Vii vI IN THE EASTER PARADE biodei at left atom giant and down brim bat Jail rim aoeeniod vi laIgI randy Itde ribbon at ANN LANDERS Adolio In New York Friday SIadeI It rifili dirplryr lIrga bran hat hire and ngy atrt drnlrn with blue groa gra edgng ilarn ltr John AP Photo ShouldWork In Morgue Dear An tandem am writ Ing In men to the letter tram the man who Iaid ev na would be better oII II wa try to rave people who attempt nitride You Amt harden railed him dingbnl and eomparod him IUI IIIlier Well guru that mahel me dingbai Ind Itrttrr too Fur thermrxe It you poll the media world In tho hooliieil yoa that that line malorrty In with me not you work in In emergrney roam It large heapitai We MI lot people who have tried to till themleivea by tatirlg In over due at villi Or they Iboot Emrmnunueonmr thermlver with rlwr tloal It then dont tilt We apetld lot at time marl Ind owner Iavla tbaoenutl Irgency room tha mo DIM trod well who want to live EukIdIl woeptruttntotheouuiityoi Iientr can the the emergency pa lnmyeplnten the III Ihouid be ahangoo Woundbe Iutddor ohmid be given Another dare nI ho ume riuii they took bolero they eIrna In There are too many II In thII world It It In RWAsz xenon who plIeeI no value on In IIIII Whatever read about too or itrornan who tlalrod hlI neck crawling out an window Inigo In rereue Iome crook who threatens to lump do glow burn Sonny people turt louta up the environment Wild nerdl erniltttterr Ilnndy litra Simone lolilanr an ill trartlva atyuarold awitrh board operotar in Toronto hII Ipent more than tour yeora trying to treat down men ahe met on bus on Thank giving tool The man who BIIII belitane describe an TEOIIIA III iAPl At the ego II it hiaryharutyyhar quit her paper route The doctor bugged me my ehiltirrn hugged mo unit the route rnunegor bugged me the grrrt grandmother at eight IIIII Sunday So Just gave It up iaat week Just retired Ihnta nilI Iiter Ii eura oi deltvrrtn the morn ng Peoria lourna Star IIrI Ilendy raid the plan to 1I tint with my eIta ltliti urIr In my yard an out hunt ran leng In III II good II Inybody Dear Ititler lieu wort In burgh nuddyl Yourth be we in morgue where It wouldnt matter whether or not you deemed the people urnrth IIvIIIg Untortunntety lwtstrvi ehIrIrtn titI you can make dtiterrrtoe any who liner him all with tiller has mind that not only eloltd but lulled ahut Iwont wnato good Idvicr on you liuddy NUTIV IIIIDTIIEII Deal Ann Intent lIy to yearold brother want to marry girl who II It Her parents retuse to rim or her and thtnlr they Ire right she Ir long way trorn being ready tor mullet My mum her netted me to Iind out the Inrwer tn the iallowlng qurrttonr told him would try SEARCH IS ON dark handaomr nerve with Freneh rrrrnt and living in Toronto carried her luggage Ior her alter the hon hip and then lumped Inln rah nlnne Among other thingr the hat gone to leaner In HOME tor hlr WHOTEISDOOIIICT Phoiol GreatGrdndmoiher Gives Up Her Paper Route At 74 Years She begin walking her threemile paper route in Iott She took over at tempo rary replacement or her youngest Ion hlurenell IIer LI ouatnmrruult oi whom railed her lira Dandy ncluded hankerr Iawyera and doctora She didnt throw the papera She went to earh titluletup tucking the genera Into pincer only In real only make about it day raid hlrv handy but It wasnt the monuy did II herauta wanted to do II Just Iota It like In wall With His Attitude To Life In there any note when girl ot It eon get mIrrirdl II gill grla pregnant do In parenla have to aigrl Ior ori It man mantra who It not at II II Ige III her rarenu or will ha be run Islll it they dont get married but last IIIIEI together II tirII agatnrt the later Thank you iar your help AI you out Ire III men lIrItlrer 0i Nat Drar Brother You Lillith me too Ioan Im not gotnfio give yolhrnuda hel butoyvu very Im no wyer our nutty brother Ihould are both doctor and lawyer and that girlneedI Iarnehetp too TELL TIER Dear Ann liandrrar gal knew thtnta the can play the guitar She aim thinb ahar composer Wane yot Iher under the Impression that Iha can