Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Mar 1972, p. 1

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WEATHIR Sou tor Lzmcncl OranJIM nmummanaaorar detail plcasa tun Lapagal EXAMINER TELEPHONE arousaltoe masts mathI thyme rsrur Al Other Dramas man drummer are Im DO Irm Hamidti WISDL IP toI Iotlh Year No as at heroic Ontario Canada My March rm Bite In Downtown Orilliai iDestroys Businesses Offices on which broke out in the Paul It In cardboard not burmoni oi downtown Orittia stored in the bucme near rim store Saturday alternoon ruse board The boxes and part destroyed tour bluincu and up oi the wall were on lira hir alaIrI attire vaiutd at about Wright raid WWW The pharmacist and customer Destroyed were Wrights Res day Cody tried to put out the all PharmIcy It the corner at tire while the Ian went to call land lstlraetraagavstt ash Itremen on ea nominate Store Dick Shoes CONTROL mu new annotations Lt upstairs ottlces yore mm or distort Iota 63 Ilrcmen bout Into pm by his Imlbalded the illmclbutcouidnot atop their progress until the tire ruched an alleyway between the hardware and Author Ilnrcs ames reached the hardware riore In about ihreohcurs by which time the din rtora bulki Ing war mass rubble fire wall between Lhu drug store and the hliasisraga Stair ptianre non owned by RU handk H10 um thenutlamra an an re ro gclvtd uni Irnina Intake and avatardatum Police evacuated all atom on the Itreet and the upstairs ul Iiccs beth anyone was hurt Transportation System To Come Under Attack OTTAWA CPI We start their annual recital at griev ances agIInsI the national IransLKcrtIIlon mtem this week out yearly debate on the CNNAir Canada bouncing hill gets under va today The routine bill would author lra tor the gnvcrumentowucd Canadian NIUoual Rllbways capital sxnditures totalling ITIIMIOI int and realm tot million up to July ma It would also authorize govv moi loans to Air Canada between dun ml and June so 1m to help It pay tta debts hut Ilsa debate Is always used Ithan htorraiiandair Improvemcn In their regions as well as chew In the na tional transputr polity CAPSULE NEWS House Cut tip To Clear Wreck ALBANY NY APIWorkcra began today to cut and carry away the twoctbrey home dcsinycd by Mohawk lian plane Friday night so that Itvicrrl Invmtlratorr can work on the wrcckage oi tho plane underneath The crash look 11 lives 20 Persons Sought Ior Exchange TORONTO CPIThe Ontario department oi educslion an nounced today it is seeking as young people Irom Moses to dustry agriculttae and academic held to participan in an ex change program with France Applicants must be between in and at years oi If have command oi spoken French and here been attire their community Hovercrail Ilrps Itrllrng PORTSMOUTH England IAPIA tutor hoverIrait which Illopcd over on to its back in Portsmouth harbor during gale killing tour passengers rank Sunday alongaldo Royal Navy rrpnlr ahIpI salvage attempt will be made tutor Wind Change Frees Ietries SYDNEY NS CPIA change at wind andsbiiting ice early today allowed three Cnnndirn Rational Icrrles to break ireo oi harry ice in the Cabot strait where some it to It vessels were held inunoblio during the weekend Fire Icebreaker worked Ihrourli the ice IIetd opening Inner tor about so atde that re outred assistance Train Crows Clear Wreckage GRANDAIILRE Que CPITwo CNII crane crews were working today to clear away three ireight cars that dangled over bridge following at that dcraUmerrt Sunday at transition or miles nothcast at Montreal WaIdhorm To Discuss Territory CAPE TOWN IAPIUN erdarydlencrrltlturt IVIldbrlm arrived today to divans the runs at southwest Airica on Mtch territory which to almost the sire oI brittsh Columbia There no indication that Virtdhclm can bud Prime lllnlstrr John Vonitr iron his position that South Alrica controls the Tuesday the op itlon will get another crack the govern