It IARIIIB murmurs to on AIlIndIlo lumber Ibel Ind Construction Co moan IJrolltd lends hllpln ha building additions Ind ronotnt ing existing buildings The lirrn Is In the proeess ot resenting West DroidInd ll building In oddtUo to nd leather it list Iiso been listed the trIct tor In Idditlon lo the India Stock Here workmsn eonrtrurts the homework tor corrrtn tor IIIIrwa It the Im LeIthrr Iddtilon tlltInrlncr Pbutot fLett Fortune In Europe To Make Way In Canada In nit CANADIAN trnm DI the thousands or Imntl grunts who hate romu to Can ode Ilnco tho outbreak ot the bet wsr lew his door so well Is Frederick tlonitrl who lrti loriuno behind In Iuropo tlrrmnnlmn ch he row the growing Nsri lbrcst and Irlt ItI own country In tm In trtilo In liudnpcst where he ran hiI livestock nnd moat puklng Interests scattered throughout Poland Hungary and Romania but even there he not the signs nt increasing sympathy tor the Nazis Ind in Int determined to lure Eu rope tor guotl lie trllI Ibout his lite In The Book Ind Llle oI Little lion III III little man In stature only tlvolootonr but he um it big man In ntuni nnd the lnlotconllncnlni Inrkrrt Ltd he started in tinskoloon Is your age has boromu the Inuithltrgrst in the Conndion nwntlpsoklng Industry totuw noon rmun White the nuisance about his lite In ChriIds Iorm the prdestrliri record ol bush nrsrrntut who knew good thing when he no it the story at shrewd udtrnlurtr slim through In the rhoptrrs on Ills European Die in Europe he was devotes oi hurrcrnoInghe gntI it up lur gull In Camdth once risked hLe tile to Its one ot his own horses perlorm liwuttrtterhetsadlett Gummy tor Potent One of bin horses wu tIolng II Iterlln trork III motored Comedy and rent to the tretk when he mrt In old jockey chunlntmcs whom he TOTINTI wns trying to hiIrkaII hlrn Without suiting tor the rut he stole out It the Irotk and headed book to Pollnd NEENTERZD EUROPE liven Illrr ho hndrnmo to North Amrriu he enrolled liarit to proer Europe In which one at his hursts win the llungarlsn Derhy II lludI post All Insult It the truck lrorn losing Nltlilympth thlrlng homeowner hlrdenod his determlrutlon to lento Eu rope tor good IlIrty ol th trlrtwis Ind some ot his relatives died In the hplocoust which erontu Illy IND Europe tliny re mIlnrd behind beesuse ol their possessions The choice was to gite up material things tlr tlmtct writes To turn unos own llle ttth the lives at rules tutu Ily ony tartilloo ol posses ll0tu Ir tustltled liiod come In the mnvlctlon must leIte Ill my business Interests Ill over Europe had thought only getting Iwayl Dr Anne Kryle is spacial III In obstetrics and gynecol ogy Ind director oi the Vii Clinic at Wururnl Culture ItotpllIl In Toronto the hu written lit The People to People Diunsrs to provide Ioctuul liilurtiiu tlon nbout VD In nonmidlcol terms thIi etoryono run one dorslond Dr ttryls IJII tho lurid trite ol Vi has gone up slutc 1M1 partly litcause til the llml prrtnltriirncss In not Everyone knows ILLAN our ouvrs BETTER Itow obout yours Most modem and Iuliy equipped In the eity tdtt horsepower llt dryers Ior thIt dry tlnII touch no out spots Ottolily Sunoeo grsollnlt Ite uttered It In per atllon dlteount Ipplled to the ear wItItI NIIII or snow elseeltt IVIIIIble Boolts oI tieiteit In on sale erlot my story Wednotdoy Quality At prices high moonstone rruoosblo profit In some mono monitors all toe new Iko learned mdy plant new rnIl lilixk pilot new truth Ind new ttllltf 1h erpInIton II gomd Queen momentum the bottle Iru used not belorr whirl rte Ir growing Nil NIHOSA budding protect its the Ith Int you In srchltetturII block to normIl elghttnett blocks used gener motion the ttrm supplie these Ile in two protects Limwn CuUegr to bu roudy til