Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Mar 1972, p. 4

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Id Iaytis Walls Editor insertion City Council City carnal moved this week to pro rlde more practical and acceptable bus service tor the people at Barrie it called lor lenders to cover more routes coin pared to the present tour and bring service to within ooeel th oi mile pt 80 per cent ot reside It the leaders are low enough council may enlertnto an agreement or three to lireyear period with the snccesslui bidder it the lenders are too high In the opinion at council the city could relruim to straight public operation ot the se ce Councils action was based on trans station study made by consultants red Veehees and Assoela er ot Toronto This lism estimated that under private operation the service would require an annual subsidy oi $40030 based on an Ire come 01 nine per cent in the number at patrons The limit oltered snurnber oi bus routes Corlncil accepted alternate 3i which calls tor the seven routes which would be linear bssicatly with at each end This means that the es would go and return on the same streets thus providing better service by reducing the length ot trips most people must make to get downtown or one One oi the drawbacks is the suggested interval ot service The buses would run at hallahour Intervals during pealr periods and every hour the rest ol the DOWN MEN VEARS AOO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner liarcii iOtt Duncan lIcCuaig KC accepted chair manship Slovene County Committee tor Canadian Aid to China lund Jack ilonkrnsn Installed Precepior itount Calvary Knights Templar at llasonie Temple Barrie Drama Club present ed two playlets st literary Ilaii iiaiter ot Dreams starring Butte tendon and Earl Gilroy and Brothers in Anna in which Noei Stephenson starred as tonnes big businessman wantin return to city ville while his wile ii ds desired to remain in cabin In the woods or North ern Onta iiirs Elda Cadogan was dis color directed by in Ross rendered selec Ittons Per White brilliant bung 1Canadian contrailo lealured at arrio Community Concert In Collier 5t Untied Chutdl the artist and Iilrs It Fisher presented bouquet ol liowera Wes McKnight native ol Toltenham and graduate Barrie Collegiate named director or programs radio station CFRD On vsit here es recalled 20 years as sportscaater All Pilgrim cau ht IZpound lake trout lrorn shanty olt iinots Point Charles Srsgrarn and Osmond Rowe purch OUR ECO OM ARIA Interest rates which have been declining in so rent months trons the hglr lava isle attained In the tart boom may be turning upward again The bond market to stronger and higher yields new ara mil to nanca the abla to investors who iika that stand at security than was the core law months ago Rates on aiiortterrn loans Ihavs also edged upwards The harsh oi Canada appears to be res ndln in the usual way red as ncraaaa In the money aupply but some observers se rapld Increase in WARNINOI CANADA Riel that bank liquidity is not ncreaatng much and that the bunks are not lending as trrtly as they normally do READY TO IERkl It may he tha banks are deiib ernleiy trying to moderate the rats at recovery and prolong tha currenl rnvemcnt In the general bus can picture They certainty remain ready to serv lce all normal demands tor strands is sect last week on suygovernoro DanLyol enada called aticn lien to these and other trends and concluded that the banks are playing larger rota in the total amount at linancing ol lite private sector at business One reason tor thls la the rapid growth inconaumer loans Ill Wm rand other terms at common crcdit Another is the larger Iahorn nt housing mortgages handled his the banks Thay are also hnnd ing is larger ahara oi lnuiness linssnclngi on they di In the past At some point he suggests rthere will be need tor some rcirulIdIn at llguldliy end it rconsldera In bull LIE ot nsrctr in othcr words his lonns cont cunltrrun to be lrccly nvnilnlrin on the basis vl currcot Interest 111 DOB ll about March is in it it was known Iilatorlans can deal on liiaia be administrative them the lame leave his as not our used law practice ol boys Boys one oi Iongesteaiabilshed legal iirms In Barr rte John Days KC remains in ad mu lies isolated by psraiysingb zsard worst snowstorm in many years in Lila hicPhee presented throu interrnisston BCI Glee Club pm Among those who spent night on trs 1111 Ilowden introduced by Higher Interest Date May Be In The rates unless there is more Although ha states the lamb lngs lem now Is in position be hunk credits at an expend emy he suggests banks need Out Litre Ii Lamb It might be wondered wheth er inuis Riel knew the saying out like lamb weather iorecssti it described his own circumstances it he had Iiiver upstairs nl ltdllelo Ila ortharlghtloiiiia and other settlers to air over the territory