Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Feb 1972, p. 7

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nr THE eymunnuort hdtnrtle in Moe nu drilnrexI at oplnIoiI Ihouid hrntrlhl Into the open end Iettled Ibex you undmtnnd udn othere deltuttlunr there in tooth Idunl dillrreoro Ilrleen Dee run It Round up mthend detIlb nI youve not new Item to auto unity trIIII Ind due or routine In work my to vetted MIIIIII III II tel in den that route In the urly hatrn lend to be but SPECIAL KIDDIE CAR nineteen denItI dirtrutin rureeetlonn Marvell tutu Interl PtIeeI the return we their your mtlenrneu uworb Thin Itobenrt earned by III enorpy tanned oi Iurt net yarn onendere It In mirth my my tiny lantern IeI men to My Klinmzwndlgmcm hnndedulrivelnr thnlt Indium Mm LII Ill llAll it Let Wm by thud Ind erb rpednl preleete othere torrnuInIe pleat It you dont in or Iin out lh Beet Plentrlnl nuumgduteremhlfnnbre youre In Vim then heel nrr Ilrrt am 00 ton end IIreerItenl Ire Ilmoet mu mum Iupplter oI wertern beet will IneIn Idlqunte ImounII tor CI rtIrlInn uhle In IlIreh tho one 55 ti dorm Milll MIDI HUD 171 ii Ere it iii 55E it Arlee thIIrh liAlril tilt You hnve the lnIlIItiIo thin moraine TIII ndvIntIyI at Inlet ol elreurrtrunee which urine from yenterdIyI billtip tam toenail Interests Tum Anti DUI It in not time to plunge into exper ltnentII venurmnrw mntertnln involve testing better knowl Idl heIII tItIy Hue rorr Youll be pinned over the Itlort you onto not to be drown into rutthhlee Your enemy bet let out Into Intel or plnnt tor Mao them curer tron rr July not Idnllnp the but at mixed etltr Itlorn In In Irt todIy recur on Iorwnrd mtlnrenl at the Iron Ind body thrweh totem to drive Irtn wounded with tho trout uln err lover onnhlee the to In lorenrtt or to mom ICI Photo tor the open boon motion on Iloroh The motion will be held It IIlkrrol Public behool to edebrole Courtn AILIN CIIZLI chnIrntIrr at tho but mien committee at Conetrntern whiten ot CIIIdI over the IrendI Mcty Barrie CAC Count You Law Is Her Real Passion rluht Expect tome reservniina Ilrrt llrtenlny brIan more In tonrtnllon thIrr you Idiotith Theme For Consumers Week loeerth eornrnoo Irnrn type at Ll orpnrrlrntiorr meted to repro Consumer Weet In CIrrndI nll they Isl In return In your neutered hy Corrnottorr Arrno IItlen bl Crude will be rele breted Icrou the country Iront IIIrthltoilIhIIilihetlrno when the eonrumer look It htntselt the world he Ilia In In the orally at oodn Ind eer IIeeI he toyI The CAC In more rrtember Ionpmtlt nonlovemmrnl or yenlntion lite uIllonIl Iberue Ior rm Lr Iteeyele nod IIInow but the bIrrlI Cornuraer Aetinn Conn atltleo her Item at its own llny hereto CM eorrtt your Inyn IllIIn Queen ebIlrntea ot the action tnrnmlllee 0N ilAlICll The eoratalllee eontprtrrd oI hIttdiuI oi Imbillous dedlent ed people to motion shorty room in Intel renIdethl to re involved Ihe committee hIr Ir rIn on open rneetln to be bel on Iouredly Ilere It Iltllrterl Public School romeo top It lent Ilembern here one to lot ol Iuopert on Pereonnl Consumer the totally CAD OIIIIZCIIIES rumerr Auoelnllon no at living In median home end tulle recommendation their Iolullon Io brine the errtmentr trede these to the container rotuumen tnlormntlnn not on consumer leer Ind to conduct rareltth Irork end eltort to Irrean tor Iptrlere to present to ice at Irr terut to linrrto roll all end In Iberee In old nee chIrtX ot nutnreticel looln iorl Iubbere taint run by Cldd IIrt mIIulIeturerI tor Sprite 11 lillddy