Wright Cleaners Established 44 Years Ago On Dunlop St to tn Goose Wriya estsh UM Wrist Gums on bpSLLIbtseauvtauIad lose corporation aow hI hurt eltlcu Fortytour ctn Later ILtll ol is sort truth ms asylum told httiislmx It ltd Baylieal St Ihsira the Mines moved In horn the moment clothes teach the trout counter to the time they Ire delivered It the ntsiomers soot door spedIl rate it later to mate sure Lhey are duped Iad pressed protes ly tarl ot the respooslhtiity da oa automation but most or ill with the waiters who press repatrscrtIrII paths the clothes Item start in Iiaah ItlltT ml the tint step in tile eleartaz process the toilets are Ibrn clothe Ire lurod lad billed Diltereal colored tip lod trste the til the clothe are to he done The less also trtdteste the miter ot Inmcau II In order horn the totals area eldhes Ire Men to eleoaes Ibieh uses the seashore process rc eealty lastaird mtshiae will stun 02 pounds at ehtutax It one time eaarpand to the to Em capacity at the old mash 94 Herb Tau ler hilly said It elothe are segregat wanting to color material In other as terta The cleaatru rlhahtl and Arvin times Ire eatrutItod by comptAtrltpd eIsd thIt teed Ltlorautioa to the maehlne Temperature Ire Ilse emirall ed rce loot ernll the teat peralttre never pore Ihoss lat dezrees ttrtplt Cleaner ls traothlssd to use the sanitane prom which couple IperiIl Lind ol eleIrttn Ipeat The canto solvent is routine oItty recyst and the par roeals Ire drttd the Iotveot reentered trim the load When the firm is estremely busy it hu speIiIl reetaisuer Ihlsh sets almost like dryer It treasury lor snasmohlte suits Ilr Foster said store the suits smut be turned Inside out VISTTI PLAT Under the sanitoar protest an inspector visits the plant dare moath to com the clothe Ir odor Hessian property and to Imitaoa regimentL Front the eletaiae white the clothes to to the spoiler ho my use anything hunt eottre cup to spur ol pliers or but to remove Irene LitLn inter ed spotta also use cbsrnltIl removers Next on the line the presss lru area special piece at uptipmeat steam presses the tops oi pants while the lee ITI done with renverttlouat earn mrselal pram Coal and slrrr ithr Iarrrtrnts IsI Iteamsd he lose they are pressed to re more mess Irtahtes Finished was then put an element conveyor Ihkh me it to the assembly are shers order Ira placed together and bagged it rrpsir or attention Ire to outrrd there lemma on load to do them la the laundry department shirtIIrawIshediasaettnI be mschisre Itr roster sat the nettinl mth sleev es tram becomlhl hopelessly taunted Ite sold Ill shirts are hard in mm sure the ones you his own shirts ALI UNTOLMILD Itr Towter Isld less that partaeat tntpbt shrink to the dry rlrsrtiul prom Ire virtuIltI 11 loundrdr iamsal wont Ihrtrh ta drylc eIart rilllt been mots Ire tore it was nuaulaetured he Hill It tutorial has been stretched it all rpriaI bark ta shIpe abet it is dryriesa Ils said new IIhetlta va tern annealed by the depart ment at consumer attain will help many people loos list not bind oi eteaalrt ears esr Its meals will need Ila said he hoped to see the labelling on Ill prmu eventually As mIterlItI ehIttee the dry rteIaiaI Matters is eoratsatiy ehsartax it teeoatpsrs ho sod ed Vinyl etothc stitch era pop uiIr ten years up were reatleadacbe herald 1hr new knilurus have posed no prob terru however WrIIhl OeIraerI Ilsa operste told storm vsutt lor lat eoats Temperature ill the null BIDV NV 5i 5le NOLLJSSSS I395 SIJIIIJ M01 Irersre trom to to is desrces llr Fowler said turs should be lept in cold Ilnnle since mots ture and heat my csuse stir to mildew PoteoliIl tur thtcts will hedis couraeod by the numerous send the ourItIr siorsas sttuItrd throuritout the vault Every year drycleuntnl vol ume has been tacraIIiaI It thIht Cleaners and every indi ratios this to turther intrus es Wt ample partial spare Irsi too am opcaiaI hour customers an easily drop cloth In on their way to work tiuhcrl look over one til the gums Collier House is color in tin sprins Ilisavainer IItutul sot Dripht prints and stylus that run he aorn tor dillorent oerasiuru suit be highlighted Darlene Cooper tell and Joan LONG GOWNS Ihtlhts lvr mat as most will be popular this sprlnI wiLh both ma tore woman and the younger sound unvnb JAZZ IIDPEFUIJ TOWN CPI It vrIaalz er cIu raise most money to com seem budxot I5 To ronto In musicians will to New Otisam at the rod ot April to petlortst ol the New Orleans lass lcelitul Toronto hands plsnhlitl to prriorsn It the nut val Include this Galiuwas Ilrtso Stompeev hid Butlers Csmella lass hand the Down eblld Blur tiaod slid the Tory Goo Quartet letturln singer AdI Lee beaeltt concert trust toast and ehsrter ight to tho leslIsII Ire heloI erzan tseol on hebait at the musicians sauInN pusrag WIIISKV FANS Saskatchewan drinker drink more Canadian rye whisky than any other alcoholic beverage Isoept beer clothes at our time is run ol Ilrrh Fowler ol Wet ht clean mosl completely by comput or odiusu contra lrtobto er type eard which time uash ensure proper cleaning 1L1 lag rinsing dttsl drytas crcirs unlocr tholot AUTOMATION has tabla over one sweet at drycloantnI st errhtCIrIaers usytidd Street new machine cap Ihia ot eies as to pounds ot H3373 GNV HSVD IYNIGHVD OJ LXSN ON L2 92 AVMHDIH 21332115 d13lilaVa DAILY AM to 10 PM 0P OVEN SUNDAYS AM To PM us WitttNGION ST WEST BARRIE PLAZA7285943 mmmmmmm EXCLUSIVELY at SHOPPERS Bio Health Natural Health Food Products and Organic Food Supplements 0059 POI JS cows of WWI li 00 30 Just One Of The Reasons For Our Progress Popularity vttttttt til it thREE Picktip 8s Delivery 7285531 paSuouv as no 9NIDNVNH on VIn ypgLI gtI