Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1972, p. 1

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EXAMINIX LIPNONES MUM Adrutiaiu Issue All Olhl Mum WI IOIIII VII No 59 AUTTIOR CLIFTON Inlnr risht butaround toilows his number Richard Suitind ice Ind lrrinas wiil ulilh rn Mir to booths alter their Irraitnrnent It Fe trill Court on vssious charges in conrccdon with the disputed lloward lluyhra niobium pay Photo Company May Publish Hughes Autobiography dIy ht lrvlna his wiIo Edith noon the compnrsyia attem NEW YORK iAPl lite thwlrllll Inc am It might yet publish the Howard tin or autobIogrsphy thIt It Inloount rand unite here calirda Ilordlrv links The Ilurhcs 1an Co ms it Is d1 not yet satisfied that tho lull rate has been told rrrnrdins what the rind Iurics atw Is In Ilttmpt to perpetrate one oi the finial Iilrrery houses In his ory Those rcnctlona came In the Into It the Indictmenta Thun Hockey Tecim and researcher Richard blotted on charm oI cons irhsr In In Inlrtcnle plot to ob In MOW tor hours book They will enter their piece In court lion Tut Webcr vlcopresldcnt the public Illslra ol hchrIwIliil Ink the publishing cons by would rctIIn lbs publ or Ia until we learn the do II which ltd to tho Iocllcl ncnls Etentual puhilcoilon oi the book as It was which is Rbuted By Fire ST LOUIS All About 100 persons Includlna members ot ho hlnntreni Consdicor oi the National Ilockcy labour were routcd irons tbolr rooms curly today when Iiro broke out In one room It the llillon Inn super Irorn lnmbcrhSh Louis Airport Ilob wlIIInnrs Canadians trainerI soldonly one oithI pInyrca was Injured Datrncc man Scrrohnrnrd sullerrd cut on rho tower to Is he klckrd out in window to rel out at the motel Williams Inid Savant wns trooch Ind rclcoard from hor pllnl lie said he wont know until the thundch arrive In Montreal inter todny whether Snvnrd will miss any ynssos be come oi the Inlury The Conradicns hhl scasoua stunlry up champions were staying orcrnlrht at tho IIIIton Inn IRcr zunso with st louis Illucs at the error Montreal run Its Intrsl wins ninu strrolr to cluht comes Thurrdny night clipplu St touts bl nnd ruovln lh IIil Inis at idle sccon plucn hcw iork In tho NIILI Iiust Divi Ion CAPSULE NEWS Possibility OI Duplicate Key ROCHESTER NY iAlI lotico say there In slronu pru aibilily that two men who took 133th Irons In ullnlicrrdcd nr Irrurcd truck urrd duplicate try to cut into tho which llclcc Iirrs sold the midday their Thursdsy was neconrplislnsl In our minutes while tho truck driver nnd ruord whcm Inside ncurby building Injunction Ilpplicotion Declined VANWUVIZII CI British Columbia Supreme Court Iudso Thursday dccllntd is thr In Injunction nppiicIilon nauinst ltrrrrrocn Irrss Ltd which mlnIs the llC edition at Time mrxrlne nn tho srounds that tho bbsIc issue involsed the validity nI tho provinclni orcrnmcnta ban on liquor and tobacco ndtcrtsincIs nlrernty boom the courts awaiting rtcclslon Detoxication Centres To Be For 1975 TORONTO tCIl The provincial unscrnmrnt expects to burn nil III plnnncd dcloxllirutlun ryhtrcs Ior nholroiiur In on rrullonby 1m Itcnilir Iillnlstrr llr Illthnrd luilcr seld Thurs day its told Iius Ontario hulslnturo that three ccnlrcs uttiit are counting In Metropolitan Toronto nnd Innuunecd tho yrrcrur mcnt Iimctnhlo Ior opcnlna the others Hockey Telecast Still In Doubt