ment with oaeday debate on motion ot the Conservatives choice it will be the that oi revert opposition days scheduled tor this min Tran rtItIon problems were ILro cied during last weeks Iiouso debate on the bill to tou Ior Newloundl ST JOHNS Nild ICP Former Premier Jorch Smallwood says he help reverat libcra cIndIdntes cam Iiuue tor another ve years the gnveromentelmgranta load Iha poorer prov go maintain mininhrn national lav ets at public rervioes The bill rent to the Home committee Friday would to crease the outs to IL billion to 107071 rum thl 0mm 01 billion Smallwood To Help Campaign and Election palm to the March it pIOVLn ctal election Iir Smaliwwd II who re signed as party cbiol Feb raid today In an Interview Ihe outcome oi the election could be enlirel diticrcnt than the result oi coat on election Progressive Conservatives under Prank Illcorea won II or In It seats to the last election liberals won 20 and Turn unr gm New Labrador Party leader was turned In Inbrr doe Heat hlr Bur and Conserva tive Iwiic ed to the liberals alter the PCI took olllco Ian Inliwlng series or legal bat Ilrr over disputed rert Air Wright had his hair and Camera Parent his bride at to weeks have been arrrsltsl In Boredom Spain It was III narrated toda Gran Villa Hotel amkrsmsn Ior SolicitorCentral Jenn Piem Ooycr also reported the Worth the cooperation at In tare ringed but did not require medical treatment The street was roped oil to hold back crowd oi spectators estimated at bclwroa 1000 and 0000 people TRUCK PROM BARRIE Tho OriIIiI remen and their Iiaeo trucks were assisted by truck from Barrio one Irom Or ItiII Tbmhip IrId an aerial truck that that Ontario llnCuI legs at Oravcnhurst Ihtx aerial thick and tho alleyway are cred tied with stopping the ames Irom rpreading iiutbcr Firemen had tho Inmcs under control by about 30 pm but the ruins vuvoldcccd all night At noon Sunday thera was still truck playing water on the rubble The only real danger to tire men came Irom exporting am munition In the hardware rtore Tho ammunition was stored to the basement or the building and although it exploded no one won but Cars at point In the mo store popped all Iiterubnn as well The shirt Etmrr klyh raid the tire marahria otico will Investigate the blaze but arrou Ir not suspoclcd lie is still work Inj with store owrrcrv to Its no to the contents oIIho buildints Some Imokn war blown across the street Into the Oriiiia city bait and tiremen out has into gambuhding Sunday to get rid Says Ontario Can Be Hurt By Concessions TORONTO ICPI Provincial Treasurer Darcy Mcltcougb said Sunday at that any con ceavioos that oral government maker to the United State dur Ingtrlks on Icrorsthtbordcr automobile chipmunk can only hurt Ontario Air IIcKeoughrstd In Idle Interview on CFRRI Lots la cuss II that provincial nlileials are re anxious about the No leeraiv restated leav lng Itaniliug II dissolution at Conservatives on tibcrIl t0 and vacant two Australian Hea CANBERRA AP The Australian health department urged the countrys 10000 doc Iora Iodry not to prescribe the drug indprarnlne tor women at childbearing Ige until the do partrncnt determines whether it can cause delormitlev In unborn children IIIrectorOcnrrai Sir William lteishlugo arrII Iele rams in all the doctors toiling em that the Australian drug evaluation corn miltce is noted to make toll riady oi Or liitavn McBIldar report iriday that he had linked the drug to three cases or do orred children in Sydney Aus ra Peruilntl the drug evaluation committees clarlticatlon oi the current Issue associating Imi prrrnino with toctat abomnrall tier it is atrongty recommended that but rIrnlnI not be pro scribed or mains in child Irel under mandate Irom the old tearua oi Nations bearing ago Relsbaugor Icin gram raid Warns About Imipramine talks are keeping to clone touch with Jeanhue Pepin ted erai minister at industry