lha Vl lo the II but be coal the la dual to aunt to to lat aa the III be and an ln or lint trout Ior Ind tr SEW ooca Dub can all be live it let You the rpol rlnrt tor RIADYTOWEIIR FROM PARIS Parla dellanlra ha heron at ltoutrcal At tell varll renlhla while lrotuera Right cnlrr tha readytovraar artct II evldanctd in lhm no nuIIIia by Girtnby lbcwo LlillDEllS li lion on lha hlalcr ensemble whlla with red printed pattern eontrlaiinl red lhlrl and re allth wbiykuchacltcr col caur rated IneaIanxtha rt tLIPplhotoi Outbursts Diagnosed Personality Disorder DaarAnn Laadrra Think you In haball at total mil lion paleata Iar your lnawer to Vallcd ott You told lha trua iratarl mother that bar bertlla Impolllbletoreach rhouId be checked by rteuroltr alat to determine other then it an orlanlc realon toe her wild Ilbe and Inability to let aim at ih lolnlly and irlenda For Iona time alonllad and hated mylall becauaa our OIULRIOI behaved Illa lha girl In lha letter idea to her teated and Ita pod Ina we did the pill hu lopathle paroonlllty dllcrder lha wu hoatlla cry lbecarnainerela iayiy duceplltb and Inloleranl oi anyone who diamond with her the had trouble to reboot wal unable to mate blend and tilted to rerpood to all attempta IOICMD er Ita altarlo alpalletca to fret youre hit al parant Aa you pointed out In your are awer avda the experia daat than what outta onl child ya haywlra while other children the unity are productive and well adhilted lhantra lor your help Ann It meant lot to ml at time when needed ltIl Reader Ia FlirIlrld Dear Reader llany moihara and lotbera wrote to ecprcla coma ol rellal and appreciation tor that column tly ihanta to all who wrote and with with all heart that you wIIIluo cred nenrolthamoallrytuot alt ehaIlentcl GOOD DUI CUCKDO Dear All Laederl Noltly ml wlia la coed woman but the but am habit that malaa me want to climb the wall She ll very belly aIwayl llll to unprova on averythlnt do For example Yeltrrdly Wll happily Ielnt down aornabeorin our coolar the camel over and layer You nhuuidnl atand the cam lip like that Lay them down on their llrlol then while wal pour Inn cmlltcd Ira over the cane liru laid You lhouldnt harp up lh la llltl that Put It on in laycrl realita thIl aounda pcliy and chilttlahl but Ita the lame war with everytblny It empty an arhlray ahol behind me pin it over bcclula didnt do It right It told road map aha but to retold It It VIIIDI airoinhl cnoulh thinit Ive made myult clear What can do about thtl maddchtrl hlblliltea tied to Tyler llaar Ty Nothlnl bhal romputalyl retinal and parlor llohlrt Youll navel chanra her ELLIOTT DRAPERY it nuntrp mom lprctaitrlal ta CUSTOII DIIAIILRIIIS lo Slicer llberllaa Antioua hatta lad Draloal Uraprry llarlllara llrlprry Inatallallol daughter ct ANN LANDERI Accept the tart that am lol lhia ncurotlo built and Irrap tellinl youmlt bhal ood womanvevcn theurh tile ntclpo WllPllOllllli Dear Alla Landrra tiy hul band and hit mother ara very clear We IliliIl have her to dio ner at Icalt once week it It not uouaual tor her to telephone and Invite henclt lIy huahaod alwayl llyl Pine without oven ultra ma let lurlwa beclull It Iaarea me no time tor any own mother Ita camel entertain them toyaihrr bcclula they dont let not worth damn Dont you thInIt Ita ltranle that men aloud be Illlch tehiamolherl Ila talia me Im weird beam dont underlined their beautihrl reIa liortlhlp libo la ritht and who it tarballTread II We Dear It letter he uaatul purport to leca blame What it needed it wortablo eornpronr Lao current that your hilaband Illa hla mother to dinner on alternate Sundayl and you can than be with your mother When will writer to complain about mamaa boy wonder why on iaIIed to notice it before the marrlrd the lily ND DISCRIhRNAIION PRDTORIA South Alrlea AP The South Alrlcun po lice have recruited their that two women otIlrerl llra women will rat the lame pay men KELVINATOR athhurltlea announced Tasty Canapes Accompany Wine mun MIMI Mall 1i apartllaa tetra chore ol crab oyltcr Inhaler liked ham bet Ipi hall chem dlpa with averted tract Irl rochlall