TORONTO icPl Aside from the outcome oi the game tho only other Ilclor oboutSslurdaya hockey Ielccast ironr Toronto that still tripods to be In doubt Is on which iclevision uhonnui tuna will cw it To Be Charged With Evading Custody MONTREAL Cit Convicted murdtrcr Yrus tlcollroy nnd his wile tho lormcr Ccmcn larcnt will be Irrninrrsl on rhnrrcs rcinitd Io evasion oi Iugsl Mindy on thrir return to Lnnudn Montreals chlcl Crown rosrcutor soys lira Gcotlruy wiil be charged with hlVilIl Iidr ticoliroy to mono learnt custody on or ahut Doc 28 lrll The oiicmo Is punI nbio by live yuan In DI bn 115 Dollar Said To Be Shaky WNDON 1A1 This US dollar slcndlcyl In Indus Iinunclul centres today Iruru lhureda sharp plrurco but denim sold it was still rhuhy degree uIcohn npororod to burn ruturncd to qurkcts but trust dcnlcrI hclicrsd it wus only pmwcchrnd prune Charter Companies Come To Rescue TORONTO CPI nles has come to the rescue oi most at the Butt persons who booked traruotlnnllc charter tickets with company that surycndcd oper IIInnI Wednesday Ipohcsmnn tor the consortium sold lbunday rushh consortium or tour Iir rhsrtcr compa tlses hr laid the Arteries the plot solved cloud on Iur Isl or nuance MADE ll ETMIAT1IETIC thI would scrotum his IlIaa story story much said Shulmanllalls PC Campaign Dirty Racist dirty unprlnclptrd cunrpalg tion tiling Im nsnnmtsl tor nII hi you wero crisply llr hbuimun ysrn lhn New Ilcruocrutlc Inriy lls hlrhcst Oct 21 as he rcrulnsd lliyh Dark by Millute rnoluriw our runnurup urt snyrnko Ihu Conscrvnllre cundldnlo In tho hushed house be rare dclullul diary ul runsynigrr In ridrnls that runycd Irons Ibry uorkrrs bclnr told to rItl him Conurrunlsi to ciortlou irnru inritlcs MADE llAltilli EARLIER Ilru controrrralni NDI mem brr ins ruycstinn nilcyotions he mode In news mtdla reprcscni nlivca during the loud wcck oi the cumpulgrr At that tints ho prumlsrd to raise the mouse in this legislaturer Tape Recordings dead he Evidence recordings wcro uscd as drncu tor the tint time In an Ultuwu must Ihursduy during this trill ul Nusrl Illchn charged with Irolllrtlnu In Mr bin worth on ratirrlutctl mil tion the murstinzs ucrI oi Icie hone cnnvrrsIlion out 2t Itll hrtwrcn Iiicha lIyrarold Lebanese and tlcous Aywad lllcho wns In an Ottawa niolrl rosin ItltI Aywud be New York hotel It the time the rccordinz Richard llarInIh mm man the lid hes Tool nid In at our chlei In tcrest still II In Rodin out who was behind them In enrineerbr We believe othcrI are III III nld the mWwonl man uscrlfi scents too loud to be bus only on the Iourrcs dis The Indlrimcnt sold the rue ccss oi the alloyed plot hlnrcd on the bciiel by Irvine and sits kind that Hughes was either deed or not It suttictcnt men Wurst rIpaolIy to ds they also agreed the courl rnpcre sold but re nrdlcss at In ca condition try would Ins Ion hlolraphy oi lluahcr tray him In such lichl Is to we list irom rsIcctinr It Is II the lrrnas Ind Suslind plead ruiIty In court Mundn we may ncscr know tho whole Toronto ICI DI hlob ton hhulrnun has accused till lruxrussiro Curncrvuiivcs II oi rucirm and heir ncoinsi him in Torontos Illrh IIrk riding during Inst tnlla provincial elm It Is sorry story he said Thursday during throne speech dcbntr It Is III rmbsrrussina Ire said pointing to tho Curucrr utlro bcnrhcs most oi which sussuln oi victory In any riding ly OTTAWA