that hid been governed ma tiny Company since tort lie uni sIsrcersiuI in Hill the settlers ot Ruirai chowan which had become in thought that Dell could give ship They eraiiaded to Saskatchewan to in into every itclls tsrnily uoa Otto lUtttttt Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Irl Street Barrie Ontario James Robb vailnhsrvOmIai Manager McPherson Managing Editor FRONTDAT lulu ms 7AGIA Is Mowing To Improve Bus Service day An hourly service Is not mods en couragement to use buses except by peo ple who have no other means oi tinny portation But until such time as the public can be persusded to avail them selves ot city buses council cannot give snore lreouent service without incurring huge operating detidl At present buses are used only by the elderly the very young and by peo ple without cars Obviously the city ours to encourage others to use buses and leave their cars at home In this cate ory would be housewives making wee iy shopping trips lloweverssiong ass woman has car she might hesitate to leave it at home and depend on an hourly service The consultants report rails tor clear and ellicient network ol bus stop rigna concise route the sand lor advertising ol schedules in oi or words public reia lions job would be done to malse eopIe more aware ot the bus service olcred Certainly with most people owning their own cars public bus service laces precarious luture Rut positive steps to improve service should help As result it some people with cars can he sold on the idea using buses more lreouent service would be osslbie in she tuture and the city icii would sop Some tonn ol bus service is essential his city at this size ORY LANE Ry TARMIZTI TISMNOTON Ottawa Dnreau at The Barrie Examiner tildilora Notes This la the grrnnld gt ivepaatuahes 01 23 Illnll United hlallialdrnilal rt room to Library board llaurlce in ayatrnt which eltal ilines installed president laycces cesium many Canadians Sunday musican Barrie Collegiate Band netted ssos collection tor Save the tllldtcplfomiroitieriiri Children tund Farmers liarket mov to In In my ed trom main lines Town Hall to Board lions age poce as campaign or Worits building iilulea ier St is with the Proturn Parson or train trom ioro to stru gled Ilhllvlitil II may um mnld pressure and human as they canon there people Cralgvslo Siroud station about 1030 In mm um um mm the convention is cut and dried rain were ilr and tire lleor is he mu mm Corliss siidilrsndhlrs1cslieC illicir gummy prep up returnlng trom motor trip to Florida in roelccndr orI Ia lhe dare They left ear in city ho ngtogethorne with President Nixon this CNtt Also on iron were Gordon year in this event the convrn poly birthinwygyyn insulin Iriditni rs amcs rail hon in and Airs For its and Mrs 11 yttgygpmg airtight Saunders and bah son ilr and ilrs or Crai on Church lleiblsnriter ot Sun hill ill iillilli amen bill it nidale John Smart oi Collin ood Train to other eaaeslaiielr as Allin the was visited by it Simplr Examiner Democrats this tear the son Innistti writer who travelled by show it it till ituiullien Ill very spirited shoeacrorslannlieldrtromiiighwayti mmuon mm by roll call oi the states Delete this also capacity Shncoe County com sonar was later place each state deiega lion has met and agreed or agreed to disagree on its choice and strategy It slate ulahra it can pass and be rally ed again as the end at tho ai phahettsai roll call This II tactical measure deal ed to galntims and to sea ow the trend oi voting Ia going among the other state delegations Sometimes on in ivhinnl deiai gate will hold up proceedings by cutting tor the polling nt lhe sletca delegates This Is done mg mm mm when he believes the delegation wins obylmuly mm chairmen is in error or as sort oi wnmlng to the business 0i uvluilllt tip the voles community to be prcplrod oi aprrlilc riciegnlra highercoat money In the page One candidate must gain luture unless its demands lor maturity tor election but deci credit can be modems stars are alien made on the tirat tslllhl lwrwlhlltls oi Itspulrllcan Presidential esndldniea and one Otting larger return on their teens and bank assets bigger reserves esaonn Ing man STORY In Like Lion in ilaytieid surcl Darria Ontario Telephone tiniest Second Class lisli illustration lluuber out ltaurn portage guaranteed llailys bludaya and statutory Iioltdsra excepted given all acres oi land The Subscription rules daily by Saskatchlwan srlllera hoped rnrriereocwrekly Nim year they could get the armadeai in Iy Single copies the Dy mail list but conditions were great ppmY giggly me 51mm Iy dillerent So was lasuia liirl county mm party put Church leaders In the area did Pl Clnldl 12000 yssrirs Al notlrusttllolPalhrrAndrshnd other revetm wuo rrnrli been present at meeting in llotor throw oti tattle year December oi tilt when Iiielbr vauorrt Aorcrtnrns Olilmi lerrd to abandon the