aamaaea bot pair to china II batter mo lemperalun leuyoih to not career If lmwsgy tiaaaaldca wthchceaa mixture Daecaata lop II you tile with Iaehovlaa Place an mated bal Ial cheat and ball to Mme erect in minutes the auyretl on be made head ot time in him line that blind and arrrrd when receded CORNER llll CANAPIJ about It With dry Sherrirl and Yer mothha arm acaoctcd rraclerl bite beaten atill am nebula lbptirnall balm better not la ll yolt been tall courted pay rib Sherry albino Told wellbeaten eu wblla Oil emu oil bread rut bread scraplete SHOP TIL aliead oilru place at bum or bar TIE AIME MINER THUMB Slum cornehint pumplm mil harm rtoda thin almd meltl pulra pi ripe olives aucrtcd nail anciento lhrunp lprq null all In finely chopped corned bch Di dry Sherry Worstenhtro rm ltnwlba toall rm nrnbiac corned beet dry may horeeatarmlra rauer Spread oa malba tout mode Place on ballot lbeel Broil to minutes uni1 Iytoinl bet lily be made ahc at time rotrrad with yiartic Irlp ehll ed then hroiell when needed Preschool Program Introduced For Child With Hearing Problem TORONTO 10 Patrick rnu an at month old bciora ha mother discatcrcd be all dell Now Palrlch who hut turned Inc ea tall litlic and al lruda rrruar Kindergarten Plilicl it our oi ll rhzldrm la the prekan prcrram lor children with healthy term at the llaapilal Ior Sch Chi drrn Ila attend lnr an hour each net with parent who mate noira lautle Crawlnnl the auditory traininl teacher holdl out can Iota to the child ma rm alrr lha am at rlcb and the bound It nutcl at home Patricia mother Kathy boll rpettdl three quarters at an hour daily worl Iny with Patric OMS Youre retina marriadl And youll Ipliltd list the rlcht apartment Sta what to do about Itunlture Youre really PM not ready to mod the earth on lurnitura and IWUIhcrl blttooibeolbarhandrottdootwantywrllnthomela FRIDAY bebwptydoyouchlmehthnmeriraluli three more at huniltae Inchlilnl your tltcbm atov no rctrtnrrltor ail Ior only will And IAYAWAY la IItIZIIII toot unit you GET Your bed rn aulta all be trrtlrlly hodem ln walotlrtonaa and will lncluia double drccrer ih iarla turned mirror Iwndrawcr cheat and double but with lama Detrriey mallrcea and matchtna bouprlnx lwu pillowa and two betllolr Ianupa are alto Included Your llllM room will be ultramodern too with alonr and Iorttv davenoort and match chair both in hobby Irlcre with walnuttoned trim rotten labia and two Ilrpt law in Walnut Arborita are included as well to oi alately tabla llnrpa And youll have TV loo ltloch portable by llcctw Sanyo with lta own trillion table and tour chain to bright portable aland Your dinette lncludca albatArbortteloppcd or vinyl And to htlp you turn out poumrrl meals youl have llmilyalla GsWhl ary lrirtyaralor and an ettletent Gott ahottl Ina the anew tIcCIary tam tIS Itwynur apartment already haa Ippliartcra talk to our people thrill lhcmtl YOU CAN PUT THE WIIOUI PACKAGE ON OUR TR MYAWAY PLAN OR DUDDIII YOUR PURCHASES ON TERMS OI lOtIIl CllOlCEI ONE AND SEE pour AND SAVEI ib on l3LJ1l wr 5r Wu Illllllli AlAlerilIIZ MONARCH REFRIGERAIIDN humor ac r7 WASHER DRYER PREaSPRING EELS AT MONARCH rterear cmoa USE YOUR CREDIT POWER Open today No INTEREST Lttarya Au mm or open rcnutar litadrel Arcottni with NO MONEY DOWN balanca on trrml at your choice Or add to your cllatln Amunt with NO MONEY DOWN and lit tip or no change In your prctcni ltiuttthly paymenia 94 Dunlap St Wear Borrla It took more than year be the lraiazhl Vilmm to tbow mutt all the burial tl min bit the bum baa had there are two New thrrc ridrt term to be aarnac lrepn It to la Thcn Patrick berm to locale ice at ant lntit then he had aeter rude any count that neutral to nirr amuicaly WIDLIX lama reform to he Lha boapiiaL lard ll dcalnru ran be etlax hrml brim ll meclhr pcelar ably briorc all mutthl can be titled with burial aid llItninr on Tall llllla ran mankind load lace ot lrlmina apeech Ilownrr al rhth older hit lrrlninx ability tapered till iItIIIlIlIIIHIIIIIIILIIIIHII no noun town FREE STORAGE ltIl Needed SINCE 1898 26 STORES TO BELIEVE IN Totaphona 72855