rm tr uric new we NEWS RO UP SaysOttowaMayBeLooicol lBut Not Most Convenient OTTAWA Di blunt Altaira blinioier llltebeil Bun osnOiinowonhtboIlecai liaatly lhmgh tho three amiable second ciaurrens ploeo but perhapo not tho boost retirement lor continuing euro theta between the United States and thin He told reporters Monday the Coaodian roeni would certainly ro no ebiectioea to having OttowI chosen II the site too such lliht ed at tellersup to at Nitrds The minister hailed tlr hls violilnmdl radishnaenelr some tharedtapooleilyhalt no matrtpaoornaiorolepln breaking down busters between tho two powers lie suggested New York might be more monsters place then the Canadian eopilol both the mince Peoples Republic and the tin have delegations It Headquarters there although tho two countries do not ban oillclti diplomatic reiotinoa with one another lir Sharp apparently was an oworo thtt presidential oido iieary tiltsox er brieng re use in Shanghai hetero llr latatl return to tho Uh in oiiect ruled out New York as tho diplooalie contact peluL US erahury more said it won the early to know whether titan will ho tho place for dittolib deolinu Killed in Crash cone on so peanut father of two died lion doy when his tonheruch lood of gasoline exploded ones with nice with Ciili Might train motile lirldelu of Omar Ont oyporently skidded about too yards downhill lnle tho ilighooy 11 level crossing hil tinfntho third eor oi the linear tr The teen pilons ei mallet In tho Shell Cam le huth exploded on im dernoiiohe tag tho truch deniiiag lost of the tutor ears Two at tho trIin crew Iuiforod minor burns when the caboose caught tire The explosion could ho am no mlieo away in Ottawa and Ille men were still pouring water on the darned wreckago oi the troia three hours otter tho sals hop To suds Trial woonsrocr Ont or ii An OatIrlo Diploma Conn Jury decided tiendoy lhtl Nonnon ll iilgnell 3i should be tried on charge at ca itIl murder Dr Dasil 0r lord oi the Clarke institute ol Pryeblolry in Toronto testified Digneli was lit to atond trial The trial ol Dlmll charged to the October rose shooting dcoth of Onasiobie Taoism Bloch was odioarnod until today The constable woe totally wounded when he and tnoiber oiileer were attempting to re turn Bigoeli to mental institu tlen Blgneli we that in tho chest in tho brlel exchange it guniire on Woodstocka rnI street during the rush hour Reiunds Nailed OTTAWA CF total oi transom in Income in re load has beepi molied tox erosoior isyear elev Virile department said linndoy The department has sent out 299520 cheques with an over age rchrnd of about till each by the same time last year 41560 cheques totalling its mil lion had been mailed with an avenue reiund of $111 dcparlnittllhl ommsn arid there are more re sthis your hecouso the till returns are coming in littleearlier than the 1970 returns did the department Ls processing them taster Dy tienday 1070319 relnnss bod been received lrom Coo odat 35 million taxpayers Language Bureau TORONTO CP The oiiieo Is comfortable enough with waiting room and eubhybcles for interviews Theres an eager staff ready to rollthree cleric who ape total of it languages But the new iangnoges hu reon ot Torontuo city boll doesnt have on ahvndsnca customers The people are not exactly heating path to our door admits Dennis Flynn tho rooa in chores The bureau was planned loci November to help pcoole who speak and understand little JOHN TURN Deiends Decision MIAWA Finance hiiniater Inhn Itnler hicndoy defended internment decision to remit to million to safer tam to Great Coaadion oil Sands Lid saying that special circumstances dictated tho de riders lll Donor laid NIJP leader David tools that Greet Cann dioa completed pllnt tor tho Ill berta protect to extract petro leum train oilsands before Iaieo tax was lm red in list but it did not be construction null otter production equipment was oaempted from tho to in MI Greet Canadian incurred re riens tiaandal lattes allu pro duction began and sought rernlae aloe oi the aolrs tax not only on mien equipment but on and its plant Resigns Iorce OAVIA CPI oil 90 lleo detective recently cleared hyaeoronoroittryhllllyr opoasihiiity in the death at ieiiow eliieer announced his reolgnailw born tho Iom Mura tiiuoa Dloek who was rated tried to appear heforo the puilco commitlion loliowing tho death of Del Brian listened cold he decided to leave because at the publicity the lauuesi received lir Blocks lawyer Arthur japan said he beiiavra his cli eats resignation will cancel Iny eornmieald on hearing on the toe Ellr Evideaca wu ion the two detectives tough each other three dayo hetero the death Singer injured WNDON AP Former licaile George Harrison and his in wile Patti were inlured Monday night when their car olnlek 1th barrier dividing rupee hlghwsy nenl louder ltorriaon ti had blood alreaming down hh lace and his wounds were stitched at Maidenhead horpltoL Patti Ti wos treated or concussion hospital Ipohetmon said They have had inch escope outcomels lhdbllkllld The aluhaa ruartabia lint riaaalta mmdotiea pen Blame Mth the man HUM harm or John whilst be dismissed Kent Canvboii odded lhtl the officer woa apt dabbled ht any ortionho took