blotteer utde pIutr lie NEAT NAUTICAL LOOK pllquee end ribbon tier All TICAL Int ll blue top with ribbon trim made up In hnuhed den Coohon IIIIrtInI metre leer at Toronto Dominion bthh Dunlap St IL breath wIII npenk ma IAlr churn rltee tho Iollewlor Pde Jab maple Irtn Iuppote you were at Burte wilt discus tip on buonI end urine tor halt Inb rlte which hnte beuxno popula It elolhlrry tor Ill membere ot real protect Ind edueelr In the mullet tor ruler pIIInen AID WNSUMIR lure Imotrnt ol money It eonrtunrr You ntldrt nth why Ihould pIo hotonu member at CIICI Since you would be Irreeotlrt nullehle Sept ML the toe rlenrer yuldnnee tor dIIreyud rltnlry Irwin tet anv IP Dnlop enmethirry dellnlte lnreee orunlntloa Iroum eaeryler worlerr Ind the very llrmly Pose your uuestlonn Ind ettl rnIteI nl prohIhly rnmlol eteatr SIrIleht lectt an be In eeoted by nttluro people rtrtrlture depnrtrneat Inld ludny In It lloreh Iood outlook Beet euppller will be touch the ll the eorreepondlnr month yenr Ire wlth Ia rreesed Wutern beet olleeltlnr lower Iuppllu In the Eul Olber llertu Perl Supplies pleatilul but helovr lent yenrI record level Supplies pleatttul IoIiIry Ilery tom lurhye my be Ienreo with broiler Ind hrIvy turkeyn tn Ample Iupply III lllt Bette obleetlter oi tho Corr lo unite the month at rate rumerr to lrnornve the ItnndIrdn to erudy oonetnner probleran or rlewI ol eon Iuntern to the nitration oi yet and Indurtry Ind to prorIdI elutan tron Io ohlnln Ion provide tor 3th otIrnlddle men to help the tutu Ior better Ictompllnhraent ol the obleete III the Carport II lirelrntly rpeIliar It down It nolhhewlre tekdhn nial Irerr beoreau II ee on Thin In there the Intel commit tee rIa IIIIII tn olterlny Id vice Ind proyldlnr inlormnlioa yvlne you the eonrumer onourh murder to ntnlo Id cholee hlrr Ouen enter the lierrtI committee workmen be no oporellooel the atIterIII herded out It the to real llnrrle IlornI none In pro rtded hy the provrnelnl ornat tIlloa Our role loeelll it more thnt Milk Sales Up Per Cent OIIAWA tCP hilth Inlet Iatreurd two per cent In IWI to 1101 billion quIrII Slntirllre CIaIdI reported todny the III urn dare not Include Illat milk hutterntllk er rhoeotnte milk WNII Ilnodnrd milk Inlet de ellned three per gent to 1m hIllton euIrtI opecrnl rnttlt ulu rote It per cent to to rnlton ouanI Ind tuoperoeut mt IIeI roro iI per out to II retort ouIrtt roatumer with my problem he orperteneen with purrhetes Ind to recommend eoluttonr rtItrr the ebntrrnen compromlre we would into the problem to the mereth then It neoeunry lorwerd the detnlln to Other We old the eonrumer In Iettlny uurttrtion IIld Itr thorn moon mkndo IhI rhnlrmnrt Itreeton the IIet thnt the eornrrtittee does eoop orItI with inert rmrehenti too Orrtorrtern eeliIiIetloa II yurt II impatient to the merehnat In It In to the winner he Chlohene will ronl more but Iuppllrn III meet huyere new need In onetern Cenodn Ilsa late late neeount the num ber ni Ierylrrp they will pm dequnte Apples Itrnpln Iuypller te PntIioeI Plentilul supplier Curtain Ind IIIeIIr Sutllderrt tornro rupplle to meet buyen Itetnbuorr Supplier Ideaurle MIMI IlItVlNGd Dont eotrl meet out lust their to per pound but Says York County Judge hire bolted nIyI Ibo II cited It the prospect at new dillan Ibd IIII much to leernuher hulllooroen number eI II at In lnLhII lne dieem lently lIw Ind rrIminIl III In lire IelIIdwhe thotlehl Ihoul the turmoil odor thorn lltr IhIrnIr one nlphl thn IeeIptedII IhI he never been held hot Iinr plybecrueonholenwuertnalnl