Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Feb 1972, p. 3

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Siwvccouoeweeye in Mwamovuwmwmr owIeIIII4I1 Council Accepts SevenRoute Proposal wet end III Sil to olr war open South or our heroes anoww IleItI Smith berm them dun Tire bwIEI dill with Kiwanis Club president Oil It try Hardly It labiah Berrievd trusts study Irrtred hrtnsmelisutrrdnelltrm In drscuseedetsrpeeiel Ileworhmmmweewm Spurs Ircep plumbed wub only In lions and molar test at rurde IrcctlEL Altetihecousrsl mourns hurried consultation helical bomber II members at LII city ILIII It was decided the ptsbiic midhevweceesstotheeorts Tho study Ibkb hes been vellebls to elderrncn in hestrei Iy III tinirbod Iorur since III IO mi minim DIM his the present Inuit wartime Ind Isskrs recombdetlms toe servlccendonws oi ridership Erowrrwes pretrpeslrr thir Ihilhte Photo Says New Retail Complex Amreteiicomplezslmiler Remember Iodsy ts yester Itslte that rrrlly know their tolhuenowmheybeldmd wIllopenIotIhotRIrriewithln IyI tomorrow More mushy opetiny tie business the brown owner oI the tear th ursl rim or tour peers hrowa Ield retelier should mm MohmesuedlnTlrwowns tudy his position in III matter er predicted It Kiwanis Club place Ind err Ilmrell II he is martin blunder lIhelr bit Brown Ield theeutw In complexes will then became trlrt rsther then residual shep pInI centres Indihe downtown rtorer will teke over In the re IioIIl Iorel pols lle Ield downtown merrhente hevr it over pIIsI mercheots Itote beceuse oI their lower uvrrbeed Mm MM Ami with the same merchandise costs And It they III willirsl to who their at end Ids these prices ey will rent One obs ItIIdiII in the wry ultbie some Is the short en oI per specs downtown he Ield betrte eenaot rurvivs with the dotisn oi Its IIsldentr lone lit Brown Ield And the dollars from wthtns erees litre Iiithrust Iur exempts er rlvs ILDIM entirely by cIr so no parties no butt Elm but be arid the Issuer to berriee perkiur obtam Ll not hdirle contrast on with city We need more Ictlrs Ind Isss tslk be sold DO IT NOW WI here all heerd the bum olirorriot In town berrII Tlvt where there Is will there is wu Lend will never be less Ir Row II the time tnect Red Cross llnnual Wednesday Night hire hlcNImIre cbslr men or the worncur worr rum mlttee 0stqu divisional the pundits Red oops Socle will Iperk It the easiest mes oi the dents Breach ol the soc ety Wednesdey The meetinr will be It Grece United Church It did pm IIrIhIcNImere wu eppolntod rhslrmsn ul tbscommittee In rwinriur with the punches or too out to beer the mus the countdown He div the chasm mIr ket piece Into lire eelerurics the members oi the serpents mine the Individually owned Iores the specleby shops the ervles rtoroe sail Itselly the that does not otter any Tben lest stores project nepetive bears his Brown Ield Ifd they qu wither on the vne He predicted only two types Club lldiusts Its Executive The executive ot the Terrie Klwenis Chub wsrrreiren ed ellthily It noudeys meetlnr estrse theries Rum Ilrct rico presidcut asked to be relieved II his position this to business cummtttmeate hisJib urowlreverttrlsdlr error Oreeuheisb tom osly second vieepmideat will lets over II ltrrt ytcsprrrid ent end Brucethen lormeriv director will become record Vicepreridcnt put divisional mrnrger tor Gentle Motors Ind elr trIIIIc meserer Iur Air Canada III tr mil second vice Jprerldent oi the Reroute Tburlrt Assoclw tloIeIdoIrtIIbosrdoIdlree tore toe CInedleb Tire Carpets tlon the EIrrtI Inbnttlel Corn mission the Geordisn luuade tlm tor the lrriorsulul Arts Ind Oeuuian Cullen Removed Clauses lire Put Berlin to In berte Ind repel It at retIIIer would survive um the mess merehendiser who Is willing to use the newest equip meat end the spcctriiy shops tbst drip