PREMIER WILLIAM DAVIS IEconomy Benefits ITo Effect Barrie lay WILLlAht DAVII Film Illslster 0t Osisrll Idood rounds tor bouttheeoooonllohui oi 0n rlosrstohetolndlnthero sllts and estimates at trey It ml and measurementI lot 7t Itll Ind lm Ind there Is very reason to believe that pie oi the Barrie ares will are In the benets or this up wlns In tart optimistic ioretsater the bluineu tommlnlly redlrtllls that It could prove he one It the best we oi owth tor Ontsrio II the eond World Althoush Ans come toe us all to ps Attention to the or til as well II to Its usht see nothing hut err ra1 Imrn both the yuan ltd Irures end estimates Int am the predictions oI our own rotor economic million In the thin nlmrler oi last year our provincial econ omy enjoyed welcome surge surprtled many peopls ed thoupht we would be mth nxer In pullln out at the slump 9t Inn Ind eel mil As result we Ira now In tImIiinu that when all the thrill gures III In the Iron Iro Ilnolsl Product will mister In increase tor Itll oI Ilnmt six per tent In constant dollsrs In Itll Ir expedite the OFF to inmate by well over six per tent Isln In sentient dollIrI III III rise In retail sales In MI oi at least per tent and even the unemployment pie lure whirls has been one hl our mosl serious problems tor mIol months Ihdll eneourulnl alerts at Improvement it II hoped that with Inereuod economic letIlItyr the rate It uhldl new burs rated dur tns IIII tr iIIIIy heb ter then II In In Itll Employment ls expected to in mm by at least to per rent durins the on while the labor tom will nereasa so per cent lhiI dliierentia or two tenths oI one per cent may not sound lllre murh but It will have the signicant client III ro during lhe rantsat the Ililtlll PM Thll prnIoss will he Iradunl tlIrouIIlnui the year but we but have that by the end at rm Ontarios rate oi unemployment will be down to about It per cent compared to yearIons sversro In ltIl oi per tent With such mndillnhs II these evslllnl molt rtll In In the ante area rhoud ve Iood came to remember lIII It per year llosElir STANFIELD Economic Goals Needed In nonnnr hTANVllILl lander hi the OppoIltlun ICunlnln In Ilnt II country II the crossroads lIuru line llurll ll gleirt llcllI Ill luilt It all Ieluls uI our rItty IIllrIll lilo putt low nlunlill uboul the need tor nullonni onnmle Ilratesy tor Canada It to import hrs in urow Ianniiy ant economically in the nail yours uni deIhIIte Icanada nerds idhllltt lurdo velnpmrnl but not tool more rd tronl on high by any rulornlnent mind It must he unnl tnwllrtl prnrrru lhni II Lu mymwaqeIIn1 at Stanfield ohlhllllthod laynil Iuplllunle ul Inelety wurllnlt tIvIllhIr II pool that combines the tllulll nI Inn IncIs labor nelirullure an gov ernnlont In is united Ilunl IIIII II II trilll Illill Iltllrilllh It II In errulesi III om talents and ohihlirI ct Indlllrllnuils In the llrsl In terests nI both themselves and DI IMIIty hm condent thnt us Cnnnrtinno uu IIlll lltIIIIrlIl Illlli social and IILhnIIIIIIt roals through Iurh Iovopelntion and In lllnllte Inlulo the liarrie llx umlners ottnrtll In this rutuln Issue in hlslllirlll the puieniln hi Mllrll WWW this deilrit iur tull ls rail mated ut littldu shout moor School Boards Keeping Watch On Tax Dollar Muslim lcl Stones County lenient Is one at mum eonrrrns oi molt taxpayers Id lsestlon absorbs almost so per ml at the taxpayers doiisr to as on one the Limes Cuner I3le nl dualism and the Sim roe County lions CIthoIIe Separate School Board In doinr their best to ensure IIrh student elves the best edarlllon not Zellers Business Develops In loss Serials United Inc variety thlln In the Unit htsler purchased Csnsdl and set up opentlotl III III the child had beam Ah slum la the genera manure Walter Zeller then took his IIII Isvlnu Iusdod some old Irlrnds to In him and bought lha lot Ior ml 007 Closlnl three oi the II IloteI he been drietopnr the rennin In II and tin mt saw there stores In the vanguard oI vhsl was to become hnm Al Zel leII thrilled One at the art nel it was in Ihrea IlIIerI Ir rrs Tour De urle Ilsrtrd In mi In rm sellers first opened III doors In nude and In Im lIr Decsrle