Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1972, p. 3

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in to in to st SEWAGE PLANT Larger Capacity Is Recommended orycoosdln peth warlr carsnutter has rrcaanndcd In upsettith at scram to be minted in the capital budget to gm the pollution maul pinnl up to the capacity needed inn thn rest to purl my sadness lin Allen said that herring nay snsloeeseen boom In popunttoo or location of Musy thing lot or water the present mansion plus the ed construction mid meet the protected needs to ms The city let contract tor new primary treatment last about month Ito and con suiting mliumsreport recoup mends mtructlon of new in It settling tank It east at motor to bring the cspaelty at thn Iaol Is million gallons per ay The present rscility hns do signcspecl eta mgd Ind lsr year the llenga usage was be tween sad mgd When Tamara Spring hrew ml reaches lull production mount Is expected to risI sooooo gallons per dsy htr Allen said the present pllnl could still provide treatment in dry wentlser but would be Ibova its prncity during wct periods when there Is secpagu into the sewer lines PARTIALLY TREATED The sense from the brewery in Ignalisily trcslcd to bring it wl In city hylsw requirements hlr Alters said the hyinw re ires Irduatrisi users to treat etr waste to level when the Stmt miss station to tha rrsin plant They mermaid liloeh lorcc main It cost It mm aimg with tsosoa wrap urslllnry motor to lo crrssa the plant capacity tanks slit when this ms llanga would he onthenanlastonllowtha city to Install portnhla purm la thn erect that the warrior station ever brests down lla said this would allow the city to Icwsgs to the pollution plant and end the possibility at having to bypnss newsgo into the hay Iia said without this twinned line and the or pump the stI lino would not be shin to leap Ilp sun the Iocrusioad trons thI northeast plrt at the city AIEET REOUlm The engineers said this are ten would provide enough peat espsdty to meet eats in almost all drcumtlaoea and they say that sometime in lute are new outlet msybI need ed to handle this peak rohsnss The usginrertng study also re commends expenditures oi la 3010 for building to stars alum for the nutrient ra mersl program and onelots can Intern at chlorine The engineering firm figures show the rspseity for upnnston It the present plant mectlns sity requirements unlit rm sir Mien told Pollution Probe mem bers Wednesday night that the rest It building new plant In another location would II In millions The engineering study tries in city pinnt can build It to aeomsot ths increase to ow Gore and Storrlr the cit from the brewery which is ex ailing engineering llrm pegged to expnnd Its opcrstica pued costs lorlwtnalagtha Ind produce mlle gsllsu preserAdIne from the Toronto oi sewnga pcr dsylrs tbafutnro of Richard thrn JUNK CAN be rstued Iar In this tram fancy resin to lrnmsdlpictures Ind students lrorn aia elementary rrhoois tn the city disptsycd their eftortn in reusing iunk yrs Hillcrest schools in the city rorrrpetcsl yes trrdsy in ltEJASE treats tank Is something else unless IIliumI moi iiiiti on crrs woo lint plan in the insldldunt nnrn cnnrr orncrn runs with llIOII LlilTr VIlier LIr Lewis ll CIIO Drins llpogrndyite chairman of the bio rorrs CFll lkcnion was in ilIrsIe Noiy League and Sen uIrrle Thursday to insle the CsdeLs Norm Smith is and offlccrs Ind Sea Cndrts oi the shirt Warrant Oiilcer kirle lirlntblc lrightl the Iron cadet olticrr for Eastern Ontsrlo dil cussrs summer training csmpa UE Workers vote Today On National CGE Pact shill adiustnicnt to put their cal Issues at the Trenton plant wa at star the that year had iorccd delay at thoavrrIil This rim to till the around vote on the natural contract national contract The union murthsvesluper Iocaluntao oiticlalahavacollv The llsrrie votes nlong with real relcctlon to call Itrts Idtheproposalunaceckpzalhalrsm at will be counted In This means that acceptance cause It does not prov Airtight and the results by even it per cent or the work amount toward pnrtty throume announced tomorrow arn would arena Arccplsnca of the syslcm Dorris wortcrs got the contract roponai an extra two cents pcr hour in Contract ncgotlallons hnvobccn the lost contract to bring them America rcprescnts tiled em underway slnvb last October and closer to why but no similar storm in the it isntn lnrltid hwsl issues here were sctticd in amount was included In this pro at too hurls we but lsia lrbruory strike over to