with decor Ind have Ald AI Mectnillen Io prelece his re to ruin procedure rules helps but In Item ibet bed been deelt with certier et lIsL rims council routine Tbe dty development Iommlb tee bed removed two clevsre lrom its proposed subdivider Wendi voted to the tdnhisii er eels or Some council members de pleyad little contusion It this mini Ind Is one rrplsincd Ieter knew whet the Illerustsr were but couldnt remember It ID was the one be bad liked quick check oi the document re ceived lIri alrht mllrmcd tbet It won end be ruled Irmdinriy SEVEN ROUTE The Europqu IAItrrrrIIe iii would valve seven router cov errd by live buses and trial bus service to within one eighth It mile II per cent II the mldcnts The routes would be rovch escher hour In peak periods Ind ell but one would revert to home service in the oil hours Tue roarultent Reed than hers end Associeirr ul Toronto utimetrd IIII ureter prlvete Ip erstlnn the system would re quire subsidy oI Ham yearly burst the rityI heard In In In rreerc at per rent III the own bcrulpeoplelrrtbeesty who Omhurwwhibeenlrnedle Idem exhoimulJJndLRIetu memoriethemtyecceptr IIIdIIIdRmtue endd involves hIstrelly liner woeldbeeosucdhyellnelebus rosdrswbhbooesttbe ends LhItrrseidIet IreIId both Ctroustswiiirtuevraweh luteetworkelhdrslvslw prism ownership because at clear end concise rswste traps supervision thsruoruiisat rec thettherwtaendlcbuthslrwbef mend lie aim tbeceel Idrerttsei thIt lam IthermhsLThlsmthsthIt EIOUTU trade lollowr lu Jobssm 5L Steel so loops rbdownloIIem rocnelwliisouplduices ter St to Oodriustun mass Napier tu Nelson St up Neirurr to Grove St end Irons there to lbxtworth St Ind beck to Cedrtarton route le up Reylirld St errors Wellsnnon up St Vincent bsck Ilasu Grove to baytleid Ind downtown egrin retrialltbinthehslibmrsdtb COT mil IOUILS The alternate system Ippruv Id Ilsa mammals burn the bus thI errors more loorvsrroutueendleothet persons picked up as RoutI continue to points else these malaise to points Ilceu these other In routes and sincere Tbs mortitsnt Ilsa In or some rompertsoo oi the costs lanJvrd lap butts operstion pIred to contacting to privste operator For the ryttrnr chosen tbs debdt would rise to Mid compared to the little larder priIIII operation It ups the Idvenlsgs Ii pub lic mmhsp is Ibet the city has direct control Otbctting the private operIturr pruilL the camultrui predicts hlpber weru would be pIid city employees at spot sheds and rspesvu too It shout ester per year rem one city IteII member speeds in or three cm weer Ietch III Iver the bus system In its gems mmeede tioor the report states thIt EI Iorts should be commuted he tncrceslns the ridership order to do thin emphasis must be pIeed en the Ionian rote uses It Is the try to treats or ere number It weyr oI discour ean people Irons MIN their own vrmrrs Ire outlined bid reiectrd become oi the edversv eilect they would have on other trelllc problems REPLACE hiS The report recommends to cement oi the rchooitype now used end this bss been done by lmolrnrrutrtles uI Alternate lb It recommends clrrr Ind eliic rprtrrlolimlisylield5t SliEil GIVE IT BACK Ald Parker Is Alone to Fans Lear oer Ieross to Cradles Rd erd beck dowelowe downtown routISIullowI Retestend SmnldIII Rd to LetltlI st oes down Anne St end heck II gelliuxtuo St to Rose end down we route lotions Dunlap Anne John Ind Ianlslit streets In Condemning Raises Aid Dorisn Parker use In shell tune in her true resre then beving large increases It rust Imeunt which would he lancer intervals He said theres the same that the liepte Avenue be retelsed iur thg tun beep end ll pnvItI leads on produce eats Iliullerto steer the cttyr costs oi Ilium would he their public ownership mlrhi be errIrrtId The report selects the Ides eI demnud buses sletllr Is not behsliorteui city