mt mm ot the aria In Barrie was the ourtns meetings between ntereeied Individuals and member ol the advisory eornmittea no courier oi the Provlssee ol Area Residents Get Their Chance To Say What Theatre Tours Wanted rommltleethat wl record mend policy on nsndtnr tor touring theatre nouns and art late held meetinu yesterday Learn About High School Via Mathematics Tests ment rerr The mathematics de at North eolleptat eagle triggers trorn LIa ca areas In glib new term oi mam ubtie school contact and both cy and the atudanta lntolvnd Irha11 tindinr the protect worth TllLl Is the consensus alter six months oi monthly public Denies Government lnterlesed With OMB 0n Toronto Project TORONTO CPI Premier Illliam Davis denied Wndnosz day that the pavement hId Inv terlered with the Ontario Iiunio It Iinard ltltllil in letter the provincial policy on the little iopoltan Toronto centre pro The chases was seeds to the Onilrlo lerulaturs by Oppost Ilon Leader Robert Risen who arid the letter which was read at tho spcnlnr ot board hearlnp this week amounted to interlern com with In Independent cstpo rI TRE EXECUTIVE oi the bonrdul directors or the tleorrleo Foundation tor the Perlormtns Arts on elected rccontly IRost LIFT back sored by North coliertato St Iohn Annual inspection The annual Inspection oi the Barrie branch oi tho Order St John but been sensuch modied It At the re star mutiny the briuda ed the Sunday at school data would depend upon the availability ot the inspection tram Other Items whkoh It need mailman beorw the line peeltn can be are per nsissloa to use the air grounds the participation visits by and Penetanruisbma to tamitiariII themaelvea with the am and th mot oi div scum other di vialana to use the suns day Itembers dsesrssed the roles ottha ILJobhand Ontario Im tsuiaoces St Johns srse oi the ambulanc is II tlrsl aid port and as method to transpir people who are normally inns portni by automobile to the hos pital Thus vehicles III avail able Ior any color step It relied upon by Ontar mbuiancs LOCAL GENERAL are ssssrsens Thirstynice new members tossed the Barrie Army Navy Air Force Unit No too at the test ARAI mrcilnl which rIla rd the total membean to ap nroalrrsalcly did The units roal coo members this year at the matters IestiIIi Thea Ire and Dr Reva Gerstein at York University talked to stu dents Rlli ltlonoo rt Bantinr Memorial itch reboot to Allis too At nessomo ol Penetana tltta llnney also oi Pcnetane Ind Itlll Daines pmident ot the Gcorrian Co lere Itudeni rounciL barrister Pbotnt WW til tha Dont ion In the Iirst session last ItiLht hill Wylie Ictt renerai Inanarer TREATED RELEASED Doria Bowman nl Don hiles and Peter honkoulomatie ot Toronto were treated artd relras Province oi Ontario Council tor the Area is tables to students elected ntllclats and repreren Iativea oI Ireneire that brins artistic happenings to the area They were albso to meet rithla limit WW ed lrnrrr Royal Victoria liue ital all Wednesday nlrht alter flier hill Wylie renersl rnanarer tbeIr vehicles collided on turb ot the Stratlord Festival Thea way wit at Essa Road Total Ire Is one oat the edolrhn mtg names was estimated It onion member In he set era as not been survey at this type mull undertaken tor somo time and twocsr collision on turn the NCA saints to tnow what way so near TIIIIrr stress lere ls needed or what people want Wednesday nlrbt caused an es belera ls commits tussle Io tosr simated solo names to tha sub in companies Idea The driven ot the rlt um Nluml icles were IIIrlorle Burscy RR Barrie and Raymond artist or the Toronto Synt ony mam Iioren ot RR Stroud the Itm Giva us more my it cnn ntucrr where hot is thatmthle type oil fight 1qu mint torulllny no 1y Magian MN no on ir way too DI Rm Gllzli north oi the liniiyoyerpass Both gallanmgtllrlim mg Yuk vehicles were shirtde are Unitcrylliy It 5cm vomit here rill the Faculty at Musk It Stout Arineourt and have mu or Toronto are the other may Tm Committed MW ant happened around Darcie la the third community MHHIIUANA and today with Barrie and area residents interested in the committee earned by the when the questions are drawn up the teachers abate techniques tor teachinr mathematics Ind aceordinr In Ilob Graham head oi Itortha mesh department meanlnrtut liaison between thI two levels oi teachinp In re tabllshed in order to teen contin uinr sense at eornoe tion tro pray uhanrgd Lbeteleen the pa lllroorcnu when new winner ls dociatsN Allhourh six schools are per tlcllelnr hlr Graharrr IIld they would be only too happy to admit