Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Mar 1972, p. 11

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or tattooed Education Panel Tells Trustees What Bugs Them by NANCY Elli Iranian Ital Irlcr Inequality in taxation tarts jack oi naturally involvement in the motion rillem comm IILR building rather than the matinglodlilckoi inmhiwtrnstecacanrenodrr discusdmbrtrodayalternoarss Ipaneioislsdlsmscdcducs tionaalheymit The panel In tailing to mop oi Ontario public rchool tnrstets iron was seven rho met It Ranting hletnoriai high host in Itlilslna Speaking lor the Ontario Fed oration oi Agricaitcre brute Taylor said the is In inmat iag bellel that equality hetmn rural and urban students is last occurring tact Iiorevrr the increase in cuts tor education Is lneonitable N01 TEASE Ila said taxation based on real property II no longer lessibie method lil collectinc revenue We are attempting to raise the money to pay tor this through 19th century means hit Taylor said lie slid taxes had increased in one year to tau irum me ioilnvin Introduction ol cota ty rchoo hoards It seems no rrasonable that people are turd tor real property he said Its suggested their might be some other method in which Iii prop crty person onus would be ersluslrd lor taxation purposes tie arid taxation rhouid ba based no benet and ability to pay Ito tdded the education tax on property abuse both its raid the losses personr income the more he seems topny tor edrrestloa SUSPICIDN FEAR Ila said the DEA roposcd system last Iprtag ereby tire edocltinn tax could be based on income and collectcd along with Iill income tea The icderrl gov ernment couldlhert return the education portion to tho province tie aoid tIrmcrs view with rm plclon Ind tear nay shrugs which might bring In increase in iascs Clark QC president at the Ontario another It corn etcaatsnr Io mIlr Outwwd education is basically pollticsl nod to ap proarh cosh irotn any othcr en le will not work nouns costs in cellar prersuro an the property owner At the same time be warned the provin clat government will probably es pect more autonomy over the edncstloo systems throughout the province Iia said the province intro duced dwcniraliulion and put more Iccmtntahility with the county boards it but to the provincial government we have to lay blame tor increased ed rational costs We ourselvcs be raid HOLD THE LINE Already the Pdilicians rial oi cutting costs but scents more practical Ls to hold the line until adjustments cisn be made he said Johsr Strlmas editor oi the Dairvllie Journal was most crit Icni oi the tntrtccr and the ed ucation system Its said one at the biggest iIctors in education today is the lack oi community Involvement Ilr Strlrnas said he was out reierrlng to port time jobs in the rchooi such as helping In the library or the sac oi rcbools Idler hours bra rather the pub lice involvement in helping to rm IL so pm this limited to the triplet and the icsr Inviting homo and school associatlml Itll All Ilr StrLsras salt the psrhlict mus inclination is pretty well tell to the beard trustee htany trustees tail to toes out and are willing to all Is rubber stamps the alien pol kili he laid lie said he would lite to the trustee become leaders at community inrolrenreta and said one at the seasons tha cont munily Is iiiinlurnrol is the lack oi ininr by both the press and the adtrtinlstrrtion III cursed the trrutees ol do big about to per mu oi their btulness in private rod to per cent in public tie accepted come at the liilIM tor the poor communication he tlcen trustees and the public Ila said the press mrat be pre pared to devote more at its the rrith education and should give more news Ihottt the good items rather than concentrating on coals IlE misspeadlng Uniarturraleiy irr most new pepm education is the poorest corrred best and the biggest Ilory ARTFUUX MANAGED The trustees also came under re tram Jack Waiter secretory at rstratyers Issocladoo in tlubnur Towoshlp ile raid the trustees seem to get little rewsrd lrom their labs do not have much authority are Iuiiy matung by the bureau cracy you supposcdiy govern he told the tntstceo lla asked what control trustees hava over ctnricuhlm