posul contract for each pisnt has been INVEST NOW Uninvited emplo crn It it Can stiian Gcncrsl ti ectric Co plants Ira voting today on now ratified and the nItIonIi contract being rotor on today cavern ia Iues Iilto wnfcs and petitions commonto II pIIntI The company has altered In roars oi so cents the Aral year and it souls to tho second yrar tor total oi ti ltnta over the contract Some skilled workcrr lit at tlsrric would receive shill Idlwtments oi between eight sad it rents per hour CGE olcsmsn hers sold the still ustmcnt was intro duccd because the wage rltes lor tradcsmen in tho commun tiics have ilsch faster than can rates and this ndiustmcnt will compensate Under the proposed entrust the minimum rate for In Issrm on your bier uuuhl go to I19 Irom thil Dobenlnro Investment Certificates trrtay nt Iiilirrrrt school hlsry Ann lusting tell 1wort use uitis the int she is display ng nude School Tops in REJASE Sissic lrvrn sin eiemcntsr Stewart lrom Codnngtun Stml nu school placed lint In the group reuse ot husk section Terry Brown and Ileights toot lirst pIIca In the lush art art pieces turn to category while llnridy Thuhnus uses lorw not lielny lamb of Allaodsle reuas oi Junk class while steam lteigth school placed inst In the try and Wilfred group took Irt classication Dnrric Navy League lilaam inrr Photo nlrrnr irons record centres this is showing the rut to FROll LEFT lilsa Trkhnls Laurie Poop and Heather htclennsn Iha tool necsusd prlca in the The contest won followup to study abort the environment that the students had completed They were rhslten ml to create or Ind new to materials reins of junk ca est msda lsum recs The Other prise winners were Cary blurrny oi Codrtngtm St school and ltoh Stewart or thit crcst school in the lndisudusi reuse or lunh rntrgu Peggy Norton oi undies llelg is school and Judy Adnrna oi AIIIndIIa iielghia school III the lush art rlasailkstlorl teams ot Kim liurdoch and Anne lIidcn of llillcrrst school and Time PsrhroNsaro Sandra Cald Ieil oi Iiiiicsest in tha group rc Hes Not Guilty Of Negligence William David Foster Ll ol lent list last night In Astral not In negu death but tty oi dsatcrota tryialvsmsrwwt at causing driving in eonnme with the eath at Juice Fortm to st llidisnd his new Ind oneIsms lacy drbhrrslrd one hour and to Elfin beius reaching its Irr ltr Jrsrtin Alexander Start will sentence Tooter unrrh rt Idiowing the presentation at tam RM The girl was palrstrlnn who was nurse by ear July during two car strident In which Foster was involved FIVE IITINISKU mat called as not called lire witnrssu yes erslsy before ending his defence ThI tint was Sergeant Donald Johnston ot Iha Midland Police Department who Idcatllicd photo grsphs which ha had taken at the two can involved in the accident Tbs photos had been Interrd Wednesday Is Inhibits In thI up honours art category fill Norrn ilsmmcr who won an award el merit for the Ice ther belts the girls are hold Ing llixnnunrr Photnl use Palsy Sieerl the triend with whom Porter had been lishing the day at the accident was the out to lentil ShI Isid Ihrrw was nothing unstausi About Foa tern behaviour while he was with her She said his driving use of Junk category and teams or Laurie Ispo titan TlttsII and llesthrr liiclannan ol lliIi crest school and Kevin Steele and Doug Gray of lflllrreri school in the group 1qu art clsasitfcntlan Awards of merit were we srniui to Doreen hchInnosn oi candies llelghts Carolyn Camp hell or Prince oi Waits School Donts Pichc Penny Oates Rho na Grok Laurie Van nltrnburg and Joanne Cost or linIo OrorI school and Karen Ilammcr oi Itillcrrst schooL In linsi slsndrnss iIIIlrrcst placrtl lirsl lullow yQtrsdirs IIeI his Cusirlngton Street Ai Inn sir Ilclghts lisyie tire and Prince oi irnies schools CITY NEWS THE IARRII IAAIINRII FRIDAY iiARfil ti rm in ugggggm GrilliauArea Woman Is Kille In Level Crossing Accident liariorie In ersoil ii of till Oriiila was IIch snd two others ltohcrt Gcnrga hlcticc ii and llobcrt George lngcrsvil hic ice are being treated at Sol dicrt Memorial ilospitsi in UP tilts following rlIInintck col Iuian on Concession Just south It Orillln this rnrxning The neutral occurrvsi It An unprotected level chslng II tt am when the truck was struck by southbound lOcar CNll possrngcr train The truck was Iraibaund on the concession lilr hchce In Icriuus condition with multiple Iniurlcs and the boy In in Int Islactory condition sulirring from shock and frozen lingers Police said ambulances were at the scam is minutes