ditto Rustic Examiner Published Ivy Canadian Newspapers Company Limited id Bsytisld Tlcset Barrie Ontario lW Walls ldlior Insertion WW ma James Robb Publishednaval Manages McPherson Managing Editor can Boost In Pay For Alderman And Mayor Is Reasonable An tracacau oi approximately to per cent In the honoraria tor Barrie csly council members is reasonable As the rst boost in tour years It amouan to two and hall cent annum and therciorc Is as below iederal gov ernment guidelines Certainly not cortollivlng increase In the accepted meaning oi the term it is recognition oi the lart however that the mayor and sidenncn are being called upon to devote more time to civic business In the case of alderman there In an Increaao lrom 11700 to 900 In their ati end Vlacchalrmen are to get ti OOO chairmen 650 and the mayor 37500 Previously the mayor got $6500 One hears less today about the size ot honoraria or sound members In earls Ier days these were unpaid positions but the workload was much less than it is today The honor oi sitting on council was enough tor some men But many had hills need tor pay as they were often wealthy Toda there Is sealer elm ence oi cannaiesmlrodm al walk is espsdaliy ce eveopmen of labor manuals Some people outd make worth cilyre escn liver ut they could aiiord is take time oil lrom gobs or small businesses without rcnsonab compensation biayor lea Cooke devotes virtuall lull time to the city and saint oi 500 harrii oorn nmtea him tor is work In rivals buaueac he would command gt salary and probably would have to put In much less time on the job than he devotes to city business gt An honorarium is simply compensa lion or loss oi time at work or business It mid hardly be considered the main attraction tor seat on council Downturnions IIINE YEARS ADO IN TOWN Bards Examiner Feb 28 1937 Circle Club shootinwsllery oz ed in base Insnt ol lia Payne tobacco and coiiee op now Jacksons Grill Best scores recorded by Eric Carson Frank Brett Ted Twice Oscar Shank Donald hiacLaren Sam Stransman pur ohaled Bremnelg Pair variety store next yo Bank oi Commerce John Wlo adont Aliandale iood merchant reelected Iobalrman Board oi Health Dr title gbonored on retirement alter many years nnedlcalotilcec oi health Dr Norman IRogerswllltake over position Buck Joner scored ilve goals as Barrie Colts chart Penelsnp Ibo niuntorhocke Gus Goring was nvlncihle goalie tor oesis Forward line oi Bill long Don Bowen and Dirt Scott rated beat in OIIA Guthrie community opened new skating ghockey rink at cost 000 replacing bullding destroyed In hurricane three so licl Hastings ls committee Norssaan Btod art semis WOT Bro an lierdck nhnai ler Georgianiiasonic Districtpsid oIlI clai iratecnal visit tollildlsnd lodge Ernest Long oilCoIIIer 5t United IChurch wsa speaker at banquet Oll ver Csmeronr team or Dr Norm Rog era Harry Annslron and Albert Simon cnplured Burden by doc Barrie Curling Club beating ingslon in prov dnciai Inal aI Torono Granite Club lBsrria skiers now getting good workouts on bills at llldlsurst also arrle and Al Iardsle gall courses Among best oi local OTHER EDITORS VIEWS LABORS DEPUTY LEADERSHIP New Statesman As result oi the unexpected success tot his lieutenants in persuadlns some so abor llPs to duty threeline whip and another 20 to abstain iir Jenkins while hotalnlng the deputy leadership eraser ed us the deltan and uncomprom header oi the largest and best or this iiactlon In divided and dislracte party has still iurther strengthened hs position now that well nigh hall his parliamentary colleagues have given him yheir votes thellrrt ballot tor the deputy leadership But whatever bap ipens the light will as on although the ruspcei oi an we are In still regarded lth horror all except the hardcore Ienlslnsites and leitovlngera Vera viol pnt pastime are being aroused the light tor the deputy leadership and the pontrol ol the shadow cabinet and those passions will split the party wide opens tramwmz cannons stony enthusiasts are Allan Scott Ray Living ston Emerson Ballantync Joe llipiln Jack Arnotl Pheppsrd oi collegiate stall Vernon Delve Finley and Donald hlacLaren It looks arii Sinscoe Coun ty will be awarded rite ior International Plowtn hialda next year likely In iiiinelt ring envale srea Barrie Citizenr Band directed by hitch eI Angelo prep elated concert at Roxy Theatre Sunday evening beiore large crowd soloists were black Binden comet and hlartin Sweng clarinet zJohn Barn and Sons will re opcn Capitol Theatre alter extensive al terations Barrie Collegiate Com mencement packed auditorium two nights Jean strsnsmsn Jean Lennon and Perry Ryan were valedietoriana Eighty men aunervtscd by James Don nlng employed by CNN in chuiiInti op erations on south side of bay east oi sta tion liunter Russell and Walter Craig od liidhurst won crokinole champ tonshlp oi Simeon County Circula tion oi booisat Barrie Public Library greatest itgprd in historyvvlth 30 In gear oyor iiidd Heser ailmlbank oronornna err ect armn or board admin ion Hotel rituals parlor mole op operated by George Kennedy has been closed Prema ises rented to Agnswdurpasr Shoe Co which will open ore