Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Feb 1972, p. 5

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ADM Tuwnabp Police have initiated manna at rnobais asicty In the admin in lbek am because titty test that children In the mmtry an to tag snowmobiles and thercinra should be aware at how in prep arty operate the machines tut week they conducted tha Ian lot the Grade and in at Simnybraa public school in Struts 0n lining the esh were given test on lhcllotnr trad ow Vmicia Act norm bile saisty and survival They were asked durations like Ibo has the right oi war II two and vrbicleu meet stauinlencctlon and whether person must be insured under motor rebidc liability policy in madam Innisiii Starts Safety Program DISTRICT NEWS THE BARBIE EXAMINER TUBOAY IEl am II Zone Boards Meet In Spring Oonierenea at all members and administrators tor Boards oi Education In Tenn cl Ontario has been arranged ior Friday and Saturday bisects and in Bunting hiemortst Secondary School and Nottauu saga inn Ailistou Done comprises the un ca oi Peel Simcoe Haitian Dull edit and Boaeu oi Btoblcckr and York tore es with the City at Toronto Tba event being armrest by Ontario Public 5c Theatres Association In cooperation with Ontario Depart ment oi Education The theme will be Roles and Responsibilities in Education speclsilnvltatlon extended tor the public to attend any or all at the meetings expected In ctiracl not only uuatees and ad ministrators but principals len ehers taxpayers and education sai critics tour oi the Aiiiaton area has been managed tor pm on Fri day Marcia alter which the evening will be spent to track er barrel Session Directors oi Education will are sure Questions That Need An carers On Salurdn at baht am in tho Banting emorinliecondary School Don Young Rc onal Director oi Education vs Jive the keynote addresnidior by xation and answers iaomtbc in panel discussion to letters inur trustees namely Tcd Con overhla Truss Erneatbasr sndWJ ricstoer will pair oil with director superintendent principal and teacher to deal with the theme topic oi Roles and Responsibilities in thi alternoon the topic will he Education As See It Gordon llIli president Ontario Federation ol icuitine Is scheduled to Is oil iollowcd Alliston by Clark Pacsident On tario Chamber oi Comrrerca Taxpayers and ottlmtlnity or gsnircrs will be represented by Jack Waiter secretary Rats pa err Association In Duiierin and Jim Hancock oi Elastvsie The media will be represented by John Sirloin oi the Oakriilc Jotsrnsi Record and Dave Willil Editor oi the Alliston Herald All topics will be tailored by discussion and bopehsl cunch Iona will be in order bAlter thlcmbuainea melekilnghs nonetw agile spa er Edutainment willt be held at Nottswasa an The presents team consists at eight Directors at Education with Committee Members Don Beaty um Clan Tastes lallra on it Oalv he as Batman DamagaEstimnted lit $5 Million AP Bum In laws that his Triadosu will ba raining trying to dish up the moat sp ysdll caused more desiening explosion and tire tbt centre at this so on city early ldondsy ratrv bisclnesses and estimated at up to is million Iloecver tbatlra caused only rut band oi po unatniury llceman who broke the window oi caste more It More than us themes cons trolled the tire about ilvc hours alter it began apparently with an explosion in department store Policemen with shotguns kept bit possible Ioctera as live maior buildings all three to sixstoreys bigb went up in ames Firemen evacuated an evil mated to persons irom two ho tela liVESiOCK PRICES TORONTO CPI hurling wnr active at atssdy prises tor supply at slaughter cattle lacking quality and llniah at the Ontario public rtnckyardr Bionday Veal cnil prices were strong with tsncy white veal caives selling at sharply higher prices at the special weeth sale llog prices were lower There were no early sales on sheep and lambs because oi the Ipeclll weekly sale hionday alternoora at