trade and common lth Department to Ottawa Dr liorri Ion heed oi tho health deport mcntr Iood or drug directo rate raid rode recent cana dlIn study oi It children with limb deiornlltles showed no link with imlprarnlne and no action to restrict its use waI being planned Queen Visits Former Grave IIALACCA IAPI The urea and Prince Philip visitcd tumor grave or St TrIncls Xavier today at this llainyairn gut once Smilbenst Aataa lead city lnry wandered through the ruins ot esoyrnrold Portu guese church vrhcro St Francis was taken alter dying on San MURDIRER wlrr MONTREAL CPI Escaped sticn questioning oral demandr murderer Ins Otoliruy and tar an impartial Inquiry into thI uhatu Iliair Police Kenny raid Geol irny and his will arrived to Oslo Dec on ilirbt lrnm mien and left tor Barcelona Jan STIIYED AT HOTELS They renhlrrrvi It tau 03h hotels as Sir and Airs Rcai Lne tend the name at relative ol bliss Parrnls ahn drowned in an outdoor in that In Barcrhrrs on Smins east coast the couple stayed at the Hotel Regrnria Cnlrn but hit tor an unknown Ilretmnlion br Ioro Snlnlsit your one in Iurmrvi Ivy Interpol lth were wanted the spukoszvrah said The rouple hart already tell Norway when pobre there acre Iniormrd by Interpol The travel mangrmtnLl ablch brought leciton and his wrlc to Oslo were made tour Weber Provincial Police said the couple lere Irrcslcd today about noon Spanish time in the arrest Cpl Sylvann Tcndl and Denis Clgurre oi the OPP In RCIIP oillccr and the Barcelona police made the arrest OPP Ipolcs one said Ccoiiroy escaped Iton prison In Montreal Itier Irrving only It months at llle rcnlcnre tor strangling hLv that wit and art ting her body Iilre to make It look like an Ircldrnt bliss Parent was his mistress Tbe rpokrsman Ior Itr Goser raid the arrests were made tcrpo tho lnternstlonal police network RCIIP ant OPP Ila Iddrd that Oreilroy was taken to Spsnish prison Ils atidcd that RCII Ital OPP ottlrera currently were In Spain Charges brdnt been worked out yet The rpokiimnli rsid on lap iher details were Irritable LITI mtdiateiy WENT TO OSLO FIRST The Irrcsl allowed disclosure during the weekend that Geol Iroy had travellch In lilo Nur wa Irom here lltcr his mar riage Christh Eve to Carmen Pnrent while be war on thrceduy pass Irom Vincent rle Paul penitentlnry More than two months at run trnverscy has awirltvl Iround how Geniiroy tileterm cum Incl got pass trnm prison to marry woman who had been an Important witnesr at the trial that convicted him oi his wtlaalvmrrdrr idm enormous thr guvcrn meal and lie layer In pnttlctb tar has been bnllorul by oppo DELPAFI IAII The Irish Republican Army denied today that it was responsible tor the Llcllast restaurant bombing that klUrsi Iwn womb and wounded lad other persons Scirrai oi the lniurrvl tort man and pics The Itth ncrustd Protestant extre mists ui trying to whip up pub lic nngcr against the Roman Catholic guerrillas Police said Sunday they be lievtd Illa terrorists had plantrd Ihc gcllgnitv charge In tho Aoureoru restaurant Satnr day but trotsstrum In Dublin tor the lNIIsldtiJl wing at Lhe IRA called the bombing clu lihcralt not ol terror against Ian Invulird civilians rpokman Iur Slno Print the political organisation at the RM Otltciai wing said in Dublin We have consistently condcmncd attacks upon clvl Ian Installations and we would very strongly condemn this nnr The blast shocked arch the most hardbitten communities oi sirlteinrn Ulster and pro vnktd storm oi prvAesI Irom church and political leaders SISTERS LOSE LEGS hiany oi the injured were maimed tor lilbilitllitilil two Snowslide Kills Men VANCOUVER ICP Three men died In snowslide north oi Ilupc Sunday as heavy rain hit southern Drillsb Columbia blocking highways and rail lines The men employees at Giant Mascot hltncs eitht miles north ot Itopc about too miles north east at Vancouver were killed when than truck