qIv 11at Jimmya old thi II CIVIC Crnt 505 hm ooh oIdI la thIa our tho ol com Irrllt no to be Show XLIB Milli 11mm tumor In XI rm AWIM Ialogn moo thio yrIr liIIm loo unIndIklrIoln htnrk Ind pIiirlI Iro turrd hy Grrrnwoods Ind Drum ELIII Orcrn ityle Featured Greenwoods Ilr Greenwood IIId Iiaitr Ind mini hil searches Ior Itylos ouiliy it tho cm Oroonw III Ind Drttl tIiro In onsur rmtornmovtryihiu Ihoy ry will no lIshIonably your Tho rim with the rink Ind iach mm on Dunop Street lust two atom Irom tho it Potato ha been In Barrio to your Doro Greenwood It um clrht rooro on non arm variety oi Ior tooth lunioro Ind woman In tho it to so ll hrottet and the intro Io Itrd person tho on India to he Itihionl Iy oyont without Mint wa out lyth In In the current on this ipririr tho nouti kindrroscsond an ui holcnturrd Isnt Itlnnt III and casual doctors Greenwood raid UTAH COLORS ulnr colors will he tho rc navy hlacll prints Ihodrs ol woshahlo oddrd Ptoplu are more Inlcrtricd wash and wont iuhrlrs than used to on Mr Circu raid Ilut uny timid drrso did not ho tronttd or In itrm to wash ond hang lip yrsitrs and crimpclonrs II ho popular Ilr Grcrnwood ti ihoto niatrriain oro ylrlu il wrlnitIclrco Mill ocod blur to They nrc also pcrlcri Ior gwhrn rircssrs an may have to ho packa Iy Ior ionR prrlods at limo Tho hilt troncl this spring Is shoucr prool coats which it lilo ruin roots but Among tho hranii namrs Grcrn oodo Coats and Drrssro nulls Gtirmeni Qualin Junior Irccl hindrs Ind Primroso armcnl Grronuoodo it tho oi Grotnwooda modal this twopisco ooutirolloot pant Iiiit In black and white with while turtleneck oouirr Tho IuIi will his proctchl Ior both tho oIIlco Ind leisuro hours imminrr Photo hut ant to Iprtnyondoummor lithldyranintho Ilowrr Miami beltwt him hon niIaon can loot hack and my drum on Letitia man popular Iii the limo Mr Nosed who opIrIIOI Trundle Hoqu It It BIIII St cut down mm to bo tho moot Ir with rpm nodinll rhryunthrmurna Ia tho Iaruritu RhIiI ho meiotich to out ticm ho has poltzd pints in riudinn cytiamtn and mum writ Ia minioturo rottl cord In WOMEN nouns Weddiop Ind hinrrols mall up put put his Inst hat nut many Iiolrro tohnspltaia and to city mos tinny peopio on color Forum to hrlphirn thrtr harnu duriu tho duuy winter months to solo 1oryro Iar tho pooplo who liont nu min or Inormohil Int hr added with In VIIrntinII Do hrmitht run on tho trIdltIon rcdroo With Easter olixhliy morn Lion month he will he stocth oupply ol polild pilots which plum popular It this limo of WI tlnwrro tum to ho roro It SlothorI DIy ho men dillrrrot typo cl tlow rr ho tidied Broidto tho llowrrr ho soils from tho Elm 51 Itr Sluon Itio door ourcuoiui htuinrso In rcodin lowers out or town raid loomed mid Etch muslin mm to rumba ol calla on my plant but Ior oration doom ho laid tum moms onuoutt at ltuwm does not necessarily man whit lilm loam hum emulator tho standard mired own Flower an be mooted In mythic iromoheumnytoomhowt no to hetwm Ia Ionl Ilii Edda water on put Iiowrn In It hit Hum IIIiL 1hr mentions Irro It Mod iryo Tiowrro cover In ml oi Aim to IRON littan lnL In port ol tho IIII Ihout moo Kidrim om maturin In Inothrr Ion oonroi roll at rerniiirnI win odor and lot Even oith this but Im Iiouao om Sir Siam eInoot trrp up with tho demand lith orrt imp liar Iomo owers could noon on Ior in roll to Brunou In tho monhouso to noon tram Imtrh no Iddtd for urdrom Interan In notion thzlr own derrl Fond Iryl 710nm IctII built In tho Ioilondinthooptia Iotoup yordzn mire urrr coda trrtiiiooro Ind olhn cordon manila Tory Iiso um co leto liul oI lawn match In Iudioy bird hath Iotlicro small wiro looduo Ior or WEE no Irodrrl Ind hiid Iced In or rlod Ior tho wioior months contain or neutrino For shop ro virltlnn Iail Ihop peroon thrro io ortiriu Ior Iain which rrinht mm In utrI Iittio on Ior tho porno Iha hIa hora hotpitaiia rd or Ia rrithntinl pinata lath pimu both In tooird Ind lintutylo JopIriIaI Mill and montry mnua dirt poo Ilhilitiu II lira hithnuah Sir Silica to up Imrntinr with motor pus no soil ho did not hm thus to prrinmt with MIMI pionta lit to hot holy with In runemrnto which tats up to It mtnutu to rumpleto Ior Ilmplo Irroarrmrnt Ind drIiicry orrt olco which hI mild Ior ord nlr Iluon does not Ilka to Irtiticial flower Ind Ioid not hero them In the ob but it rustonm onto them too my