Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Feb 1972, p. 26

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gt Wut no we WtEEVSWH awn4 15 eomplets line oi ranging trom thI uldtnmoridstoaisrga on at charms bill In Jewellers miles Iii vrr atware and hollow ware stainless steel atware and hollow were crystal stems nirrl bouo rhino luggage and leather roads tlr ItIIiXItI ll Iustratrs III large display cutlery in the store Itixsmlner Photo idmond Always Popular arsie Jeweller States diamond in Lisditionst will always be pa rating to Iiit Le oi Innocul Jewellers on Dun Street nearilbe cross tisrlhtonsl stylins oi as gement ring is still more he then the contemporary eases btr irtloeut The only way to buy dia is through the integrity oi people with whom youre at We put down In wiltins list you are getting warm or areas blr tellerui outlined the In at diamond Ia determined the quality which is In turn rtemiinrd by tho color cut lsrity littI carat weight at tho WVery seldom In all there laehtlon up to specimen be With this current money ritua ton people are still buy rig dia monds in preiorriica to other ml but the stones are small tlr Initqu said other are not so hard and will it stand up to the constant wand punishment that dla must tatre his M3qu said when hands wear thin Ittcr triany years at wear same we men bare the stones mounted to new setting while others have the rings repaired Ii tir liriit Ila crrrtrd new treat an pends on how you ieel scnlimen bis window display area tally he said BETTER QUALITY DOWNTOWN AIIIIA tlr letteeui said despite th tlr tellewt said people are growing competition lrom th also turning toward better auIl newer department stores tli ity tewelry nod thItthe store is selling less costume Jews think the downtown people Is than helore lie noted that qua hero to stay Ii they do what lty goods last longer such as the old watch that has been passed down Irom generation to grow Illiin Irriids are tendinf to be more sophisticated wth turn tractire Then they could lorm Itoii he said The coopcrntlo oi the city In snow removal toward natural stones or lew eiso ncnl elry Including garnets turquoise er and opals the store otters tree ring donning and impecttan and ob iera service tor III lewelry tlr lelloeui boudit the ten eiry business tion it Bar bara In toil ir Spirhsm ha been in business reviourly tor store has Ibout so ears tlr telloeui said his Itor uvity measures BIG FISH incss cent tied to Increase until Willis Inst year It was Iorced to under go motor renovation tlr tnltoeui took over store beside him that had IIUIIA ed the nihecs pt local tart Cash And Carry ji lHelps Homeowner litany homeowners are be ginning to do renovationv in their homes or are looking ior inexpensive means to have the work mmplctcd ivy an outside Item 1th and Carry on liaytient Street Iitvl north at it mart ol ters the solution tor the home handyman and the person laolo ins Itr Installation at reason able prices With million Icei ni lumber in stock at any one time the lirm is able to keep its price in line Ihroueh volume selling line to this sellins power the iirm to be the leaders in this IT lhe privatelyouncd rem an started in January 1001 Usitii tnrry Marshall is opened the iirst outlet in Newmarket The Ilarrio outlet was opened In that nndamrc then others have local rd in tollingwood and Aliiston Iiio showroom with displays pi Iluor ruvcvinps readytotin Ill bookcases dressers onil hatches ruin lele lrltriirn and bathroom eupixsardr and vunl tics toils paints wall melt ing and other articles pertaining In home reputations and build tiIGANIIC blowerdryer is used to dry III ears as they coineout oi the Iiaylleld Iiiiiie the tar Wash livery ear that Ind has been expanded irorn Its original isoo inusre iect or when square test The lirm employs it people in cluding ii men who tells the home and hot with kitchen lay out plans on men tor the det Iiery service oi Ioiir trucks Cash and Carry is is strictly retail outlet iicsldes the great quantity at lumber It keeps in stock It also handles complete line oi construction plywoods and more than so diiicrent pre tlnished lines The iully Cunndlanowncd cam panv has peak production time duriny the summer Allhouah volume slows in the winter the lirm has steady buslncit tale about eight mant oi the year the company name implies