teaching methods public hands and other areas Some taxpayers icci like Uno no the character in the edi torial cartoons in The Event iner according in Jim lianrock taxpayer on tho paocl MERIT iiIY For the money be Is spcndiag on education he Isats to see romocbnngeshl illbcockreld He suggested mlem cl merit pay be introduced to reward ci icical and capabio teachers Ind tuggcsted more concern should be shown torrsrd the attitudes and lilo rtyirs oi the people that the boards In am with the teachers Ilo raid he wants rigid stan dards manii tor teachers it was lciIl bout quality in education would iiia to talk Ihout the quality oi the people were hiring hir ilancock said lid said the trttsiees are out trnsitivu to tire leelinga ol the taxpayers IIava Willis editor at the Al lislon Iierald closed the panel discusrlon tit tiiliis raid more emphasis should be placed on communication calculation and civics In school today rather than the three Its suggest that our education ui sysiem does not put nearly enough emphasis upon communh cation and comprehension and tails to giro Iuiilclrnt training in its iundnmculais oi vocabu Iaty spelling grammar Ind punctuation let alone the body which clothes the substance at true communication and com prehension he said Ilr Willis noted civics ls lure ponaot so that students can as scss the statements at niilicisnt especlsiily since rlu cno now vote II it IIIIZTING ni Onierio pul iic school tntrlees irom Innl seven tinsel with dinner Sat urday etching It the Rollers Iaga inn Speslcr was It PUBLIC llERARY Ramsay director ai education tor the Simeon County Board at Saturation lia deiendcd the role at the Dustin and en cuurnzcd greater public par Ucipalion in education IRDII LE Donald Really ai Lt iroy the Simcoc director lur has seven Ilr itantssy Ind Daid Willis editor oi the II irston ileraid Iho was pan el mcmber during the nitcr noon tEIarnincr Photo Public Input Vital To Boards Public input Ir riia in the op errlian at school boards Ii Ramsay director oi ed ucation or the Stmcoo downy Board at Education iod intr tece irom rono scvcn Saturday evening although the iirtal clslntts are made by the cduco on input ii tacels ls aerdrd to Irrirs at lair can cluslcn in any matter The educators arr the people who have rtudlld educational logy The most tnnwtedge lie the educators but the doctors laywrrs and others should provide the input Ilr Ramsay raid BALANCING lie said the edurnints rrc irtlnnrrulion weigh and balance it halore mating any decision worming education lla said it tho tactI are substantial and go part any point the no Icccyis ed it not they ejected but not until they have gone through thr balancing Ind weigh lagprocesses This is time when realism and an undcrslandirrg oi the rains rnd responsibilities at students parents tracbcrs Ind adminis trators is vital to the solution at problems which currently irca these people Donald Young director at Eti ucntioo region scvrn told group at tnrsices and adminis trntors Saturday morning the questions at priorities pupilira chcr ratios stalling academic and iinarrcial accountability and school construction In the incc oi dwindling enrolments demand realistic answers but must be worked out at appropriate levels by all tour partacrs in school education WORKING ARRANGEMENT iir Young told the trustees who wcre attending the Ontario Public School Mitt Associa tion Zeno scvrn spring conicr rnce in rtilistnn sound work ing Itrmgcmcnt among ic ere students parents and admin islration is must it the school system is to opcraie riicctively Ila placed emphasis on the ruin oi the administrator lid said this branch includes the depart mcnt nl cdumtlnn municipal rrl nlhlstrntors Dlitlldiiiioi board tees Education tlr Ilarnsay said the rela tionshlp between the sdminhtra duh and the board is thr Icy Issue in the system today lie said working with trustees in conducira atmosphere brings the best results possible llo said the educators do not espcvt person who does not work in education etcry day to know everything but the trustees are expected to be able to look at policies itlcas Ind prohicms rationally NOT EVIL DUREAUCRACV In relerriag to seminars and assets