Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Feb 1972, p. 6

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mun owwwmxw mth onrmrmnomnnmmmow gtoohLvvavan Women Told Look Beyond Known Fields moon on run Voterswomea ItIII Ire not let in nntueolhroodereereer opportntiu Itehert hum prorlnetnl reoretnry tor Netip Id WINva mum out rmimdu IM mlg lesineielI 2de lie he II thy deiernteo to the mention to en mere noon to reel Ireere on Milton I1 romeo donlnnted deldn IIoIIId It pereerteteti the played norm In OnlIrIo III III were Itlll teeth It lehe In the elerlenl neretee Ind rerun lionIlIIeldi NIllooIlly the tuballoud tow ennui Iloumnmmk mm ATIIIM wlgdhubpgulmd on mm ltour mats at II wn mlm ehoou ween northy at tho in ereued yenre Ind experience on the wit uranium Immmmhrmnrm Dancercise Idea Links New Routine overwell Iloot we with ripht tr Dlo llrea timer Ilth ep won tan tout body him and ernIIIIlne ten Irrrn Sit met with It rtrllthi Pull right try to In thnt role not it up IpIInrt ihleh the let of tool that the oor let your to hInd not an rtlhl tool llenrh huh Itth MIA Im motion over your rtrhl that to loot thnl Ii In one rltht It Inn to hurt be run bernnre they think thtI motor the rounder III wonan It Innt eel one thould Itretch only In In In one an enmtortobly Ihen there in no Ititloeu the next day Ind the body peduelly be ennlee more timber lrnt believe diet My ener rieo routine each In dIoeeretIe develops more Indurnneo gt8 rt gim hnrnest dlrleloo sbouatnnnhlp end my turnonl elIIIu Stowe WM OntIIIo Ire daitnIled CIaIdInn Pony turd Ihowr end on one their men treat ever the John lirheherrt one at blr Ind IIrI Gnrnrt Heathen NIptrr Street melted three ehIntplnn Iran or the Con ndlIn Pony Society Innutl meetlnr held It the CInrbrldIe CUTIINIJ were ltIlIIlINUII arrr ttli Prenldent lnItIr el liumeIrI bu urged hlr ootnttryr neuron to moron lhelr intro tor expert HENRY GilOlI MEMORIAL TROPHY thinrrereoithellenry Groin loader lhobn Above Dlelr CentIleht mu the trophy to hire Dodde Ilene here other rink tram lrlt Into Dub won rink Ihippnd Ire lire IlIrllyn Dunlap elerrktp Dotty Anderson Memorial mention to Iwnrdinthnvlmhipo ayielheIdIllhIBIrtleorr Joy Jenn Dodde nubhinr in on tannins record Iubhlnu lot Itrtlner Photo gPoem Given Denition Of Other Womans Role Delrhnllmr lerIoln bi by the teller Irene the er Wemnrt who tinned her Iell Bottom 5hr III were In the WIII la IhIpI up be enute In her trade know llty when nee ltIiid Ltd ee lot It an em worm Inn netted wile the Ind money on her rhea own inrnily noede ltII phyri II prIunre Ind III pay equet run more recently me It hr ter than can Will you prlrtt It planet the outline II Judith Vlnrnt The other Wotan Iltn other Wmn INever omelln ol hint or ltn nltnro pollen Ere wII bored with Bob rlodrrtenIndlethtntepoad ANSI IodloDEBl ot ShoI ynod Iport about belore II lied heard III then youre not rnIreIed The other Women Never bI tired blood trlIInAeI to AI re Hitherto robe hIr er tiller youre not married The Other Illorrtnn upende her money on red run While we Ipertd am an 0b tighten noun how to male huhmd Ieexl wanted more tr enter or band II Illten youre not mnrrled iilrd In And Md 0nd women who altered to re lo Peltente hut ourn Iru MITK CONFIDENCE Drrr An Lenderei Itltnt may with the hon to recur wor rt one new lento ltI hell linty Ind damn UtoHtery llme III open it mouth We Iomo kind or rental lie cant even not intend lime Ire Will It till he be ow in the bell Ire you Alter in drlnie hie tIlJr Iete renlly blue Arid lte team when hoe on the telephone lie return In nete Irry ettuulloa lrorn me eatuo Im dummy You on the other