produtatnnnlly ntIln Iiold 1bene rreot IdIIntIIo In beta women In In The area Into extrnenre bl me TORONTO CPI York fountye brat women ludu In Ipeclrlltt in rent eItIln Inw inhaler1t IoutII till IelIve In her frnlentloanl one end II III her tell purlun Innet Selena we meet repaintedIo only been by lorrrrer turtle ralrrtrter lohn not ob me up her ride the eounlye dourhterr nod wu the our oarournrnt by her tnthee to role llH deetrlnn Ihee never rerretted III In my reIl pIIslon Ind IbeeIuso It It here liven up But not too touch She utnr rind Iohn Boiled reel IIlIle menurr rt Crown Trust in her ltndueitill yrnr Ittd their my new Ire eyed It It nod to Milll LIAM LOT Between her home Ind protea Ilorrnl lrte the nine meant to toolbar to the Juainr Lennie bookdtseusnon club to III with her lIrItily Ind travel When her two oldest near were young the rented on her own III preetlte trorn her home oorktrtr porttlrne Iiy the time they were to reboot It Joined the that or White Dritlol Ind heel Ind been her rpeelnlty In reIl er trio in Alter Io your Ian killed her present Ilrnt at bay ltirhearr creation Iuouhnr lIrI liotnod arrive at Kitchener up the recent Ipoolnlatent eIrne II eur nrlre Iddtny one he no hire why the wee CM itrrenver her tour eoIlInIuII have more delin opinions One at her genteel qullllII In In Ibllity to undernlnnd poo plo nod to rotmttunlerte with them the hu empethy one Iht mIntlettI llrrll In rent perIonIl them She IIII her much intellect Ind Ihtllty lire liolnad went to Wrterloo Colleen betoro the look lnw It DIII nonuem MONTREAL CPI loeol norm wItchere dub mombore Ire ewltehlny enthrnlIItienlly to new diet murmur thIt Irate honor In Incoonltlen Now elluwed In three tubin as mryonnelre or teretn bn oil brenhlut met twice wool noodter tnnenront rice or operand lone In one slice of blond tr emitted Item the Ioterl our nlrrt II to II thirty worked out to the IItIrIIetlop at the tonrumer end the mor dual the lord membtre rould lllre Io heeomn relive tn IurvryItlnd problem returner to runny Berrie ennrunterI lhd Item the moth nee it romethlnfmeerrt be done to remedy or prove tit tliunlton lhn ueoelIlloo needn new Ind retire ruernbert willie to yet In volved The more persone the Intel neeoolnttott he the more Ilrtn It will the to not no lion grit Eve one courtnner nad defiant thouid be more at hie rlnbu tille DITFHENII Claude Cholen trod hrIodl Ind Cnnede Good thluebrnrtdl heel Irn IlrnltIr In ounlttygt the letter quIlly hIttIy lrtI let not letter proportion el ment to bone GLASSES SAME DAY on tilde IIIIeI only WIDE CHOICE or Will IMBONAILI IIICEI lUICK COUIIlltIUI IIIWICI meporton It CetlIIr IttIIII Orroodo lltll urduetirty to rote Ind Wright II All out She wee the eldest at three ner dIyI quote mu llilltlltll hr luhteenble lleueeo dutyAtty Greenwoods would like to announce that they have taken on newline at bridal and bridesmaid gowns it Is by Irving Nodler at Montreal and it Is the best combination of price quality and ntyle available There are some lovely bridesmaid gowns at only $3500 and bridal gowns start or $6500 Greenwoods believe that this expanded line now provides the best range of bridal and bridesmaid gowns you can find oNywhete and allows the Bridal Aisle deportmont to supply any requirements In who range from only $3500 to abourSIOOO tar bridosrnolds up no no mul and $6500 to 5l9009torlbridol gowns and all pricey inbelweon Iwirrylny Itlrte Inehor IP I7 Jibilid knunreeMmaa

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