Ill hm too ttth Six Languages And Bullet Too An Illuminati than bal lerina repainted tueher lin ealt chevrondiet eotbor and Idmleirtrttrr baa rooted to limit IJtiI Newman at the DH ballet turher It the VItYWCA and Trenrh leather tor the Simone 01ml Board Mice tlon moved to Barrie in Jan vary Ind plane In my at but year bin llmriann was born In Mpest llunury but torn emigrated to Uruguay In South NIUonal Theatre at Uruguay trip bubeeo outboard en tire LIVIA NEWMAN BALLET FRENCII TEACHER Aimee tolerated In ballet tlnce the IgI at it the attain td her basic training It the She alto rtudled In Dranpe and obtained her prptcseonhlp ltl ballet in it But her tether did not think ballet we very urtoue choke let carter re belch thlI tire Newman bod gone to uni eenity and obtained her teeeb big qualtlkettons TAUGTIT TEACHERS Alter ttecblnx Ithnugea In thile Argentina Ind Drteii the eel up the curriculum and taught It the terthere college In ltio de Janelro in 967 the mode In tilmt one on ballet and the other travelogue on Drtril She also wrote book In SpIhith that year whose title literally teen titted means The importance or Dance and Phyrlctl Macedon In the early Teena in 1965 litre Newman went to the United Statee roe lhrre month optometre mutton trnrn Uruguay to tidy the reunite line It eitirial ballet athoola Alter the hunted the visited Canada tor whet wet to bare been wired and It tlill here Since maria to Canada Ilre gth teug ballet in items nu She explained Everywhere go here ballet rebool it it my rst love at me up teething In Item Dion last year because the plan ned to return to South America lot maple oi inn lint that Nrwrruhn decided to more in Barrie until bee plant are more detlnite EOULD IIAY But the raid mating to Barrie maybe Lite the first time trialled Canada my tiny tn denitely Fluent lrt tir hngtuges En Lttb French Spanish llungen Portugese Ind Italian bin Newman rtiil nd their to swim and cook good Ilungtrlah load to her there tlrne lleybo be active Ille captains her pcrlcct tbopourtd tigure Drhirimoihrr lira New mean uld The secret ol not letting the years put by la hep lngbury Ind doing pbyeicel cr Mite 9th hopes toirlert ballet close tor adults wartime In April Snow Tonight Tuesday Then Rain TWAbunny ables will be come prom this etching with wrt now expected tonight Ihd tomorrow There It porslblllly the more will change to rein tuesday Is lcmpertturce become Ilighlly warmer The overnight low in the barrio tree will be between it and 20 with high tomorrow damn witon Sunny todty clouding peer tonighL Wet enorr or rain brunette early lites day tllnde Tuesday loutheub etiy 2o lllgh Iodayti low to night TA lligh Nude In the mid Windsor late St Clair Lake Erie Sunny today but blending orcr this evening Show tonight and changing to rein Tuesday Winds Tuesday toutheastrrly 2o twitching tn eouiheetterly ho to to ltlghs today LS to to owe tmlght to to It tligha Tuesday 40th tondon Late lluron tew tlurries this morning becoming runny this tlternoon Clouding over this evening Wet IBM or rain tonight and Tuesday Winds Tueedey routheaeterly to ltlghs today to to at town tonight near ro Itlghe Tucsdey low to mid Ma CACTIIS no BLOOM lN riimir For the lirst time In tevcral years Littlet tlill Pleyere will present thrreaet play tor Idulle this epring For the Eat tew yenrr the troop has on euncentraling on onoact plays end its annual childrens production The amateur group this year will present the corn in Caetut Flower Alllililtlh tor the play that piece rccent Iy lloida Albanose loll trade party tor Derry lttrnrrtond the dimtnr llr Hammond Irom Bond tired it also dir ecting the South Simone Chor II and Dramatic Sociolye prra entntton at South Pariiit Er Intiner Photo Registration 0i Barrie Iirm Is Upheld By Appeal Tribunal TORONTO tCPI 111a Coltr merct Ieregirtrotinn Appcel mbuntl has releettd In appli cation by the registrar at the Ontario Consumer Protection Bureau to rtncel the registra tion of the llanltrl Paving Co ot Barrie on the basis that It was not in the public Interest in written decision Friday the tribunal raid re letter Welter estehllshedt ttho tirm hod violated the Ontario Con timer Protection Act In not iur htihlng the bureau with re quested lnlormalion concealing work done In Ortille in itit But it also said The tribunal however at the opinion that revocation Is not warranted under the ctr cumslanrtt rel Iortb nor does the public interest require it in this rate because oi the one eompielnt and single contravene lion oi the act COLLIER STREET UNITEDCHURCH NOONOAY LENTEN SERVICES INC pm 1250 pm Tuesday until Easter Luncheon Iervod ot 1200 It I00 ALL WELCOME The compitint against the company was mode by It Edwards oi OrilliI lTS irrururrrn TUESDAY uni TEENBURGER TUES ONLY 341 aavrtato 5r mom Sudhury North tiey Georglen Day Sunny today clouding here this evening with there to night and Tuesday Winds nice dty easterly to High today In the mid techs lowt tonight in to it Right tucsdey tn the mid Tor lttmilton Niagara western Lake Ontario Sunny todey theuding over Ineler Wet rnow or rtlrt beginning early Tues day Winds Tuesday rnuthcail erly 20 Night today