Chi Examiner Published by Canadian Newspaper Company Limiied layilold rm barrio Ontario James Robb PohlleireeOoneral iAInapIr WIIII Editor Emeritus muster mm Ill Wharton Managingldlior HGZI Investors Showing Faith In Barrie As Growth Centre Barrie to it grtartttihctelrea This has Wlhll light It com gigginqu Tow wi Fri race rtaii inmates and plant additions These developments have been ac complished witilout tannble help irom the Ontario government More than year ego the government desi nated Barrleasagrorrlheentreunder eDe Iign iar Development lbronto region Studies are still proceeding under the overranentm and eventually we may car more the Mid induding inducements ior business and industry to come to Barrie bios new industries are oing to Toronto and it this trend is to changed the govermnent must act to induce than to establish in Barrie or in other email Ontario dies Usually the most stemmiul iorm oi persuasion grant or tax concessions ileame Investor are not waliin tor government action liany millions lion dollar have been pent In the part three year to build largo new store in Ill Rmmsdimbhmt are noon brandruinallpartaoiibecounlry The have come because there is mar ket here iorthelx goods and services Sbrewdly they have realised that con mmcr dollars come irom steadiiyrnid enlng area around the city and in Barrie lisct This iett was underlined this week by George Mann president oi United rrun Company who was In Darrin to glen upended iacllilles oi the company tiann raid that be had been impress ed by the intense level oi expanan taking place here It iound barrio desirable place to locate Eventually we will hear more about the government Ian to Increase Iiarrie population to 000 within 30 years In the meantimeprivle Investors are show ing their iaith In the community by the expenditure oi large amounts oi capital on business and lndrutaIal ventures DOWN MEMORY LANE YEARS AGO tit CITY Ellie Examinerblard12lidl Sacha Club geared Burt Iennett ent record Iii 2160 egeand kleavepla edSimcoe Corn ty Health Unit Dr Scott ruled in annual report arrle Community Concert Aeaocn el ed lira Frank Craig Evident All Pickle vlceprceldent Robert ieeper campal chairman horrible doliare on at Royal Wort iiosgrtiai In iu rating will in Pour hum een an ivtrator Donald Allan elected eeident Barrie Young PC man or and lloaIrt Harry Ii hey died at In Barrie She mggleterol the late Rt an Willing IIyonllIckenaie Primolilndettr President araricr cNeliia announced expansion ior ortalIIMmanC ra tion Canada Lt with padrase To ronto iirrn Pecalomitl and added on plgm Russ Davey executive recre ltarrt YWYMCA announced open ing oi brand at Ililiednlo community Ernest it Alexander elected 2nd rice prealdent National lloiree Builderr Assocn Largest nursing class in history oi Royal ctorla llorpltal receiv ed cape Horace Pratt named chairman United Appeal board oi true ice Dr Painin Wilson elected to directorate Ontario liunicl Electric Assocn Dick ampheil are pointed manager oi new Woolworth do artmeni store in Barrie Ills wile hirloy ls iamou Canadian longdlstanco nimmer0ntarlowlli erect quue It Crown Hill to honor lion most Dusty iormer premier Willard Kin rie ormer Barrie mayor raid tourtals are vital in eddrorr at annual dinner lhambor oi Connnerce Robert Saricant elected president uocecdin liaurtce Madmen CA Gerald hereon gunml manager West Bend barrio plant elected director Allied Dealing oi Canada Maurice iltoclrai Richard neurotransmitters nodguesi book at City Hall as iisyor Ids Coolie looked on Police Chici Ed lschlr hart Iddrcssod Central Collegiate lud enis ald Ranto needs youth centre more parental companionship Simeon Prcsbytorial United Church Women eluted hire William Bell oi Carries Burton Ave Church as itrsi president lot new county organirallon OTHER EDITORS VIEWS PAINFUL TASK AT AIRPORT Daily Mail londonl Call it what you lilo redeployment eliakeout planned redundancy but sooner or later the airline at lieath row Airport will have to reduce their overlar visit Already most oi thorn are on huge losses And the longer they put oil the painiul task the lower Lobe will be loll The union leaders ave to teach their member the realities and lot about ilnding new Labs for the uniuckyoner For however ardIiIrier no trade union can guarantee employ ment In the same than to man rom cradle in grave TWO CULTURAL DELEOATIONS St Catharine Standard When member oi the Agency