was hit by snowslida on rninb access road running all the Frost Canyon Iiighwny Resource Shortage Seen By Writer mom or Pcopio who live better electrically Ire indirectly polluting the curb moment rowing the acids oi worldwide resource nhurt Igc science writer Leonard Berlin said Saturday lie raid the everincreasing demand lor clcciricily astra vates air pollution Irom vmoko belching generating plants It to we no KILLED At least one person was kill ot Dorrie The impact hurled ed end up to six others were the car 13 yards The train Inlurrd II20I this morning westbound Canadian Paclllc In car train mishap on Railway Irelghtatnpped 200 clan Island In toil Highway seven miles north yards Irom the point at irnpaci Not More Than lite Par copy to rm dsyr bciore III Ippllcrllats tor Icare iron Vincent de Paul penitentiary was ailintaily mnlrd tie had served II mantis ni lite rentcbce Imposed in October 1m attcr he was ccnvidrd oi rtrangtinz his rule and rolling Art My litre to make the dcath look like an Accident Since Ith he has denied hs lit the Parent was Geolirofl girl Irirnd anti In unwilling ult nrss lglnt him nt his 1070 murder trial CHARGED WITH lllRLD External Iiinrra itmlsirr Iirlrhclt Sharp said in Ottawa last week that warrants Ital brcn lssurvi tor the Inert oi Alis Parent on charges at trend and Inrgcry in obtaining the passport tor Gmliroy Genilrny was granted lean Irom prison Del it to marry hiiss Parent IRA Deniest Bombing Oi Belfast Restaurant aiet who had titch legs bloun One at the sisters nyraroid Rmslccu llcNaIrn had Inst txcn shopxin or trouserau tor her urust wedding She also tool In arm and an eye As were oi revulsion Iwrpt In Bomb ALDERSIIOT England IAPI Alderahbt hlaglsirutes Court today ordcred hbnl Thoma Jrnkinson held until Friday on murder charge in connection with the terror bomng at on Aldershot psratroop barracks which kiilcd rereh pcraons Icnkinson tI described as on IrIIhman rnt in London was chargcvi with the murch 0i Rcv Gcrard Weston Roman Catholic paratroop chaplain BARCELONA ICPI Res cuers pulled It bodies IInrrI tho debris oi lualorcy apartment house early today alter In ct ploston collapsed the structure Police Iesrcd to or so more per sons were trapped In the wreck IS The threshold buihiino In hilly residential section blow up while most at its so residents were nsicor blurry oi the apart ment vlwolrrs were belicvrd Iv hr Latin Americans The rrplonon was traced to the earth oor and City EarlI diva IN CARTRAIN CHHSH The accident occurred on or ctosaing that Is guarded by railway creasing ritual ii his The persons were rut mm the wrucklgo oi the Iouibbound YVE CEOFFROV Ireland Prime Minister Jerk Lynch oi the Irish Rrpubtlc Ills scaled to the IRA to suspend Ila rarnputgn oi violence In North rm Ireland but he made clear he was not accung the under ground orgrnirrtlon oI responsi bility or the blast or To Be Held Incident kilcd when bomb explodod Lu Ihe trunk at car parked out ride the paralroop ircer mcas Irb The cslramo lcitist Otilclu wing or the Irish Republican Army clalmml mwnilbilliy tor the blast which also killed Ilva women titlllnns and man The IR raid the Matt was to avenge it demonstrators shot dead in clash with parslroo Jan 30 in Iandnnderry Nor crn Ireland Bodies Recovered After Collapse nerr Esteban Rita raid ho be lillcvvd gas leak was rcsponsl Three hundred police theme and students Irom Barcelona University strugglrvi with the debris looking or the vlctlnu The blast blew out the trails at the building and authorities said all It rtcrrvs lmed Windows In nearby bu ngs worn shattered Each oi the to storeys at the building contained one apart ment wilh moat oi Lbern nous log lImIiy oi tour or more hours or BARBIE auto Names at the dead and gt Injured were not Immediately available IExrrniucr Photo by CoUn Might lE

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