IszosDlAnBMtuIt Romain to shunts mm timid Bollard We at nhldiedaas ee le events hare sistaisrnrhuattslrstalsone missiothsam lheeottnnadedslirntsadeeesm WombWalnuts Gaiters mausubntdng tnateriels arieun University tor surly as another ties in IN CMW President Nisoor has hostum Grant Criticized For Group vrey start but out Said To Be DevilWorshipers OTTAWA mm mean was Pi tor dth as to Towns dart my SIP VIIIea Nubia dumbed as widely nperted htr Habit IOIIIdl raising the matter in the said dopsIt attrprtas him that the gosertnnent would on done devil worship livid 0mm stated Bed tag winter work went to grant known as th Promoter Marat Judgment The counts rile ems people Mr Ncshitt said But be add the group is widsly ham to prunota devil worship with its attendant rites and rttua ran must be tba liberals Eldon Woolltna tPCaigsry alarm elected External Altsin Minister IIldseIt Sharp Ietin prime minister white htr au was In Toronto said the lication by the mailed II orgaovr lutlon had been endorsed by the EPA the lianh oI ltotd seal lit Ontario health depart ment the Tomas Doctan Itas Piilt Ind seriallyretarded centre ta that the govcmsocsstt asked one TIP Girls Released WINDSOR OnL CPI jlbrns ityearold lists chuged with mortal murder in rornseetion sh the Jan as death ot Itatdstope out man were releuod irom custody Wednesday under the liail Ito tonu Act francs Rich and Brenda larocous both oi Windsor and Astrid White or nearby ttaldrn Townabip wcro chlrgtd io getlarr with live men yho re inIiI In mind The eldat were charged Itter toward Craig ZI was lound Jrnusry is lying at aittttndserl foileet corner Its died in hoIpI Isl later In the dry Itllowance Change OTTAWA CPI The lser ory board assumed travel at lowm dill es Wednesday designed to ma Ilia condon abla without being sum tissue or sslrrvagnat tor travel civil servants htnsllluded arnI new pmisionll ow ernpoyrea spec situations to be reimbursed when private aircrslt snowmo biles and other certain private trownod vehicles are mod on government burincos As well civil servants wiit ss eetve maximum miles II towanca oi tilt cents to tar use oi private In on govern meat tardiness The Iiiovsancs tor meats and Incidental expen Ios not Including hotel was raised to in day trom till Another new rovhion Iiiows the nextottin In Injured em ployer to travel to the employ ers location at govemrnenl el pense Bus Battle Over WASHINGTON itleulerl The Senate ended Wednesday hitttr electionvyesr battle over busing children to schools by approving st to tilt billion United States education bill ttut belors iinIl passage the Senate deicatcd by only cns vote lost motor attempt by Souihcrncrs to block busing which is aimed at achieving social balance in schools by it to t7 the Senate heat back on nmcndmrnt to Ilrlp todtroi courts pi their powers to Issue orders requiring munda lory busing tiariior two other amend mentl that would have blocked cliuris to Inrce children to be In this world theres always room for one more iiitiiiigiiiililb no Collyow Welcome Hostess now Phono rressst ora Irmpwted on schools Impossst to rant bow el Ilda their neinhorttoods we easin tested IOIIN WNRO Drug Warning OIIAWA tCPt danger our dru rnirttra ls being sold in III Itooa tilicll drug snar let itraith ltiniler John Alum said Wednesday The rnlsttno contain heroin and the hallucinatory drug ups and is being sold in cIeIr gela tin estxuica II inlstura ol brown and white powders spokesman has its tlunro said no serious illness or death item the mixture has yet been reported statement Irom llr ltunro said tntornsstlon available to my oiiiu indicates that some young people In the ttamtlton area are tIltn the drug by intravenous tniectoh Not only is lIDA danger ous drut but the addition to it at heroin poses adorable threat cs peetatly since people may or rhare the mixture thinking to contain only tiDA Ind be use Issues the presence alt heroin ongyurge peope not to use this dangerous mixture Hard To Estimate TORONTO tCPi Treasurer Darcy llctteouns told the On tario legislature Wednesday it is SYLVANIA TREE Nodal CTOPTC Personal rlrpbono Itradgnartrrr ior lylvasia Television paving oi the Atom Ittghway punytohssitisrnthtoutssrv beta to Inspersiienr has an oicd but he said some pics havaIItsdthstlt Onusdaiicrlisrrh 1m New Dramatic leader pbnskltshadukodiitbo axial tortilla pinequ oi machinery Iud soul wrssid be Intended odor am what It was to have grind it was started all htr lielioough said the net to that would he to Indians In last OTTAWA CPI About It cent oi the men in Western WM i411I or In Iodi Ins although tans rnIhI rm Irmion oi inadas poputa Indian Senaior Guy Williams laEdith Ooltunbiai IIksd wby Wednudas and members oi the National TIrniI hoard spooning bcIorI Senate cone mitirs looking Into the purple system tried to answer Parole board member lilo chart Itaecauso said that In Northern Alberta Indians IIItilts her as per cent at the lotion blrtirsperceotoitha IitIssd LITloll population an atom situation Senator Williams