After ihw accident The Toroulobostml train was allowed to continue Ilirr In hours dciuy Hat null continue their unnv BARGAINS MOUTHWATERINO In normal hiss Stewart said she did not resist how rnsa bottles of beer rater drank urlag the Iner nocn but later spote with him to determine the number WI dwa It been Darn wIa concerned about the Imprint oi beer he had robsth drunk that dry lire team said Under cross examination Airs Stewart said she had tailed to Foster Ibosst some at the evrnts of the day oi the accident but did not reconstruct the shots days events on said she first knew Poster had planord to nturn to tha fish ing spot tor bk knife when she spoke to linsemnry Mitchell who provided bosrd or Poster on wetlands lira histrheii Irsiliicd she had SERIOUS CONDITION Gerald Grshsm ol Tor onto the driver oi the vehicle which struck westbound CPR freight train at level smiling six miles north at Barrie llon day Is in serious condition It Toronto General ltospllei to day ThI sir other passengers condition It an Ins tr ham Galv Graham Eilsbeth tberica llealhrr Indian and Allison usipss urn Foster cart to the ol the day of then sun at near limo sail he came into the ripper time sat at Ind drank bottle It than ten without eating her ha won not hungry NOTHING WRONG She said she noticed wrong with his moan said he us waiting Ind she mil understand he said ShI said she did think he wu Impaired ill cousins have we aua out the house she said She testified she but III Faster Iii until the next lntirr cross examination lfilebcl said roster And at her house the night beiorw day at th trident Teeter not bring any to tha house either sh 3A butshedidnolhotherlanh him it he had caught slay stain hlscAoiny so auto body nun It linger litmtrr list testilled by ooklng It lnru of tha ears he could srrmuse how the noellent my mmd could etc tell he the eiiow car drim Potter ran to the back at another car hI tall the court tits born delimiter wsot under the er one he added llI ssld the lemlsus rehlda appeared to bars hrshad It in same time as the Foster ear tie said he could tell the dill errece lo Ipctd betIrea tbs two cars but twirl not tell how fast each car had been going It the time at the mishap LIST men The last witness to testify wIs David Smith is Gnds right student from llldisnd lIs said he was It the corner oi Jean and ttttiIsn Streets at Its tImI oi the accident Its saw green car all out to pass parked car the north lane Ne loath lied the green car cut oil the mucus vehicle Ind the Nike uhicia hit thI Termitth Nhltlt truth behind Uodcn em ndastioa new It said he did not the gtri nor did he see Inyons hIL Its later Isvt the child lying at the of the road Iiv ssld he had ttrrt mom bend how ter the cars were travelling when sated by the do lraes lawyer but had not gir en the tntormailon to lhI pollu Its also sold 1th in In earlies statement be ad seen the lo cated vehiclI hit the child but said terdsy he did not III res er wu showed to vermin on ol misdy robin own recas wul TANNNN FREECONFIDENTIAL ith oncemom the OLDway Tholexrotumto bellied byAprlldOtlr la araporton your197t Income and wllltheroforo noibe otiocted by taxmtorm Buitfyouhnvoa robiemouradvlco on tncomotoxts reenndcontldonttai POST OFFICE POST OFFICE HOURS MONDAY MARCH IS TO FRIDAY MARCH IT This is where well be to provide answeran any tncomotax questions you have Ilyouvo consulted your guldoond ourostllihnvlngproblems drop to on see us Woro anxious to help you not It right um souls the tint year and to ill the second The highest paid employees the looimnlrrrs would let the tarsal increase plus ttcent ou enrn highest Intrrcsl on all at The liunIprIls Drbcnture investment Certificates lrurress psyshia semiannuslly or ten to accumulate TIrmsr One to Five Yam Amountsr 9100 to $20000 THE BEST MILK SHAKES IN TOWN REAL VALUE AT ONLY COME lN AND ENJOY OUR DAlilAOD tidiii vchleio opcrstod by Nich ael Gagnun it of lltytirld steer and vehicle driven by llrnnir Onciil of Snnrpson Strcrt urro In collision this rnornluc llnmnga In the ovoid rm utrirh occurred at has estimated st item For further tnlormallon The liluniclpal Savings and lnran Corporation Il liar til at llunlop Street East Itnrrlr Onwlo thdl lib7700 Thrcte will be another Iron tiim progrsm tor children It irritants bill savings loan corporation VII in Allkdallorhtnndvhihhtniidwrdbly neuron ANADA DEPOSIT rusunencn CORPORATION Jspsnesa fslry tales yuan strut 347 liAllIlilll ST Krrcrrrr

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