Services rm months no the Daniel pal Barton and loan Carper atlas cstIhitsh ed Its healouso tersatllhtdopstrllttthst time it III practically on tools lm Now it has more than It mom to depouts Irora Simme County milieu The season hsslc morphism thI Dillttinie psi Illtn its clients On It the more important oi III serstcu are the longer hours that distinctish It trots charter ed hints Ind Ileana mplniu Itoodsy through Friday Its doorssroopeatsomllmtos pm ntdIys heurs are In assesses HOV NV so HEAD NOIJDSB ls EEIVICI Is the wttthnord at Scots oi Barrie in the Sim cee Plaza iloy Scott Ind John Glasgow empoy stall at last ciiielcat scrviccmrn to ensure rrnlomers recelre its best possible service an mod eLr the store has said Each Physical Fitness Vital Health Spa Owner Says The nation as whole Is phy Iiuily deieriorsiiny Ind peo are hexlnoias to realise the parlance ol physical litocu cordial to Grey Marshall ouster operator at the Iar Idlso IIcalilr Spa Co Since Iew people set any nalt tural exercise many are turn Inyto health raI whcro indIv unit rmrrrmr orrrrord ior divkiual problems help keep Ihear physically healthy the Paradise Iteaith SpI ls tdesipned to provide either slim In or muscle development In relaxed Ioelsl Itmosphers with all Iscilitles under out root ll taro Paradise there was not properly supentsrd health sis in Stmcoo County let alone Dorrie lir Ilarshsli sold IIA IIINES USED thoush the spa uses mach ian to help with cssrcisinp hit it shall rays iheroll prorrai rat at thumbno mach no or raiut can do the uorh tor soil Uno has metal the my it is necessary to brat up the system In ordcr Ior lite ctcerciso to do any Iood he notes Errry new member ls starlrd on his Individusl prosram alter beis acished measured earl decidinz what arch he wants to comatrstc upon wrishi loss muscle toninp or others We start him all my my Ila and hes supcrriscd each time he sous lir llarthsii sat Its the person becomes mo accustomed to exercise the pro ram ls aiicscd lircry so man Is ittii oualtlitd to hand le all pro rnu Irorn colored Iceiislons in radios and Iter los Besides an upscale rervice use in the store the Trent also autos house calls FROM LEFT lloh luynl the visits we revamp his proprsm caiisciy Besides iheesrrelse prepare the instructors It the spa Ilse prorldo nutritional suldclints lir liarshall also loops In touch with the doctors oi some at the members to ensure they are not IirIisdaI thcmscirrs or Ruins anything apolnst the doc lors orders have doctors that send me members heart attack pst tents arthritis suiirrers he laid the exercises are combina tioo ot Isometrics Episodes and cIttstheaics llr lisrshsll sIld Newest sddrttoos to the were Iwimmtns pool Iuthcn tic Finnish sauna bath whirlpool bath which opened the second week to February bluish AREA ch so by is toot tropical setting pool serves as soother exercise arcs Ior members who are Interested in swimmias The whirlpoolslimuisiex cir culnlioo sod is rscommended therapy or anyone who has Ir ihsttis rhcumatlsm Ie hdrst tls Temperiare In the bath is between its and Ida decrees For best results members Ire urted to attend the club two or three times week It is peso this to be in Ind out ot the club in In hour which is important Ior persons on iithl schedule lioncrer member may spend as much time as he desires the club to open dady tram to am to to pm For women Isclllilcs no available ltoodsy Wednesday Friday and Sunday Haunts Town roar Utsn AP Tho Ihost oi Joseph Sttiin still haunts this Ilcrpy town in the mountains at Soviet Gturpia where the late dictator was born But to tori residents Its kindly school cant tsnotly explain it but the people all have love tor Stalinnot only the people at Georgie but people all over iho Soviet Union said Guram itiiilillllliN COLLEGE 0i ts rcsideats oi Simeon icy Bruce and Bulletin atics and the districts cl strata and Parry Sound Itvi propranu rsrrpinlr Ironl rciarlslsclcarc Iothrtviopy till and electronics to art Votrstloae and low and disused native at Carl who works as side It the Stalin lluscum Stalin nesrr came heck Io tori when as any in muchnot once Ilut the people oI Gori the natircs love him very much GvitrIridse said practically every home in lost and industrial community at about 50000 has portrait oi Stella displayed in prominent security Dosides the rs lIr daytime students the coleyo also caters to persons Interest cd to contlaulns education with ercnlns courses Ior sumrncr activities the school tpensors to varied Ind atilvo summer school program at the arts laul Ileion daytime siudcat mains room herrrsso counter septa to pm The Itunldpsl II also open Saturdays troro Mm to rpm Paul Abbott brooch moose er said one Idrsntus ol the team horns II tht peoptI section out at the city could still do their hsnhlos In IIIrrII on the Ieelend mood Isnth ls Ireeciteqrs III privileses Ior cheqan ac counts Vie absorb the carry Ia cast and In the union on to the client Abbott said Althoth the litmchle does not return cheques and does not prepm statements cIaceiltd cheques are kept Ior so ladelta Ita period at time and clients are tree to check them It Iay time ihe satin Involved to tree chceulas can account to as much In Iran year Ior some llutlllu