it he told EXPANSION IllINS new twoIm tile on Dunlo Slrtti wcst tit lilgtiwny Ibo wl also dispatrh the truth Th tititlttltir will simply select th nppruwiintr IiIIlltll tlltl tor tit Iiiic pl tiilitlslt ordortd wit out AUDIT stone wot end tlutt Irolrrt your lnreIIinenI with ItIyttrld Eunoco Ir WIIII Cli rlnm rIlt Ibd dirt In wIIlted Itt your on both store not men lttht We Invltn you to try our Irnch COMPUTERIZED CAR WASH 34 DAYEIELD ST Beside the 726i6872 rrIIIl hIodIII equdpnsrnt tor the eoncret mete In at thus our attribution to lytl Dullerin IIIIIriIII Ind Cotuirtxtlan lettId IrrppIiId concrete tor the Female Spring ltrostrv ptubIhiy the biggest Barrio tho oomplny Ilso dm hit IiILh te blookI more It inches by It Inthes Iod tee tum bevelled edret unlike the much to corn Toronto tooclIl toolklorill Itth lor girls Ind tor George iians lur mt Its not comple ted iir IIcOuetn said lblI Ll the trim bi work where you Ilnd In mid mm out three dIyI nhend what youre going to he doing and you hnvI In IITL tltrtinlliltu fill will continue with its expansion The IIIIE at the home tor the new unique Iuncroln plent Com pleloly ttlDlltttllLl lhn plont wIU be DDtllllttI by van man who will tlilt it lit slut and push liutluti iztttlrictntly nutornslod untrult wil Idu the rut Demo Ilins will lie mixed the pot proportionsme like glg nntlt mu mix the Iuinmrtiori will eliminate all huinIn error rind tilluu tiutirrln to product it twulsitnl high quality ptrr 23A TIT IATUIIZ MENU MAY ID II III Stressed DullerinV Ltd oustiinnd urrlro lumliiIIIIIDOMIM Inliosrrmttnrthetrurstoto Inbtnostiovlng oomletem alerrtnrntrtrotnrne Ind trolommderrootiund close Ittnettrl site Open ttalsetptdodlootutlnlly personnel will to gin the barrio me better let riee Ind nullity said John lie thlI min The reIdy min part will do entirely on dirt the louNrre site will be dIroiod artireiy to blocks HANDLING 31m hIndttngI stems IlrnlIIr to the mounts twilth added lm the plant will be Iqu up rinsed with Ill rnItortILt stored tn bliss rIrlItiortI In mislli due to weather condition will el lmlnltod Ind the site will be kept pollution tree At pmeui block oisnte In Storm Ootmly must be Iliut down during port at the winter With the new equipment Dut trrln will produio oonslrtent high quIllty btoek yeIr round hlr Ilth end the romp Iny bu been Iortunsio this war In thII iemperIlureI the In relatively mild Ind Iork ttnI been Ibe Inventions ilu told mlterIILI Irene To psrliIily will this Item to Iddtd to the rind Desldcs the plants In Unrrlo Dultorln has other eonursle plInlI In Ittdlnnd Uriitin Ind tlrudtord it employs ltIJWI ou people It at them In the tier rie IreI While the Arm does no ton Itrurtlon work out at Dorrie Duittrtn does do construction out oi tomato The crews work on roIti building bridges Ind munv lolle services In the mstorinl line the cont PW Productst to 10000 blocks enth doy At Itr IleQutrn oottoludttl the most uptodste equipment together with the continued rt Iorts ot the Bulletin ttItt will ensure thIt Simone County ll ell lured to tho tonereto pro uctI Ilcld the wonder Where you buy your mond 52 DUNLOP ST WEST 7183343 hilly nuonuted mItocIIlI etolttmen and you too stood ring anywhere Why dont youtolto soon It lneludos tobuloul diamond trenturer eolleei ding tings tlnwleis diamond II or limit loveliest Como tut world of Columbodinmondr il rwauauurwamwwvr the obitctitos ot Dullull tutor um an use no commune Limited tor mm Amthtrnbieetirotlu In manhuotootbyupondlo rnd mlstme txti the pins tor tli IthULAti uhsitst system inspections Ire the best to ensure ulety wording to otllriIlI II the lilutllsr Shop TIIIMIIKIIIIIEIAM no on bond to to quick but el Ildent Irrs peednns Ind should Inythbrg nrod npalr they nro on