to Cul tural and Technical Cooperation oi Trenchspeaking Countries meet next time there will be two delegation from Cpnada There will be Canadian dole girth and Quebec delegation with the aple Leai ilagand the flourdeli ila respectively lndcatng caol delegation autonomy While it may seem demeaning and ri diculu to many Canadians it is lhu ar rangtrncni reached between the icdcral government in Ottawa and the gourm ment oi Quebec The only concession to national unity and political reality is In agreement whereby the two delegations will vote as one it the two otherwise autonomous delegation aru In agreement on given tame the ioderai delegation will cast Canadas vote it the two dole gaiiona diiier Canada will abstain its concession not likely to loot mm bore oi the Prancophonlo to the true nature oi Canadas split personality me Sky Marshal Program Deierrent To Hijackings wrinuvomu IAPl at Baltimore nu rumm ky marshal proxrem he Ieiled menace to the people who ride The main reeron ay Vendervcorl and other airy marshal Interviewed that to provide the iulleat rolectlon the airlines possible irom alrilaa liaclrerr say those closest to the gm mm including the mar tiacmselves Report persist that iederII budget oiilciale Ir considering an ill million out thil year in the $11 million program Amid there reports the run piaaeermerrce tom hineeu Insist that the sky marshal force is poweriul torrent to hiiaeklaga citing at Zerrerts and leisure at then end hi you Ir It Ilral year at oper Tb prongm air the marshal do marksmanship line executive plelol practice to maintain lap aalde illaht crew generally no icei la terrying marshals seeing any gun aboard an air An Associated Pres study at the ky Inerahei program In binding Interview with mer ebele pilots wewardeues alr Avietlon Adminialrellvn iarliela lack euclidean In the ability at slowerdearer their lira link with hlilrkrr to handle the Illuailon litany Ilcwerdrnrre on the other band tea the marshal lit eIure theyre convinced the olIIv cor wouldnt hesitate to drool through them to lop hiisckcr IIHA PAMENIIHII IIIIOT Sky marshal have perhaps the moat exacting mission at any ioderel alikeultimately the decision whether it its at hijacker aboard crowded Ilr plans not get enough Prollclency enough and Federal started iI month ago Deterrence Is an lnlonglb which can neither be men vod but there and prov eb era in which sky mer baI stopped hijacking in progress and three marshal were thermeive hijacked on cum Oct id The program he been ierce since It Inception sold an atheist oi nsln domeetlo airline RTENACI Farce bell IIId Iormer eky marshal llugh Vendervoorl rials turned up drag aperliie complainir lull complement ni lotto marshal was protected when President Nixon announced the program but Ihe Intro has never numbered more than ram 0an li dipped to son scarcely enough in Ipoiciretk the thoulende oi Right daily irom the countrys loo commer cial airports ihere eiler poor liaison between marshal and ight crew who they Ire some time not told when the mar Ihel Ire Ireied Regulation state that mere balr must quellly with the pie nl every three month or Ice their us yet all thou Inter view aald iha bniy shooting they had done inco beslc irIIri ing had been on their own time unsupervised 5cm innocent penon is going to got killed AIRI mar aha who illc out oi New York In need constant piliIIie to slay herp Denlamln Davis heed oi the eky merrhel program said be we unaware there regula tion were not nlorccd hate to criticize honest eilort but LIP service never cured amalipnancy maxim CAPITAL COMMENT PlansFor New Parks Draws Worm Proise PARIIER TIASINOTON Ottawa Bum at The Barrie Examiner OTTAWA it appear some time Ii the new modia Ipende moot oi III time being critical oi the intent govern ment and at individual cabinet minister or error oi omission and cormnlaaloaa So when cabinet minister doc something or make an ennotmcemclll that rate It mori universal praise It to treating to be lltlo to report and comment about it Such cue occurred recently when leIn auction minister oi lndian alialr and northern do velopmect made Ipeoch In the Commons end then belt prerl briefing to reveal the do cisiua to establish three new and large part in our iIr north They are Kluare park the Yukon Territory an area oi esoo equate miles park along lilo South Nehannl River in the Northwest Territories with In Ire oi Lilo Iquare miles and the that