oeperiIlly those who do III has lorss by cheque Ihe lluatcipal she pays tour Iol hail per cent interest on the hIIIysssiy hIIeoee In the heavier Ircount it pays line per cent on the minimum month ly balance in sovinss Io couat Both lie paid sendanau service man who handles out side eIlls and radio and stereo work to the store lot out the Intracles at coorrd tele vision to Llod Itulisrd Ind llmy We sit illustrate Photo Itternooa lien use the Iscliitlea on the remsintap days For the women Iltcrias their measurements seems to he most important With main members its more conditioning and their prosrnnls are deslynul to heighten raerny levels and roots thrm icel better scarrally ally Tho llurrlcipais parent romp Prenatal proyrams will isle In expectant mother thrrush to her sorenth month at pree aaacy the only eseeptioar would he the whirlpool sad the Hull HEALHI FOOD The nest are the syn rrdsht eater In health ioods hm had requests Ior it his Match all said it the requests are ruiiicleat will set up to mo in the tenure Irca where we will have health Ioods Ind sup piements III will sdvsaco into that ii there is eneth call tor liI it my rrhers request it lie add the one pmhiem was that the Food and tints Act would have to be taken Into coa stdcration It the spa does carry health Ioods his llanhalls wile Valerie ls lloor mannscrcss tor the no mens section She Is assistcd by Cheryl Itodscrs in the mens section Sons Ltd is tho Iille ant moaIger Titers Ire numer ous other instructors to ensure constant supervision llclrthcrship in the club which began construction 12th May Iad open In October LI bout to Members sanso rum to years to about to and iron truck drivers to lawyers liaay have become members throth rclerrnis Irorn Iricads who are members The Ipn is never crowded however the 11 hours It is open each dry every day oi the week provides caouyh variety that members never Irrl pressed llr Marshall ulti ilro club It associated with On Iversai Gym Wilkins and threads it have Itltllations with over 600 other htIitlr clubs in the world trom Alabama to Thailand Its one leaves the Paradise Iicalth Spos aoit hiue Interior Icaturias not only exorcise eordpmeat pool sauna bath and whirlpool hut Iiso sun Iny is liuolclpsl healers Cerpoo Iies choose rooms sod showers oao remembers what llr titan Ihall IayI about esperiruciny little bit ol parodisc In the resort operation course serves Dare Dietrich tell all shecwin Kaisht durlas pron tice scasion The course Iiro has chance to practise its arts by coloring to groups who halo luncheons at tho cui lcco ttlcoIKIsn College lhutot TECHNICAL WEDGE Is Im tshea It comes to lasts msstrr Inleana icie vision in soy bulidlas Every outlet must receive the Ition till limited oi Toronto lIIrweii Rotsiein president at the Municipal said one at the problems most people encounter is understandias lust what the llualcipol is NO PERSONAL LOANS Incorporated under the Loan and Trust Corporsliona Art at Oatsrto the Municipal does not mskc personal loans or cornmee rial loans althoth It Is laier estrd in dates short term hool ias with the conunerclal time It chII 6on In Ilrst mortgage loans Ior real estate Unlrlo ore dit unions which restrict denilnlr to its mcmhers tho lionicipst deals with the public especially the public at Simcoe County rations Is shoen earlier on on the top tool at bedtime sets at plsns ior msstrr In or thI hosernrnt llelns hletl trans trierision system ills prestdcst ot Barrie mmunl Irrdncr Photo slansl Itrsonh Ihcthrr it is the liualcipsl is the tint meat ltI solos out Into mort otiice under the Act to hays its cases 1th oi how many tolls head allies in Simone County IhIts creatins In constnrctino tlr ltairtela raid Ihlr priority real estate and other IreIs It Simcoe thirdly llr Kristen said WW mm Dar rcsrdenLe hsse reladrly availability oI moriaye money to Eid MuriiPi the people at Simone County The mm mm in mum Plum 1m we were chosen by the thirties sum Carnival Committee Is their liltlal boat lir Itoistela laid Ind prospective home owners were snoouaterlas problems in mime will 0th mmum hum clients and IreI residents the ritusiiaa has Improved mmrdoimmmmm trends have shown that every mum cliiww Miami thrc in line years there is finisligcugliilngn It hat period It Itotsietnrald CHM and Ann INTO MORTGAGES titans tPCSintroctenirel who The tomato la deposits is also serrcs ss viccprrsiderrt oi being used toward this develop the corporation Were Moving with rented truck from Hertn 0n an III rim RaniAesr will ollieially located on Ersa ltd tlust Irle door to Kentucky Fried Chicken in the Iermtr Howdan II Forest location Much pleasing and serious consideration went Into our choice or movers and art how the move was to be eIrriod out Our decision was slmpiel Well move ourselvssl The total cost Ior the rescue would be more 500 Ior the shy plus little manual labor on the part oi Iha IIIII It you are planning move or considering to lease car think of Harts bottle way to no oun new LOCATION 43 one no we thought it was only right Setting Barrie hr 23 yrs 7266974 sauceIN puusg soan unan LUHVD GNV HSVD IVNIGXVD OL LXEN IllHON L2 91 AVMHDIH 2133815 G135AV9 ITS mac pasqu no DNIDNVNH mass or ms 11 as uw Macro AVGOJ SB 335