hand Ire nrrrIrt beenuu your pleture II In the paper every day would ennrlder III blu lIInr II oud IeIl thin bub btehend to rent up Itlr mouth throat youOnly IIII Wile Deer ioin Suenrin II Ilnhll People lllte your lrurhInd become hell Ind demo deal mfidlrb gen herr them nay Ion oltrn tried to ldenr Show are In laveterItI room and I1 Ihou you per be Inch mandate In hrrmeli WDIIZN UhWluma 5W tutorial Ire hlrlny nary nnIretlaurnnt utmrm minutretore at barme my rervleen portly mm lend Ind lire hlnlrlr Corner In In rtn lhe Dodde rink ruptured the trophy In lbli View om Jeanette lIwI rink ib thlnrr lite ilnt then not hot lieeenu lte enter to be hire an more the bent be we no home In warn mid petunia IntleId at eardurny both It run We outer to try Deer Illedt Ihnnk you in eoolloenee Ind Imbiton mercies hilly nod eoeour Iree relored tearlaotree Ieellrtx Ill dIy lie mete thIt given the proper truetloa entire ot hie rttdentt hero Itretehed up to two tnehel tolln litre In men at loar In WOMENS crnrs srrnrr EDITION Ioe Wmde World ol We nten Ipeeinl edition outlin tny tomb elub neitvltlee In BIrrie Ind dietrlct will be pub lithed on April The edition will emIIlr r0 peril on vertoue womenl ee tIeitleI in Benin Ind the Inn motowrtlenr oulII orttetttee ter Ineltt on to thJe pnhllutlon in pIrIletrIIr Io would like your revert to provide hrlel attire el netlvitter end your 4nd In oi your rut rent Intent Mine pro leetI erletu told tore rnenI on model an ren dueted on eon till bIIlI Pleuo note too your prorrpe Iourne oi memberthlp Ibo tilt the rm motel ntentbeu Woolen pie antler role In the tile ot enrnrrtuolty end we Ire eontldent thIl wllh your mperntlou no pro ride In IoarrIle Ind interrtb In profile til IIIII how exterr elyn thItrole IIII become Beeeueo ot production re quirement we III that Ill re retailer Iron We tartte yotrr your eontrlbutlon retetvod Iirnrtsnndn ol runerb tetlere lrotrt Ill be ruhntlttod no Inter IhIn Moody Morel on for inletnutter pleeIe eon lert the Womb mm NINNIPEG CPI Unilod Wlor It lit hl Irm Ilit rlhe Ind none to oe IleIeII orwnrd with lelt hnod touIrdI leII toot Hold on eltlon In tlte troundr Brian rieht Itm teen to erd lelt tool toldtny body down taunt ltd ltrlre rleht Ina end rtyht ride at body III tmrd eeilinr looklntlIIy one right Irrn retard but feltth hInd toured left thlt II Look over tidal Ihottlder lloid Lien lire IeoondI ll open with letl III held In teveru nli moremente Schedule Perform oncl dItly oloyly Ind thythrnlully lou emphorlrer the Import Inee at proper brentltln while exrrrlnloy You be hrenthlny Ilow Ind lutI he erI Feel the Ilr rntertny body let your lower rthn expend Feel the air Iota deep Into your turnmy Ind peleI Alter etch Iet rein in lew militia UCW President To Be Speaker World DI et Prnyer servtee will be be It Dolrtnn Untied Churrli on limit with eerelee commencing to no hint Ev erettEmau rerldent or strum prerbyterlel oiled Church We meet Illi be Ipenher Women trout Crown Itlll Idur Cull hunt end lllltrdnle Irene ere Invited to Illend nntr NEED llANlLA tAPt Btertventdo Giboe rrrolher needed too petal Iboot 10 tile IIther rentth wire to tell hitn no end lileo Ilotor tlotei Toronto John Ind bk lilrrt CommendeI meted three IIIIdI In the EDMONTON it Women IludentI In the totem tlelde II unlyertlttee need women In the proiertlotte to model thIrrIelveI Ilter uyr Dr Jenn IIubIr Ir Ioelrtr proterror ot poolon II the Unlierelt oI Alberin the num oi mnlu Irtd temnln In the tntderprndunle yenre Ire pretty eloro lo eounl he sold lint the num ber of women IIIII oti IhItply In neduIte work Benetton the girth tee to let women In the tnruItIeI or