ring iut those three mistaken no tianr together and what do on have laurthvrata zutar player with lorry voice ring ng tame crummy Ihnu She IIIKA her guitar to every party Without anybody ulllng Ihe tom the guItIr out Ind ataru to Iing ii everyone doesnt Itnp tails Ing and listen the II Iruuttnd Last night the put the dead hand on great evening Sev eral purple III Red out during her eanreril pony war II my place Im burned Any rutgrstlnnat Na Prarh In Oral OI lleIr NPr Ii youre rnale talk to her like Dutch uncle ll youre Iemniel talk to her like Drrh Iunt She needa to be In Clear Polish Reseis Handles Ily um uneven borne drawer handler can be tightened hy clipping the Iorewa into glue or rear nail pllnh then retailing them When the pnlhh or glue II dry the handlol will he mule Tina Idrn with or any new that no longer holds tirmty thin the wood llurenu rirnwrrt that are hard to open iliiti aiale will altde eur in alter the runners tup Ind bottom nro treated to coating at enndln wax or ronp IIan hurruu rirnwrrr will be neat and tidy II you arrange terror oi cardboard boxes to net nI dividrra and help the run Ientt Irom becoming cluttered and Jumhlod together MINETS POINT Ily AIIIAN INGRAM Cnngrnltllatinna In Sally and Iloriln Ronni In eannorton with their riiver wedding anniversary March Thu IIttrrr birthday in bind the lame date tirrviru In the rhupet It Royal Victoria Hospital Survlny Feta 24 war runductrd by ltrv iicorgo inmra ol Stroud Untied Orureh ItlrI Ann liooth borne iram untverrtty Iar weekend war organIrI 11111 lrrvtre It tonduulrd Snndayr at tzio pm and Ir llIICIlOMI by pattern and open to public There war eonrlrlarrhla rev arity in morning thunderatnrm whirh hratro over thlr arrI houl lltt um Iinrrh TO OWEN SOUND Mr and hill Ctiit Scott have Iuld their wateriront properly in llunnnr llhrne IltI who took instIsiah Fell Ill and hlrl III were rorIdentI horn tur 22 your and hole purrhnrrd new home at Indian Item development In Owen Sound the Irlct The Scott inmlly will he misled at hilnlta Ind wu wIIh them well In their new aurruulut IngI VIth menthol hiurch In like linn II will be plrnruni to anticipate tie depyrlura at lamb AT MCMASTER UNIVERSITY 233000 Square Dancersle To Atterid May Convention Tum thouwd rattan danc attending peat grad In their tarmtr It MeBIIII Lratrrr aityilrrritm HIy lIIl They will he atlenn the Itth moat Toronto Ind Intrirt International souIrI Dam veauon dorm Ipaetarla moon 2de Ind nnrnrrouI IreII oi the United Stltea lIlt year when the memo Iianehangod loeatian ITIH nine aurmatul your It tha Tloyai York Hotel Toronto thm war immediate Ie rupture ni Itreliarter input with III IeIaurely Irmlinrd wthI between dram rooml Itorn than rioo danem bed In tatrred and mid tor titlI WI gtxirrtlon dab elated This meant that the crop oi new dIneerr who began eIIIIeI In September could not Join In the Ihrilia Ind elertIonI at there daya oi mottoml during thiI yeIr Tba mnainl bait oi the rrrtrtratirnr filled up brtora the autumn tourd their Iret In the hundreda oi etuha thIt ap erate more the routinent REVISE SCHEDULE 5o pregrarnrnlaI tor hrrtyear drnrm haI been dropped item the Iehodulr and at present It Iouh II though It Ieut Iro ond year Intermediate lev el will have to ho Itiatnrd be torn dIoeerI am the allure phrro at tonreotien The arjganlting monitor it till hat ng Ilim booth at be tag all to arrange minioon yention II Kort at or In eonlunei lion With main tertirIl The problem Itmpiy eII oi Iprea AII Ivrtiabla rooms at lieairo ter are being turd tor Lillmlllt ronleniion Ind no large room ran ho hind Ilole enough to the rampur to male Iynchronirrd event palthIe No mItttr how long they have danced Iquare daneerr eIn nrrrr uy tth know it all Alter two yenra apent IeImlng busier Ind their extension In Ilmpie mavementr many peo ple go onto eluh level when new gures are added every month to thin modern vrrrian oi the recreation BIORE MATERIAL Same Ilgurea are tried and re acted because theyltnturupt tho tng Ihorengphy III better error rymIin giving alert more matrrIIt lrom width to keep