new schools to the Tha tests are ronueied North edit alter Mules school hours This month trophy was won by tern trorn Iiilcrest school Atty interested Grade teach wishing to tield team tor next month is Invited to cons leet Mr Graham school mathematics rooteet spon Eech month the participatinl schools send turn oi air stu deutI who compete to an hour IJII tt covopgsed or one re one are eltort nt tIWchers It the schools who let lorather to devise cues lion in the scores at the evening they have visited and their trayelr will lets them across the province belere their report is prepared Much oi the time at the mute inns was spent Ilndinp out what in the area ahead and Individuals would like to see hsppcninr The commit tee will also attempt to deter mine what assistance is needed in rdterlisirsr or prornntmr these events and what means Ito best to put artists in touch with grasps who would like to sponsor concerts that is to leter and ut terly nonsrnetinl lit Davie retorted lie raid the letter stated yor emment policy in broad terms arsd did not contain any dlrrev tires to the board the rovemmrnt More the telro centre schema II part the Toroniocentred rerion plan to develop industrial and reen belts in wide area tho be Itlr should be aware oi oucrnmellt policy in the event an appeal oi lta decision on the protect ANAI BOWLING The Barrie Anny Narvl Air Force Unit No not is ortinr the provincial ANAI howlinr championships in Barrie on April In Details have not been mode lost as yet TORONTO CPI Tannin psychiatrist IIld trdnrgday that It Is impossible to west in or In yeara Ior sclrntilic results ot lone rcrs rnarilunna use to the at analysie we are oinr to to make chanres the law belore the inrm cttects oi marijuana come in said Dr Llnnel Sotursh ot To ronto Western Hospital He was commertinr In an in terriew on preliminary renter by the Alcohol rm and Drur Ads diction Research Foundation ur tier Itednosdav which said there were no perceptible physical mental or social problems err cnuntrred by smoislnn meri Iuana daily once short period ot time The tlndiora were based on eaperlmrnts in which healthy men volunteers entokcd mari Itrana on controlled hnsla Dr Solursh raid he wrs not surprlsrd at any oi the ronclo atom reached in the report Its about what you would trom short term orvaurvv NOT WORTII IT Dr Vivian Relotl director oi Itaetlonatd iiront row itre iana chairman oi membership and the Mary Renders pu lietty chairman other metribera oi HELPING HAND IRON ROTARY The Rotary Club It Barrio mo in help with operation association accepted the took adianlaIa ot the annual meeting ol the BI lehrra Annotation to present thI as sndation with cheque tor costs The club has donated Ipproxlmatel IlJoitlotheas soclaiion to air inbn Itc hrsde tell president oi the chews irons Rruea ilroek al the Rotary Club minim lhoiol Snowilurries Snowsquolls To Hit Region Overnight Soowiiurrlrs and anllqtlJllJ roupird with uinds lrom the north to northwest will hit the Barrie arra tonlrhi Iomorroua Iorccaslr all hot sunny sites with cloud periods and conilnulnr cold low tnolrhi is expected to drop to near to with hlrh tomorrow oi our to llrnopsII The storm thst brought Irerrsnr rain and snow to Ioulhrro Ontario Wednesday nlrht uslt move across the southern resions today pursued by snow blouinr snow Itrrlstu north to northwest winds talllnr temperatures The Irrer Inc rein waminr will end this morninr and the Inowtnll will generally be less than one Inch iiowrver one to three Imhu are expected in Inowbeit arros south ol hie Russo and ihrourhout Georaian Ray and italsbruton serious There is also thunderstorm near the storm rentrr tinds with gusts to It miles an hour are ear nested in some sections oi southern Ontario and Georrtsn Day today The winds will de crease and there will be some cleartor overoirbt llowevrr snoudlurries will persist in the snowbeli areas south ct Lake linens and Georrlan Ra ec clrd by snowsolss in exposed areas Friday will he enarally sunny and to Ontario rain endlnr indy today with blowing snow and telling Irm CITY NEWS THE RARRIPI posliraduaio education It the Clur Psychiatric Institute In Toronto said he still did not think marilusna was worth urine because ot th pnssllbe tootterm ill eltects The ions nl productivity and even the possibility ct brsin damare is enough to deter the Is rIllnnai human heirs he sold IcIln addressinr hlmsrlt rtlecls rce itohn crrrcral director It the Canedian Ilcntal lirstth Assoelotlon said the Ontario study strcnrihrna his beliet lhnt alcohol