hole the rte ind boeIusa he did note in report that yesseg mans lo we tootzn Isa ldi lhtl thel Ill wareclad sold lioyor Camp hell who heads the pellet corn asisaitn inquiry Begins lROCKVlLLE CPI All to gain Into the operation oi roclvllle General lloo llIl heron liondty with In dry rinsed teaolon The inquiry headed by Dr Rosa itunbull oi Dorrie wu breached um dispute be tween the hospital stall and quIgemeni timbers oi iaesairy said re met woald be siren in Ihout to yr The inquiry is being con ducted by representatives oi the Ontario allege oi Physicians Ind SWIM the Ontario birdi eal Assoclolion tho Ontario iiosplloi Aseorlotion out the 0n torto lloepital Services Commit Iiott Criticizes Woman TORONN CF LIan habit veteran crusader toe womens rights criticised young militant teminist Monday night for saying women want control oi their bodies Responsibility to male tho declolpn as to what you do with your bodythats another reat tor shot member at the Toronto Womens Csuevs during oueaUen period allowing seminar entitled Womens Struggleo to 1m lire Sahlo who hu an open ilno radio program in st CIth arlnes said she is polled Il questions of somo of women who telephone her heir think ins has not shoved fast lost The msiority the women Ircuntl youdo they reolly want the tillage weto lighting tort aha asked Violence Warning NORTH BAY Ont CPI cl would bo lnvllin bloodshed it it took over the mo nicipal transit operation oi the rtrttebourd Chertrmyr Co Ltd which operates it buses in this Northorn Ontario city council was told Monday night lloyd Domier irolilc man our for chartrrwoys told would not Lyslac ll uniting police tie said the charge was minor rnatier involving only the lhmwing of candle SLIIIN CllllPLIlINS FUNERAL John Cardiml lieeasa ten or loroground wearing miter rode the funeral procession tor hellish army chaplain The Attorney To Withdraw Last Of Kosygin Charges TORONTO CPI Drown Air ioruey William Doha will with rIw the chosen in the last rose to he heard in series trial lmolvlng ll persons arrested tiring demonstration last 0e toher oraioal Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin lir Babe said Monday he rusenaie tlamnn god with as The triIis which look six dayt and involved it charges were adiouroed until Thurme when hit babe and delenca lawyers Arthur hielnoey and Douglas Crane will present cou rlndrng arguments iudxmcnt an the charges which concern assault on poiieocreatlag North Oil Strike Renews Interest In IceFree Zone II under loyoar agreement conscii tbst to run bitten oiace the workers went on little Feb would be disastrous To attempt to rub bases dur log 1th situation invites viol once Iod possibly bloodshed Contract negotiations broke all Feb Tier the workers oil but three drivers motorways OTTAWA CF The oil airlhe on Ellesmere Island to the CInadiIu Arctic archipelago has rentwot Interest In the North Water lorgely ice lreo one in Smith Sound he ltweden Ellesmere and Green ice expert tloiro Dunbar oi the Delenre Research Board saldhlondly that it might be possible ior huge oil tankers to note use oi the lceiree area lur yrereeuod shipmeuu out oi Ellesmere liiss Dunbar Row over the re with the city and has cem pieied little more than three years oi the current contract Deputyvhlayor Richard Don nelly ted council that it eould serve notice cl drtauit and ii Chartcrwoys remains In driauil oi its contract the ronlrnct would be terminated iho injuries do not Ipprar to be aerious The accident occurred during power blackout Embargo Urged UNITED NATIONS till Ailr The United Nations SI curlty Cornell relied upon all hery ta riot countries Monday to adhere to the loot UN embargo agoinsl huportatlon oi chrome ore and certain other rommodltiet trout Rhodesia The resolution inspired partly by US legislation to emit 5Year Sentence lion oi 3750000 worth was disrni ed VANCOUVER CF Eu geno Kilian so of Vancouver woe sentenced Monday to flee yeara in penitentiary for posses oi pearls tloien in Scottie airport robs itiliun was convicted oi pose resaien oi the pearls Feb alter lengthy provincial court trial charge ogalmt hlru oi eoasirocy to possess stolen pets The earls were stolen item plots at recenth as Feb 10 and tuned only hrs on and thin ice in zone on ruith wide between Greenland Ind Ellesmere Can adas must northern territory The Canadian ire breaker touts St Laurent made recent attempts to reach the North Water but turned haclt not be cause 01 ice but hmuse the was low on incl The tone was named North Water by the whaiers who fished there lor neurly cen tury beginning about tell it was iirst reected by ex lorer William Deli ln tttd was iirst than in sclentilic litera fare as the Open Polar Sea purchsse at Rhodesian tome are not approved ltuhwllh the United Stolen and brrlala air IlIItllh UN lInsidious were imposed oxalaai the whiletninorlty re gtmo oi Prime Minister ion at South which broke my from Britain to preserve white rule Oiiicer Damoled VANCOUVER CPI One olv floor has been demoted and live others cleared allowing polico commission hearings intopoiieo sellers in the Otstew not last August llayol Torn Campbell said llondhy llTllES Hill PLAYERS will he prooantlng ACIUS