it mm him in the Uni Brithb coco ssso and the Portio the commission send VOLKSWAGEN diagnostic tn designed to find iprobient and is It beioro es Iny lsrrer Ls onI viav ot the teatures It New John ston Slotors It l1 Goran St An eirctrotdc mnrhin which can be pinned into Vols anada And US eiend Borders iiiNGNN iCP casters are proos to tho lunrest tirade border in Ilia world yhItent the Job oi it ssir Ida and the United spend som idiom he sure thty know this ironilrr is that KdidetendirvxInd ititrom vandslism the potshots It tboundsry matters Derri nuigo their houslnx is onto the line Melting so lastslowing iorests staining rivers state or real the surteyors wort Whatever happens out slant hold toilet or border oncver the real position ot lmost etory loot oi the ary is no record here and in Ottawa printed on ill iinerdclolitd maps littl bound into vohsmes the sits and wolrhl oi oiice tuhirs The only border lines not on tbs maps an in coastal wa ters Canada has proclaimed Ibmiiedsrriloria limit at and pd Igrccmcht hos Mametheel with tho about attending the boundaries past their ihreo miics yr Itics govcminylboleps on between Canadian and can tcrriioryworo iirat to 1m soon alter the oi independence ilul ii that this sort line was iinaiiy estab ctl irom the St Cron ter in the cast to the Strait Juan do Pure in the viral then up iittl Alaska oust ill Dixon Entrance to tho auiort Sea NDtItt YEARLY SURVEY itosponsibility tor tcrplny irontler in shspo rcsis ith tho ltilernnlioual iloundv Commission with oiiiccs bolts capitals and toads rom both governments out asking parties every year to array the line resturo its buoys and points ruaohln tress and shop way builders Somo oi the iasrinaiion sud rustrntlon at tho commis Inns work came out durtnl id to its Washington oiiico talks with its chiei US ngincer Francis Power randyrholrad trod ist who tics to lead sultry pariirs otrr mountain and field in pursuit at yericrt boundary The boundary itseil Po per evplaincd is so long so divrrrliicd that the problems at maintaining it and seem endless Some parts go through rei tiesnenta and Ira crossed every day by hundreds oi pros pie as maltsr oi routine in the twin loony oi Itock Island Qua Ind lierby line II Just one example huts iooienudyr isctory is planted right on the line and ottteirl monument No ass is insists the iactory Elsewhere the border runs through isrraers ileids and across plains and the bound Iry commission has to keep rrops and orchards irom tali ing over Others pass throu public loraals and par whoso rangers sometimes re arnt tecplng thu botmdctry nrcu cleared TAKES RUGGED ROUTE in tho nestI it plunges up and down tho mountains run ning across tonsintltlysitiliirtl criscirra or along too edges oi prcdiplers uhrro permanent gutters would too impractica Aloor parts oi tho AlrslI Panhandle others up curtra bla turrets and mount cre ate nomans land the boundary may hu tnown only to the mapmakers tor tirtlchcs oi up to an miles be cause Its markers are nearly lrtitslbio motor the trees and rocks And up on the Arctic Coast theso tho uiiiriullydeiinrd border stops at tho hightide mark and tho crests boundary remains to be agreed upon some anonymous hunter with some longayo mischievous urge has tired bullets into tho bronxe monument that stands sentinel on the treciess deso iato shore in the best at all possible irontier worlds every inch oi the boundary would bo rieorrd tor to test on either side to provide the petrol title which to tho oiticlui border strip drscribcd by truly in practitc Popper says only 1100 miles oi vista bIs been cleared But since Alto mlirs ot border also runs lirross water and many more miles more open iieids the amount oi border vista Is sub siantially larger cone lNTONlGHT iii Soil on storm to your mar by In ELOCK ollieo and my hon Voyage to HAVE THAT about your ttlIIlElE yovr tox troubles Wsil RtIiIRIS pro on double beet Form the decor hostarrr tuttrttattoliuletvktliihhrttttttiilttthlrhlntdul DUNLOI iUISTAIIlSi BARRIE mm ttsrtonsttur onto noswsca ocztss 0tl7N MON 10 Fill Alli TO lil SAT TO NlndlitlitliiiNt NECESSARY wagen is used tor the dispos is Each stall at the shop Iso has hoist to or mechan ion to work too riilcieally EUREKFIIIEMAN YOKOIIAhIA Japan AP ihtt eity tire department on test styeIroid shepherd pounced it has hrsviigbtlng Nilistn Fontbavser has been robot thstLtsis teat tad weighs declared Soitscrinnds mitt drinling champion ills average daily ronsumpiion oi to gallons It 769 other