Ind this is reected in the low even Iii msn Other cities am lwnd that persons who lmild thud gagI recliner bus wt pIy we too depend bus smite thst will pick them up It their The roost successful uhtlitn II this Isturw ere rurktnx In western Cessde but the pens since GO Ttertsit system Ilsa operetes so lcereeslsyty popol Ir system at Ith neturr In mun Icupstities sloop the 00 tests ryy tern seer Toronto IdJusied in late into account the route Iolluws bredlord Si which In approved orrr br eIwaI hue Ind cry when my Imprints they reuire irom to Rise Rd Ines slung Innlriil St to LlItIe Are In winds beck by Deyvlew Dr In Our tort Ave has Rd and down town III lIIIEIIISI run IARRIL ExAhuNrzrr TUESDAY FEB 29 In priartuelrcttousrethrribsnir Easlview Choir ls Invited To Festival OI The liesIvluw Choir wes hour ored this wreI III III victories It the Klwenls Ilullc Frstlvei when it we esked to be port In the restiin oI Stare concert In Toronto this Sundey Dave Wiltlch director at the mtvtew thuir Ield lhIt tbs Festiin nl Stsrr is concert composed entirely at the win ers oi the Itiwehls liusic Fes Iyreentenl Imrndmcuts heceurs at letter received Iron Ono rumerr Ou Ishtar Iur Iurther eonstderstlon The committee discovered dun In Or recess thst the Item they removed could restrit to ram IIgII problem Ind courr cil speed to allow city devel consent is reintroduce the bus IIuI The Ilene removed bed deelt wlth cushion the Inc rim to to the succulent end at It undermund elecircsl Ierricu Tttrse not been toler lilo alter sorvtnI Is vIcecIeIr men to toss Tue comnilttee run end this Iermenis the dis Iributlon erased the world dur Inf dlssrlers end ior Red Cross met reiluns iler ierert In tuiemstlonel rellel work led to the orrentsr tioa ol the tint ensuel presen tation belt to rm to rslsc tuads tor internsttenei rellel programs Site Is chlirmes at this yeus hell committee Ilrs Idcltemere hes also worked II II executtv meme red beck tupkcummlttre Rben rrlnroduced the com mltice moved tIII the rubdivld II he required to install street llrbiibr Ind Ihst the WC he made Ilmetory to the sure meIi No Flood Problem Engineer Reports The city enrlncer told council Iest night tbet Iceordlus to his cIIcuIetlous tbcre Ls no Iiood Inx probem behind the ItlrrioI Crescent burner tbet Ibut use Int lot where Ostsrlo Houslal leprorsllon ber dumped some snow this winter report by sprinter hey Alien had been mentioned In public wort conunltiee report Ill llieNAhlARA Izer In the blood Irrmtmlon Irr vlee with the Tbronio Centrel Red Cross breach blrs hIcNImIrI is volun ber bosrd member end were teer Public Funds lo Development Go To Industrial Growth First Where public binds no to he spent on development Industrlsi sroutb hes priority allowed by downtown oilice commercial re tell commerclsl end residential council decided last night The emphesls is on industrlll trowtb lot number It reasons Icrbtps tint on the list item hemeowpers view would be the Oct that the provinclIl pru Teriy ler rebate system In been coded lscinr every pro perly owner with In lutrcrsrd itoprniture oi Ipproeimetely Ald Rose Archer Ield llll Ilrht this Increase could be so plied Irelnst Income in In tui ure but wont help use the crunch this year In order to tree halence between Isan rIIl Ind rcsldculisl Issessment and to tccp midcntlel testes Is low It possible the city should and will rut II in Archer Ield lilyor Les Cooke raid the rear Ion tor the low priority Ier es gumotinr residentiel growth It the city ls turnlnp swey prospective subdlvtdrrs end he Io Iecd in mint OT Retell commercial lollows rerldrntlei growth be id MAJOR PROBLEM One major city problem Ll pro vision oi industrial land Coun cil wss told by Aid Archer thl talks between the city and sure ruuhtiloc townships buys your on but It will be some