lirtla it Oueen lit West Toronto and ralurntoiientana ii the test Mir and Mo Oalhcart 111 arai government paid him tie lionlreai one Pusher Andra told Lipupy Member oi the Canadian Press Dewdney that llail would Ieova Ind Audit Duresu oi circuit the country II he were paid It tour 000 or tidbit 0n llarch ihaCanedian Preaaiaeseiun Ital Father Vourmand warn tvrly entitled to the use tar re bla parishioners not in take part pub Icalion oi all news dispatch in revolt and said llIRL tiwno es Isltiais opcr credited in it or hrI look up emu would he in its Asulslnted Perri or licutrr Pillfti ill Illiimwll and plan iha local news puhllsha Riel wns iurious denounced mm the priest and sell the spirit ot Mil lIlliiliiif Ciliiiil and mu my the rpm up Copyright In all original adver lloma lie Riel would be their tiles and editorial nralcrlai ers pricsi ulod by its employers and produced In thii newspaper OTIIIlellttltcii thtNTli Copyright Ilrgistrnlion Numlt ttutCunruln issued three but must reshtrr it cool stamp OWRIAN In like Ion more than says rest hallnt alted ada ior Canada by the Red Istrlci In Ital sort ol iaadrn him in In Iiontinn and at Aggriinal visa csrsrss COMMENT Many Steps Precede Vote For President hall at Democratic candidates have been lint ballot choices since the civil war but it look it ballots to nominate John Davis in mi in lots Preaia dent Johnson was nominated by aeeiamaiton and tits Isms think will probably happen to Presi dent Nisan this year at the lit ii Ilemberl oi the Elmore Cni liltihlltltl convention Tlie VieePrcrIdsnt la tradi tionally chosrnh the soccerslut Presidential irian and by law hey party ieaiers Tbs dail egates aattly thlacheica In the rs elvlhscon vantlon acoics is alien anee thapartya ticket geogra phically aridtn appeal to cor lain voter blocs rather than how good President he would make it he had to succeed to that oillcs liowaver in more recent times with the deaths ot Presidents Roosevelt and Ken nedy In oilice more thought is given to the VicePrcaldrollal rhoca Till RLECTORAL COLLEGE Another araa ol contusion tor Canadians Is the 05 Electoral College system This even con tusea many Amrricaru many oi whom do not realise they do not QUEENS PARK directly elect the President and VieePreridens The toasting lalhera were lraid eI direct election by the people and the Electoral College was devised by Alexander 11am Iilon It bu survived over toe attempts in Congress to abolish has In each state equal the master at Senators end Ilevro seniailves trons that state All elector cannot be member at Cungs ora Mhaldinmlwmaf lodrilllullllte The Oihod oi the Commhns Friday the go acircdng electors is tell to In lilltll on how well he will baiv dividuai state law In some states the names oI ol Lucien Rivard who sci E5 itch BEE arg 32335 E5 Es a2 Imummlmled caou therailaneledionm ing sonsinclude the Yves Geollrrry escape ease the at tack on the Unvrnpioyrnentln cursor on eiilce in Dathaml ND Inst ihunday the delay in sdwa et govern inent iorelgn state ment and trade talks with the United states Thm are others lost it an um can captured mi Ours rnons attention last week and are expected to dominate the daily question period again Ihil wee PART INCIDENT CITED The disappearance at roo vicied wileatraatgler Oeollruy atler be had been let out at prison on Use at to marry his mistressrevives linger memories oi past islum In dents that have embarrassed the liberals Toe most notable during the years at the Lester Pearson government was the see escape was brln held in Bordeaux tail in Men est while the UR govern meet sought bir extradition an Irharges oi traiileing in narcol cs On In Apritni with the thennornrter read it greu be wu granted pe alert to ood the prison skating rink Its use the hose to go errrths watt Raymond Denis assistant to liberal ministers in the mid ltooa later was convicted oi oi tering bribe to have Rivaad released on bail and was sen lencrdiotwo sarsinIsii ilr Denis own up again In the Groltroi case its was working wit Oeolirsy on the appeal oi his conviction at the ltma oi the escape and was munch at the Crotlrey woe is ernmrni war rchsalng to divulge turtiisrintermatien on the ease SHARP RRLUCIANT mic aatbe 31 STATDTINT ANAHED The Ioreignowoerrhip po statement now has been sued tor two months and its leisur riral has become somethingiel an issue in ItseU At one time Prime minister nudeeu said tbmgovernrnrnt might Issue the statement be less dariatnaa The date was pushed leeward and now the prim minister the tier statement will no be reused until there Is lesiaistlon to go with it Both Oenservaiiva Leader Robert hianillld and NDP leader David tents argur Ca nadians should have the policy statement to consider belora the legislation is introduced They as to hold It but is contradic on oi parliamentary democracy Theta she Ia moisten the government is holding back