the Ietr oi eIghl danrerr an the move atmllar Iituation exIrIa In round danrtnt the graceiul ad danra mm In width roupirr that ranrra right up to the let ert poptuncr lip until ievv rearr Igu mart Iouare drnean were In aIrueird In law had rounde THE STARS By JRANR DIXON Arte itlarrh llApril IIll Think oi the tuture llautlner ahould be Inrrad out and shared an you can concentrate on the Ihlngl only you can do hum April IMIIIy lDlt llald Icttvitlet to reasonable In terludts By daya on gut may have new viewpoint ready to move on to another phase Gemini titlay tlJune loll Ill Vonin It II you will the day II hit heavygoing with muuh to do but lItII ohulue at how end when Canter tiune IlJaly lltr llenrant roeial Invitatlunr In elude many you Ibuuld arerru temporary ahart out or extra advantage la available In your work III thug LlRepL tilt Aorepi prwrrupird behavior In hein mrrrty momentary mood Prat experience provider elulI Inr deatng with current web Irma Llhn that ELOrI Till Crnup itnanree promise to ba ramplex require much distur ninn No really good way to hurry maltera oaIrtI an be pn Ilent deorplo iOrI vNov Till Imooth plearant Ippraaeh to everybody brtngr rxrellent re rulta perhan eanIIdean that rerniver In minor myrtery iIIgtItIriua thar ZEDro Ell You neednt rurh anythlnf or explain hrtan helng apeott rally aI tvl Iinve without elaborate prrpnratlnnr or prior Innounw mentr Clorirom titre man It Answer Iotterr narrow your ehnlcu to the terrible Itterna ttver neell more lntolmatlun Itatrrial weitare promlrea trn prnvomont Auuarlur llaa am tIll Tetra Itoek at your public Imrla ehan it ior the better leaving bohnd had perIonaI hahlt helpl Placer Feb tIMrreb Soil Arrocloler are IDI to be quill enrhnntrd with their own opln tent and prairotl Purrue your eaurte thoui welttnI Ior them uwwnnran HAIR Removed by ELECTROLYSIS ll prr Irati hear II yearr erprrieaoI Corrine MulhIlIInd mom whteh bar drrwn dIarerr irnm Ieriiral by the time the were aptatlun oi old time and modern through routiner let to music Nowf and drum eluhr mud on thrirm Ieet ta Ilotort every mire The threoday program It lie llaItrr lactate dudu tar le Iereatton Iothhope enrllangr oi Eden and Iheer tun Stall Memberm wheede to Ian III re grrang tbr eonrtrurtion at centre tor Senior Cittaeoa in liar III at the weekly meottn1 oi the GetTogether Gub oi Sell or GI Irenl It was reported that many oi the member but taken IdvIn up It the luncheon Iervod II Illnit Parish iIaiI EridIr dur InI Lenten IeIIan There luncheon have been appledated hy IInIor citizen who live tore or on limited budget Intranet awesolla Itomrnoa II in the III It the eluh Ken Kidman Innouneed hlI Woman Heads New Pregram WINNIPEG CPI DaliII Goudrhtld ionner clothing and textilrr rperiatht with the dr nartmrnt ot leuittrrr home ocanomler dilllon ha been appointed enlatanl ehtoi oi the division IIlI Goodoillld will Iuperllre ertrnaion homo oneroitr pro menu In planning and evaluate other function run by the do partmont newt releare raid Betty Guild name eeonum Iea graduate and iurmer eon rumor reporter with tha CIIC has been Ippuinted auruumor Iniormatlen Ipeolallrl with the department rommlmlcntlonr tllvlalon GUTIIRIE Ily Mill CAMPBELL Tirtont vllttnn viola Ill and hill John IIarIght ut tramp ton and ltr and ltrr llervyn Caldwell oi Parry Sound ulth ltr and hlra IICWIICI Caldwell Iir Ind llrr Joe Brown Ind deurhteu Kathleen and Sam at Toronto It hiaaonlt Ilr Ind lira lion Needy at Dawn view at George Campbellr ltr and hire Fred Ituggina viritrd their daulhterr In Wood Itoelr the weekend It Iah IO hlr and lira Ellen Caldwell and Sin George Caldwell atten ded the iuncrul Iervlru oi lira Goargu itoy Caldwell In Port Credit Friday Fetata WITIIDIIAII SERVICE Owing to but neither Ind DIMAIYI roadr thitth Irrvirtr here were withdrawn on Feb It and also Iha lettlvnl aI PraIIe whirh will to have hotn held In the United Church at pm BKATR IN OltIIddA The teneherr Ind pupils at Guthrie rehoot held an onloyrbio atatin party in Oriilia arena on Thurr ay Feh It with execiiont cooperation Irom many