Cm my thrrotcrrorirls suits Ontario crust may March to sm QUEBEC WORKER OTTAWA it Opposition It Is to take up the usdnls on hall at Auditorvticocsal Maxwell lluwlmm who claims rernmcnt parsimony prr rsts him trorn dotnr his lob sorrel up Thursday more wins whlrnprr thin with bans Allan hlIoEchcn overn rnrnt Rouse trader ended tractth so minutes In the Out moon by adopting an position motion rising hlr lie non herring More the Commons public mounts committee Ihb the same lonrnr shrra hlr licoderson hrs been com plalrdnr tor several yarn that holding down pay levels icr hlt stall while pivtnl bisher ply tor similar work In other de partments the liberal Trudeau comment has kept him short oi atsll and pnsrnlrd him horn doin proper tub II rhectlnd Into Ind documentlnl rovemv mlnl spendlna ndstskcs PAIRS tllcutrri licnnuit ltthII liobert No relic kid happen Wwdmilf 61 hIIuistI wIa In sseddoday Iilcc onset the srrst police tnsnhunta In Polls hr recent years Noarcttc ht wuitedlnlu leundry on the hell Ilanr this morning telephoned hla hours but not no nnsvlcl So he collect lice who rushed hills oil to mmiousrtcrs iur questioning 1ch was nu inuncdiatu indl cotton uI how or where the Maoists hId Itltlstd Nu Itsho wniktsl Iu work It Geoiiroy May Be MONTREAL Cli Thu slowturning whrcIs oI Iusilro In Spain may driny the return to Cunodn oi rra Ocullroy slo Iplln his dcclsion In return rol unlnriiy lt wns Icnrnrd Thurs Th the ucbec national assem bly dip to Ilinisttr Irrvnre Choourtio raid the Spanish or crnrnent has raised ohlcctons to returnlnt Gcollroy to Conadu without extradition prorseitnul auhouah provlnrai overn mrnt lawyer has obrslntd the voluntary consent oi Geottruy and his wile the tumor Con new Parent to return roiuniare But since the Spanish you ernment struts unw Iiiny In cle port the Grolimy couple without hIinrs cslradition procedures instllnicd It coud hrcusnn ncrcssnry tor the Canurllnn gov cnnuont to institute such pnlrjrdurea his Lhoqurlle ll Just how II and when he would he returned to tannda hrs been Tucrllon mark since the lulernelonsl manhunt Ior tho convicted wileslnyrr ended with his arrest In Itercolons rerIcr this week IRA Identies Terrorist Killed In Bomb Blast IIIIIFAhl iCtI Itre irisb Republican Army hos Identitird town to bite In ucrrliin tomb workshop or tecnrsre rolunircr Ind two IIcu lcnonts In the literal IIlA torus rormnunlnuo handed to Dublin rrcbrpnyrr try the hull siunai wind oi the urn raid Ilrul John Johnson 20 was no etploeim expert tor the terror lets out Gerard trossao the rornmunlnue ruin won cmid lather oi two and Tony ewls ltycIrcid Iyprrntlcu nerriIIa The three ditcl in an explosion wsI med by In srrnt ot the lid norm oi Room which destroyed two houses In the heart oi brunt nursery Mdoirs Release Kidnap Victim IrmId halide hluuirl Nrwlcoplea More llr hIIcEIchtn do Ana the situation with his otter at special conunlitce study ot lb compIIInts the House IIdtsl throush procedural rmrIss Firs oppusltlnn llll preseotcd motions runlendin that privilexl had been IIoIII through nmprrsrrdatlon oi hir Hendersons more lltntlll re wt due by last Dre ti and by Prime Minister Trudeaua Corn mom statement trslncsday that Mr llcndcrson Ls hrcslin the IIw SPEAKER ANNOlkIIJ llrc ting intrrleclinns and The an IsaaperIIod Speaker Luelen Lemourcus at one time to ssy Ii this Is the kind