ttme yet More thcsa deliberation cII be mIde public Ald Ross Stephensin been talking with Industrial Commissioner Herold aelntow who sevl the city has no place to put Irly Industry that might went to settle here Specs tor severe Industries rosy be Veillblo in the lluroIlI Rued IreI wire the Time Paddlsou Ierm is serviced Council last Ilrhi Ipproved survey at the land and expendi ture ol rrsoam Ior reed rIiI sewers Ind wetter services hudcet pcrnur uCouncil was told pert oi this expenditure would he recover ed when the lend is sold nance committee hrs been Lit loll asked to retrofit5 prices above the level which would reect the rust services end some eldcrmen outsilooed the committh About the cor ieIlI oi the report blr Allen rumored up his coo clustous with the Itltlmenl hlr Wittick Ield it wes tbs first time their he been LOT riled to the Fettlvel sl Stars end he eorstdrrs It IrertIouar Howetwr becsure OI Spectrum 71 cod the upoomiar ersmrn Itions Itir wuurr Ield the choir bed to decline the Invitetioa City Votes To The ubllo works committee tut nl trecommcudrd the city cIII tenders tor operation It the city mIrIrrI durind the cominx yeIr Aldermrn micsiionlnp the move were told tiret no report ul lest years Ipcrailon ls IVIil able except Ilnanciet report thIt hes gone to the horses committee There Is ebcoluteiy no prob III Ibetevei but Ittrr some Iurtbrr discussion the clerk wu estedturesdthetultreportto the council The report Ion but Ihet there is path the city can do shout It Iem tbet wright exist end the shutting property owners must settle the thirties themselves It Ield that It liood Ins did occur the Merton Cret cent homes which Ire hither then the Grove Street home provide more went to the into no system It the lend end the mic enuw Is nerilpiblc II com psrison It Ield the oors at the tier loo Crescent besrmeoir Ill rtlrhtht Ibove the level II the bottom at ditch drelnlnp the tool sud beceuso the lend is relatively heevy cIIy btr Al len didnt III thI there would be reepete problem Aid Freak Henry said he must respect the eurineere re port but pointed out not tor the pest live years he hrs In nueily pose to Inspect the load ed yerdt end In some rrsrs Iloodcd basements on Iierlon Crescent Ind ssld he would re serve the prttitere tn hrln tbe tastier up ruin it pr lem does Irisr hir Aliens recummendrlions Ind Included having the Marion Crescent homeowners IIIl their ropertles to rein the level ol which presently oods SENIOR CITIZENS Cvnire Committee end doctor at val unteerr completed the lust Itexs oi their protect by melt Stars Concert The Entries tidbit lolns lor ru with two other Derrle choirs biepie Grove public school choir end the Kiss 5d erd choir to present Spcc objection elunI council meetlnz tics IIrIrr condemned the nine rIIde retroactive to Jen She said the propose wer lll timed end should vaI come briore the test election not whether its your Itter he gets circled or just beIorI II eieo tun could Irish more money settles pepeer on the street car ner Ie Ield ll lest Iiphts poIILIeIII tries to nine bis pry bounds they III on Is representru tires at the city Its unlslr lhIt beceuro you sit on buerd thII pays honor Irie you It more three me one who Is appointed to based LhIi doesnt bevw bonorsrts river or be Insde ellrctive to Aid leer lttIcLercn esld be EM mum rm She eiso Ield council should review bonorerls duriII the test three months It the err the tint three months lust Iel lowinpeiectluns bed kept track It bis hours miles Ire end other erprIer duriII his Itrrt you at elbow Ind Iound be mode It cents per hour think were entitled to the minimum were he slid Aid Devld hirClymont IIld Aid Perri Ield he wont op red to the bouurerle lncresseu me he thinks it will useN Itrsegr ritircrtr thsnce in pertictpelc rather then STEIN in