to the oeleore roieuloor otrIIlde the er they my III eel rrreppre Intereer Dr unber lI the public rele tlon etlleer tor Worm CIrIIdI loo tho Arroelttlon el Women to Selene The purport II III In lernItlonIl Iuoelntlon in to pronoun Nulltip tnrliiee lor Item to enter leer Iloar end to Irhioro ther ent eeheotlo group In eeyorel brIneher In ettler to the United Sitter Ind Ieverrl membern In CInIdI Site hIn been reertrltlrt Irtlerettrd women It the to take out lo eourrtrywlde eludy to tlnd out Ibout discrimi nation nrnlnt women on unt Ietelly empuser IIIOW IIIEIIII IIHIOUS Whether there renl dir erlrrtlrtntlott Irnlmt team here vrnlrlo rurheo Iii mllen home Blenvenlde got wire thnt reld llollter died Innleed ot hluther needn PM We not poeIlble to et II the turret In thleb ltyh In rovtoeo eompete truntiner hotel out norm Ineourlillet Women repreoenl to per rent ol the demie till end Iboot three eunrtrrn ol them Ire In the en perted teatlnlno lleldn at turn tar llhrery Icleneo nod home mmmlrr Dr lather door believe the Illurllon hen Improved end one letter In thin in tint more women hm Ihovn their nort otttnee Ibout their preteulort Ind Ilillontetr to mete romrrtllment to It lint you ItIlI here to be pretty IIMIIIIIIIM to yo Into eodneertnr or phyrlee end my with II There nre no in warm In the entire eelettce Ineully lhIt lenull Iittdente dont hm med olr to lollote IA valved In uid at the that Ileht on Ilttny up etperlelly bird Ind roImrrrIiI Eben earlier on return prnert with member at the opb It moloyy department at the ten ulty medicine lhtt Involver lrdurlrry home no eye dIe me In that ediltlt lehonlilbulr Iol DI ll Ill Illlll condition In IttrrrrIne Dr LIuber end her hurhrnd Iabomleetihefl tn midnllllaldl or III No In lied II It Irvd ItI much better that work Ind thin underrtood by the vetted it till rotor on tile tinuu Mutter Iup DGET BLUES DISAPER tnmlly liul love to Net ll retirement tor tttbtreiory Ilve olothu Ind rernbet the ten dlttloa ol lIrrI rrrnrrtnyo dov en ScienceFields Need Woman Says University Professor are at thenbolero tool tree to detote ray enerotu to my lot It you Cult II the middle am my Ionian noun mother Doctor Claims Blgv Noser Are 8th Di Vtrtltly mutton lietrlerl Pey rhlrtrlrt Hound book In ligating IlmlplI IIy to one or peopo In ten look It their room Pee lo with hip room Ire eon ered holler later then then with null none to writee In the Brttleh doetore neerpnper Nine Dr Book the hu riddled the Iubleot Ilro up your none yet wurmer Ind otlen become red not mind other you Ire rrtnklny love But he werue thet It you worry Ibout the the or your nooe you could title not prohlInL 0t no men Inlay tor plnrtte nurrnry it treated their noun IlteredInd to III or them IIorttnl eontllet Wll ltemintn Dr Beet IIId IItl mutton wrra not rnortu nettle WWII III unwillin to lore thrreroomibillty oi uttering trout Wilton IIyI Aivn throat Ilrnrtlpey GenerIl lien lIln dilator oi dieletia IIA moment me one to tote thriller irIbItny to them tor Ideolrtlttreltre liner FROM BRITAIN lhle erlton reloeont by ilrrrnneutom it loaded to rlyl nd to the military look It in netted Ind bu dropped at See why the fashion oriented Canadian Family depends on Roltmans for quality goods at price they can afford SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY HEFUNDED GRAND OPENING WEDNESDAY BAYFIELD MAIiLSHOPPING CENTRE ehmrkder line to urban UNWANTED HAIR Removed by ELECIROLYSIS WWW renteexperlenee Corrine Mulhollnrtd mom HIIIIIIIIII cleaners tree Moe no norm mum nont loath oven 250 REITIIIANS STORIES consr TO COAST TO senvrs You

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