lnBarrIe managed by Allan lCoity Tribble Albert Bryson preddent Brysona Bread elected chairmen Business hiena Club which pro motes retail trade in Barrie It replaced delunot Board oi Trade unless party leader his Wilson can dis play more toughness and llr Jenkins great deal more ve than either has shown in the last oriatight BOWLINO THIN MANS OAME Ottawa Journal Canadahoul Canadlsna nitlonai bowling magazine says thin trams enables bowler to create batter pendulum motion one oi the most im portant assets of good bowler Some eavler men swing thelr delivrry arm around their body this takes away their consistency Others get vertlca swing droppinglthelr shoulders but this puts cm oil alance occasionally ta lng away that greatly desired consistency Ona missed shot in no game means potential loss oi It pins Now about hat large brute at the beach who hicks rand In your eyes take him bowling Wm Raids On British Hurt French IJOII ROITJIAN Even though leap year comes bny everylsurth year there Is IO lack oi history or leb 2a In last one ol the events was so Important that historian AL utledga In his book Century oI onillct says that it spotted the doom at French power in North mertra Thu Incident was Erenrltrinr lilen altscls an Deeriield hiraa Kill rs that It ordered luvcrpor Vsudreull and was ed by llcrtol ds Ilouvllle son at capsule llertei who had mas them was stored the residents ol Salmon alia lie some years pro lotulyl Dc Rouvtlla was accompanied hr tour oi his brothers no reneh soldiers and son Abcnalti ndlans who had been convnvted Christianity at the mission at nughnowngs This lurvr nude its way tram Montreal in Deer lIcIst aoo miles in blltcr winter weather The men walkosi on snowshotr and dragged their supplies on sleds The attack was maria Just be ioro dawn on Feb 2t and Deer tleid was burned to the ground ha law hours Tort night peo pla were killed women and children were taken pilisoslierssnisil made to walk un res srs anon on wile ol John Williams Sh had given birth to child hart week he Ioro the massacre Yet the lndlaras also showed great kindness to some ol the captives One oi them hauled willarnss louryearold son on sled Another Indisn carried Williams raven yasr old cldl Ill daughter on his hncls and took her to the Coughpswsgs min be Power sinn when they arrived Years later they were married and Eunice wnr happy to continue her tits with the lndiunv nit though she visited her inmliy at Deertleld Rut Dcerlicivi nnrl other Cuna tllln raids on the British arttlsrs led to the French being driven lrom North America to years saa snort mm Other Pcb tl rvrnls tcsv Islber IIenncpIn began to espinru Mississippi River Jillllnnltaim was burn at Consllac Irancs IatIQuccns University re ceived would Irom Jubilee En dowment Fiend lireTreaty oi Washington provided arblratlon tor Bering Sea Iiahlng controversy between One at itnvsrervd IItoPrcslilcnt Sun at ltul gun Custodian visit in My husbands either on strike or unemployed havent quite tigured out which lamameme CAPITAL couurur US Election Activity Confusing Canadians Editors Notes The United states bsIds Presidential ct cellos this seas To many cu adiaas the the election Isrtcm la mystery To Ist readers understand the events ares tha asst lrw sheaths twoyart series at articles has been wail lra by our Ottawa earmpaa dent By EARMER TISIINOION Ottawa Bureau at The Barrie Eraminer OTTAWA tSprciaIl Voters In the United States go to the polls on Tuesday Nov this year to elect pr aldent Be tween now and then great deal at political activity will be ink in are loose at be coEnIly much ot il eohnlullal to Canadians The his Presidential cleclloat system has law similarities to our own method at cheeslnz prime minister every tour or live ycnra but there are lnr mess dlitsrcnces than there are similarities One at the most obvious is the loot that US voters know to the exact day when they will go to thapoiia to elect their Pre dent Their constitution ca tor the vote pat the Tuesday ter the tint llnuday ha Novem her every tour years lilalie there have been suggestions that Canada adopt alrraliarly rigid thnetabie Canadians still In dulge In the ties bout tllbtiule at our genes ELECTION snaruauv The pattern at the RT presi dentlai election system is well established It beftns couple at years brIore pat Ing day when csradldrtes tor nomination by the two malor parties start to be seen and heard As the clay oi decision draws nearer these candidates lart campaigning in In short to capture the support at delegates to the national plr ty conventions Some states huid pralerence primary vntes which the candl dater may or may not contest depending on how they think they will lace The delegates to the conventions arc chosen eith er st these primaries at state or district conventions by state mm ll itsytleld Street Barrie Ontario Telephone Iiotdti Second class liail Registration Number 04M Tlaurn postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory llolldsya excepted Subscrlpttoo retcl daily by carrier our weekly mid year Single copies ltlc By mall srrie tibia yearly Simcoc County rztoo yearly Balance at Canada