membenblp in council tu those who no Illord to tell 53 iAI 9th PM It would be dishonest to you dry all work now and then Iur scale INVIN mmmil dill gIInII tbs rrlse he the purpose council business llN mm In ol erII the the other cotsn III rrld It Inythiur the bIIyN 1m llllmllll Mll on men an were responsible ore bunnrerls ls too low Ire Ind twu cotde ressious She Ield this scents Ideqnete didnt rec elected tor mone tery grin let my Dlml etsnd In cotild rneII contribution end think that Is my duty as cltlerI trum 71 It Centrel Mlestete 11 AR Auditorlrnn on Wednrutey one pm Open to such Spectrum 71 III rrysnlred to II rosterm It turky in April In bole is re turnlru the MI visit at the hut blues blob school choir IIirI rsuney momtrtrtote Imus Arnierd Call Tendon For Operation OI Cilylllarina Aid Pent wenlcd Io Ituow thI type II contrect would be drewn up what type at operation would be sourht end what obicctlons ii eny had been made ebout previous oper IUottl Ite III told the open ilon would be stmllrr to test yeer end council Ipprovcd the tender cell It Ald Al hIIcmllIIh Ield bid lot it end Ield lot that reason hed support the motion Aid Perri ortestluned the Iert the some cottocli members get per Item In Iddltlon ior Itltlrrr on such Irds er the Childrens Aid Society end IbI plIIblirx bond HI IIIrr mIde motion to Intentloulu bevinrthchunorerle thI the grnrrII revrmmrol The prurrsrn her been dcsinr reviewed we to been lite em eoIrmlttrI consider melts the ed to appeal to sit tester Ind hunts Idiusted yeIrIy rethrr remuneration in Ildenurh will Irsture music rsnmstg Irons Snowmobile Bylaw Delayed Morsesnauayrotwarmaor The roilclior weI ill for at other week end bus with eIIeIisIohedIdat reschean to drew up the byiew repulsi III snowmobile operellnn In time Iur lest Iirhts council meetlnr The byirw wer requested by council month era end city clerk lien StrIughII rsid It could he reed tor the nest council merilnp In two weeks The clerk wes uked why the bylew wasnt ready by Ald IIm Perri who Tainted it be ready tor ncst rocet Six other blews wers prepec ed in time tor the meeting Ibil river the required readlnss One dealt with the borrowing mm In gntnlullorlt In House muons II Iur pert ol the Iecoudsry Ircetmera lIcIIlty In the ng plrti This was Ipproved epr pA byIIw euihorlslnr the tutt Inr at In cescmcnt Issues IIIrts pro on IIIrt Drlvw tor sewer was pressed Itr Herr will receive some tor the moment bylaws wrre Ilso used to serum In public roe pert oI Vsrden ms pIrLI at line ltd IIIrshIIi St Thorucrest IldPcIcuck itroedmoor Ave Sprtnrbome ltd end III at Tower Cree Ind Coiletc between sad III III epprosinrntrly Iron cues turn to bcrin the evolution Idem 5w Armlugc Aime tionnairrs to senior citizens In the Berrie em The summit tee ls hoping tor quick rs process FROM LEFT Doug Sheupbnessy committee prer iM Dull Finch Lewrrnce blclsoa Exembrcr Photo Senior Citizens Survey In The Mail Within the nest lcrv days every person in berrie over the eye II to will reocle question nslre dershred in dctcmtine the wishes oi Rsrrls Ind Ires sen lor ritiscns currents the pro posed senior citizen centre The survey was completh last week ellcr several months at reacuch by socioicry studs ents It Grorglsn Colleic item here at IocIl service cubs pro tossed the Iorms Ind Itemprd the envelopes liordsy The briel questionnaire is da Ilrncd to salute the Intel number oi potential users the centres possible loeetlon the type end else or the buttdtnp cod the edible required The Senior Ollsens Centre Committee heeded by Doss Shrurbnrssy decided upon the survey in In eiiort to ensure Ill people who might use the sen tre have the opportunity to ex press their op nIons show the project Mr Shsuuhncssy cstImsird It would IIlta Iboui to minutes to It In the uutsilonnrlre eud Irud