lenrlir csn hunt the Gull at St strcnce once lurrnlive Irrn lor operations Ills been restricted tor the use el lsndy men only the hunt is scheduled to end April it but with Csnldllrs ships bcnniilcd to tote only 60000 sorts the same number Blasts On Handling Of Drug Case itsdndld it they would lit Alter thadrus titer in the mimicry ed oruy II hid Ill mucosrdmzttn mp6s let iomstrs bessn to terms stklrIrl Ind even ihmlened to tilt him In pisses in sohtsry cvnline rnent tor three weeks Ind then moved to Mutiny county tail Ihers he is rurrrnlty senior out his term theres no question about the lads to this use Dr Strut man utd thin they the controls were hsdiy tinted PremierQuesiioned OnComeil Choice mom iCPi Opposi tion members todsy curs tinned Premier Willism stis Ibout the swolritment ot hi end Wrrd Cornell Is Our tsrlos Ircot must in ten don Opposition loader itobcrt Nixon sited llr Davis whether the Iepolntment wss msde in lies oi the germs mrntr decision to out but on lullrests lnlonnnlion oi lire thIt iiir Cornell would hesd lir DIvls ssld there hsd been no decision to esthiisb In elsbcrsls lniormstlnn renter Stephen Lewis lender oi the New Dcmrcistir Pnrtr noted whether the Iyrnl renerel lob lied been nut to tender Ind lilr Dnvis slid ll hId not the premier told hit Nixm he did not know lir Cornells mm but it would be line line with thIt ol AilIn lio wsnlerr whom Mr Cornell It will grains ltin ltr melt is Iiormtr color mIn on Tlil iiockey irts in Cnnsdn hlr DIVis said he riouhttd hir Edsleson would went the lob Ind sited whether the city would be psrt oi the World iiocirey Associntlon or my hockey erpsnrion hir thst ll Norwcslnn ships csn kill the hunt is not expected to inst ions th rovcrnors ollice In neursccd thIt so policemen wcrs tutored tn slssher beline they were obilrrd to open llrs tie csuss oi surnvetlon by the demonstrators it wss the second day oi lus icnt eisshcs between police end workers demonstrating Inninst the dismissui oi sir roliencucs mm the Itittriltiittti itnrnn shipysnl in this nurtiiwsstem port the ynrds moon the most Imporlnnt In Spain build wurships tor the Spanish nuvy The civil governors elilca hlsmod Communist culls ut the Ihipysrds lor the clnshcs An Amerlcsn nIvIl emuullent involved in the construction oi mlsriiecsrrylnt lrisste tor the Spanish nsvy Intd lrliisy night he end other amino stivirrrs lied born wnrncd to lease the shipyerds prior to the clothes lin Thompson ti on rice irnnlrs systems specialist lrom los Aussies said he nits one ol Amcrlrsn civilians in mil lion to an undetermined nuiniicr oi US NIv elllrsrs who turns to lIi Ferro lnIt month We lorcirners wcre ndviscd tn lenve the shipynrrl when there wss wsikout there yet my in core you dont guy or someone Itcnis our pin silo mulled nettce run you with surcharge our court reserch Saturday tor pnrhiny niicnders Twothirdr oi blessporcs pnrktnz meters Ire women they weer rtrsw hots with huge round lirims thnt iiop dnwu Ind tle urwirr the chin like the mrn they wear miiilnryvlike blue costs with eonulets they stay st their yobs In sv rrnre oi two ycers until bet ter inii sensors in Einrnporcs nvrrcmnioyed economy About to per cent merry men whose rules they collected And thats Inotlrer web ism inn sold chnrtl n1 ltltcr live months pieynnney we must hrinr thorn in lor light ntllee dullcs We have stole pool at nrernsnt indire horn Alter the child cdmtl ltI truck on the sirsct They work tlitnur wicks with tl dnyI Innunl icnve lrriis ol the ruirsriors lu elude tinting to Islam to role drivers inistreied It the scars lly ol pnrkin IpIseI And the motorised wolves