tseoo yearly All other suunltava tibia yearly iiotnr throw oil rsroo ycss islionel Advertising Olllcers as Queen it ideal Toronto not 1110 an Cstiacart St ilontrpal Iiembcr oi the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau ot Circula lions The Canadian Press in amino lvcly entitlcd to the use Inr so publication oi all news dispatch cv In this paper credited to It or The Assoc sated Press or Renter and also the local news publish ed therein The Darcie Examiner claims Copyright In all original adver tIt ng and sditorlal arartcrlsl cry alsd by Its employees and re produced In this newspaper Copyright llrglltrllion Rum btl mill register bl ame committees or by combina tion at these methods The deie gates then so to the pertiu na tional convench la the sum mer to select their Presidential and VicePresIdential candidates Finally comes election day Unlike Canada the winner does not take over the silica slrrmsl hnmsdialely lbers are still three other steps which extend well Into January at the lotion ing year On blonds ioilosing its up ord Recipes sy in December state or electors In saia ntall capital called the Electoral College casts votes for the President and Vice President gum In early January there is iormsl election at the Presi dent and Vice President when the Pruideut oi the Senate In the presence at members at both Houses oi Congress counla the roles sent In by rsglalsrcd mail irom each state Finally In the third week oI January tho eicct cd President and VicePresident are inaugurated and turmaiiy take over the administration IthiARlE CONkUlli The Presidential primaries con iure many Canadians These Volta csprear either prcalticutidi prelereaace andor elect deir girl to tlaas convention Thesis legstes may be pledged to one candidate or they may be tree to Win as they wish Some people regarded the par ly conventions Is combination oi as threering circus and so vlvel meeting bald tell this was pot the right way to select candidate Ior President in an alien toward greater democracy the presidentlai primaries were established In coma states 1900 The central purpose was to al lnw voters to elect delegates to the conventions and to indicate which President ll candidate the prelerrrd It was popular nae odlorntlmcbutthamovo ment is new art the decline Pres idsnt ilarry Truman called them cycvssshl and many agreed with him Less than onothlrd at utsssauuW magnum the stairs have primaries and the rules governing them are not unitorsn In some lilies voters my at ballots only tor candidates ol their own psr iv in others they may vote tor either party Perbrra the most important reason they are not more sIlec live is that they dont always ira lluence the national convention Estes Krlaialer entered ll oi lbs to primaries held that yrnrnnd won all but three oi them Yet at the national convention he dropped out at the race alter the first two ballots On the otbsr band President Kennedy entae ed most oi the primaries in soar and his string oi unbroken kip lorth gave him lot at strength at the eonscnttus Our consideration In wbstbcr candidate should enter primary and directly chaiitnio later its run candidate to his own state Oileu it La decided to ask tor second prelsrcnco support at tile national convention ultra the lavosito son has burn clim lasted This avoids til testing mmg dclegulcs REGISTRATION llelore Americans can vote in Presidential election they must register This is coagth equiv alent to the cnumcrstlon oi vet era in Canada and la designed among other things to prsvcnt people voting more than once Isoplo must appsac bciorn arau nicipai or elect on oIIIcIuli show that they most the legal rcuuirea meals as rotor and have their names placed on the voting list in some salsa these lists aro permanent while In others vot Isn are required to rorcgiatcr at intervals The bIg light in the past nunu bcr oi years about reglalrullun has had to do will voting by Negroes and In thspsst many devices have been used partlo tslariy In southern states to pre vent registration and thus voting by Negroes Women hava had it easier The vote was cstendcd to them ill lilo In THE LIGHT TOUCH People Once Were Their Own Best Fun Iy IiAIa BOYLE NEW YORK iAi Youre In oldtimer Ii oil can look back and rempm rwhen You could tell iloorwaller because he had carnation In his lapel and alien worn waxed moustache II was laborious chore tor meet people to write cheque because cy did It so seldom livery passenger train had mail car on It Having pri vsla Pullman carnot owning yachtwas the moat popu lar symbol oi great business success Dentists preferred to pull hail tenth rather than try to save them and on could get one pulled Iur atrvmt dentist prided himacii on his ability to remove tooth with his bare lingers it was common tor person to die In the as house he was born in and aspertrd to be tuned In the same cem plry where hll lrltulplrvnlt the big cat roblens mini mutierbsdwltla bee sou was getting him to hold still white girl washed behind his ears lirowlng up en the Iarm then wasnt as cilltlcull inc boy as growing up In city is now int be but conquered the arts oi milking