FLOWER at Central Collogioto April 28 29 1971 AUDITIONS for in Codrlnglen 51 School at 730 pm play are llioloirtxhold at on We tell lot II you are interested in on acting part or in helping wih backstage Nducllon data is but are unable to Itiettd the nmon NlGllT please telephone resorts Seattle aroma elrport in De eemhor1ttt ted the driver oi eternity truck transporting hiss Dunbar says that until liay the mount oi actual co eier is ultra fora omIll ut ice in tho nor em part is We precinct to the United states very thin The zone opens up iniiy Ia iiay Ind Juno lung bo into tho breakup uuaily in An gtlsilh in tho Kane Darin larther our SMALL PROFESSION There on Itsqu they ehlrw RON NORTON New car telesrrun is competing with the maru Igrrneoi in roles or the next month You can save by buying yon new Vega rite rout Stop in today Ind test drive heard new l972 VEGA SADIONSCOII MOTORS LTD BARRIE BRADFORD 5T Hill Ilev Gerard Weston who was slain Iith all others ill terrorist bombing It pars ehule regirnenis Aidershoi disturbance and possession ol dangerous weapon is not ex pected until April total oi it charges have came to trial ltr Dabs dropped three charges whrn the trials began last lilooday and has err Four other charges been dismissed or lack ai evidence in the last at the trials lion day Robert liahsyraec presi dent el tho UkrainionCauutlian Committee indicated that the violence which marred the dem onstration in front ol the One taria Science Centre where Pro was rpealiug or boot would hove been owned it is group had been oiiooed to demonstrate in park near the site as they had since withdrawn ihse elh nler Koaygln The tax return to be led by April last years income and will therefore not ceroyodilly OTTAWA it Prim lisaeler ltudno goadad by Loodar Robert eunuch let out amber pro sonic the CommonI Ideo Iy this time warmly get it married who on urhmo Iilh llr Stanfield over remIrha tho ymro nnnlslu bad mode aboutguly oi lobe in Sud hwy Alf Neon said lhIt was your God drnned question There III In lrnrnniiota boll lrern members Ind do nuads that this time the prime ministers remark be recorded in iiarsord Jaha limdriun ITOGan derlwiiiragatel in making the dermal relerred hack to the lamest luddlo duddla eualrnverty last year when the prime unclatert IppIr ant mouthed rofanily never leand its way to the verba trrn record at Commons de hairs The drolt Irnion of lien daya lionsrd recorded the prime ministers prolonity The printed version is based on the dull The incident started Ihen lr Slanlield Ishtd whether llr Trudeau had been able to harralss last Tuesday The printis eullln is shaped in the find my work inr the seas UltltNt ink and his red osra humiliatei in Sudbury dur treopera beret iAit iholet inra Iltltndlvlil lo the On MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT oi Duhdan anehyclyl ol Alber ion Oni near liomlltou charged with ossoaitlog police Constable John Williamson testified that Kulehyclyl t7 rorce out oi crowd Ind ttrtlcls mounted oiileer on tho Ihaul dtr Ind legs with In umbrella He said that when arrested Knichyelyl become violent and it took serertl oliicers to tub dun him Kuirhyehyl testllied that he had been wandering in ihe crowd looking the his ieyenraiu daughter when was eon fronted by mounted oiiirer and heard omeone ehqu Ihato him lie said he then was robbed hymrollce and Ir rested 11o dent striking any tilicer or struggling but raid he himsell had been beolers alter his arrest sole or lease propertyi necessary IDCAIION Business Law erhll ADDRBS PHONE Obi We once morethe OLD way Use the oilicial guide you receivedit contains the answers to all your questions And doublecheck your calculationsthats the source of most errors For further help if you need it contact your nearest District Taxation Oioo We have team of specialists just to help you National Rovenu Revenue national Taxation Impot In Commons tir andeou replied that ho had been IAN i8 worlers no any eontndie the misty at the lie Staneld Iohi tho prima mlalsle ha been taytn lI much man recently In lhtl Sometimes It is heeemry to leep everybon honest he Idded As Liberals ieered that he won behind the timesl1rl sunlield had older preduee Jon ll speech by hlr Trio dean at an llailan centre in Toronto lllr Stonlreld then told Mr Trudeau lhIt he had said Jan It thll there are many 111an lobe offered which are not being men is there any mention oi Sudbttry in that uestionl lir Trudeau amend Sudhuryl hIr Stanfield replied Tim was your God dsnmrd question ill The dean flared lir stoniiehi oi the outset hslti natai iir Trudeau about the satisiectien which he ex pressed our the weekend Ibout the performance oi the Canadian economy ausnrss All Do you know your legal responsibilities when you ntalre iiaye you ever tell uncomfortable when signing contract This course will shew what their to consider In seeking prelessrunsi help and when legal assistance becomes COURSE STARTS Thinsday March ms no pan to Thursdays Georgian College tor mehwnrth St Darrin REGlSlRATiON Atoll the Illachtd term with lro oi tidbit to Air Poss Georgian College an Durlworth Street Dorrie 30th is report on your il income be affected by tax reform ootnu