same to llllillll the store RETURNED TO BAIIIIIE In he was irsnIterIed In landlord but returned to Barrie In IL The Ilore was complet eiy rebuilt In ten provtdlns threoltorey layout with limo wiler test at iloor Ipsre As business man Mr De esrlI iI glossed with the way the city Is In Ink the downtown Iona Is Im proving continuously thlnil with urowth It Barrie Io msny more homes and moot bulidlnu bollll built the redevelopment ol the downtow area with the propoled new mun leile bulidinr and the txsn aim at rarities all this will air to tree even more oi bas IneII atmosphere dnwntosn lir Deelrls Isid hllers liIeII experienced an Improvement In business In Det elnher tIII when II lopSed the chain and the stores in Tor onto dIIlsllm Ior Increases our proposed December sales the II per rent increase was the srenlrel at all lltt store In the chill and the 2i in the division FIAOIIIDAIIIOLDAE 1p Is be Ipehdllhl two mile expen ses paid In Florida liis usls tent menIrer Illa Dorothy Gardner Joyce Crone the the credit nuns er and the supervisors receled cash wardr and III Itstt members whether selling or otherwise re ceive Iii eertlileslel ZelierI popularity comes be am the llthlillu merchan diIa that Is In pleat demand While the store II tryinfhto eon rentrsla mainly on eio III for the IIrrlIiy II II brsnehlnl late the area ni lith Inode nl onllll Iumlture lamps televis ions reirlrerelole Irreeers Ind washlns machines Durlnr the year the store ronducls eight promotional sales to aim at the Inmll malltel wllh pnuuhir hikes sales are the January Isle Enlter Iqu llsy In summer hsrrnlns IIieI Iehnol openlnr Isle shril Ieranry Iele October and their prechrlltmee Isle the store employs ts em loy eee both rerldar slid pertIrme Some at them have been with the thin Ior more lhsn to yellrl One woman has been In IIIil tor 22 glean one III 17 you Ind lrd er yearI ASSISTANT MANAGER Dorothy Gardner II haslslshi manner htr Decurie IIId more and more women are belles rm ploan ht both manefers and Is Iiitent Inanaxerr II iellrrt stores lhroulthout the country lie laid the rm has been will IntI tolrrwunlze the womenr eupuhillly oi running stores Ilr Deeulle Ir one oi III re mhlnlnp tIlhlIll members Itlll lrilvt with the chain There were In charter members orsln ally III II not the only Zellers elnpluyec In his Inmtly Ills broth or prior In his retirement lllan sled llore In Three IlIvIrI Tulully bilingual ltr Ilrcurie told Ilnrlily tiny it lay hut lint he tries mm In speak lnI to Iurinlluirs SIIIIL rnnny uru lell Clll llortlrll nrnl orly inuily irllln Uueiler they uppre tInte being rule In do businesl In their nntlla tongue In liurrle llr Ittwnria has been illIlla IllIoIlIlinut the Iurlllllunliy lie Is lh president It the Kiwunls past president oi the than II II tunlnllrlo trustee with the million Cuurli Ilolllun Cuttl ulle srrrsteie So no llunrlI Inrrnher oi the Knights ul Cot uxnhus and this year is the Illnirninn oi the linstur Sui ealllpalxn Ills tlnrllnrr has him been active In tho cummuniiy with tho iluulu Club the llullnm nnd lrolrisiunnl Womens Club nod other groups tflITllAClt IIUIITA NINIISTON tin iCIi Iullmrl In service In In ettnrl tn minus trnnsit tIeilrli ro rnIlIri In IIIIIIIII 10000 Iuwrr pul ll1kti rhunll ltlnriton buses In Ml than In ml the bile hill IIhs Inmlnlsslun tour Now the Inan lhon prIvIlIiwt lnrl IanM ran with balldiet programs ever in Barrie St htnnleas at school on Steels sum will ome ln lsily open In sddlton Ieh II Iibie than an InIne Inrrrarn tser Bath bursts IIII be lm In their purrr strings in mi They are until on Dish Ihirll Illl be Rude 0th III hlslrh DEPAIIATIZ DOAIID For the sepsule Durst rut Will reluui to IItrnd mete ss nail Is the lsIhIIaly II puns es to Indians their llnsncisi support Srhooi Illl mrsn Grades Ii Id III he tuned to close at the end at June The prolinriai rqu Kim nude It rlesr In Oct ober that lurther grants would not be extended to these nodes to SI Josephs Illeh Iorthnlerrlentaryaehonle Ind lindes and III the upsn Ila board will be haldthoilno year Both boards III eonunuinl Darius Ill IIe sldJIunsI sites we purrhsled by tho segue