row and harnessing horse tor the plow Lbsrs really wasnt much luv blast to learn until he got married iIAil NO CUEPIDOR You knew you were in home at culture it it didnt have cusplder beside the coal stove in the living room You could dslys hundred miles In any drecllon lrsatt almost any place without passing burn that had minis swimming pool In the ck yiarsi There wcra naorc people who had heard at cocktail parties than had been to one when lcllow didnt have anything else to do he could always look bur by last alsn ing lhcra wi his hands rtucls In his back pockets not pretend he was thialins LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ABORTIONI Dear Sir in letter published on Feb 21 his Walsh mm to daland the lives at unborn children and to point out that at taxpayers are being Iorced to help pay tor to destruction at there lives through their Ontario Iiorpilal and OllSiP premiums But Greenwood in his letter oi leb it tries to counter lir Walshs arguments It would appear that the human race has survived and lncrsnaed only be cause our Ismalc ancestors were too stupid to realize that their human rights were behag Invad ed by parlaltrs Perhaps lie Greenwood would not be here to day er tor tth Ignorance wrapped ceaturlcsoid pro lane at rdlaious dogma surely our blrthralc In Ontario has let an auIilclcntly trons set per thousand in till to iTJ per thousand is lit even baton to gal abortions were In operation asses Trudeaurud tbe val at the abortion corn less does not enlists the antitile iorcca Provincial lieaitia authorities want all hospitals to become involved It seems unlikshi that snore Canadian women had mental health problems which could huelved only by abortiqu Couldnt they be given social and economic support necessary to survive their psegnancleal There is lorag iirt oi cblkl Icss parents waiting tor chance to opt bah lurthermore thers Is no gurrv sales that abortion is win Dr Willks oi Cincinnati has pub lished handbook on abortion in which he nuotss doctors trons England Sweden and Japan who have concluded Irosn numerous case histories that abortion agl gravales settler than solves men tal throes Yours truly lira KATHERINE iiCPRERSON RR Oro Station Ont BIBLE THOUGHT Tbs Lorri bless tbar and been tires and tbs bard mats his late ablne upon thee ud be llaclcur nuts tires the Lord Ithnt change thrre would be In the world and in each oi us II this could be our wishl our hope and constant prayer log each other Let brotherly love continue lylltANng vooviirlsa lsmnmmuendo Ldcaa elm bias mun dead at night Inc the oi the es tat II it cmtlnucn at uncut rats the net result ardi bigb unemployment and spiral pi decay am naavuanr Londons population has isllen to million from peak oi as million to ma The latest statistid auglest that the capital is losing peo ple at the rate oi tenses an nually with reboot pep Ia mgriug to and sauces merhsg eu Although as streets still appear prosperous and the Ir is at Piccadilly ahtnn as brightly aver thus are pockets ni decay and poverty neighborhood areu Shelter Brltlsh mariti specialisini in hosting esti mate ortags oi at east cocoon habitable dwniilnglln tendon at present it says that the situation is getting worse Lhimra oi violence in laser dors went up at par eni Irons lidi In ltib with litre thar lour racent increase In the little monthrclml lthcrc are the peopiawbe are moving irom London going tot As tar as the Greater iondon Council can establish ball ass leaving the region entirelyhaod the rest ntoring trio burgeunliu prosperous southeast corn muter belt bordering torsion The council is llnnrlclng new housing In so towns all over Dagiand tor the use at than who want to more but oi bear don No is moved until assured at in lob not The reduction in population in Inow bl maimed drt learn unusual its lsctusinglnduatriua Thianlfln live with the Tovernmentsios policy oi pcraundn lacloriea more to areas as high tut cm ieymcnt everyone Is In lever oi this policy The London Chants her oi Tkads and Industry spokesman oi the commercials concerns recently warned the government that is essential to halt the drill An oilicisl said Once you get Into spiral pl decay it is very herd arrest It First you et Industry moving out then igh unemployment then the service industries start to ear out Property is taken over by people with nowhere else to so and soon whole area can become slum The chamber is caiiin inc lulntnction by public ills vats sectors to rovida more accommodation central London rspcelaily tor mid disincome workers it says such people are being iorced to commute long distances Na cause they are unable to at Iord the sccammodbtlcn they want at Iondan prices The Royal lna itute sl Brit Ish Archtccta warned two years ago that swinging lone don could disappear it the drill to the suburbs continued leaving the centre berrlt oi ople at night it still holds he aunts view spokesman says losvdon can rlmaln ailvr pay by stimulating mixturo ol business and residential communities In the Inner area AMINOVOIIIIEHANOIAFWINGML HElWDHiMmmiWgWWNngwwH WWTDIWMi fag lit MWJIWIWIWWM nasssvavo ltUiidtt AI MONO OUR 0t Illicit