Approsintately spot pcopit toot advantase ot worm may seatbcr to visit the first an or anal ituronia Festival at the Arts on the Civic tloiiday week ncstm cJ ISIIIIIIIInoIoIvIeeneeeeuIeereIIIIwunneeveree ww mourn FESTIVAL WiNNEii end Shelli ttoee Ibovet wee bestinsbow winner with Kneeling Firura he bond red artlsta showed their work on the Formosa hrping tirew ired oioi Another Year of Progress ery rounds Show was man hy the iisrrle Kiwanis sod is rrie Art clubs Exlttiltili ta Barrie Scota oi Barrie one liners to gm mtiay beeouse centre sner sales is one cl their moot West lestures Nay Scott and John Glaeyew have built thrieioy home by eeuins lirsinta Iervtee stall oi tire with years oi es perience ensures every article sold at the hinteoe Piasa store mites reliable and last errvv Ice whenever problems arise Jeynt eta thIt etutomen receive attentive care use to me and lit Glasgow ed in Scotland Damion the company is able to stand behind store is expanding its service area to more than tvlca its pres ent rise Service to becoming more eye products such as the rotor tote mend on personnel Because oi are only equipment it has sold the cadre ItItt la tamlliar espsn showroom spree lurniiutl lieid FIIRNITURE VARIETY bout other eomptementary tun French oil pain In televisions Met Scots ot Barrie renter Eire but Scots was smile to troborue Sylvania and Menace taln it The couple agreed some Products all breeds with which ditterent rtero on loan to the menntlm lnthetvrlnsottm the store its condoned the room dinette porn Ind uy wvve IIIl Milli memes TUESDAY II on Sccts Of Barrie Otters Service Alter three and bait urslal room settles by its cannyme Deiimtt utedtoo oi cushions and oil paintings In to mhaliafs any Mskum Tb ts seedith oaw showman IrIIa corrmieia room Will the Memes show area range mm the contempt Swedish tool to the more senate rovinciat datum abs til Th Besides the two partners itariy in to more Wendel um ttoiiard Ind Bob We is otttvepleceere trained prim lie Scott was in related 1an mm three dimen Iiontl bler painting The nine in an let eatnee any modern setting has astenstve trttatny ha reeciv mm mm isolate bugabilro been abi to its guarsntcee itr Jo at is up aoontihie tor wtrlde iatlt and are Ivsiiabie out at the lettuce Sroia oi cm mum Barrie oilersis viewing room it lor teieriaton customers in no cetse csrelieni ettenlloo the hm sott rbatrs customers Ira Ihta to view their choice oi television aIsy irons the yenerat ronhuion ciailscd with more sophistirsted mm VIIIdtL sou Dims my noers so hAtlst Scots oi iiarria will do its best tbisiaciochoisoitlmteserv to ntisiy soy anteater One outebaddretdd tereo obllhdalolilwieiudlul NORTH COLLEGIATES TOP ATHLETES in early time North coite we named mate athlete otihe received the Greer trophy Ian presented tropth sod mmvtwl taiudusegr all the year totes Doug Coimoee iIbovet Seouet tear tomem the store will be open to ensure an evenios appoint to themselves bir Scott said Ir search tor eveninys provided the etutoaners ment 1th con come in here All ere not is tht they let ded taking over premtm the couples original choice At phone sometime during the day retas and hsva the whole stars know sheet ot time which he been mm by ier several months the couple ummisvhion oitice the new gone denguechase dthebgetereo ac on more than mint er an osoe time thede cometoenioyaedtttre At the same time Scots at it and were pleased trltb the Barrie breached lurther into the Iliad 0m WWI WI store was able to oblein the or Iginnt they spread to asehan the stereos Howevrr the MD Elme customers were pleased dxtdodtoatay witbtheonathey with these items and asked had bouqbt This is the hired at unite the slime the owners decided to store is willing to provide or expand Now the rarry dining my customer Itssn estra service or nu CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC ALLsreus MINT 10 HANNEY LTD Mr Don Hanney bouphi Barrie Electric In 1963 Since that time he has constructed business that baa grown ieom oneman operation to multii orpanlssiioyv employs lopeioisteen lullviime employees Since 1945 major contributor to the Barnes rest and nest Electric Motor Servrre Centre Noeussi and Franklin submersible pumpyaarvlee erretup upon delivery on routes by wholesalers limousine service Growing Economy of 00m 500 new motors In stock General Electric brooks Brignklln RM Lincoln and Authnrisod warranty service on all makes except Westley house and Century Ldrgl stock at new and recen ditlonrd motors OSnme day service in many localities BARRIE rtrcrttc WE WORK HARDER TO BE THE REST CUSTOM svowyyttowmo Barrie symbol of Quality Value Progress to all of OYou will tind our print com petitive our service unbeatable Give us try MOTORS CONTRACTING Canada IIt BARRIE ICE SUPPLY usvtncuors BKS connector RESIDENTIAL TRY TREND POOL THIS SUMMER SAVE MONEY DY lNSTAtLING YOURSELF OR HAVE OUR EXPERTS D0 HANNEY LTD VICTORIA ST iAT CENTENNIAL PARKI PHONE 7283545 IA vo1elhllli