earlier in the dry antsiy raid ho does not belie in tho ldra oi In evil hurcnuc racy oi administrators iia raid rrytma srlto employs other people and manngcs them could his run slurred bureaucrat and tho tui lrriaistratlon is no diiicrcoi than tho inrmcr with stall nl hired hands which he manages You dont see Simpsnns or Eatans running without man Igcr You dont the education 341 m7Lmncrwmumsvh mice it said the three major rest possibilitch oi the department are grants lcgislalion and cut rlcuium As tar as education is con rrrncd and that is what we are talking about curriculum is the most Important oi those three items he said major goal at region acrcn oi the depart mcnt oi education is in dcvciop curriculum its an ongoing par tlcipatory prnccss involving at appropriate love all the per sons whom it slice The department provides cur tictllum guidelines and states irrean oi program philosophy he said Courses that iollpw these guidciincs may be implemented without dcpnrtmcnial IpprovuL Courses that are new or experi mental and lie outsldo tho guide lines must be submitted Corr versisl religious and phllpsoplr al cuurscs must also be approv cd by the board bcluro the dir ectur submits titcm in the de partmcnl REVIEW SYSTEM Another dcvclopmcnt in can riculum is the cyclical Illicit process he in review pract that tho dcptutmcnt guidelines can he tcpt up to dale and mi iinli running withqu manager he said Ilr ltamsay toot issue with the accusation that children to day cannot spcii and do mathe matics as will as in this past lie said students may not spoil writ but thry leIi better than they did in 1er its poinird out ilscl eicmcniniy schools retain three and halt than the num ber at students they did to tilt and high achouls Ira retaining three times Is many students lie said students coming out ol Grads it new era bettrr educat ed than the trustees who were graduated tram Grade Ilr Ramsay nisn rcivrrcd to the medias criticism at the school boards whirls was ntvn iiuntd during Iitc niicrnoun scs sions tin and communication is vital in education UNDERSTMDLVG lthot we must get throws is an understanding at what were doing And even more important that we know whet the public wants Ilr Ramsay raid in tho newspapers we have con tribution in attic and some tworvny atrcci Ilr llatnsay plurcd solsti at event in currcnt accds uI slur dcrtts Mr Young said Thus every in years review at all department guidelines will be carried out tram ltindcrgnrtcn to Grade ll Rrgion rercn has an educa tional rorrrtcil that mccu once each sctneslrr to discuss trends and dcvciopments in educational programs iir Young said The administrators who make up thc council reprcscni both the depart meat and the school systems in the rcglou These systems use both public and separate and tbcy are wide is diilcrrnt in sire in style and in the nature oi their rcsourccs he said The iact that such diiicrcnecs do exist howcvcr has ltd low people to conclude that largo boards have very iiilic In common with entail school boards indeed these people go lurthrr they say that school boards rialinns groupings el administrators and regional organization should he on tha basis at school size This Irgumcrrt hriieva to be lunda CURIth RESPONSIBILITY mentally lauit ilc said the opposing this div overlooks the basic goal cl cum tensors or is that it ml yg or cronctm count OPEN HOUSE liTTiliiCTS tutu Almost than people attended Georglln Colleges iorrrth en rsuai open hours Friday and Saturday it leItured displryr by every course and lid in all close to 1000 recorder school students tools advantage at the twoday exhibition AT LEEIl Jim Iilmm lirll ycar technology student pushes itay Liberott tram wlortrn iliyh school on device which simulates the lip roll rla cipie ABOVEI sin eats lrarn Ilspir Grove School Ital tlts biarac lor the criticism on the lntsteu and the deittis lralion llo rald they have been sitting on their hands and are so uscd in people tiailiog us that ii they stop or moment we get our backs nvcr liltrc and say iiit us again he laid Lets do something active ii were unhappy it wc are happy uhra we criticized we should talk back be said lets be positive and matte