park above the Arctic Circle er idbolnuarormile are or Dailln island UNIQUE FANTASTIC The wild and wondrou coun try encompured by these three new park centrist such thing the ldgbert mountain peak in Cantde on oi the worlds lar er nonpolar iccileldr ouiai lng glaciers wateriall twice as bid ll Niagara three meior canyon reechlni him leet Ir height vast number at cave Inl sulphur hot springs spec trailer iiord and doe ly carved mmintalnl massive ce cap and mountain range that reach high as 1003 tent The decision to an arid thI land Inl the tile oi Canadian and visitor to Canada tree at exploitation and pollullon In creme th total at our national rssz ie beylteld sum liarrle Ontario rrlepbono man Second tlu biell Registration Number MM Return postage guaranteed Dally blindly and statutory llolidayl excepted Subeerlpibrn rates daily by carrier the weekly Aim year iy Single edplee 10c Dy mIll ilarrle limo yearl Elmer County ditto year Release at Canada tidbit yearly All other countries tidbit yearly llolcr throw oil moo year National Adveriirmg oillrca ii Queen Rt Weat Toronto iii lilo diO Catheert 5L Iivntreal liember oi the Canadian Press and Audit llureIu oi Circular dam The Canadirn Prue erelue Irri entitled to the use tor re pub catlrn bi all new dispatch In this ape creditedto It or The Allocated lreu or Renter and also the local new publish ed ihrreln 11w Iiarrte Eumlner claim yrhdr in all original adver Ii and editorial illIlerlnI ere Iled by It employer and ye produced In this Mtptptl Copyright Rrglatrellon Null ber will register Ii WW park land more than to per cent almost room are miles bit darellen escrlbe it the new park are mlmio and iantaslie and will rank among the worlds most spectacular national parks the development bl our nev tInnIlparke system ION thing about which ell CanadlInI can be proud at dell oi development ho is er place in the short apart at three to tour yearV with an new park havln the precodlng to years only two parts were opened Canadian new here national park in neiwurk irom ac to see and tor the tint limo outstanding natural area In every province erd both northern territorial IrI reprrrmlcd logical question about the three new park in Who will use themi They are alter all pretty remote irom moat part oi Canada Acceaa not all that they and it will take many year to develop them properly but his Cbrclier note that it weant too many year ago It the time the government de rided to Icouir the Ranii ill tlonalperk that keptch asked the urn guetllonl about that now highly popular area WIDE INVEITIILWT The new park are win In vcatment In the Muse oi Cra ad Man excellent way ol preserving ono oi our moat magnlilcent wilderneu area QUEENS PARK mmmmm in the enjoyment oi all the peo pie tar generation to come To add Icing to Mr Clarelie can he she revealed in lghl Ii our inland cIneII are being tranaierred irom lb pIrtmvnt oi transport to the conservation program bi bi our department Title is Ilg niilcent tep iorwerd in the de vrlopnent at rear oi the mob cat nIIurIl wet in the more highly developed peril oi the been created In that time In Um lam iamliiar with two vi the major renal In Ontario the RI deIu and the TrentSevern Arty thing that can be done to de uel line as outstanding rec realonal area and to mom their park wild Ill be la and historical value derorve round oi appleuael especially at time when such natural easel are bocornlng harder and bar der to And comment about air Clare tlen hour at triumph would be Incomplete without an acknowl edgriirnl oi the this Job at his department inicrmItloo dIvIv Ion who set up the brleilrg tor no and ma intermailon cbIei lien lie Irrletent Shir ley Foghorn and slivers spent lot oi time and short on real models oi the parts on large pholoe slider mapI booklets and whetbevoyou beverII oi the this people In the nationII perk branch Including director Jack Nicol were available in add to the store at inlurmalion Big Field Covered By Throne Speech DON ODEARN Creeks Pars barrel Cinelunlaer TORONTO On the Itrengtb oi the throne Ipeecb one would say this will be markingtime reseion In Aeration eh oto aludle will he iaunchodand the tint step taken toward iuiure Iclion Urbon transit to be iudiod and test made oi new rye itrrul the Ontario ilualcipal llcard to be iudled there to be commission on the iegln lature snowmobile are to be studied and iurther mean will be sought by which housing con