Iprn Sisugbiee cattle coca thoiee steers assist with sales to ease good assesses medium asst common sou choice heliern JASMth good Jill medium sosaso common 1m good cows 2021 with sales to it medium assesses can nera and cutters lidt good hcsvy bologna bulls zero with sales to Jolt common and me dium kTIMO Replacement rattle too Good HON slackers and ieedere sear good beer shortkeep teedera sass stock steer calves that good stock belles calves sees common and medium Itockera and teedrrs ibJJ Calm tot Choice vealera case with no top choice on sites tsncy white veai calves up to er good this medium Jbto common 1N3 boners 22 Ti MPERI THEATRE STARTS TOMORROW CISCO PIKE AT Til LAST REBEL AT 905 OF PICTURE sumenema GENEHAOKMAN KAREN BLAOK HARRY DEAN STANTON assured by onnsm arm tomrs bvseaesoy ant Lvsowtorv andelut TONIOHTt ltucuatinacaatlcvl sas AOUII titlilllAiilbiiiti WALTER MATTHAU IN ID KOTCH THREE IJUDENTJ irom Bandyhtla public school in Stroud listeas attentively as tbnstnbia Nike Kouovsi oi the lnnintli numb Police Delt RYNARD hii Simeon Neat it was interesting to learn that two out at there people slid not know the overumcnt had ibmun speed when they were asked about It Ona out at three people re membered vaguely less points out at the 29 pieces at tegiatn tloo proposed Ol course the Speech item the Throne ls given at the opening at every new nerlt sion at Parliament and outlines the policies the Prime blinlater expects to ba carried out during that particular session In incl II lbs Prime lllnlsler was to carry out all at the as pieces at Irghlatlon meet at which is not even daaltrd at this time it would take up loulub months or more to get It through the House at Commons Since this is likely to ba the last Speech train the Throne be fore general election it lol pettung legislation imaginable The Prime liinistrr bad to think about the poor people The There were more people below the poverty line then when be came to power tour years ago There are more urnmpioyed new partmenl explains the workings sat suonrmbile snort Lth John Hughes Norman Enr rugta It and Kelly SLiIlaIer It The demonstrntlon ts part men had dropped hit iludeau was also lighting with some oi the provincial pre miera lie had insulted the people at British Columbia and their in telligence In electing bigot as their Premier Certainly In the Speech team the Throne hlr Tnuieau tried to win some oi his lost rules his Trudeau Ls oilerlna the wea ism larmera twoprlse system lbs wheat iilr Thodeau ls going to help the ilshcrmcn and the lumber meaL lie is going to give the students more money and they will have no problems now grt tig the money to go to school All oi this belore an election as It be had not bad tour years to straighten out some at the problems his Trudeau iorgot to include law things In his Speech from the Throne tie lorgot the Old Age pensioners and pensioners In general whose race last year now only buys roe worth oi goods and it In nbrtlnkvlbnt snatch nearly every year since his mldeau took over in Ivor Mr Trudeau has been coy with industry and has indicated In intense desire to get back Into than there were tons years ago It is new per cent or nearly NONCION NR ICPI iiouctvn liayor Leonard Jones says remarks by state Score lary Gerard Pclletier about so glonal development and bilins sualiam could imply the govern ment In Iookin ior last way out oi cont nuing grants to eeonornicaliydepscsae areas hIr Peiietler told hloulrcrl meeting Sunday night the gov ernments ilcies on regional economic veloprnrnt and re spect tor the two billets inn 220 vavvun ILa pod books it makes one wonder why Mr Trudeau has waited until the last year to try Govt Looking For FastWay Out OI Grants iiioncton Mayor guuscs are interlocking and one part could not be scrupch while the other was leIt sails Saint John Isnt bilingual city Mayor Jones said Man day night and it receives re gional economic grsnls Does hIr Peiielirra state