be in oi AMBASSADOR WELCONED Chinas new Imbassodor to Canada Yao iiuang present rd with bouquet nl roses by ycanold klet Yen oi the Ottawa thine Malian during oltlclal welcoming een gt monies in Ottawa Thursday night The new ambassador LI ilaiao lei Under Doctors Care Dieienbaker Speaks TORONTO Cll Former srhtlI minister John Dielean Ier under doctors clre lor larynplds said Thursday that aornI members ol the Home oi Commons should receive drastic treatment tar their speech ilr Dielcnbaker told stand Ingmomoniy crowd at an The Irss LTub kinchcon that snrmlt rs ot Parliament chose their lie Innis more rarrtuliy when he llrst entered tlta Cummorn It gears are No one uses approbrieus lords and gestures about till ral opponents that shout to Iulrn the use at strong mouth ivnsh detergent he said ill rricrencc lu prolanily used In the Commons recastily by Prime astnlsler Trudeau its Dielenbaker was pro cnlcd trout arriving here Wrdnesialy hi hi to open the Sir John list onaid room ct tw ronlos Albany Club by cold and larynrilir An aide said he toss battle with his doctor and received emission to make Thursdays speech The lot ill Coslservaliva Prime minister said government members or Parliament were merct cyphrrs us pup eh the beret cabinet an railed tor constitutional tonlerestco to all indellnllely in order to reputriaio Canadas constitution lrum Britain In relercnce to Quebec llr Dietrnbakrr said Ilthouh it was not Itpressiy stated is the iirllish North America Act all It the Fathers ssl ConlederIllan accepted that no province once ItIving lalnrd GrnlcderI iloncould secede on its own volition Iir lileicnbakrr said the lid Irni local initiatives Program gives money to crackpols and parasites he added there is French born riliten being pliti rate week to tell the people oi Oh laws bow to help the poor We dont need alas beip Ilr Dirienbakcraa Im ilttghte Turn to Ilocltdals Colic tie Die rnbaker slid the but Ing In midtown Tbionto has Irng suicides tban nurtu llrId tabla luncheon lnclud brain It the many proan SIMGOE COUNTY NEWS ANGUS by Ellis ilUCIiIIOiIlII Consululalions lie and kiss owslas ital ewl on the birth at baby lrl leliy tlIrlenei Feb to nllovai Vic lorII hospital also In the some hosptsl to its and kiss Keith Itcklastrr on the birth oi baby girl lbiInnci on linrcii sister ier Christine his and hire AI Gourgrau Colllncwood visitc with thclr cousins lie and in Ochr tlnlon Wills St Sunday iiarclt lira OrrnI Walklsulialv llri Charlie Ilcnley lira Al lloun flu and tire liuby licllar larch with its and lies Iii Duckworth iohn lilaeitnlgbt Centre St is spending days with his parents ask ilrI trank llCKltigill in Chaliiam Nil llrr Carol Butler Centre st returned home irpnl barrio hos Ylill liIsch musii lmgloird is Austin AIIOWIIR Oi OIITB shower was held on the weekend tor bridetobe Illss WEEKLY LIVESTOCK REVIEW 10thle turn All classes tilt good stock helter calves and grades oi slaughter rulllow common and medium traded on broad demand It docks and iceders tilt tlnn prices It the Onlaslo pub cum Im on iic IlockyIsds this week cel rail prices were Icllveiy strong hog prices higher lIrn prices higher and sheep ateady slaughter eItde tree 0n Illel this week seep last week tied to date ant Tutti to lan itll 36514 this week last Idlill 130 chairs slog tide Ivlh rare to am stoo my lug Winthmtlodutolwt till Choice heilers stresses WI with but vslr will III lilh rails to also good but sicsliuin sparse common 17 ueck lsoo last week hell to date WIT lull to data IITI idth this week lul year hilt choice vestcrs Mil with top choice It stat Mi Mi medium seer common tldl boners Itll IIIII MW On at this week All last week to data mid price sensual