is ter more rcrtous dnip than mnriluana lln described moriluana as cIlrututrd risk that an individ ual Is rntiiled to take uddlnl shot the drur Is mural Ind so rlal imue until scientists show lhnt It does produce harrnlul tts iccts The toundation rtreuscd the preitminery and tentative nature oi their hndlnps Is It re leased the Interim report LIZDAIN REPORT Executive Director Dr David Archibald esid thtt report Wis made public because mate Il THURSDAY lARllI sass Changes In Law Coming Before Long Term Study rlal had been turned over in the tederal LeDain roynl cornmis slots on nonmedical drugs and would turns psrt ot lLr report expected soon The aim oi the experiments was to provide solid sclenttllo lnlrrmstlon tor the poiitlcel do llItO on whether rnariluena should be legalized iteailh hilrslvllr Richrrd lrt ter Isid lslcr he is sorry the terim report was made because the rxpcrlmcnt still is in Its third and Iinai eterc Ali in point to do is disturb scouts Dr Potter aIld scientists are years away trom Nmpleto tennwlcdro about merilunnn its sold he Is morally and medically opprusxi to the irrati satton mariju pereturee beman north to northwest 20 with lusts In it today Partial clearinr and decreesmr winds erernisbt islday mainly sunny and cold Attention temperatures both days In the toe lows tnnlrhl to roe southern Score tindy today with the snow and tails to temperatures ttinds today north to northwest on with gusts to is decreasing tonight to saith lusts to Puma and snowsnuails tordrht mainly neea Lois tiuron and Gaor an Bay Ftlday may with no nods and continuinr cold Alter Nono temperatures today and Erldny in the it LAW tmlzht beer to Hamilton Late Ontario Nta era Frecsina rain endinr morninr htowlnr snow and Iaiiirrp tem peratures Winds bocorrunr north to northwest With lists to it today Plrtlat clelIu decrllaln wtrsdl nwwrpirtat Friday mainly sunny and mid Anamoon temperature both days in the 10s lam tonth to Montreal Weather condense Preestna rain ice pellets snow and blow lrr snow this morntnr cheering In snewtlurrtes later this resem inr and clearinr ith evenins ltlah LII Ill Tndly Tunirbt rd incisor or In so Sarnia it St Thorsten II 15 Irindon it Kitchener II II Iiount Forest id to lnxhnm so so Owen Sound 20 IO hlusisoh llsmilirsn II St Cathanner In Toronto ET Theolors so It Rincston to Is lelcrhnrourh it to Rtllsloe North Bay Sudbury Earltnn hmmtns 15 Kapustaslnl Ilarie plcau la Riser hlvwasoncn std eeuussszs=ussssss=xzer ONORS NEE EDI Your Blood isthe GIFT of LIFE DEAHILO ODDDNOR CANADIAN RED CROSS Windy today with the executive ara Donald Carn eron ticket chairman and list Gladys ausen Exam lner Photo Theatre row Dnua Pearson treasur er William tiller chairman at now prolociat Allen Sar leant chairmen oi ilnanre Gryphon Changes Name on IhcatreI to theatre Is he to stay and will lsiildnilrilidrtre company witch cater to the whole eorrlrs Bey hos conducted llvo pcrtormances rerion In the Coliltr street Untied Secondly rm runner to Churth ill of ill Pill tho most malor theatre companies trill has had its nIme rhsns carry the name at their sponsors est in the Georrlan ihcotro in organisation to stress the Ilrs ltary ltnwdcn mem bood ot mutuli trust hoween ber ol the board uI sliroctora oi the two the Georrlan Foundation Inc the Pertorrnlnr Arts sold the hoard decided to shame the name tor two reasons The that permanent ominous about BLOOD DONOR CLINIC TUESDAY MARCH 1th MO to 300 500 to 830 TRINITY PARISH HALL 24 Collins St Next To Post Oiltea noun IIIIO IIAI DONAIIZI Arryeea In roost health It to It yun aot restricted tor medical reasons yraraid boy may with permission et pareat er ruardlan tttris bclwcro lI eat It years at are MAY NOT doaatr minimum monthly hIlanee JOE PILLA lit NEW CAR Ilurt be delivered by March tlrt We have sit Rsw curs In stock lcrneesura IMMED ATE DELIVERY SADlONSCOII noroos Lru BARRIE Its rhnoronn If you arent rottinpthis on your savings deposits you dont use our Bonus Savings Account The hiunici iSevians Loon Corporation as Dunlo treot East Barrie Ontnrio lei DOING7200 Please call collect Our hours of business are Monday to Thursday 900 em to 500 pm Fridays Imto000pm Saturday ant to 300 pm the municipal saw gs loan corporation Arubaidlerynl Ilunlcipaitlantrrs Corporation Itlll limited bliiiihllltrEANADA DEPOSIT lbSUltANCE CORIIIRATIDII IIAIP censuses About to per rent ot the It the heme oi school children in the hrariilIn Ilnnal theatre state or ulnar lerals suitor erroneous nurses to res not rest that the horn intestinal pIrIsltrs