exactly what It aaysi itio ous tomer is asked to pa cash and the material is can tsi by the Illilipally lathe customers doev VII tlie Iulure iar Cash and Carry Iv bright The initial to lootich in an area which has been slat td iur growth and trim more home construction It too will probably grow to meet the needs Cash and Carry is tho placI with building Ideai goes through the wssli runs on is computerised cycle which programs the was arches tor but was told was or no EDIIITNTUN iCll Cana titans think they are dull and therelore they worr whether their history is all says Tony Cashmunt it we could liLit convince ourselves that were Inleresh lng maybe wed walie up to the tact that Canadian history is Interesting too htr Cashmsn to out to con viace generation at young Canadianser at least wcst ern onesthat It isnt this that their history is dull and dry Aimed at the high school market his newest bookAn illustrated Illstory ot Iiestcrn Canadahas lust been pub iishcd The publisher II it lturtis oi Edmontomls anidousto ct Into the textbook market tit good CBIIIitIihtIOiiwi boots and la altering whopping dis counts to schools which buy In quantity Se tar there have been no eanllrmed orders The book stwulil appeal to cling audiences but It Iv amused with inlormatlen rind skirtith on history that midst tempt adults who lived throui some at the periods to want to look bark at It tlr Coshman tells the tits tory at the tour western prov Qi irss at nilsilere car which has been through the process It curried alone it track to tho dtycr Examiner lhalal renovated the Interior The ex parislon more than tripled his tor the largest reason ior ererv sales oor space and doubled downtown urea will survive hIiI donosortselldalo their poo ltton and make their stores It PM dml MI on the April to deadline has be mm My my Icrslgnl sold They intentionlb that direct alarm to connect ty tip the scales to Isvor It the 6d 10 the police station or see IKIIIIIIIni Stump can grow it an my because it only amounts to but Weletiing tip to new couple oi bucks and they can Indians Think They Are Dull Last year tho Desertmast oi listieoai Reverses receded moon am In which person iitlag his Income tax return overstated tho Irmrnt at in wool III result the govern merit received memo eves PWIL At the II timeL however mood perele paid too little coastline tax diiierenco oi MAIL nus tsx problem need not arise Ind Ii they thI lotbo past they this be solved II and It block the income III People vaI ooco again atalr liabrd oiiid In Barrio to help IreI midrnto corriplis their tax returns located at thinlop St lot the IlvoPolniIl the allies to open during the daytime and oiten In the evenings tor the convenience at people seeking IssIatInce Iiio newlyappointed manager Sandy Ierslgnt ts entitled to help anyone with most in problems tlr Icr Is so see onomlcs graduate mm the Um tvevilly oi Western Onurlo and is she graduate oi tho ti and It Block income tsr course Chances are considerably better then ever that you will overpay your income In this year Mr Ierslgni laid It and It tlleetr giiIranlres thIt you will not be one oi tbrro vic Lise it you have your return it in According to tlr Terslgnl by pIymcnt it tumors at tax laws lie sold this was not rur prlslng In light oi the constant the Canadian government the IIspsyer iatis to mike dedue tion simply because be Is not were at II he said socono crusts carelessness Is second erase usually brought about by the lastminute rush oi tiling he litany people overpay through leertear at an audit or et be in csught in mistake tlr tlrt Ierilgnl raid the moat dil Ilcutt categories to euro are the people who give the govern ment extra money every year not be bothered to keep tha pro lnrca mainly In anecdotal term It would be possible to write something meaningless such as Tha people pressed on under great ceenom dlitl rultybut its more impor tant to tell it as story to liltitltale It to mate It live he said For example he wanted to tell at the determination ei westerners not to go under during the Depression oi the tiers So he uses true story at how British Columbia apple growers tried to create new products treat the applet Prices had become so bod he writes that the growers had Item cool pound or rot en the ground Iticy brought into being the RC apple juice Industry and the wiria Industry The