II House members not we could so on eternallyr hlr llncrlarhrn cd the wordlna at pro motion by Now Democrat bender Dnsid IIIi ho was turns into truck Irruei nieurbcrl vi the tion Reeiitunee nrotemcnl Ills hiduspplny was in rrtullu tion or the hill hlIoIrt bye Iicnnuit ssurrity luunl Inst month htkl Iur nccnt dismissals Ind nrrcsts oi icitlsis working at tho biu stateruwnul nuiur lirnr Nocrrlic worked In tho Iiuil dcusrtmcnt nl lhc Itchnull Inc tury in thc Inris suburb ol Ilouiucrrcvlliiinncuust Ilu wus rcsrunsltvir Iul dismlssni ul workrrn nnd Ihtis wot In particu lurtnrnctivrihu hi Is Return Delayed IIre nrrrst wus rurriul out by Spanish pollsc In roopcroiion with tolcrnl and provincial ou thurilius Mil rcurcscntntirrs ut Ilnielpol the internstlonoi police orce Investigator Testilies Ilt Inquiry WASHINGTON iAI An In vcstluolor tor columnist lack Andcrson has olicmt Icsiimorry to tho Scnuie Iudiclnry commit Icc that lsrsldrnt Nisnn were In wired in sullirrncnt oi on anil Irusi suit nunirrst Intcrnnilunal Tcicphonu oruI Irlcurouh Cu llrit lIurnc thu tuycurud hruiirrun nhlc quoted on LT and lobbyist Its euylrru tur rncc nltonrcyrcucroi John hlitrhcil told hrr the Ivmidcnt wanted the usiicu dcpnrtnut to stop pursunr lhroe unlitrust urits arslnrt tho ylnnr ronrlorrn ethic and muko rcusonabio hcllicwrnt Mitchell Isirl atlur liurne lcs tliird that tho rsreelilrnl ho hum repent ncrcrurodc our mired in run rlirrwIiy or Inl rectly summing the settlement II the 111 case and took no part In that sctlIrmcnI Member Urges Media Council Iiiltlliih ICII llrpre scntIlIveI ol the rows media In lirltislr Coiumirin slurrth net to urihrr and turns media sunn oil In senior to proicci lhcru scivcs Iromtho hocinl Crcdit fornnrncnt the Irririnturo use old nursde Ales his enoid iNDPtsn carver Itsstr said the govern mcnis altitude and actions in Barrio distant mu who had lanaird Wednes dIy with his New on Mr Hendersons status hlr hudrou suc cslcd then thIt he would he slid to the whole nurstlun oi hIr licndrr Inns Mattel rqlltk put beinro the pubiw DmItIIIl committee and this II what the levels mo tion Idiotled rm if Man Romanded we In Rustralsa SYDNEY Auslruila rCIIiu turI Ilnymond durcoh Pulnrcr on tho IlCIII list ol ml is Irmiwnutul men was rernnndcd today Ior tur Ihrr Iusrn do to ltnpptnr In Iniorul mutt hero next Friday ItIan rurnnsl tor ball was dcnicd The delinib toid thr must it bud Iwcn Id tiny since Cunudinn nuliiirrilics wurc nulls tics of Iuirnrrs cuniurc und thcro still was no wind Inrrn them Palmor doyruruid cumlut who estsped rpm the British Columbia ywnilonliury in Jonue ury tutu ulrriu scrilrl sit yrrr arnturrcu lor sumsum stolen bonnie hss hours in Aus irIliu for two yrsrs works In muslin cunlrnctor out Is nrur rteslr Ibo mrrt wus lohi ward the prose indicate that un less the sncdia tIko prptcctlrs strum Ireontharordto nmshb with nonprituI mwdcr was toned not gritty In Toronto llonsdsy MONTREAL CPI An arm Ihelmlnx malority It Qichec public arrrInLI attlllstrd with common ironl oi three mahrr labor hsiemiloru new Ilrursl day to select government cus tract ollcrs Surly today liarch Pepin president ol the Curldention II National Tkade Unions told om coolerenu that Ibout reopoo ol atom curlbls union ists pIrtchpsted In the Illday rota Ind Ihst per cent oi them hsd Intersect does the rev crnnscnts proposals on wage