It beck to the comrrultee tn the sismpcd Ielleddrcssed en velopu Insets enclosed when we hevs evshssted the results reid his Sheuphnesiy we will have concrete Iscts sod Ilfurcr to present to city with cl tor Its tonsidcrstloo The consulttsce pleas to It use contribution Irons the city and with eppruved centre sta tus cunterrrd II the units by the Depertmcut oi SocIIl In Femin Services Oiilco on At Inp the pulled will ousiliy Iur provincls essIsiIIce The cornmlitee eIso pIIns to hunch drive to raise stance to sea the project throum hit beupbnrsry arid the out coms ol protect depends largely on the results It the bill vey II the survey is rucccssitil end results In Iirm Ides eI whet the senior clilrens in the Bettie district went the cannuttee will be Ibis to epproIch the vsr tour level II overomeut tor Itoeadsl eselstence ltr Sbsurhnessy extended his thesis to people who helped pre pure ths envelopes tor meti up lie extended Ipcclsi thesis to the Hell Ind ltudcntr oI Oeorrten Coliere who worked In the protect us In perticuier lred ltuemper Ind his social my students who deslrned the survey ltlr sbeughnessy IIso erltauw led ed contributions trons the war In It crnedien Genersl Electric the tisyrourt Club tbs LIdIes Auxiliary to the hull Lions Club the RoyIl Crash Isn Legion the later Felth Social Action noup Ind perrouei err ooymous doIItloIs 91 Verden Ave ltorsorerte Is epprorrd iell ntpbt era error or Ildermeu noon the vlcecbstrmen oI rom utilises new or vibmmltte rheirmen Ind 7200 Iur the nuyur lleyor let Cooks said by tr tue oi his position on the police commission public Utilities commission and number OI provincial boards he receives buut upon in etidrtiod to thst amount yrsriy Aldermen peth per diem emouaursn up to shoot up per month tor sluts on lDma other huerds 441 llrts Council Touring Committee The Advisory Committee II Tourlnr Ippolnird by the tint Irio Arts Cormcii In Isnunry to examine the probicnu Intovert in coordination and sponsoring tours to the various repions the province will be In Esrrte chncsdry Ind Tburrdey The committee will conduct Ierics uI heurlmts in which It hopes to meet with all those who wish to contribute thrIr opinions Inti experience to tho Investlpe on in decsdsy the remit Ice will meet with Intrrertet students It the Continentsl Inna end with Interested 730 end It pm On Tbursdsy the commiter wIlI begin their beerlnrs It breahlust meeting It Georgian It will return to tho Continen tel III to meet with rtrort own In between roan Ind noon luncheon mcetlnp will loin law beiwrrn mo and pm tor the Insyurs rucrcs Ind IIPRI the Harrie arcs Ilctwrcn Incl li prrt it will meet with the theatre groups and members at the public During these meetings the committee will Ilicrnpt In Itan out what sort uI insure the here ria repinn wants What Iucliitz les expertbc sponsor orgalso tlosrs already exist new run the costs at tourtns be met thst Inlormetlonni srrtircs Ire ulredl Itow can individual crre tve ertlsts such on port sad visual ertisis be brought Into closcr contact with opportunities to broaden their exposure thrnuphout lhr praiincel on the basis oi the tnIorms tlon gathered It these mcetinrs In Rorric recummcnrtaiinnr will be mods to assist in loirrmlnlni the role Ind responsibility the Arts Council In the em hi toururr LOCllL GENERAL curs unursrs iwocrr collision late liou stay eiicrnoon caused an rstim elect not demote Tito mls lisp occurred It the intersection II Eeyllrld and Sophia Ilrrcis The driven oi the cars were Jcsnne lI Siorcy oi Angus end Donne bi Scott at Barrio Duns eye to the Scott vehicle wen estimetcd It trso both drivers ruIIered minor tjuts Ind bruise er authority nuwsrns Eire ursr mstn City Police rsssus Ambulersre herwtce truss OPP motor we

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