tructloncanbe earning Then there promise oi legit iatlon or expert on at program so that irvlledual enterprise will be enrourIged choel buiklinu can be used by the community at large prcierene tar Canad enowned enter rIIrI In govern meni lcaru wii he lnsllluled and ulilrrek betting can be In troduced IIUCII NITIYCRITTT The lpecrlt we ditierenl Item that ol other year In that it covered big ilehl at my grilly end we more concise Until you read it the secured time It room there might be quit bit in It ilut then you rerllred it we iurlher dIlicrcnt Ir ihvt there we absolutely polling vital in um it not on new item at meter at licence dilionelly one doun poet too much on at throne poocb particularly in rental ectibu year liut uruelly there iiraa barmaidsir but In this yrere Ipeech there weent In is thing lli governmen may red probably doer still have thing breou Itealtevo It iredltlnn in our throne Ipreche not to give too much away and Premier Davis particularly like to time bl shot lor brat impact PORECAIT LITTLE but an indicator oi the sea Ion It ioreeart little in either progress or excitement is at colors perhaps to be ex eIod at new govern reveal it that meter settler Iiter an election ii the urual rectch lo gevernmeniln rue llret year to concentrate mainly on prw paring the ground tor the in Mrs ending up to the neat elv ertlon And through the many iudle this government doing that liarty people bcwmr had expecltd more irom Premier Davlr in bi spectacular aerator oi last year he had loit the Imprrav alrn that pcrhaf he might be diiicreut and be drr Iitm Ihl rprrrh however lie coulormlnr Playing Ii cosy INTERPREIING rut urns Frenchmen Fear Social Crisis Ct 70X Canadian Pm Ileii lirtirr Violence In the street oi Perl iullbwlng the iIlel shoot in pi young leItlIt be reklav dlcd leer among some Ircnchr men at social crIII similar to the great emergency which pure eraud their country in loud The eight ol ilmlnand demonstrator marchln through world class Part bi lched belle between rlol one end youthful militant necerurlly cenhtm up ominous vision tor the French but upcrileleliy It lent the dirturhancrs set all by the death oi liroiet Pierre Overnry seem less vast Ir tbelr Implica tion than ever the student to bullion which ultimately led to wholesale Ilrlk Irilon brougb nut Trench industry iour year ago Moreover the present Mr bier In and around the great ll neuit car plant In wrtbvut Perl have disclosed among other things preiaund split between the oiilctei Communist party on the one hand and Iuch Irlelt group the Mental and monitor BLAME NNIPIRACT The eiiiciIl communist have blamed the bloodshed at be debit or conspirecy mounted jointlyh by the til the police and company management The agitation llnaily aulrrdrnl log in Overney death we stovocetlon directed eaglaai ih CCIlOtTlilC workingclear move mist the Communist party The partydenier that the present situation liler to lllng about new ittoelyl crI But tor the liarlrtr their right and other radicals allied with them the at the longer biiahed Com munlrt pert apparaiurl Iile uncomi teal org alien which gradually hu become ierlI uroaucraey incapable at event attitude rousing hunch worker luilonary action Such distension would be bartering Clanlllel government the lectt It In itttloolheredi cal wing at French badly spill in rose the olilelel let It llrrl showed hoalllily toward leftist they now playing towards the rcbeL II Renault llut when the tlIdtdl began to excite the workerle iruglraiedheltrr temp gas or the party epeedliy what by then we general strike HAT END RIFT Portiny the lloreoworlenied party would again salvation and once behind the radical the current Imrest appeared tnliety to be Ipreadin in an cue the Trotsky it are certain all the advantage gained irom the Ovemey Ii Renault in addition lhey other opposition even now trying to clreulIlod charge lion within the Gauliirl end the illthllcal rise In the French cost BIBLE THOUGHT Tar be us charge over as in all thy way They the up in their bands out thy toot against TIllm Hill II II we only knew time lit dlvln band upon us it would we more oi our hearts new tor moment him let the redeemed lord when irom the bend IT HAPPENED 1r cauan WINDINan Income turoren rattled worst redrawow lidNIT we corn murmur Irenerem IilRIiiiiliiDSIRililER lhlldiiRNitllid little insults wascturvrnrowrcrlttur Elliot orrnv caves tlitlncuu loll Var and er Ii SIAM all