start end iroktl tmtvll cool heavy use roost cows tors with rIlea It WM hers and cullele star lWli Increments 0n sites bery bologna buds assessor this week tour last week that with salts to ml common asvd to date ms their to dIle Ml sscdium ma itlttl this week last year e11 Replacement esltis Good TN good handywelght lImbs so Ii slackers and iceders itll sass newcrop lsnlbs moors lood heavy shostkccp feeders sheep with yearling sheep iIJdt good stock Ilecr silver to at Oil PAINTINGS NOW ON DISPLAY AT lsiivsltiiiniln orsu SUNDAY DROP iN AND SEE US Iccom acted by his wile ilanl centrel tti Pbe iNNlSiIl NOTES nIes ltecla Gcor Bsnkora state that it II but intuition at his touch to issue debentures to utter water and serene Dim needed to develop pro writes it thee lscllitlrs are to be installed they mini be iv deIeloocrs SENIOR leLIS LIIka Senior citlacnt complexes are being ad and one oi the tlnt aliens deals Iilb is sewage system Stroud has one development with iIdIatlu ioc InblImaly re aideoccs Other proposals Init lng approval wossid Include sees an and wells or piped arIter Another remsirenaent would be Medical ruins Serial council members would have senior cttisrna complex built at the lib tine Ind blshray it This would be In ostollbeway place or the mice ciliIrns Perhaps there Ls still time to build the township lseilitlrs at some other location The nest best place is In the Painswlrir area where dclrlupcrs could srrcl reouirenvnli There LI likelihood oi bcllcr bus tactil lira there IIlTLRAlA The postponed Winlrratna drew big csvwd Don Noon mnru chairman worked hard and received the able assistance oi all his committees Folks who pruvidrd rcireshmcnta sold out their supplies and everyone Ip parcntly ephyrd good day ITIIZNIIOLDT PARTY Cris Silenhaidt who has re tlrcd lmm the roads dcpurtrswni Council Discussing Hemes For Elderly Iu tendered turned party by his neighben at Knock TbI rvmrnunilv ball there III In scene at In eaioyable aredag COAUIITYBE 0T ADJUSTMENT The adjustment canarrstleI granted it requests that appen Id In list some with condi tinris bloat ot the scouts re Ivltcd truss trashing or lot as pints Fit the semi meeting at We month the svmrriittre considered It properties One recent was by Campbell in consry title oi are test on the nth line In order tn erect single lam Ily dwelling REFUSED Pllillik Charis Teller who asked Inr lranslrr oi Ida storage lot to lot mneesaioss was turned down 4th the Iocsl residents object COLD NORTH The colder weather up north Irvi tbe isIrttitb oi the iluidI winter has cluth to the iailablI lmmldl on here and any ml contemplating trip teuth should be sure the hate is place to stay klotrLs hotels are turning Iist many persons every night The picture Fiddler on the Root came in St Pelersburg recently and the Caruan So cicly on bchull at its and airs Percy lewlssn parents at the producer Norman Jewison order block oi teats Over an emails were in Ittesidance the ilrst matinee the picture run dance Ind his parents well pre seated with borrower Norma Ibo spent bLt Isrro men at Big Cedar Point was unkempt at our aim at Cedar liarme and listened to the music box and danced Iltb the youth at the time ills Iork now take him all over the Iorkl lie was unable to attend the St Peierabusg aborting as be Ill appearing boron the ltayat lam llv 0N0 STATION Iy Ilsa msnrosua lien Norman Emu us guest at honor It Ikork shower held recently It the community ren tre kin II Gaiters conducted coolest tin Barry high read and PII was presented It stun lovely gills dainty lunch brought the evening to close Air and tire lloward CrIw lord access trial by llr Ind klrs lioss Iutrhinsnn Barrie and Air and list