In the mid boa Lon tonight In the low 20 Night IIrcedIy In the mid boa Eulcrn Late Ontario llIll Registration mlng lessons l012 WT yearn lender Ootnae mes groups to rent thcpoolt Support YlI YWCA 72ml over tonight with wet snow Tuesday ilighs today 20 to It Lewt tonight in the mid term except to to In the tlthhan tone lllgh Tuesday In the low rue lthite IIibll Alroma Cloud In over thin Illernoon Snnw bcginnrng by etching Snow Tuesdey but tapering oil to tlun rlee later In the day and turning colder winds 1uesdey east in northeast it to to llighs today it to to lawn tonight It to 1A Night Tuesday it to at Temtgtml Cochrene Sunny today clouding over this creator with more beginning Itrly Tuesday ltlgha toihy it to is Lovrt tonight to to lilgbs Tuesday in the mid 20 Western Jtmee Bay Sunny today Clauding htrr tonight Show Tuesday Ill he today ricer tire Inna tool rent to tire below lllgha today in the mid trope lllgl ETth Today Tonight Toe Windsor to it It Strain to to Sllbomet it to Iondon 25 20 OS Kitchener 23 it at Mount Forest to 20 at Wingham to Owcn Sound 25 2o hlustnltI 15 2t liemllton 15 1o 51 Catherine to Thronlo 25 to Trenton is it Kingston 15 is Peterborough 25 It lililaloe 20 15 ll IO i5 IO litpushtslng to lierie so lltite River Gerhidlen it hlootonee Spring Programs March 27 to Jun 25 Commences MARCH I3 am KIDDIEE idea years water adhtstmentr end tmin tors are on GIRLS Girte Cooling nest Judo Begin ner Better Alter School mus Drenia Floor iioerey Scottish Dancing TEENAGERS Sauna litesaving dorm Girls Gymna tttIT tire Gall Weight Training introductory and Ad vanced Ballet Judo Itador Corps Red Cross IllEN ANDon wotihN Ethnte Cooking Course Begin hm Dunplicate Bridee tAltrrnoonaI Coll Bed inlnbon Anllouge iyeslerdey lrtd todayl Judo trottnxrladiee Fitness interning and evening rlesscst Auto Mechanics Volleyball Tenret Atternoon ttth Phineas Dimer Jogging lrtdividuel rum Testing lttDlVlDUAL AND0R PAIIIILY ACTHm Orienteering WINTER RULIDAV SCHEDULE IuII wcclc nl Irtivitice endgame tor boye Ihd girLr including DID trip to Dishry on Ptrede The also ollrra 60 hours oi rwlmrning lessons each peel tor all ages are all ievelt land 15 Metre tor community By Supporting the United Appetl you your Elirtlier details regarding titties and dates ot any program or copy at the Spring Brochure please call the Dante Iy AIIIIIEL rrnrnn There it murh disructlnn It prrsrnt among cititons and in city council chemherr where eeteral pleas have been merit ed Ior rttletrloprrirnl oi Cut licrIlulrestrr corner There is one important latter Eonnoaa Brewery Product Manager Appointment ol Event Lunder It senior group produrt mentgrr her been announced by Norman to Wright president at PorniosI Spring Brewery tlr Lunder will Islet In new product development Born in Oaiu Norway he on educated to Europe and the Unltmt Staten lie in graduate ot AmcricIn Uniturtiiy Wuh Inglort DC and hold two portgraduate domes train the American lriiiiliile tor Foreign Irlde in Phoenix Arizona LOOKING IT OVER CITY NEWS hell would giie to many group and inildiduele ltehy exrtttng things could happen in town Venntime recitals important TllE ltAttIUE EXAMINER MONDAY llAltGl lift Could Small Concert Hall Be Part 0i Redevelopment that might be tmtidertd during these discussions among tlllnlJ and eldermcn Throuch the years Barrie has not had mall ronrert hall There is no small auditorium le vailable to the public in Ihlrh solo artist or guest speaker may give entertainment or lu cation lnr hot to the publie spotters tor small groupie the list wuld be endlert it is dried tor the corner redevelopment that could bear some real discimlon other than when auditnrium Although we are all graletul tor the use at the reheat iacil ititt the tart la the atmosphere at ouncert ball cannot be dup treated here in our large coI lcgihtu auditorium used only or tontertr and entertainment Ihd tdttthlinrt the scaling capacity is over 000 Thus Iny organirallon mutt necrunrily are that at Ieart no people are In attendance or else the elmorphorc bommu elo rceeittg or at least not phat desired So at present smell concert hall is real lack In our city tould such hell be part oi $5 million build nr it million butldintl ol the plearure and tlabtltiy tlitil the Bettie Short tett IIA tin SlIry tau Dame it hrary eiIii membere ermine new exhibition at early Ctr than an Itiatrr Lite tn CID IKII The exhibition Lt on low Irvrn the Indiana Depart ment ol the Royal Ontarid tlurcurrt Ilirarninec Pbetot AL CRAWFORD llust he deliirred by llnrch Slit We have New Cars in stock Teen all nurture DELIVERY SADlONSCOTT MOTORS LTD BARRIE BRADFORD ST National Rovonu Revenue national Taxati on moot miui once more the OLD way The tax return to be led by April 30th is report on your 1971 income last years income and will therefore not be affected by taxredorm We once moretho OLD way Use the oilicial guide you receivedit contains the answers to all your questions And doublecheck your calculationsthats the source of most errors For further help if you need it contact your nearest District Taxation Ofce We have team of specialists just to help you OIIItalllltlxalIllhsIgt