Mani one earth It Ilsrns sad lhe ether to II St Vincent Strrel Ind Clandid leal Ins II lone rsnre ismInner For the at education pmlal has been resdeed Irons the depml Il duration to us Ihrsd shit the mum to boutiqu to Cmtrtl Collegiate Wu III IREID this sum and anllnlaa ther the Im 71 Ichooi you NEW SCHOOLS The new Istitis Street school Ihleh testnm Itl In retard ed children Ilil Ilsa stand this year The countth Ill be In In Iilh Let ol more thsn KIM Th budm IIII b0 the lemh shirt the evenly school board will DWI and has Inmintrltr and In most no gets the usual task at hslsnrv stherostsnlpmtdln Irooi Itandsnl ol education III the Iity Int Iillnznru ot the lent lamest to pay Ill be lb same at sum Wendel balms Des oh at lamIII the Simon OxlatyIIasrd It Marathi will stay Ilthln the eipeullllln reit lnzs Ihlk Ilismptint lo hare as tattle Idem stint at dsssrrom lamina Is possililt ltr Shells ssld miller tor schoola may one Immbtenslhtssprtum plats hoard experts there Illihepomdolulnmsse Teachers larder the county hoards WW4 mar tlnd lhenueires handhn dlttrrrnt third Imn who the In turbine this year Since stud cuts are no looser Isolated to his eo th llnlnher Leathers oiled In each Inhiott Irtl hsae Inyrd While hoard hilldsls Ieel all time Ill men the molar oi new schools It may be possible they Illll be mud to lesrh Isisth wblerl It Ihlri they have had trIIrizl tn lurhm retiree COUNTY Ill Otilrisll salt It II Illely that any high khuld tenrhrrr will rod up lesrhlny public srhhol In Sim Manly niuosllon outsa the tiers room to mounted by both boards to mtsie extent at tbourh they preter Inwr 1an II possible nlher the overnight tripe Ihleh tend to expensive An outdotr ulneatim program Ior Lle tolnri board Is Just be llnnlnl to late rents and may develop Iurthrr it upon at ded Iesled Irathen Ilvjmhllllt In this srrs and evrntuslly they may hale type oI program thsl can be tolloued by other teachers thrnuehout the county Vlhtie the pmmm will probably ntirntlehd touIrd art and ease er Is is In Included Comm ly group will Mia no to use Iehml Isellitln dreamt 1m 5cm hulking and Miami arts are msde Isilsbir Inr edxatmal pr rn tiarsl srLliLu pr Ior rprnrrts ily seniors prhlidtd it does not rennin with uhnnl programs For both bomb ihmlsre 1m Iili continue In be Ihleh lhs rrnxilnum ura tinul lIlue IIII he nllrrrd lo the Itndent while the Idlnlslstrs trees Itrlles to lmlniiin III nail record ol staying within spent Iss bourIiIriu TIIAIJOII TREK SKIPTDN Burland CPI lsrmhand Illtllsm Appleby drore ten miles Imm his Yuri shire home in Gloucester on Hitler to apply Iur sh that on IrIIlII the term laboring loh had been filled Ill early on lnnIInx he said later the municipal savings loan corporation IIIWIIII tillIll telluh II We never lose Interest SERVICE ISIIIICDD County savers want albetler range at nancial services Its In their Internet to he sortell by tlnancial cor oration with tie lloilli Ollieo right In the heart oi Slnlcoe And managed directorate ol executive businessrnun and editors II majority oi whom live In SImeoe County and who clearly know its particular needs SECURITY The Municipal prlrenl company Is blunlol It Bankers COIIUIaIlDIl tidal Limited oi Ioronlo It has proven record oi success In the molt page and property management ilold tor the past 40 years With this both ground It brings to The hiunielpai Savings It loan Co ration its own Illunu mnnapomont skill rocurity and expertise orporlll iy 1n long range Inves ment planning GROWTH he Iilllltlulplll opened lie llearl Oitlro In Barrie at time nt unpreced eulud growth In hlnleue County To mnieh this challen and Simoner out Ilantltlln Iutllre tIOSIIIHIIl The Municipal stands soil behind its stator polity oi providerI better nvnllibilly oi mortgage tunlls tor Simeon lillilly dill It the municipal savings loan corporation Need OIIIIII II Dunlop Street lest AD In HT Iarrlr Ontario 105 7167200 hirerpolatsd under the loan and Troll Corporations Art III the Preston oI Ontario subsidiary II Mvhlrlpol lanterl Corporation II III Untied IIIJIIIIEIII CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE COIIIOIIAIIUN one oioo