sun the good is heard as well as the had be nddcd ACNUNIAIIILITY Ilr Rantst said it ls lime to look It the responsibility and accountability at the people In volvrd in tho education ayes Icm lie the lruchcr is res ponsible or discipline and tire icarnirtg ntmtnpltcrc tho princi pal is accountable or art Iilt ouato program tor all students tho administrations job is to make sure there is all adequate program neuritich by tho princis psi and malts sure there is on re mating pallet and atrrsorpbcre in which all these tasis can be accomplished Time For Realism Understanding man responsibility Tito cam ttton tcspunsibility that we share is the education at tho child be long as one is contcnt to deal mainly with atlrrrinlstrntlva matters such as bus routes tchoci boundary lines budget and rich trachcrhirln practice large boards may be to to dis cuss titers iitirtgs more cllcctivo iy among tlrcmseltcs Ilr Young said but well organir cd bus will and neat school boundarirs important as Urey nrc must not be contuscd with our real tosit which is as our tormer Minister oi Education the lionornblo Robert Welsh has tcmlnded us is Thc children and young prupic oi thb prov ince are to be educalcd This is indeed lirnc or rc illiiiliYAY IW iitrcr cars were involved in no acridcnt on iilgitway It north at tho Thornton ciutcticui Sunday at pm in which damage was csilmattd nt 700 Tch collision occurrcd between vehicles slrlvcn by David Iiiiinnl lloss oi 0rlllla John lists Neil oi tiuwsu Street rric and luirtvtt tilnu Trinity oi Iiicltigun his Garner lelt rod Les vrr siren late peek through surveyore transit tEIrnttoer Photos WW3 iDUY ILIRUI Arm Robbery Nets Thief $616 Barrie city MC not the in taste Provincial Police are looting tor man described as la and Istb bland curly hair loitering an armed robbery list night It hlarts Iliii ballot on Eran Real Barbara Itasan cashier at the store told police man met recent entries to the counter and alter they had been placed in bar then hand gun Ilias Iiason raid the was ordered to lie on the oor Deloro he Iril the store he hit her am the head with the pistol Eight Mishaps Alter he tell the cashier cl nest on to the uranium Shoppe and called police The man Isole $810 in bills Itisa Itasca told police the man tna about years old sir lest uil thin Ind with lair omission She said his lace was pockde and he appeared cerrous and stutter cd lie was nearing dart III jacket Rita tasnn was Latch tn Rnyui tori Iidepiiai where all received six rtitchce to close the cut on the hack oi her head in The City Damage Estimated iii $4000 Darrie cily pollrc intrallrated eitht accidents our the nest erui nhicb resulted In damrgcs loiuiiing clash in mm Arr nccideni It the corner oi Grove and Dryiirid streets ear iy Sunday morning invoivni to hlcicr drirrn by Iinry Amro blixrrniicid hid Sunnidaic Rd John Ii Ssrgcnl till New Mweii and Allan irarcs lust Burton Are Damage to the Diuutttiicicl rc tuclc was tilt lu thr Sargent rrhiclc E00 and to tho Grates heblcle use parked car owned by Jo Inna hiatsoa Tomato was rtuck early Sunday morning The rlrlv er oi the second car was idcrr tiiicd as Douglas Greenwood Ross St Daarncg to theilalson car was The Greenwood ve hiclr was round to the extent oi itd trhiclc driven by Patrick llicicy ltd Coal rccclvcd 51W damage whc dro pole Sunday morning on Cook strcct south al Slrelc street ililiarrr Cscc tut ituicaslcr strcct and tiarvin tiuriing Downrview were the drrlerr in volved In In accident at the NT oer ot tilatc and St Vincent streets Sunday Iuiicc ttlilttaicvi damage to the Cree diilrlc mo and to the Gosling rchlcis at $150 An accident on Rose St east oi lncent strch caused 150 damage to car driven by iicn ry Iiulder ititi 0N RAYFIELD Damage has bcca rstimnled as iron to car driven by Dom aid Guthrie 50 John St and It also to car driven by Joyce Cariledge Ailisiun allowing ll collision Saturday Iiiernoosr on Daytieid Street It the entrance to the lisyiicid Ilaii William hloir Cootstown and Uly ll Foley Dro Station oer the drivers involved in In acci dcnt Saturday morning It the cuch ui Sophia Strcct West and liars airrci Damagc lo the llolr rlticio was lid The Foley ca hicic Itceiml