at Singapore keep most girls light on their WI crdsy Thursday morning he sold in In interview from its cson is eouiirci lor the its cost itocirey iesyue Piny rrs Assoclstlon Dr Shuimsn said hiirhsei Sailors lrum the Csnndlais destroyer lilitS tintincsu isckls musy this oi risenln1 up 1000 yIionI Di binshcr oi OTTAWA lCP Chemo Irsinst tour dsnesrs Il PIn dorII ilor ol beinr nude in public place were dismissed today to Provinclsi little Iisrry lilinms rharso nsninst iilih tltlt rcr nl presenting In eiisrenr performance ano wer dismissed ii tht wns rrsnrdrd II trst use in Inothrr test run in ion don Ont dunner Toni lolins wss restricted Feb 2t oi bcln nude in public piers and till 100 Ontnrln AttorneyGenernl Alien strence his rctused To ronto police permission to piece ensure there until the tendon Ind Ollews decisions were mode ludye iiililains ruird tirnt Psndorss Ber llrst el thrce nude clubs now in opcrstion hero is lhentro and not it puts lio got us the oreermlion cun GUARANTEED DELIVERY areas completely lnsra to 315 Changes ligainst Nude Deucers Dismissed By Ottawa Judge on sweepers Friday wilhlirrwrovlrrd rm pm the oil sccldentelty dumped by the GItincsu thins dIy covers close to mils et The prosecution hsd isiled to prove thIt the nude pesterin Inres woes lrnmorsi indecent or obsceneI requirement sirenthe chnrru reisttd in theatre lluir Jillle ltllinnis dis ultrird lite chnrrrs orniiul Enrsc Gore Winsome iIllL lisria llttlillt Ind lnrn Nrral who were charred lost Del sitrr Ollewn moistin sound or listen wstrhed their perlorm In Mice Inid illss Simons set inriudrd simuisled serusl inter course Ind mnrturhstion the ludyel niiln sold In ellcrt thIt the pcrlnrmenre did not exceed community lorris oi toicrsiirc POST ilY POLiCE From on in mi Ill llilll In the eastern Arrtle wss handled by the RCMP it for 8149 Med WallroWailUsrderpnddlng Includes at this one Low Price lilo Extras shoreline near mum it had community pi iin iCP Photo PULNRD SIDEUNED L05 ANGELES IAPI Us Aercits King lcurnrd irldny that team esptsin ltob thith will be out week to it dsyI with strsincd back stillrrrd in thursdsy nishtsNsttnoIt Hockey Lester rnmo srstnst Phlindcipbls iItinr his pisce on the roster will be lirien Csn tin it with Sprintlleid oi the Anirrlrnn ilorirey lessor People nsvsv reed smell edsl or do they membersz ARE GUARANTEED no no run FINEST AND niosr RELlABLE NW THOUSANDS OF SATlSFlEIi CUSTOMERS FROM COAST TOCOAST Additions itmdlosm ll required only II so It Otter nuslltiu Ivsilstlr stilew low prices werewwhnrxmxorosn Wes The Very Versatile s3 P0 it lltilll SWINSER oup sentinel WW mnmnwmmnrtxc IROADLOOM PURCHASE out Guarantee All workmuishlp on in stilllions srs lolly llili Edit enthiatgith Servrce OCistsndrssdytopio Psierhmrl Shop at vlds service rowel lisstlsrlilllill llls IrI lIiil Illtill ltsws insist Home tsisws illtiil Kllllllllsl Khulnadill lhsirlnstlllstlens till Inyiims spurs TsissirltiItii ONTARIO CARPET INDUSTRIES dry Ere lIrre simples in your own home mi cotterruiriiiriissuirr Inertia set showrooms to troll Cirlrs Arms Crests tin MonroLiam Special Easier Classified Page in remembrance ot loved ones will he published in The Examiner on Sni urdsy April let Suitable verses may he submitted or our Clnssilled Department will help you with the wording tor your lil saw Selection til II Nossconlr Installation Com ists with under psdd er its sstrsr tip to iiquJt Financing No csrryins shsrss or interest the to dsys other hudnrtxtsnr esslly sirsud ulrid erg lithllirlDN iluy Crests Per 00 with thirteen naus

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