in creases lthile Ihn toting was In pro resa Iscmier ltobert Mass was ernccl In triemrn Dom thr General Council at Industry grasping so Icadlnr Quebec businese leIdus that the cor Immcnta utters were higher Dion lbdcspcctui rrowtb rIie oi the WM cmorny and swirl suit In the dctertoratiun oi the Buttress climate The htror initiations Inrcircd in Ibursdsya rote Im the bntrdcrntion nt NIIIonII Bade Linkms the whee Trderstinn hi stor and the Quebec Thach rra Lbrp which have Iormzd common Ironi to demand total bargaining at stool table rothcr than LI separate groups They have kaul hrs In IIH our wlxc Increuse at per cent annually In thrroyenr conict The urcmmcnt and its nrrnrlrs hau oltcred tl per ccnr in cash vi three years Ihu ticnurnl Council oi indus try untimth that the romrn mrnia ulirr urnuunts to some Im million by tho thirst year It lhs prursrsrd NIIIIILL This tulnl lddl In tho Nnmt Ill billion payroll would urctsl the prorinccaeennnmlcnmml rnicr I0 REIECI OFFERS AuditorGeneral To Get Committee Hearing lbcoo rotirsr sons the m5 Im Thinsday IrI croplryrddb sully or indtmtly by thl ger crnnscru and inclraie hospital workers liosrnr cranoyrs Incl IlydroQoIhwe workers lire Icpin said Inlm loam would meet tonisht to Quebec City to consider Isnerle the note Irxl consider possible mm oi Irtiosr 1th could Innis com me ot strike action against the enunrnt or other public or ntleps and poslbly mml strita ru rvtstbs III nrls or demonstrations Rse Inlni 11ml hon the Ishthmsmher liontmt lkothcn Alliance mind pg cent in turns 11le mill NOT CERTAIN Micth thrrtnnd vmklcnt ol lite ChNs liontrul Ruin council told mtottm Thur dars rote docs rut necesssrln mun rncnl Ilrlhr phase In humming not In end In Ilsell We not to rel the sorrrnmenl in nerotlstc About 500 polan stath were set up across the purine In tanniulr union halls achou Ind othrr building They tion It pm by todsy met ut the roles hsd been tabulatd It CNIU oillm In Montreal lrcrnler Iiournssn has III the ruvrrnmcnl will not acctpi the union denrarsis arIl wi tall III nmssary steps In the Inc It any general strike to protect the Nlulstiun Thu summon trout includa srpoo nonmedtosl hospilsl any ulnym sooc risil rerun 1M It rs 091 It hoard III uniur biolch ID Quclxo workers Ilirline OIIicials Summoned To Washington For Talks ivAhllthiTUN IAIii Iup urnnu Ill 11 st lriuucvl uIr lines word id to Washington today to help boost wirnt lreri dunl leurr cnIich vicious ctr tnillon plots uuninst the cur riurs Nixon lttltsl Ilrumlny to re uiro Irrrmcdinlc Inlnlrnrcnin tun nI nuw ruins oimrd ut kccrr in dangerous individuals wusrmnr or bombs III trholuicd nhIIncrs Ihu ruw prorcslurcs wrrr due to lairc cliccl thruc munth Irvnr now It was trnriliion blackmail TOUIID NOT GUILTY story Amont It cbsrrsd remo Court Jury deliberate Janice Anunt kisses he tour Iurora alter It was told that Brigitte dlhn l1 In so om Soo lsidrntdly shot in hue nitsnut ncninst IiiI and tha planning uI Inn bombs him its Icr inurmvniy mo crololcd Ihu prrnnplnl Nihnn to him Ior sniriy oI oir lrnnspurt in Now Turk Tlrrld prest dcul WINI arid th hurt hcelt no retort with cstorllunist elncu Tuead cvcninrt nmi no runsom Inun poll Wiscr RM said run bed slsrlrd now murotntrnsise httlnh mclhudr but Iound nolh Inz lurlhcr aunt lien tailor the II on or Photo

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