it damacc 15 Mishaps in Eimvaie iirea Five injured Damage $8400 Ontario Provincial Puller rt Elmvrie Investigated is rccid not ertls yesterday with total prop rrty damage oi approximately won livecar collision on Highway Di Iouth oi Highway 21 It rriey Nsuiicd in mirror injur ies to Judy Gilbert Toronto She was passenger in car drivrn by Robert Gilbert also at Tor onto which roccivui tscn dam age The aiitcr cars lnvuirrd were drivcn by Eldon Knapp Iiinesi Tnnnras Stone Darsic tiiiiam Armstrong Wliinwdalc and Robert Bra rr Lnltc Damage to the hnapp rchicle was its to thr Stnne vehicle slut to the Armstrong vciticic 11000 and to thc Rruwn vchicin other parlor Iccldrnts includ ed $2M rmglocnr accident on County Road north at litghway Drian lticinstcubcr bi bi ltcr drivcr oi the car and pas grr Judy ltlclrtsleuberI re uvrd minur injuries in the mis all no accident on iiigltway 31 south cl lllghw caused stntro duntacc car driven by Aubrey irtirt Tomato and 1500 la car driven by Albert Yorke iiii Sharon ir lrvlng and passengrr in his car Josephine living rrcre irriurcd in the accident They were taken in St Andrews lins pitai in llidinnd with possible concussions and bruises TwoCar Crash 0n Highway 400 Sends Six Persons To Hospital Six persons were tach to Royal Victoria Hospital lotion Ing twocnr nevich on tho iliphway sou erlettsiun cast ui Dalston on Sunday It this pin Dnmape was estimatcd at 32 no In the accident which tunvd when vehicle drivcn by Frank Vonrniner oi Tur solo and vehicle driven by Aialne Briirry oi Iiidiand toi lidtd It and hits Innralnrr and Bciiry were reicnstd lrorrt hospital alter being treat ed tor minor head injuries Ilr Dciiry Lula Arm ticiiry and Arnim Dellry lit in satis iactory canduion with head and chest injuries LOCAL AND GENERAL MIN INJURIES JIIII liordcn oi tlllowdaie laincd minor injuries In to car acridcni on Highway toil north at Thornton clovcricat on Sunday at pm Damages was estimated at thin in the cut on which oc curred bclwccrr vehicles drivcn by Nancy South at Toronto John tognn vi Toronto Ilarivrs Daniswich at Sudlrury Iltd Jim 0R0 TUIVAbiili An accidcnt in Urn Township on Saturday rcsuilcd in 900 damage in vcltlclcs drivcn by llobcrt llandy oi Barrie and ilarry James vlnccnt ol Toronto The Iccldclll ventrch VII the lliplrwuy ion ortctuion cl Sim roe County Road IUUII Crlllh Damage was estimated at it tttr In luurcar accident on Highway too north at Willow Creek on Sunday at 130 pm The accident occurred between Veblcics driven by Sylvia Scott oi Toronto iinlritd Stunt ol llantiitou Curl Morris Conway Two Charged With Theit Barrie city police have charg ed two men In conncclion with thelts tram tho Dayshore Iiotor otcl and homes on intitio street and liempcnlelt Drive Ernest iluumprrtlcn it Ilery Sh has becn charged with than oi color television act and lhcli ni camera equipment Dairy Williams 131 Pena tang rt has been charged with thctt hi color television and possession oi rtnien property at Toronto and Eustnrhy Dumyu at Toronto tiIAIlGEU William Dennis in ilcnry St was arrested and chargtvi with break and entry with intent Sun day irilowing brenlnin at the lruScrvico Cleaners ltlgh Street Darrin city police said nothing was taken trout the premises BROKEN LEG iricia hirdus it at RR Strand is in aalisinclory roadie trait in Royal Victoria iospitni with limitIr in she auitcrod ycstcrriay uhrn was strutl by dunn buggy on Siderurici it near tunccesicn oi lnrtiaili Township The door buggymas drlvcn by iurcnilc lrvocar accident on iligivrrry too just south oi Crown Iliii on Sunday at iris pin in which damage was cstitrraitd at $1100 The collision occurth between vrhiclcs driven by William Chambers at Hamilton Ilain lltralrbcrc at Toronto Iinhccd Rnhn ol sudbury Iiary lcrrt Church of Willnwdulc and Dan aid ilucclcs oi Utopia Crewied 1V2 Miles Willi Broken Leg NEWIiAiiKEi Ont CPI Rubctt South at Torunit was ill rulisiactvry condition in hospital Sunday oiter crawling 1V miica arms 1an Sirocco ice with in brutal icg ioilcn said Ilr hntytb iril all his snowmobile on the irorca trite but managed to crle to service elation 4mwe4ohub4

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