partimiiu rouon he will lrI than Ind Irronxo thrm Ia tho nutotntr unto III raid tho ortiiIcIIi dowrr tintitt tndo to my not Iattnt Stony Iro uszd Ior wroIthI It yrovryorda Ind ihzro oro poo yls who cant rm noun Ind will put Irliliciai on ood Sir Mason Boh luon Ind hIa IiIII oi lix provido pin ot min In tho middio oi winlrr lrr Barrio IrrI midrnu CTIDSSID UNI GODALIIIND Etttiaud CPI Irlrphooo Vtrlltion to 1011 Irorni populo Idea youround Youd prohohir bo nurpriard hy tho STORE HOURS SAT AM T0 PM ioro tho store to open In the cvrotnz littlnrs ha prolcrrrd ii stock are rhorm In II orn Bride Gmnwcodo II Inoorn throu out Slmtol County Ior Ito hr llioli All on ordorod now anlu tho hrldonoroida drain to otzhridai portio rt lii noon troin tho IImI yo lot mourns pcrloct match or on Greenwood nil in say hridumaid drum In in thlt con b0 IIIiiy chm to too tho drou unto purport Iitcr tho woldiul dItI It you taho the olrovoo out you con mi thrm Io tomato or oihrr err ho IIIid Groduotlon limo Iho will hrinn IIrro domond Ior Isrmol poops that con be worn tor Ieu orrool occasions It Iotrr data All units ItoII Iro Irointd in basic Idluotmrnto Ind attention and there is In Iltrrstions de partment In tho Iloro For IIII rocninn hy oppointrocnt should ADVISE SHOPPERS Iho cntlro tloll Is prIhIo oI odvloinr any shopprr Ibout slylrt materials and color choices One at tho tine Intuit ol the store the colt coil IP proorh the cotton at custom or that the is wricomo to hrouoo wlthout any prrssuro Iroin tolrr IIIII It alL Some oi the hrldol owuo In maxIrina hluitra IIhrLo Lucinda Party 1lmc Delliar Itilight lrvinn lindlcr laouious Form als itichmrn towns and tort Grnwoods Iuocurry osm plcto line oi hood placer nd tolls llIlti wt whimiscol extra they give each hrldo blue no tor Ior luck Ili Greenwood told to Iurn up any Ippronoh Io Iprinn Inshlonr too could any the trend II to Iy business to carry Iriintoso word lnshionrhio ricganrr who varIrty oi novritiu Ind luthu MON T0 WED AM TO PM THURS FRI AM TO PM CASHrCA hutlnru too not cut Into toot FLOWERS REL to hrlthtrn Iny homr especially during tho dmry winter Milli AS Inow corolla mo outdoors oi pinto In and lot in tho mahoqu It delryn nowtro Bill VI hunt loch DIETLYG DRINRER LEEK Enrinod CPI GNII IIIrrisoo 29lqu chairman or local StIltordahIro roccrr cluh haa loiaed tho teIms oponaortd olimmino compoim hy ruttlnr er woolly hccr In tats to olr pints Irom lo lai Ions over Irctkn ol orrIaIums which may hclp romprho iiiil oamroneo ilowor host this spring Humor Photo for Big News Irom Munumimomno armrnt north oI Toronto MR PETER LIGHT KITCHEN SPECIALIST KITCHEN FASHIONS Irom PIrlo Traditional or modern the new high styling at Paris kitchen rah Lucia rolleois the happy combination couturtcr llnro Ind hold utilitorlan design Choose from wide selection oi color coordina oted woodstaina applied to lino iurnlturo hardwood IuIly Iinlshtd with uniquely patterned hardware See Paris kitchen soon Vo think you ll agree that Paris custom cabinets represent the most exciting concept in quality kitchen iashion Ivailablc today NO OBLIGATION TO BUY For tree estimate oI what you could remodel your present kitchen loo lust stop In to Cash Carry with kitchen moasuromcnis innit HOME crnrnr thlnontl rrnnlrli Ivor Moon litilc Cod Ind Sat Sound like tho names ot why in NW will Willi Irma or am by cits were iiuurlrhlii In almost IoIIt who know their cost mm In VIM it they constituto nostnlplc mm mm or at It is was made it mum aniingniiiiih int Soil oi rioti ml Mum Ami lhorc was this Minnlic tiriilurios trd lu unlnuo wliccliou Includuiz gm NW Iio award numbrr oi lIrrI Iii durlup tho IlsiliIit explosion oi PM my i917 when Inrhtoppted over mm vinyl eooooat SIOYU ours urns WI It interior co no NY m3 University oi Alhcrtu has Museum Clruriit output ol about in tons ol Iron Atlantic year In no Fronhiio otorro wero induced In Piciau County Ind llliLIIAX It rr on hduwht 752 tupor oi IIIJC pio rrriiis which It royr ountaino Iiho host protrunia oriuinally productd lortho CIIC In riudcd III tho tapes Li the com prto Irilrs oI lluoacy Ircrturco us writ or wry Iorrc num bcr ol toils by him Cunadlono will In itiiinpoiit tounty It and mom people around thc In oroducrnx In IIW with In wuriil ALLISTON tinned 7054355592 BARRIE Hwy 26 and 27l0iit Bayiiclrli pi 7057280360 irrl FIISISI Pii IiiiiiiiiYO