competitors in mi pounds and can more through homing buildings dour ing llama with its sprinklers be and sending out television pics to trim irom its rsttterscyrs lhe sisii ol lednielaha It itrrv Johnston hiotors on than with the diagnostic unit Examiner Phoiol MILK lilNO LUCEIINE Switzerland Ron thnyoulookatallthoiae MupMIII wumwetm 0MBARD awnN rsav Firms Specialty Is Exhaust Systems Winter lately warnings iar eIrs inthrde caution to rbeeh cathst systems to noon they hm not become phoned with snow and do not hats any hairs wNnb no use carha mmosidc th Lalo the rar our oitba best places to bare the robust Iyrtens thoroughly inspected is no hiuiiirr Shop in lnnlsiit ht tiers stall oi iirn holly trained tseholttsnr can inspect the ear Ind replace any tart oi the about system that wrzrn hiuiiler installation is Ilnys hes as are inspections Besides eshstnl systems the hiuiiler strap is ILso equipped to inspect and repair bratrs both conventional and dise and short Ibsorbers VARLED BOOK The shop has Irma to an immense and varied stock oi parts through Iis parent company Barrio Warehousing Ihicb sup plrs many at tho garages in the Ires1ha company Inter parts ior almost anythinr on or oil the road raid Roy Allan mane am at tho shop Tory lasto over soon items irom nos catalogue alone ranging irom exhaust ryr tents tor hiadei Ford to rm Cadillac and noose in be tween Since the shop opened in lime ml it has raucht on like may ltr tilra said lie ex plained the shop only does rrgua iar muillrrs and about sys trms although it does ho rus tomirlnr We dont go into things illsr beaten be said We rus tornise but only to point llas lrriiy were production the We letpeopie its last and nirst organised by the SlLss dairy industry the tub lie said Is many Is iour ears are attest bng sorted on It the some time its emphssleed the she does not choose tor miller instal iattao except tor uteral nrsies nah Is the liatssogea TOXIN NAME For cxhsust pire ituisibttrn then is lotus charre lir Allan said the shop does not have time to radically chanre exhaust systems tar inhtldusis sister the harness is built en specdandelil cyierthctms Woe lir ItiIn sshl brian es oi rshsust syst step and start drivsag Stopsian driving ts hard on eshsust sys tems he said uisiJre piles up in tho muiner Ind then it rot trnm the inside One Innovation he hopes to see ieaturcvi in automobiles in the Immedinto More is In about in entor sinulsr to that in the roeispit oi some airsrots which hams oi excess exhaust tomes in the ear that might prove don cross He said it he could locate the indirIters II reasonable pnrr ha wmsid gita them away to nulamrrs the tits at say exhaust system depends upon weather conditions LIIIMI Eiltl IIIT litLith hnrlami ifit Filly parishioners tn lortsitirci rnjsvtrvi the virars srrtttonet pcclsiLv short they were nsiscd to help drink lit bottles oil homemad wise alter the serv ice ltev Leonard Ililrii erlt pisinrd it uas novel way oi tilustrslittr my sermon on the miracle oi Jesus taming watcr Inio ttnr driving habits the type at ear and other rdsni tsetsrs the best single th slur eshsus lyy term to inspection lir Allan Liliesl OLAMNTEII ha hiuiikr on estems barium to the alilirtttciltl tmineu its operated dt Stalled irr npht years ml or Water maasrer and solos representable whit Jul40 tor seven years lie spent Iiil shoe to the brute strum pits Aii systems tootsie by The ltuiirr Shep have threeyrnr mm frontal surmise mil For my ashore whether it hr W1 MumE Ill ixttiiy car in tractor run it mitertr Ivvsl be hut in hiaiiitr shop to upectrclts paytortubtrurds utlry Mu my Wm the atoll hi and all at repairs in it in the brake Irllt Lhc no on no brain m3 latter and an anbrr to in the grinder to print the ttillilv tiustr All ports are tctl tn aiurit ill Mums inst ropsirs The shop asit thwvl mm in inspectors oi bratrt at all thLTilAI as Ill The coalition DI slush JILiiftr hum mun ml dim etsisesirctnriy important to the Did3 uielynl car in Alton sittin ll to it gnmbm outcast ttrudcayttnz tho Gel many accidents where liic rotllm Illl WN goes out oi control lir iisn Illle said lie said they am int111mm til the Fart Il pertsni ior hIinnrr and Liftikllilu ldll Ill 351 rsc ii short is in bud runs IPllllllilr ill tiiiittil cor will put in our tutocnci the lot Wit sldeultrtliilettrdlttndrdutlltitvl curds lncr liii he held an ltr Allan brings Willi him to it it and lint tm In Big News irom BIG lithiil 1mwaI1srrJLF gm su ONTARIO lID RMNEMME 7am more going lot you