parents highlight oI the IIltiiIOOn war ringelto gamu between the Iluii and aeninr purtir but the Hunt Ienra It not wdely public Ital It good to no activity and mulling progroar nd Guthrie Irene III Look into the iuture with good liie lnruranee program aura lore hi tnutra CROWN TATE INSURANCE COMPANY Call today 72859 leIlterIironchM and the IUnitedElItuwIllhurtbebunl It the tood on may rItierI nu tueben get meta own the mall houn oi Intermediate Idv and ehaiima dan in TIII BAIIIIIE EXAMINER MONDA RIARUT Questionnaire Outlines Need For Centre For Senior Citizens gernenl to IirI biarion Gar Itren no wedding date haa been leL lirmberr were reminded It On St PIIrIehI pot luck Iroehean on lirreh II Ind requested in blrling their own tood rod utrnl 1hr araln oi vniurd mem berr re Do ty Ilrltee and Ilrr IIIII wII reported Murrow II rtIIl unable to receive vtsttorr and his wlie bu mauled no card or Ilen era but letterr eonld be real to tin Morrow Cub member hlr Frittth II Illa hotpttetired Nrt Robert Orr iI haek in the airing ol activities Ind loot Iar mueh Bironger aha grvr her regular howling report lodiel howling Irom outrInted the IMO The new ranr book have been greatly apprrrirtrd Grace UCW Hold March Meeting Thirteen Indies oi the Grace United Church Women met It the ehltreh Wednerday evening to rater tor the annual meetlnl oi the Blrrin lied Cree its aodalion Following the dimer the regular Ilath meeting war Ihleld to deal with rurront hurt us President ltrI IIIIdmrn opened Ilih In Inspirational reading concerning Chvti the toaehrr IIolionr concerning the purrilaoe oi vacuum clunrr or the church euatodian and tor the purchlta oi IddillottIt Ill chen equipment were both can rlrd The UCIV member agreed in eater Ior noon tuneheon It the Superannuatrd Wamrn Tea rherr Annotation in April hirI Eplctt reported on prugren being made iowarda the Chrlatmun Balaar Nov Ii 1m Further eonvInIrI were appointed In the Ferronl nt lira IIIIdrnan and in Garrett to ronvene the Country 5an Ind lire Ford to ranveno the Ten Roe IinaI arrangements were made tor the Spring Nearly New Site hlarrh it irorn to pm Ind linrch 2i irom to It to pm The women at other Strrot UCW no to be invited to the lily monthly meeting to henr guest rpeatrr him Cook tan talk on lilo In Airiua The April mootln oi ITAIO UCIV will be hold all homu oi Mrs Perrron at nhluh time the aparth II will be John Heeling illrec SAILOR The nIutlraI lull It the big elt new trend In spring ialh onl Ior Ilttln giril Youll are it in thorl and tongdresru IrIluring sailor totlarr Ilimnl RVH Auxiliary To Meet March The limit monthly meeting at Royal Victoria Hospital Auxiliary will be held on March In Illa Auxiliary roorm at pm Guest rpeatrr will be Itra Ile lhnttor ltrnlth hurru tht The auxiliary haI announced ehange In the houra at the Gilt Shop at FO BARRIE DRESS rd in navy or red nliddy hIId and till the white tailor dreu above ieaturot My nautical cellar trimmed In red middy braid the horpttnl The then will now be Loan to to ttlio am ltan Iy through Friday In addi tion to It regular houlo Irom 130 to pm end to lrlii pm Ieven um week CANADIAN SCRIPT CBC lIIdto bu contacted it origlnIl radio lillil by Cane dian vlrlton ior presentlion on the networkr CBC Stage rerler it BUSINESSMEN The iollowing threeday seminary have been Irrangrd tor the beneht oi the business Ind lndurtriai nunagerr oi the GeorglIn Bay Area Cram hlrnpawrr lirnagrment In 11 lroiitablr Planning and Control oi Retail llperItlon Coot Reduction Technique In IlanutItiurIng Management Ior lterultr Value nnd lire ot Compultit LoeattoI BarrII IiatrI llareh 1229 April lipid IOyITEI bIlrII April tilll Barrio May Itlth Onlila MI ZI lit Barn For item ier tho dryr BerninIr Iralirra Ila Iperlailrrd IiInIgrntrnI Contritanta iur deiIIir rail or write lt tulle or it tirddrr tlt Duetnorth strert Georgian Coliegr llarrlr Ontario Tel IllISM Loni III Ileglrtrrtion will be limited tar oi Simulator Camp corr EE 8r DONUTS Io III who virlt our IIudto Thurs Monti Fri Mar I0 Sui Mot II ower jomorrow SInyotght Dunlop St 7263100