bond to tit It Itme Itellogg cuts through part pt worn exhaust air or his propnret to rcplm ttixsniiner thutnt Sixteen Goldsh Behave Somewhat Like Humans DINOIIAIINN NY AP Sltltttl gnldtlsh In the butter Iorol psychology laboratory at the Bible Unlionity ol Itnyhv Imton ntn lot like poopin Thcy giuslt buttons on tlny tending mnrhlno to get luneti ntey wot haplt hut Uin Itltt been known also to not otid suit they hutoine rustrnltsl rind some down with Iangltsi nerves and stage triglit Arid route til tlieui rich tlritik lite iteli Ilrlt IItcso humutiltrd guldluti nrr tho students It belintlnrnl psye rholotists Sinnloy tobiu nnd Duniet Fallon Tho trlrntlsls oru working on Notional institute Ill itentnt ttealth Errol to lintl utit how this thin tlioy huge their work will tiiprly union to olurs In trratlnu iuuinn brings with my tiltologieitl Ituntlioniis ur tilsur tiers Inrludlug schizophrenia TIILIIIII TIIINKINII llur ttlt trutu to truth we Ilnrldnbrttl hit to nintu tools tions to think things out Ilshfrlhlrtk ushI Sooblo Lets fore it when you choose di stock for long long time TItot look let name you can trust Borrtes Lending Ouolity Jewellers ring is as llit portaoi II the ring you buy In tiar rte Brides Ind ttrldostotte can rely on the knowledge and experience at out LABOOUL luwollore Drop Into littl lnhoeurn downtown location Ind Islt loses the mnny striking modern Columbia styles and be sure to rate tor your tree wpy oi Colum blII When You Soloot Your Dlo letyw beautiful solitaire engagement rlnpl ion diamond dinner rings admin to goidllth who has on ttnbird to out loud by punching button Irulilo IrLs tnnk eorh time the button lights up book It hint Ile tools us though he Ls thinking things our Some at tho llilinii all one nlthrm is rather stowultial rind wlty uiul Is tho in ol the Iaitxirnturptnn distinguiin he turns Itl nud ithtt ttin tilttll Idott Sitith ci pLiiuuit is to tooth them that they run got it rcwnrd It they think things otrr and do the right thing IUIIIIT IODII TIIIOIS Inside the tank small light Itwltlrny glowed dull grton Thu iZOIiIllslt which hurt him ittutiug around In grurotul nros tllliI trends the IDIIItIIIIIII whurltod Ilio Ilghttd button and ttutjo to the bottom at the tnnk lust lit time to onltli is ten ilruus postolilto rnIIiitb oi llih Ituiil Itu tirouttd Lurk in tho but ton which now was unllghttsi umi hanged It again but no lubsl Columbia BIII eBDlll IEIIIELLERS or BARRIE LIMITED come out The fish wtnt bsrk nnd ltltlu pttuluntty hit it egaln Again no loud lie took one resoullul lur nround tho innit nrwi the Iigittlarhrd tio whlued struts Ihbtllm dis inner and tho Iuodrrwnnllng process was repented The scientists brileio tlth un durgu the ruins lnitlrntions in such conditions in do persons who IIIIII ltrsl lur tustunm their Iiuusr toys out IIILD lin crily uiwitit tithing or on tut lurttul window Home ut thr Iish horn betn trnlnrd In tanks Iiilrd with In olwhut Inluiiun Titty got dnmk nod not rotty much lite nto Sou told At lrII lliornI grout drnl ni tumour lion und ntiltlly end then Iller while they onliu down CAN LOUNT ROIIH tAIt iho ovcrtt moot doeidod to insure Itt Ilitlriiliitttl vehicles but could not determine how trinity core It hnd to the Insurance company brtun yrhleio Ilium nmond II its bod ono then youre hon you look tor diamond you Annmo like Columbia with reputation Ior qunlity and Integrity Evo Columbia diamond ring to tho product at titlllod dnt buy It more boodtllul more dependable dine oloult otthowendortul world ot Columbia diamonds Itom Columbias diamond wod In and explore or Bill Loiioout Ioweliortl LEDOEUF JEWELLERS HAS SERVED BARRIE AND DISTRICT RESIDENTS FOR OVE HEADQUARTERS FOR YEARS AS iiiuiiis DOORS WEST OF ROXY THEATRE