be cause it wants to alter the state ment TRUDIAU NONNIIIUTAL Asked last week whether any ehanges were being made My New said 1hsriocumrnta we are work Ingon wssra Iniprovtefglm are in trout we wt condone to do so imttl we iael they are ready to be made public The opposition wants to know what cpressures axon causing what anger when she polth to berompisie was supposed last December And thay say Mr Md has not yet explained why ha tests It necessary to allacls the policy statement to ieghlatlon The CanadaUh trade Issue mains on oran emailed In oppo til Wells is Whodmisc no nos mummgngm are excessive concessions on such irritants the Un Canada auto part or the do tcnreaharlng agreement he tvraen the two counlrlrat ilr Trudeau said It days are the Presidential and VicePresk 7mm nd debillltlndldli WW ll Itiitchailshar alaldhvcodldlndl 51 Ist alH whims ballot on llMilW Il in WT reveal how rollroy obtained adala willintclollnhaha states only the names is the el eclers chosen by earls party ap pear in still others both names oi the candidates and the names oi the partys electors ap pear but the winning slate oi elec tors is bound by custom or by law in some states to cast its votes lor the Presidential and Visa Presidential candidates chosen at Its own pnrtys con vantlon US Labor Leader Against Shiites now onrinn Queens Park harm or an suntan while George Mean preaidrntot aAPIICloma alateneit which hunt re ceived the attendee it deserves The US trade union leader and most powertui labor man In America came out against alriltri at least as they are re sorted to bow lie was reported as saying that strikes no ion er maiie sense and should elimi niw Irtk it it is me as can would lid lug arbitration to would not abroiutsi take awa the right to strike in he won severely curtail it One proposal ha males is that arbi isllnn be binding Ior at least year Then it union round it all bed deal it would be entitled ttrirlke An AP Cit committee Is at present studying Lise whole strike question WORRRIII AOIIERT Our top Canadian are have shown little enthus arni Ior ilr ileanys position Donald Iliaeilnnaid head oi the Canadian labor Couriers reportedly said that he didnt see why we should get so lip tight about strikes that they represented only small minorv ity ol the sum or at labor sei Ilemrnta in year Iurt how many at his tollowv era and their isniilier arm with ilr Itnclioneidl One has in wonlrr One oi the strong reasons Iir Ileany gave tor saying strikes labor icsd now didnl make sense wut dlanlpllve rllret they now have on workers said their Iairilllel tn the surly dnya at trade union development he Inlcd out it was at question ut ghting Lsteluu2sl to better wages st to cents an cars television sets and was too touchy hour New wills wages oi true year workers have homes an ally higher ateninnii oi Ivlug and they can be quickly hit by strike but above this in the general interest strikes are discordant and lnieriere not only with our ecunollilo but our social welt being It obvious to any ohiacllva person that It practical alter native cnn be worked out It out desirable TOO TOUCIIY Ihy lhg hleany rtntrmenl is so important to us here In Can adn nnd Ontario Is thol it rspras rents the one mlllllc hope tor motor step ahead in laboure iatlona For we wont do it on our own Wears too alrald Dilr has become obvious Labor wont do it Some years Igo David Archer president at the Ontario Federation oi Labor actually spoke out aloig somewhat the same lines as its liesnyrnow is advocatins but there was the one statement and that was all Presumably it question In labor politics BIBLE THOUGHT lrblrh also said Ya men at Oattler vrhy stand ya gulng up late heavrnr this same lraur which Ia taken up trena you into heaven shall so sense In tlita satanan as ye have seen him go into heaven Arts iril While we are impressed with man going to the moon lets not target that the Son at God may soon be coming irem tisaven The stage In rat tor Ilia return Now would you act it you knew it were todoyl iatr there iora Ior know not what hour Iourlrer demonic pr passport to leave the country ecause the RCMP thought such ihe Intonnalion would hinder Its in pears vesttgational bum vs go ways on this one said Conservative source hidax Not out as the government looked in crousonibeinlorma lion thay have ravtaird but now theyre making lhemsrivaa Tonight pm and ans concessions ilr lowlr said Friday It ap dub llaeltrlatsl tags am birinl erae ea er ihsiedaratelrctlln milinelelectlen thigth be morls year an it tlen iirr predirtylt wlii yells thisarprbisiy and are behaving cma manner their prediction MW ion liinui DEIURESIIILOR ltimtiam when AI DUNLOP 31 We DARRIE ONT NOW PLAYINO CISCO PIKE AT 7115 LA REBEL AT 905 Harmonies croutons mrnraayosnsloavnaal Poisson uiebkreisdlylhtlrriottloat MACAOWAIAI li

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