JottnBqusInoleitolAcld ils Uniycrsity Asernen cant quilorrach the bolt Is ecetrc John hillls oi Urdicrslty oi IIC Thunderhllds leIpI tor the hoop in Saturdays Ilrul oi the ICnnsdisn Intercollegiate Itas Ieibsll Chemyloushlpy trots to by UBC hillls scored It points intend the Thuodcrblrds to the win on their home eotut Audie ruIrd Steve Found it collated 29 points tor the Axcmrn tCl Photo Le Grand Orange nds His Holdout WEST PALM liEACli Fla lCtt Jim Fanning solved one holdout problem dttll the Weekend hut tho It in It llspos rmrrsl nsInIorr Illli rohlern child to out iy Midelder Itustyi Stsuh trrms Withthl Saturday oi liter user 111 in hliaml tr Fanninr Erpos Dissident iohn tibia and Gerry Patterson Sinubs llnnn clsl adviser SiIub Ilsnrd solicitor coo traet rcportrd to be lor 193000 The totalled destiny oi the Jerry Pm lens has hren seek in thrtesesr deal It trooooo year and was rcporttti Ishlnr lot aocut elsusc as well Is In Attendance bonus Slauhs cloning means that ynly Carl Morton has not come ermywlth tho club that In tshed ilithrlast scissors to the National leagues East Dirt That other it is In enigma slid Foundry lrII worried about Cart not We told him tth The longer he stays sty the better chance guy tits Torn Walker or title Tom has It motto this club RUSTY ETAUII There had been rrports that Morton wu botno Islad to take IuhstIntlIl pay cut ior this IeIson but these were denied by Fanning tell you one thing hlortnn hu not been asked to ma itay cut fDenny lrlclain Goes To Oakland Iranlr Howard By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ll Texas couldnt hold Deon lirLsIn what about his mob iiowsrdl Tuns ltrtn era trIdcd hicbaln to blind ruin the weekend ior two minor lrgyuo pitchers Don Stanhouso Jlro PIuthrr gtarsd monster Ted Williams said Sundry that Howard stubborn ho dout ls Ilsn Ivaile this In trade that we could live with special deals for homeowners at Associates ltyonre buying your house youre eligible for On Trade Block Since Boston Red Sox wero vlslttnr the rtsnzers Pompano Beach on train ramp tor In exhibition hsse ll game Williams proposed tourtor one swap with the limos What will they give tor the big ruyt Williams Islcd ld ro tor iourioroos deal but it would hire to bo somethiux wo could live with WhIt lm Ictuslly ioohlrtr or is couple or yitchcrt In outlieider and In lnilelder spccisiliomeownerloars It Associstsssny time you Nicklaus And Tieoino Tied In Doral Open Irma IA It hlch ilcrlvhorlco It the 01 Dan with Hill Gene in plated vomit rcg tour strokes hr IltIr tlnlr tax Sundry round oi 10 till gutterI shalt Inn tour ole train the tints and Bob IInIIrIputted Ill tour with the sub Julius Dom ht shot It to stick within Itrlhios rIouIt llrcrnsdeppIr ill rim with Art Wait run at Nichhus drogpcd nine birdies in out at the ottut rounds at the you He had rounds or it not and Trevino was stress KEEN IIA 217 Ben Kern ui Toronto shot 71 Ind had threcrtusrd total at I17 double round oi ss holes had been schcdulcd tor SuodIy their turn play In washed out But the tons deity made it impossible it oillclsls to complete two roundsetch with the trimmed down tield at only to players Soviet Skater Injured In Iall CLGAIIY tCR litiury which lies ittli your Carts dlur irl chsoco It ternI tlonll recornltion may hit swept frttty Russia cham pion out to tho Ipotlixht It the IIoIrld ilmcehntmz thsmplonr tiins Rodnins winner oi the Olympic old mtdsl in pairs with paroler Aleksel Ulsrtov month ago on scheduled to into to the ire today tom whether shell be able to per iornr In preliminary lirures on hrrodny She icll heavily durlnx workout with tilonov SaturdIy Ind chnt 2t hours undrr ob sorvat on in hospltnl The bot ting hero is thol rho will go on IrIow tecll she will do is tho ours on Nicholsss Vron Russian Unison olilccr salt the is tentative stoilcr tor openinx day it the thorny competition it was Inothcr sort oi tn ury II the Olympic ramcsw ch lnoched iiuth Hutchinson ot VIncourcr out oi tho world competition and made My tor llycnrsold Darla Pryohun at Toronto Illss Hutchinson tripped cm chain Isle guard Ind broke on Irm at tho times in SIP poro Japan TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE Titit reasons why you and THE EXAMINER should get together Our Economy by Frank Floherty 2gtTsen Talk Coverage of local wows ovortts tntarmotionorrd money soving announce rntnts Health by Dr George Thostoson Indoplh studies at general Interest Public service announcements Readers Opinions Letters to the Editor Social and scrvico club notes It News at government matters ll Appstising Recipes 12 Don OHeorns Queens Pork Report 13 Birth and onrrivorsary announcements l4 Annual Spring and Fall Fashion Soloctions 15 Outstanding Root Estotc toctian 16 Person to Person market place wont eds l7 Skiing with Al Roirtc l8 Complete District TV Listings l9 Complete Hockey Scoreboard 20 Dolly Crossword Punie 2i Drama and film reviews 22 Legal notices oi importance to the area 23 Annual back to school auction 24 Ideapacked Christmas Gilt Guide 25 Complete orso Church news 26 Canadas Story by Bob Bowman 27 Capital Comment with Former Tirelngton 28 it happened in Canada 29 Storm County News 30 Whats on El tho Theatres 31 County SpoIts by Bill Curran 32 Simcoo Notirro Notos by John Wisemart 33 Special interest articles for men 34 News oi orEo business appointments and promotions 35 Sporting Scene by Ken Walls 36 Ann London 37 Cartoons by lion Wicks 38 Automotive news and photos 39 Editorial comment on local concern 40 Wedding and ongogoment announcements Becker on Bridge 42 Coyorogo of cultural events 43 Photo and news coverage at local sports 44 liltitlplit wcother coverage 45 Patrick Nicholsons Ottawa Report 46 The Store Soy Popular Horoscope Feature 47 Photo and teoturos from the world at art 48 College news about oroo students 49 Pictorial Bridol Section 50 Daily calendar of coming events St The best comics in town 52 Assignment sports by Jim Hnshott 53 Patterns by Alice Brooks 54 Weokly Entertainment Guido 55 IBiblo Thought of the Day 56 illustrated Sunday School lesson 51 Simcoo County Market place For Circulation Rates and Iniormation TELEPHONE 7266537 Tito titanic iiitomiitot Simcoo Coonty heads the Examiner MOVED IiERTZTllo No Itlhb ICur Conway have moved to new Ind tarser ousrtsrs It to Essa ltd tiust next to Kentucky Fried Chicken rtcedcash nut means we maybe able to giveyou better deli Iowemtes norlongcrtcrms orcven both The amount you In bonow is limited only by the equity you have inyour home $5000 $10000 maybe i25000 or more Lowest in Barrie WEEKEND FAMILY PIIAN nil rizo CItsirna or impair cyltnrln Iutomatic ES and PAL radio $1343 Frtdsr noon to one hlondly olus llo per mile plus nr HERTZ RentoCor moors So it you have highinterest debts outstanding or it you need cosh tor second car host or my other good rrssony talk to Associates about lowvlntcrcst Ilonteownertosn See how much boiler oil youll ho lowstoms Fred Cunt Street rretrso Assoctnrc ASSOCIATES REALTY CREDIT LIMITED