ment mean that yrsnls that arcs could be cut oil as well Tito weeks ago the arayor cat the deciding vote in shelvI islbn on bilingual city hall Whittitliwm BUARAIIIEES iii SITE SLIAIIII ilF iiiliiiliiii WITH EIERYSIIIAIITPIIIIIIHASEII UIIDEII hilii iiiiiIlIE rent OFFER SHOP AT HOMISIRVIOE iiilllillitilhvlllt It till tlitl Itaytsigslttrnatssea sealants iarslsll Nisyc tuicilsvr callesllcct tail salt onus oi snfilmoliiie aaisly pro gram being organime In trials is Township schools tExarruu er Photos Govt Throne Speech Known By One In Three access The income at the lap to appease Industry and attract capital Into developing our raw resources when over he last Iour years he has given theaaa the uncertainty and Insecurity oi rats Sales To OTTAWA iCPl Earthen rain at up to In trilJcss bushels bl wheat in tha Soviet Union unmixed Monday could tabs Canadian grain sales tn the So viet aim sass past the Edita buabei mark Previous contracts we ice total at sea million bushels Canada In currently in the process oi supplying the million bushels ail wheat in the Soviet Unitas under contract signed last year Deliveries are ex pcctad to be mmpletad by June Deliveries insular the new car truer wurth potential sass million was begin in July and continue through am said Juas tire hllnialec Otto Lang minis ter in chsrgs oi the Canadian hbest Board in Compass statement The agreeman concluded In hiuacpw last Friday by oiiicials oi the cheat boant and oi the Soviet purchasing agency Ex purtkhieb Involves item corn rnilrncnt on the pan oi the 055 it to purchase the million bushels oi ubeaL Tbs USSR took an option to purchase an additional st mil lion bushels oi nbcat and floor In accord with past practice the Russians will pay cash at the little ui shipment USE BOTH COAST Shipments will be made hem built Pacillc and EastCoast Ca nnsiinn ports laid his Dill Iluwaaer the Soviet Union has an option to ship part at the wheat thmugh Churchill hlan during the me navigation rea son Soviets Could Be Record Number and Canada warn Red Spears nbaas will be dchrand in arm and the modes in be shipped hr am am be established Inter Some observers related the big sale to recent reports at snow cover in III sharpening areas oi the So viet Union giving run to pantie aims at light Soviet crop In addition to its cassrmat Ibest commitments lo the So vlet Lnlm Canada also In obiir gated to auntie China with tri million barbell ODOR Alli miion agreement signed One at This slash in in addubra is 111 million bushels Canada said in china In NIL Jir Tang dumbed the latest sale to tbs Soviet Union as tnnglbla inllovrup In last years exchange oi visits be tween Prime blinialer Trudeau and Premier Aleer Eosygaaa Outside the Home reporter repainted him that Russia had rmdertaiseu writ in advance oi this exchange to give Canada lint shot at any wheat cun tracta It might have to utter in the lurid market The minister rctrrtcd that this commitment had been real lirmed by hir Kcaygtn to his hatred and the rcsitlrmsilen was usciul and important Each week yea an rowecoouutrn HatcheryIsmail WM human adtnnniabelnnhid hazelnutunwind Mwhmd Ivan Wrigtar menu as the cbampimiathasmnliascdsat thalayslllntarhls OUAIDED GRAIN The anciacu the cal to protect sir pain Announce New Healing Substancesl Shruska Piles Wany uncutannua leund Imam an mm WWIlivelie and treasurers an mince gg Mummcrminimd In ca aAnr earn Imp rnitaviu actual rudmie Ia uaes plan all Important bi allvcus I4 mmtbemgiashastbistpnu mantwnnuiutnisaedorinpniad alan months This womans with levy Alltllllmn tBsoDyu no iqu no tIm New BibDvu ll Wald in Itlbe lanlludlu Torrensass nu lIRasntion mitosiantaliudrug room Sade at your Inna Invited ta match masts star la nebulan movie The music is sbcwl beicw and the stars lama Imam II can at the advertisements In this tech Tn be eligible ice in weekly cub artae simply clip tbs advertisement clawing Iba mavla not knowing what he would do tomorrow Jir