Wally Iipbin son litmvale agent weekend recently iceislan at Toma gIstti gursLt at Air and list Bob hm at itbilI Gables on Lake Tcntagasttl Air and tin kirrcicr re turned house this staecklrom month hi liter seat and Tor onto vlsitlssg retaliirs Several tIdIrs lrurn here It lcnded the World Day at my er Irrvica It Guthrie thurch arid enioycvi the lcliowsblp iogrther and the talk bin Plrimmrr Norman ordered conage lur pent Cmnervnlivcs among them llrrre Sellgny iorrner associate dricnco minister inr sner labor tulnlslrr lliichIrI Starr iornscr postmasirrsgrn etli Ellen Fnlrclough Senator David Walker Walter DinsrlIIo denItor Allister Grossri tonnes trade minister George llecs turmer Ontario prsnslcr Leslie Frost and inrmrr New Brutu nlcls premier Iiurh John Fictit mlng Ilaricsic Ellis ill the True Blue tlull She received many beau lllui and useful gills Eldon trusie and M11 lct awIwI spent the weekend with tie and tire iioy blecpcr lire llrtu lilcCuiligh bisstceo Sh Is visiting her sister lira clmn lrlgh oi Iliolicrlun Convrnlulallosls to lie and hire llusruy llnisun Toronto Iormcriy ol Angus nsl lhn birth It daughter lChsistn chAnnl Monday Feb it grarvhluu icr lor Air and tire lie on Walton Raglan St Ind tor Air and Airs Don Neal Cecil Sl GRAIOHUIIST Ily MRS ilANIlY tics Ivan tits at lnnlslsli Alla thlittl at llandyl lira ll Craig took the ladies at Lrollihurst to the World Day oi Prayer service March It Dalston United Church hllss Jenn Casino is patient in Royal lctosia lluspilni lira Ernest Elbnlcro has so turned isom ltnliiat Nova StO list where she visited her son Capt Don illitmoro and his wile iiorn It Grace liespitai liaiilax on Feb son to Capt and Mrs tiltsmrre lie is rented Jumrs ilhrislo her David and is the ltth gran hiid tor ilr and list ltllimere Craig Elhmere and Air and list liud Dustsmosa oi Crown Illli spent lhI ueckcnli It Iil bertorru on snowmobile IniIrl Spot lirrrlrn plate on Islndlan highway with blue ilgures on while background and the rar probably come Saskatchewan 0r OntIrlu Or NuvI Ssotia 0r ins that nlatlcr the Northwest Territories ii the driver still has his Wit plates last summer Canadian piIlu came In so slitterent coiur combinations with only two duplications among the II provinces and territories This year with Alberta and sorting while numerals hire bartgrourwl crosssiun lids survey shows that hall at them seem to have Joined the Tbronto ilrple that In club Licencnplaie bsllia still will be Ibio to spot distinctive tra lurrs such an Quebecs ileur delis Ontarios crown liaisi tobne bison the unique pu lursbrar shape that Ideniiics Nwl can and the nilrscr who pans gold on the plates oi the Yukon Territory Sonic at thrill hear mes sage Follow the right car and you can learn that Nova Scu III is Canadas Ocean Play ground Quebec Is In licllo Iruvincr ill it lirnutlltii and rianilobss is not only Sunny Dill DOA MOW bakes To the distress oi seine at Its residents New lirsrnswlrk is no longer billed at The the lure irovlnre instead lls Flair any the additional renchiIngnge Identltlcallnn oi Nuuvrauilrunslvlck cnsllpntgn has been launched to rrstorrllhe slogan out your possibly In both Ian guagls Nuwlousisiianli nno nl lour provinces that have abanv sioncsl annual piolct sells his lilnllun stickers on Its green anwhlln tvlu plslrs iut pas Iengcr vehicles Nova Scoitu which has abandoned its traditional lIvor pl what is iornlIliy sle blackarwlycilow lorntat in later oi what is lorsttaiiy do every Canadian lady in all Blue And White Plates Are Seen In Provinces scribed It eceun blue on while aspects llvspcrrenl Increase item the arts mil lion lt collected In vehicle seg Istratlon tees last year Prince Edward