asked whether tndians Ira iaiorrned about parole opportunities in way they can understand and whether they are paroled II ottcn as other prisoners sr 35 52553 95 its Urges Highway WASHINGTON lATi Sella tor ttlke Gravel itIs asked President Nixon to authorise continued negotiations with Can nda aimed at reconstruction and The Alastta Democrat said Wednesdsy he has written Nixon urging reconsideration oi decision to stop the negrtltsi tions which were authorised by legislation last year Orsrel said in statement that the president called all the talks the assumption that milk would not warrant the Alarkatiansda highwa protect Ind alternate modes ot trans IATEA AND tIEIlVlCtl Quality Psaarentc Ind porisiton are developing GERRY VAN AlIBlJVOORT is pitIsrd In Innouucs thr opening of his new television centre Ouryr part three years II trchni In Ior Philips in ttoiiand then rode engineer tor Radio CHOW Weiidnd mt more recently it years at CKVMV ibr tIrt III as assistant rbtet engineer GRAND OPENING PORTABLE RADIO with your purehlss nsw 20 Panasonic Panacolor TV This is tar screen color portable with ciean smut lines and unmatched Inrronte quality inside It tenures muslin rstl Ict color control illuminated Panaloclr Alt cortisol amniotic degsusatus IF Iisgrl noise smelter circuit Ildomatie color control clmslta rel Ind turret tuning speedovtaton slide lever controls for volume color Ind tint Illuminated twitch rscotkon switch Vill dipole and Uttl bowdia antennas oval dynamic speaker Dircsst handle Rosewood or walnrrt grain cabinet Solid stair engineered fontplcls with palm 26 COLOR TV CONT Cab Iinhh OGibrIlthr ht chants Olliih Voltsgs Triples OPlugsln transistors lOolor Bright no picture tuba CAPT PermsTint Width Broth SGOWAN SIREET BARRI Flotsam35h can investment sod with their wit open and secure locations in the world or Investment by non residents less ads the Commons was told Wednesday his tor the Irderst markrtlng Igency tor grain said the baud will accept its million burbelr dross Includes Students Awarded TORONTO CPI Sdhiar shlps have been Ivsrdad to air university students under illnd murals to honor the sass mto0uiariootmzius The moo Khoisrahips In nooneei Wednesday by George Kerr minister oi cotieres and universities wattle Gre liomdeski Univer Iliy Iter inastudy nuthemslieatt sols DI on dare GlenyI Tucson also oiVorhthIlimilInTlsm JEANLOO TZPIN lissuros US OTTAWA CPI Theda litre lsterlsaotue Pepin extended assurances to some Uh lister era Wednerda about the gov ernments cnmtar policy so torrign investment prepared test at his re marks wIs dcliverodvie report ers alter ha spots to micsgo te minister slid governs Mnld loreign lntesisuent polls etu shortly to be put betprI Parliament will be constructive Ind responsible All can tell you at this ttms Is that they will not be reirose tve that they will not eotstl discrtmlnslon against Ameri Int lenssniaiion that Canads remIln one oI the most To Buy Less Oats OTTAth lCIi Tile Cana dlon whrrst board will buy com aiderIbK mars wheat and bar Iey lo earning crop year but Otto Lang minister responais oi wheat loll million bushels oi srssuuo $59995 iso 0n Dis lay is This SYLV NIA KIttPOTtAItY CONSOLE torso trItnrtIgs 1an in handsome llalnul oval speaker Ills litilM Tla last till it Wu dd Come on over to from the worlds tlnesl maltAthenas Conquest barley mallripened togolden perfection under the western prairie sun Heres beer the way beer should game My Imiin 0T retaliate Mussels ImportantRoio maa ITONTNZAL Ol CIde Ila pywlnmwmhAmerteansmedtmlm exacts leading to Untied NIi aim is to thins Til Urges Rowston OTTAWA il ThI Tim Gill Untrme missus said Wednesday tag and Urban Delvioprncnt As Iociation oi Canm recom Prot IIui Lin said Canodas undIrItanding oi develome marshal Plotbcsday IhIt built lag regulations to sense urban within the Peoples Republic oI centres be revised lo allow con tains and the establishment oi Madam ILL the nine or you old inaction at smaller houses on Midi mud Trailer lots to tbs benclli ol Prat Us is director oi the lowincome tandth my Irg1 tillers Services Held TOROIIIO OI MIT services were held Wednesday tor two Irwin Node titre detectives litiad in gun lilo early The senior Inc III chsel Irwin was bold in Ram Catholic chords and the smite tor Detective Douglas Sandals In United thumb tlundrvda oi policemen lsorn out at two attended the recr icrs tor the two lldd by This William lines while theythvrs tlgatad complslnt It subur baa spartment building COME VISIT US ill CALGARY When In Calgary coma and us our tiommana liail ol Farm on Calgary Export Its brewed tasteburstan with avour alive with deepdown oatistsctlon Irom the very iirst glass Roach tor Calgary Export arned mansized thirst the grounds ol bus brawlty which wsssstablished In less Entoan collection oi ristosie posts and western Csnldtana dating bacit overhuoyssrs Looting lomrd to meeting you useI Manual aiprtyltlltugltidlialll Coma rinnro commas Come on over to Calgary Export Its big bold and beautiful