tkuiieau Ianabaslcd his Staniled inr looking through dark classes and he indicated that his own relationship was ni Opening nouns Govt Situation ST JOHNS Klid ICPI asar believed puycs yanr entries to Stan Elites en lssdiag rein In ELUTE and send Tbs Barrie Examiner Tbs lint correct answer drawn rscb week wins the lit cub Irina MIT WEEKS WINNER lrnncea Jordan In Out EL Wu Darrin wars the best with tbs United States and he would stand as gainst them on equal erms We have lhs spectacle at the Prints hllniatcc telling the Com more at the too ernment took nth the Ameri cans and how toupb It will con linua to be One day later in Winnipeg tbs hllrlittrr lor External AiIalsa ir Sharp was saying that Can ads is prepared to main un specliied runccsslons lo the Unit ed States to prevent serious riIt between the two counties because of disagreement over the automobile tho main point at issua The Newlounaiiand legislator will open cdnesdsy to clarity the political situation in the province Premier Prank hioarca announced Monday llis brlei statement at all anernocn news conierence was an apparent reversal ei an arr nounccmcnt earlier In the day that indicated the house would not open until later In the month llr hlourca said It was de cided during an alteran cabl nct meeting to open the hoarse ltedrtcsdsy to test the Psalms slan Comcrvntave governments position against maturity liberal opposition led by vvnrd ill Hobarm line his gov Just person who protocta children and Tonight para and pm Mr Brosdloom absolutely assures you at the iinut qualities at the lowest prim anywhere unconditionally no doubts the silitmoee In cash it you can con he earns carpal tor lass during Mr Broadlooma ismoua tor caller OPEN MONDAY TNRU FRIDAY IO AM TO PM SATURDAY lO AM TO PM can to retunsi area In the 72674 other living things I0li IAUGIIIIII IIEIOIIES TAYLOR inventininuzee min OUNLOP ST IAIRIE ONT iiiiiiiililiilliiiiitllilill ll liliiltllill irlcatlrsn 485uls Sil ITIIAIA rarrtaevttvss illliilll IIIOIIII IIIJIII Oil Tittilil milldll IIIAEk till Milt ttlbtiiilt lillllittlitilallititili illiiktliliillll Hill it ALLINCLUOID OJDIJOROUR PRICEOI IOYD iiistIislitlssiaailailaiilsslrvhittt AOITAJTDOAT INLET HHILEJIIPTLITJLAJT 99 and Biiiiill Huyvlnw ti Itoh 7257441 has the rates Lesa in was beaten HOUSE kacalisns II Servan ll Essa Rd Cnilier dL BUY LOCAL BUY FRESH Smiths Farm Dairy as Pelrtnug Come Try Us At RIVER GARDEN RESTAURANT Waiter Naithau Dining Room Collar Shu OPEN DAIL miles North at Benin Rwy II For Reservation 7164 009 Illvim Flowers are Ior EVERY OCCASION 12ml TIMSAI MunIELs FLOWERS 11 sound Si UNITED VAN LINES iCanada Limited The pcopis who will lock alter your moving nrcda til taUNLOP 51 WEST Risk Dmsgins cast CAL NICHOLS Movers and Storage United iLiiliI Olivesth rim mess ltvnl been rise as up tun tors TIMI McLecda Teaneo tt tr Miles at Iarrta llhour iuwlasg Iicrvlce Coming Soon HOT HEROES JOHNS GRILL as coLLsun or tanrrta Thuun 1in Your Daslar For Tba Best Ital Clips Anywhere HENRYS FISH AND Cilil llaurcen stapleicn The Dante Plan TEN MARSH reissuescnvacc DALI SERVICE rations Tawing Plnna nevus norm mas Garage Repairs Available ELEM AND SNOWMOBILE DROP lN FOR ICE CREAM POP AND LASTme GROCERY snoeenvo Open Dnya lured led DALSTON General Store Ray It result Ml DWAV Variety ud Cailcejlep asa headland assures burlas Headquarters ior COIN AND AlAhII COLLECTING SUPPLIES Largest selection at Brigham Pipes Complete repair service an all makes ct viper available now at GARNETS HOBBIES IEJ Dunlap St TENJSI Dantes hioct Fascinating Stare Oar Sundries BREAD tar SiOS Dean Jonca UARRIE BORDEN SHELL Ilwy lb moth Open out in II was Woodman Expert Service Reasonable Price resales Lnkevicw Fried Chicken Restaurant lid Dunlap East Donald Sutherland Wcallnphouaa Color TV sun lWlttte AOS Stereo complete line ARitiE TV SALES SERVICE CENTRE Hhmqunhuh ll NAPIER IT ovumnut thmypyy

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