Initial results at their ex periments were even more discouraging than the condl lions uh ch brought them on Inroulh Inespericnco they did name tag wrong to tho iirat big order tor the wine IIMI It started or iodine bottle by bottle In liquor stores at Alberta While the wine industry gel oil with series at bangs the npple lulce industry got all with dull thud First they tried drying the apples when the plant tailed thcy saw the wero eoing In the wrong action The true ens enee was in Lisa Iulre Ile then adds that the indus try became one at the wortis biggest and In toil Western Canada was the worlds sec ond largest consumer oi Ipplo also It Its pounds head titOltI Til1D IN Ila ties malor sporting etcnls in with the other hls iorical happenlnu noting tor axsmple that when Viniu prga hockey team Iirst won the Stanley Cup In use that was boom veersite tho start at whole periodoi lioomlng western develop mint Ila sold during In Interview that he put the sports history In because it atten is some thing thIt students can Iden tity wlui whereas In most his tories events seem to have nothing in tuian with stu dents expciicncei hlr Cashman Is not abevo tilting law tonsuclneheek pokes at Eastern CInIdlons tie says that It was westerns eis who opposed the ledcrsl overnments view llist woiiicn werent persons under the lirltlsh Noth Amer Ira Act and so couldnt hold tests lptho Senate Western erotlnatly tossed the matter changes and revisions made by it Till Hull Run ID in Firm Handles Tax Problems per records Msired tor secur Ito returns Perhaps an even bigger curse of error is the tort thIt too many people who propose tbdrownretiaisltryledoalob that should be done by on ex perienced tIs prepsrerhir Iersisni said As consequen everlook legitimsta deductions It and It Bloch Gangs largest lacuna III orrvlco ll preper on anticipated ioniililon returns this year ibere Iyo more than too Illoeh oliireo In Guilds Ind PM oliirca In Arnech in order to prepsp thess rdurnd more than 1601 one man hoists oi tntcnsirs study training and mcIrrIt In rm quote As matter at Interest tlr Mgr raid durins the ten days the IL It block olcu emu North America In open clients will consume aid tona oi relies to someone runs Almost troupes hours oi hittlic will be played in the other and more than 0500 telephones will handle verbal communication NNI OI PAPER in these same no don the block oiliees will uao in excess oi 150000000 sheets of paper wgfsi live tans Twelve thou modular will use MM ieet oi tape and cum pleled returoawltl beisslrned Iorltii more than iconoopoo slap es for RR N0 ion THE zsu lo the Privy Council which ruled that the ward persons could also mean women es marry dottyourseliers oiled ITITIILN TIIE NEXT two months CInadlaua will bo rompletlng their incumI tax terms and hoping that they hove does them eorrmtly Itth new gavemmeot laws on charged tor complete in com tax returns vary according to II complexity oi each return and ot according to the clients tomato or the size at his rc Iund This lirm pioneered guar Iatse oi accuracy It lhA lirm makes any error which costs the client penslty or We use doelnra GREW CUTTER BOATS some pccpletiiay bostsloas no get help in romping to hnow when to begin It and iorms Manager Sandy rst it tllork the Incense tax tks explains some oi the Items on parts have set up an other It the term to Gard lnmss Fir the Five Points where anyone amhirr Ibotol Interest the penalty or taterrsl small business isrm Ind indiv Is paidbytt Ind Block Idusl returns In bsivlc the AI In Iddui service to senior ilco ts open ant to pin eltiicns in Barrie It and It Idondsy through Friday and Sale Block is willing to tilt out In utsiay tromiam him some tax returns by sending tlr Trrslgnl and his stsli ouIlttitd tar consultsats to the willing to tiiltlisl any tax proir vartoiubomes tor the aged tn lem person may hove Adylco the city nroisurroiaidiny area It as close so thI taxpayers The Block people handle all phone Wtuturvs pilllPLlES ICCISSOIIIES HllhBiillllE BOAT TRAILER SALES SEE US FOR is COMPLETE SALES Is SERVICE MARINA STROUD SIDEROAD BETWEEN THE iOIIr AND llih CONC is 4362357 mmmks itloitsolsittiieiiysl Elltdl tie Division liuniolettorpriitvr VLLannyAcurinewnvuxr a19Mremicirrrmoirv manna mv innsame at ii be it Iraw auv $5ua ulaow one

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