island esti IliIter return oi IL million ter validation stickers on Its biueorsguld plates about smote moss It list revenue Nu revenue ltguret were available tor lsrunswlrk vibere greenonwhile plates replace lIsl years Irden white color Ishenle Quebec which collected III rnllllon lor last years black nnllmI grcrn plslcs esti ruaica return ol lied million We Ipeciellsa in ADULT Fishing Sjp the light TIIIITIISTIC gave on All Joy Ila Yetta truth the current whilecnred issue mitarlo turccasts revenues ol Ilka rrillilon Ibout I1 mlilt than more than last years whllronbiue lakes were worth irum lh yearI sales No eslirsiale was iurthlom Ina lrorn hlaniluba khlrh is selling inhiItlun stickers lor the blackonwhilss permanent plates distributed last car Saskatchewan lack an ad ditional ti on the asking price tor last years redouwhite plates to Iri up kind at Iulp niolise oldIre pension The OTTAWA ICFI II atin imam taI inrlna reecting the Itliykkatel Income Tu Act Ilil rues In it paces aral us Dela printed in black and blue perhaps reecting the In pairs mood at tIIpaserL The nest returns bate been prepared by the revenue depart ment lcr taxpayers who Isll have to make nodyear settle mat at their tax indebtedness belara Ii other taxpayers meet the problem at lhsk lm tues year trusts nuts The two and Iispage returns now being tiled by tasppaym reporting their rm tumors an In habiiitiu cumbiiutrsl It they are In simple neat and tidy compared rub the new re turns ThI new returns In do scribed as pruissiorlzi Some re visions are likely to be msde in them beiore they are mass prv baud tor the spring at ten Seine oi the changes that Illi Alis to be made It rater whatever tax rate changes the tedrral Ind proiirisinl govern nirnts introduce es in prog cases The PNIisiunai ionsss are bein distributed III tillailrd numbers at disitid las olilrcs now lur laspayrrs who must lite early because they are hung the country and tar trustees oi the estates ol tIspIyerI who die during lurk kluds tor reporting ramble cap lal lips and eiahning bcnrlit The ms returns include sect ntn IAIIII nurture ntusr raisins ts mt mIIII span in wow list each at his payments medical servim bis contributor to the organisations The mom be csprctcd ta lsll la the tratlon number at the body ln Ibkb he gives MI it is triepackagss known at lourpm baa rrport and nine Idllllmal sum ntrssts cplrring sight put Until now utpayrra with ne lslriy simple irserm Iitualll such as wage and HIM rrs hIse been able In use aimpiiiicd in harsh culled Shun sum Chinese Ira In MIRAMAII Adliilliliiik amen er Chm TIM ire IIUI Irwin IIIIIIAMIIII IiilIIIIINS kilnit Imus emulates 5s ltd them lur iiiild care expenses lb runds will be used to remove abandoned cars truth the roadside BOOKS Begardis Books or Essa Rd Tiiiin SI tip to 30 oil Tackle Open Noon to pm Only three FaathIsI blends light last year old with month end assiieis eight year old And Its Ml assilskla II III big so cunts battle in tells the light brigade PARK daIIIEIORD Youro ssesence ol quality NOMINATED FOR EIGHT ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING BEST PICTURE th nittiast chase servants since Siidili iiimbi ral Allurellmap NruiIIIl it litu III II Mllll Ionain You mull on Mt An IItoIIIdIn truelite adventure he on llrruvv STARTS TODAY DAYS ONLY iMPERIAL THEATRE kl DENLOI tlT WEST TIMES ltrkdlye 190 Bat and Sun 184 Mil TM liW lIId TOul Ciiiiljltdhii ihtStIIlS illlll DANIONI mim Tilt iilENiii idNNIltliIN pour CANE IIAEAIIAN ilhithOO REY POI SWIM lONY LR WIN IlARCtL outrun TITO lIilOWA TON IGIIT has ouutor SEW IIAIIIIIE ONI NOR at GE lUYL NONI warminisllilluur SPECIAL CHILDRENS PROGRAM Sci lilo psnt Sun pop All beets 50 MtNbb